Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 24, 1970, p. 9

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Tho Acton Press Wod Juno Golden Age club plans zone picnic here GRADING OPERATIONS on the north shore of Fairy Lake are gradually reducing the steep bank which suddenly plunged Into deep water Tuesday night council approved a budqet deficit for the Board of EBENEZER Neighbors hold farewell party By Mrs Elsie Reed Finn I plans or the zone 13 annual picnic in Acton Park June was the main item of business at the regular evening meeting in Hall on Tuesday last Mrs Fryer reported that the porks board would provide same service as last year setting out tables etc It was passed that Acton Club buy of groceries for the share of the prizes for the mystery draw for which every member receives a free ticket The picnickers are to assemble in the park around 11am Each club will be assigned a table or tables and arc expected to be seated ready to sing Grace before lunch at noon Each club it responsible for an item of entertainment Fred Wale Letter sheds no light A letter from the Department of Transport Monday nlghl s meeting of Council fulled to shed further light on the location of the new Jumbo Jtt Airport later explained a study is Parks Management to help finance the P underway and specific Lakeview subdivision residents raised over 500 to res arc not until have the work done Staff Photo lata- this year Objects to Seynuck plan By Mrs Ron McLean Mr William Boyd or had charge of the service on Sunday His thoughts were based on Jesus healing of the blind man Jody Mitchell s Clouds says It life illusions 1 recall I really don know life at all Many people go through life without knowing what it is all about We have Illusions about our self Importance about what will satisfy us There ore many kinds of blindness The blind beggar condition evoked pity Other kinds of blindness are more pathetic The world is being poisoned the balance or nature upset Some give the Proposed plans for the Seynuck larm were sent back to the developer for changes following planning board discussions with The special speaker planning consultant Dennis Flood will be a dynamic interesting Thursday In the council young person the sister of Mrs chamber Joss attended Covenant College also classes at Em man lie before working for two years in the west Her new husband is also a church worker The young people arc soringabokesaleonSoturday at Simp sons Scars store Jean and Don Early hosted a farewell party for for the meeting with Mr Hood were chairman Sid Paul Martindale Blow Vic Frank Chapman for council representative Masales with secretary Grant Usher The application from Monex Construction for the development the proposal The rejected plan included units with single family homes Representing Con attended tht meeting to request zoning from to for two three storey apartments on the Jennings property off Victoria Ave They would adjoin the future Senior Citizens apart Mr recalled Mr Noble had hoped to have fix storey lowers but the impasse over heights of buildings resulted in Evelyn and Alec Gall who are the Seynuck farm from Wallace Ave over to Churchill Rti required a zoning change from top rated residential to two less demanding residential zones commercial zoning for a few stores and to a nonexistent moving soon up near Winners at euchre were Merle Young Sue Word Evelyn Gull DeBlauw and Ron McLean Mr and Mrs Gall were presented with a lovely chair planet about years to die We Debbie received a pair of lamps zoning for town houses blindly go on polluting and Wayne and ex Mr Hood had several specific destroying pressed their thanks for a croquet objections to the plan He said the set proposed shopping centre near Percy is home from hospital Birthday greetings to Mrs Heist on Saturday Sympathy Is extended to Mrs Joe in the death of her father blind to the sufferings of other men Wars go on re blind to our neighbors Wc re blind to revolution taking place in the world seething Africa suffering millions in Asia We sit In the comfort and security or our homes The day is coming when people will rise up and demand better way of life It is easy for the church to be blind Jesus did church into existence the corner of Wallace and Mill St was too close to other stores and would weaken the existing town centre The semidetached houses and town houses should be clustered near the Bennett school or open zone The lots are undersize for to be Acton regulations some of call the to be a feet is required Mr Saitz added marrying and burying society lAoal- Socialists say we live in the post f Christian era Wc have been blind to the meaning of the church Jesus did not come to save you only The worst kind of blindness is blindness to ourselves A wounded soldier suffering from amnesia demanded Is there anybody here who knows who I am Do you know that you are the This is Senior Citizens Week and Acton s Golden Age Club is marking the occasion with two events this week Thursday they will be hosts among picnickers in Acton park where Zone 13 of the Senior Citizens is holding its annual idreds of senior child of God made by Him and citizens from Halton and Peel are development in this way for Him Our young people are expected raised in affluence without being morning at St given a meaning and purpose to Church the Golden will life Jesus declared that He is the special service at 30 one who can bring light into darkness Jesus is the resource for the cure of our blindness and knowledge of the light carries with it responsibility required obviously the houses do not conform New board member Frank Simian wondered if Acton didn need the less expensive houses that could be built on smaller lots of 40 to feet It was understood same might sell for Members felt when an ac plan is submitted a meeting would be called for neighbors to inform them of the ob could be stated before the zoning