Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1970, B2

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The Acton Free Wednesday July Watch warranties The lure of a guarantee often persuades us to buy something For Instance this paint Is guaranteed not to peel another wont fade a shirt requires no Ironing another Is Too often we are so captivated by the benefits of a supposedly attractive purchase says a communique from the Department of Consumer and Corporate Af fairs that we fall to see the ex ceptions Guarantees may not give the consumer more they may give him less for his money What is a guarantee What Is often called a guarantee Is really a warranty or condition that Is a promise by the manufacturer or retailer concerning such things as quality performance condition or fitness of an article All warranties fall into one of two categories Implies or express Implied warranties and con ditions are promises Implied by law as the result of judicial decisions or statutory provisions of provincial legislation such as Sale of Goods Acts They are called implied because they are fixed on the seller by law These promises include that the dealer has a right to sell the goods that the goods supplied correspond with the description or samples provided that the article is in good condition and suitable for FREE PRESS COLUMNIST Wendy Thomson has just returned from a trail ride In the Canadian Rockies where she took this picture of the riders scaling the mountains Her Impressions of the Rockies tremendous Sugar and Spice by bill This is going to bo one of the most dif columns Ive written Dont worry there hasnt been a death in the family or thing like that although I did offer wife a divorce on Sunday morning and it was a solid deal for five minutes No this is pure physical When with fire likely to get burnt I did and I was Trouble is it the two typing fingers on right hand Each has a blister the size of a dune and a quarter inch deep right on the tip So I m trying to type this with my knuckles and Its heavy weather Not that Im merely a onehanded typist I use my left band with Incredible d ex ten forefinger for hitting keya thumb for hitting the space bar Well soon after burning the righthand fingers I tripped over a rock shoved out my left hand to save and sprained my thumb It looks like a puff adder with a toothtiche and feels similar However when I think of my neighbor my troubles while painful are On the eve of his summer holidays he racked up some discs in his neck He is in hospital in great pain and in a huge neckcollar My wife has a pain too and Its also in her neck Shes sick of running a mold of changing beds for transient visitors of doing great loads of Kim will arrive home with big green garbage bags so stuffed with laundry that the look like pregnant whales Hugh docs the same And they bring friends The whole mob has the same tensile They tramp around in their bare feet They go to the beach track in about a pound of sand per foot You almost need a shovel and a sand pail when you re changing the sheets I tell my wire shes crazy that they probably get to sleep on clean sheets except at home One can infer that from the state of the laundry But shes of the old school which believes that even bums should clean sheets My advice to her has all the effect of writing on water with chalk The idea is that Kim will do the Inundry But shes working a Job where she must he up at a to be at work by So when shes home for a day she sleeps until about 3 And Momma knowing shes a sucker does the laundry muttering steadily There Is a point at which you think you can Bee your tads looking after themselves Theyre going to be out of your hair in dependent No handouts No more paying of bills No more looking after their documents and the countless forms to be filled out But that point recedes steadily Into the distance as you plod steadily toward it I was warned about this by a friend some years ago He bad three grown sons all doing well all married all with children I congratulated Win on his fine family and the fact that were on their own He laughed bitterly THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE and Office Data Mr urn I the required purpose Some of the protection of Implied warran ties may be excluded however when an express warranty Is given Express warranties are specific promises made by the manufac turer or retailer as stated above concerning quality performance condition etc The big difference Is that when we accept an express- warranty we often give up the Implied warranties as a con dition of acceptance When this occurs It can mean the guarantee Is not the bargain you think It Is All guarantees should be read carefully look for the Ifs and buts It Is quite obvious how difficult It can be to claim that any guarantee was given If It was not put In writing Among the common express warranties are Limited Warranty Limits the duration of the warranty as for example when Its stated guaranteed tor days or guaranteed for one year Unconditional Warranty An item Is unconditionally guaranteed for a specific time Lifetime Warranty This Is a misleading guarantee because you can Interpret It as your own lifetime In reality it usually means the lifetime of the goods or the company which might be surprisingly short Death on our farms Farm mechanization has made a positive contribution to Canadian society It has reduced the time and effort required for many farm operations It has played a role In increasing farm produc tivity which benefited not only the farm community but the rest of the country as well At the same time farm mechanization Is accompanied by Increased accident hazards The number of accidental deaths and disabling injuries suffered by Canadas farming population has reached alarming proportions While the number of Canadians engaged In farming Is declining the rate of farm accidents Is In creasing as are the number of farm machines The accidental death rate on the farm is estimated to be 20 per cent higher than the national average The total number of fatalities Is now higher for farming than for any other industry and