Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1970, p. 8

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Tho Acton Free- Press Wednesday July 1970 Cancer Society workshop plans community bake sale The work shop group or the local branch of the Cancer Society has been formed and to raise money a bake sale Is being held this Friday It was at the pot luck supper in May for canvassers In the annual drive that several interested persons signed up for this dif fercnt kind or volunteer work The first meeting was held at the home of Mary and she Is heading up new group Alice is treasurer and Barbara Smith secretary Three groups were formed to cover different areas of town with the leaders Doris Work meetings will begin In earnest in September to make necessities com form and treats for the patients In the Princess Margaret Hospital Toronto In order to make money to buy supplies they have decided to hold a community bake sale this Friday at Simpson Sears beginning at 11 a m They hope that all interested women will send baking and go and buy to help this very worthy cause Baking may be left at Acton Home Furnishings Thursday or Friday morning Pickups Call Alice or The very In rum who in sewing or milking They nil Ilia no mod women fin In in What urn mm llilnus that will be mm a Mil klip pent iiuhlmm for In ilia a hum In with loya ami Ireals for patlnnts or waiting for thnan may make a holt unit the toy thai summer Willy would be the chef and up a huge big of the best spaghetti ever tasted tossing in a handful of this and a pinch of that with great abandon One time I lowed him down enough to measure what went Into the pot and ended up with a fairly good recipe but nowhere as great as Willys Thomson I where I he now If I won a by one of the fie lief niirlul expansion Urn mama one of my school chums bought an IwlrMt i mi itm iHy ImpreulonaMe age figured I loiilln I find anything more Interesting to buy with my pound how And If I had J WouldbfaMUCHbetlerbuythan sensible DEBBIE JORDAN and Roger were married In Knox Presbyterian church and are living In Acton Dorothy Taylor Studio Jordan vows in Knox church June 20 Ontario scholar In a in Kno Presbyterian church at tour clock on June SO Deborah Ann Debbie Jordan and William Roger MacDougall were married The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Jordan 224 Mason Bhd Acton and ia secretary with Sdne Limb Ltd realtor The groom son of Mr and Mrs Garnet MacDougall Eden Mills is a truck driver with Jack Ridlej Cartage Acton The church was decorated with ft pink glads while and yellow mums and asters placed In white holders The church was decorated with glads white and yellow mums and asters placed in white holders Re A McKenne and A Hansen placed the organ The brides cousin MorieyAndrews sang 0 Perfect The bride given in marriage her rather wore a floor length gown of white appliqued organza with a shoulder length veil She Cons and Mrs Roy wood and daughter Kim are home again after a trip to Great Britain where they visited friends and relatives Mr Norman Smith is spending the summer in Europe after completing his thesis for his Ph Mr and Mrs Duncan Moffat left Thursday for trip to the West Coast visiting with friends and relatives en route of Mrs Ceol regret that she is a patient in Guelpfa General Hospital and all hope for an improvement in health for her Mrs Mary McAule who has been in General Hospital for a month or so is now convalescing at the Nursing Home Mrs Edna Robinson and Mrs of Eiora visited in Acton on Sunday and attended services in Knox Church Mr and Mrs Somerville and family attended the funeral of thru- uncle the late James Armstrong at Sonngbank near London on Friday He was the youngest brother of the late Mrs George and he member of a family of nine Rev and Mrs Walter are home again after a happy vuut Santa Monica California with their daughter Sheila her husband Colin and Ihcir new baby Elizabeth Mr baptized his granddaughter while were there The Bayhsses expect to return to Canada after he has finished his studies Mrs Virena Thompson spent the long weekend with her nephew William Masales in Toronto While there she celebrated her brother Fred Masales birth The small celebration was held with his two sons and two daughters their wives and husbands 12 grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren A good time was had by all Three of his grandchildren and five of his great grandchildren were ii able to attend Mrs J VanOpstals activities as a talented dressmaker have been curtailed temporarily She broke her left arm while away camping at El or a last weekend Acton friends arc reading with interest of the visit of the Royal Family to where the Rev Douglas is Anglican rector Issue permits Building 106 were issued in Esquesing township during the month of June Most of the permits were for houses and garages or additions but there was also one for a School at St Alban Church in Glen Williams carried a cascade bouquet of pink sweetheart roses ivy and Matron of honor was Irene Cole a friend Bridesmaids were Gail Acton a friend Bonnie Hamilton sister of the groom and Dolores Jordan Acton sister of the bride They wore pink crepe floor length gowns and carried nosegays of pink baby mums pink sweetheart roses and Groomsman was Ralph Nell Is Acton a friend Ushers were Dean MacDougall Eden Mills brother of the groom Donald Campbell Eden Mills a friend and Glen Stevenson Eden Mills cousin of the groom Dinner was served after the wedding in the church and a dance was held in