changes arc requested Mr Flood also suggested letting the school board know of Liberal picnic Next Sunday the U C W have charge or the service while Rev and Mrs Finley start their Discussions Continued from page 1 Progress on official plan Council will meet with the township planning board and representatives of the firm of M Dillon township planning consultants in the near future A letter from the firm read at Monday night council meeting An exciting program is being lined up for the Wentworth and West Liberal Association annual family picnic to be held this Sunday June at the Wes Gall farm on No 1 Sideroad Burlington and game for children begin and continue all informed councillors work on Jogging the zone I line around it afternoon A booth will dispense townships official plan has had not left much room to fit It In hot dogs Ice cream and refresh progressed to the point where a We thought it was a little like and participants are asked meeting with council and plan the promised land and you to bring along a barbecue and board would be ad fellows didnt want to let people some steaks for dinner know where it was Councillor C Johnson jibed Questioned on the rationale for projecting a new municipality or North with a population range from to within three miles of Milton and straddling the tame stream it was asked how this could be Justified when effluent disposal bad been regarded as one of the restrictions on Milton develop ment Mr suggested the location was an abstract rather than actual physical placement It was proposed on the north side of the service corridor so the corridors would not bisect more municipalities than necessary He suggested there were other ways of sewage disposal than pollution of the creek The chairman concluded the meeting expressing com for the sophistication of the level of questions The proceedings were taped and will assist In preparation of a regional consensus to be presented to tho Prime Minister before Sep Umber 30 BATTLE of BANDS 8 DYNAMIC ROCK BANDS CONTINUOUS MUSIC SATURDAY JUNE 27th from 7 P M to 1 A M AT THE MILTON ABENA INVEST NOW on Guaranteed Investment Certificates Also CASHABLE AT ANY TIME Guaranteed Savings Certificates up to 8a For further information contact your financial adviser or write or telephone STANDARD TRUST CO CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE THROUGH DENNYS INSURANCE AGENCY 17 MILL STREET WEST ACTON BREAK INTO BUSINESS AT SHERIDAN COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY Inquire now about Sheridan 1 year certificate courie in INTENSIVE SECRETARIAL STUDIES TO OfftRlD IN OAKVIUi Unlimited Opportunities Future Security HighPaying Positions Thu coo no requires no training in typing or It if attended for who want a oneyear intensive course in For further internum on contact The Registrar Sheridan Col legs Church St E Brampton OtiL 3647491 8264300 is to be on hand with his huge dice game and will provide his own Each visitor brings own lunch tea etc A good turn out Is hoped for from all clubs especially the hosting club so come on out Acton members June being Senior alliens week throughout Canada It was thought to attend a church service In a body As no church had given an official invitation the president was to contact and make plans A primary cheque for was gratefully received from the town of Acton Mrs Fryer said she hod been pleased to sec so my Golden Age Members out to honor K the only century old member at Open House for him June in Luxton Hall Mr Kingsmill notified of a meeting to be held In the Arena regarding Senior Citizens housing an opportunity for those interested In attending Prizes for euchre ladles Mrs Near Mrs Pearl Kennedy gents It L Davidson Mrs J Creasy An appetizing lunch of fruit bread cheese and cookies was served by Mrs Near her helpers Lunch Committee for July is Mrs Reed Mrs Robin son Mrs Shoemaker and Mrs Wallace Though many members have birthdays In June only Mrs Davidson and Mrs Heed were present to be with birthday song and Mr and Mrs Although the small turn out Don Reed s wedding anniversary was disappointing a very happy falls on June evening enjoyed Worry DENNYS INSURANCE AGENCY acton SAFECO INSURANCE Phont Mill Boll his dunging his plans will be forwarded i planning consultant for his advice Mr reminded Mr tht ntw regulation whereby applicant must pay the cost of nooning with a deposit Utters were read from the Committee of Adjustment which had no objection to a doublecar at the home of Mr Mrs Allan Elkrby and a home of Mr and Mrs W Minor variances wen approved YOU CAN WIN CARPET FASHIONS BYBIGELOW at DowntoEarth Prices Color color color A world loxtura Now fuelling libera Wall wall Room alio and aroa Or call for our Ft Shop- At Homt No I gill on of 33SSSaS3gBSS3ig33aasS3 RIGHT IN THIS STORE jYl SOME LUCKV PERSON WILL WIN A BEAUTIFUL I 9 12 BIGELOW CARPET This is in entirely new comet jV winner might be you There is nothing to vfy buy Just ill in your and address put it in tho ballot box con ffl rT looted lor Either you can in and watch us I wmnor or wo will iriuiso you by mail WE WILL DRAW THE WINNER ON JUNE 30 1970 J I MACKENZIE t SON LTD fl JAMES STREET STORE Man 12 CHUnCH m GEORGETOWN fM fl fl ACTON wf I TEL H0URS 4 66 I Jqt Ibt THE TO OH f JACKSONS of Georgetown HAVE MOVED TO 6 MILL ST GEORGETOWN NEXT DOOR TO LEGION watch for our GRAND OPENING JACKSONS ARE NOW GOING TO CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF MERCHANDISE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY AND HOUSEHOLD DONT MISS OUR QUICK CHANGEOVER TONS Of NEW STOCK ARRIVING DAILY HERE ARE A COUPLE OF EXAMPLES LADIES LOVELY 1ST QUALITY HOSE ALL SIZES GOOD SELECTION OF COLORS TRY AND BEAT THISPRICE 50 CHILDREN S KNEE ANKLE SOCKS YOUR CHOICE NYLON STRETCH ALLSIZES GOOD COLOR SELECTION VALUE SI SOCKS TO FIT YEAR TO YEARS J 39 USE TOUR OPEN FOR BUSINESS FRIDAY J

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