Acton Music Centre in the evening Guests were present from Acton Milton Guelph Burlington Kitchener and Eden Mills An honored guest was the bride s great grandmother Mrs M Allen of Acton The bride mother wore a pink shantung coat and dress en with white and pink and a corsage of deep pink sweetheart roses The groom mother wore an aqua silk worsted coat and dress en with aqua and white accessories and deep pink sweetheart The couple left on a trip to northern Ontario the bride wearing a navy and white coat dress ensemble of white mm white accessories and a corsage of orchid and sweetheart roses They are living at 1A Mill St E Acton The bride to be was honored at several gatherings Mrs MarJ Mc Do no ugh Mrs Robertson and Mrs Fred Andrews held a miscellaneous shower A family shower was held at the home of the bride aunt Mrs Irene A pantry shower was held at the home of Mrs Stevenson Eden Mills A miscellaneous shower was given at the home of Mrs Cathy Munday Mrs Evelyn Marshall held a linen shower at the home of Mrs Bertha Faulkner Miss Gail was hostess for a miscellaneous shower at the home of the bride grandmother Mrs R Scnven VALERIE COLES Valeric Coles has graduated from St Marys District and Vocational In with he highest standing in the Grade 13 class S ho has been awarded an Ontario Scholarship and an Entrance Scholarship to the University of Western Ontario in London where she plans to continue her education daughter of Mr and Mrs Howard Coles of St Marys Valeric Robert Little Public School and Acton District High School when the family lived on Alice St in Acton Knox Ladies Aid plans summer meeting The members of Knox Ladles Aid held their monthly meeting on Tuesday afternoon ih the Sunday School room of Knox Church Mrs J Mclntyre president gave the call to worship by reading the poem Charity Ward Following the preliminary exercises the secretary and treasurer s reports were given showing a nice balance in the treasury During the month the ladies had been busy catering to two banquets one a large wedding reception Carpeting has been laid in each vestibule from the outside doors As July is a holiday month no regular meeting wilt be held but it was decided that a summer outing would be planned for Mrs A Mann and her committee will make the It was noted that several members of the congregation been hospitalized recently The devotional period was taken by Miss C Clark reading the Scripture I and she also incorporated an propria reading on Dominion Day which fill on the day following the meeting Mrs Campbell offered a pro or Two very enjoyable readings What our Grandmothers Wore and Bo Best of Whatever you arc were given by Mrs Cutcheon Mrs Alex Mann rendered a very delightful piano solo The meeting closed with the Lord Prayer Lunch was served In the basement and a social time was spent over the teicups DID YOU FORGET TO REGISTER TOUR CHILDREN WITH Acton Summer Playground REGISTRITIOIS FOR THE REMINDER OF THIS WEEK RURS ENROLMENT FEES Playground Only Swim Only Playground Swim am V 1- Child MO 12- 2 12 2 Our Our 2 15 Jack Dennett keeps you informed weekdays 8 am and 630 pm LISTEN HERE ONTARIO S AUTHORITATIVE NEWS VOICE ll Hi I of III Huh tint would have Invited by Dm to go turn furp a I If I have hit a If I hud wen me tail I hi whdlfttrlp won nutty enough to be Xclllng Willy ml in a da it fan and built nil of fa win at Inn Junks dm a It was Komi kind pontoon boat with a large flat bottom railing around the edge and oil can pontoons In a while with no warning it would go to the bottom Still It was great fun while It stayed on top That evening when I got to Willys he hod a couple or friends with him who were hitching a ride up the If Mile Creek to go hunting for little green frogs and all three wen trying to figure how to get the to the water Then a deep voice drawled from the shadows You two go ahead and I come think I was a goner from that minute on For the ncut hour or so sat fairly quietly and up In formation on this man for he WAS a man to my year old eyes He was in his Ms The drawl from Saskatchewan held me spellbound And this man his name was Gordl was in too could tell he spent the whole trip up the river seeing how close he could flip his knife to my bare feet The carp shooting was a little unsuccessful and I don t think the frog hunting went much belter so when we beached the all four of us took off our shoes and socks and went hunting for worms In the school yard The idea 1 suppose was to walk until you stepped on a worm i ien grab it before it had a chance to get away Nobody got an worms but we had a heck of a lot of fun Before evening was over Gord and I had a date for a few nighta later go for a ride In his it leaked We did it did Iheardaftcr that before the month was out Gord had advised his mother he was going to be married had told his best friend to get his good suit out or mothballs and said a word to me So that ine beginning years ago this month And do belie that Someone up there Somewhere whispered in my ear that a pound recurve bow we had HORSEBACK RIDMG WHAT NMD I AND DENIM JEANS AND JACKETS I I art with a modi Ma Iff Tl have imp Both nd rHnfarrrd it points Jeans 998 898 THE ERY MACDONNELL STREET DOWNTOWN riA J HOLIDAY DRY CLEANING SPECIALS fops In Cleaning tow Dresses Plain 98 Slacks or Trousers 65 Sweaters U Shirts 2 45 July 13 July HOLIDAY CLEANERS MILL ST ACTON Stock Reducing Inventory Infants Childrens Mens Ladles SATURDAY July 11th 900 MASON KNITTING LIMITED Av Acton Ont

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