follows only mining and construction In the accidental death rate per number of workers Studies disclose that farm machinery fatalities per farmers doubled over the past years Even more disturbing Is the breakdown ot these deaths showing that per cent are In the under- age group and another per cent are aged 10 to Although manufacturers are designing safety features Into tractor and farm equipment the Parts Warranty Applies to certain parts only usually of ap pliances For example the parts warranty may apply to all parts of a television set except the cabinet or the picture tube It may even apply to parts which are not likely to wear out And it may not apply to parts that were not made by the manufacturer himself for example a car battery It may not Include service costs to determine defective part tabor to repair It or shipping Reputable firms will often shoulder these costs Automobile Warranties Some automobile manufacturers offer a warranty of one year or miles on all parts This warranty may be extended on the power train to five years from the original selling date or 50000 miles The customer must follow a prescribed program of main tenance which may be expensive The warranty remains In effect only it the company decides maintenance requirements have been compiled with to their satisfaction Fiftyfifty Warranty Sometimes offered by used car dealers It states that dealer and purchaser will share repair costs The hitch Is that usually the repairs must be done by the dealer If he is unscrupulous he may hike the costs Sometimes the repairs could accident frequency continues to rise Of all fatal machinery ac cidents 78 per cent Involve tractors and of these more than half are overturn accidents After tractors the mac most commonly Involved accidents are combines balers corn pickers forage harvesters and spreaders In that order More than half of the field machine fatalities not counting tractors Involve the victim being caught In the mechanism and per cent are passengers run over The great majority of these farm machinery accidents can be prevented Unsafe operating practices and poor maintenance are the main cause of farm They re on their own he snorted when theyve borrowed enough from you for a down payment on a house two per cent interest And even then unless theyre in Zanzibar theyre home every second weekend expecting to be wined and dined and baby sat dead right The only solution I can see is for parents of grownup children to sell the family home with Us three or four bedrooms and move into a one bedroom apartment preferably in some place as handy to get as AkJavik I dont blame the kids much Our two are both working in the hot stinky city at fairly menial jobs and living in pretty squalid rooms because thats all they can afford We live in a lovely summer area with beaches clean air a big shady lot and a built in cook their mom They still think of it us home sheets real meat instead of nee and macaroni showers galore a doting mother to pick up after them and a real mark of a father who is always good for a loan What more could they want And I must admu against my will that we re pretty glad to see the red head with the big brown eyes or the young man with the trim beard and hear Hi Mom Hi Dad A leading girdle manufacturer has now come out in violent disagreement with statements In this column from a report that came from Marketing the Canadian ad vertising weekly According to the report the woman motorist who drives by the seat of her pantyhose is safer on the highway than her sister who wears a girdle The girdle manufacturer says simply that there ts no foundation for these gar ments I mean statements Weve been making girdles for years and have never heard this complaint The have been simply plucked out of thin air The report quoted an auto manufac turers survey which claimed the girdle is probably the most unsung menace on the road today Naturally he is right How many songs do you know about girdles I can only think of two Number one would be Please release me let me go and how about that old favorite Arthur Godfrey used to sing about I dont want her you can have her shes too fat for me which of course doesnt mention foun dation garments by name but certainly refers obliquely to their staying power 20 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday July Former Prime Minister Mackenzie King died at his residence after a serious attack of pneumonia He guided the nation as prime minister for the longest term in history This week the local banks report that the Mason Knitting Company and their em ployees have added to the Manitoba Flood Belief Fund which brings the total reported from Acton to certainly a fine total for a town of less than 3000 population It makes an average of nearly per capita and Co employees contribution was Widow of the Very Rev T Albert Moore Annie Laurie Moore died at her summer borne Stephens Bay Muskoka The funeral Wednesday was conducted by the Rev minister of Howard Park United church Toronto and burial was in cemetery Acton St Josephs church Sunday School picnic was held at the park Wednesday A full program of races climaxed by a bounteous picnic supper made the event an enjoyable one Winners in the boys and and girls races were Madeline Drew Phillip Mary Kay Gibbons Peter Marks Ridley Martin Marks Denise Coles Dennis Girdles are certainly the most unsung about thing in the world except for the Pomeranian Dodo Bird which doesnt exist anyway With this in mind and In sympathy for the manufacturer who is against the girls letting themselves go we wish to line up on his aide with this little ditty which can be sung to the tune of Polly Doodle All the Day s like this Oh went to the pub one sunny day To explain to my gat Myrtle That unless she soon smartened up Id equip her with a girdle Seams burst buttons pop Skirts no longer fit her If she saw herself as we see her Shed join in the general titter For those of you who have trouble fitting the lyrics with die words let me say it can also be sung to the tune of Oh Dem Golden And that can also be sung to the ac companiment of snapping garters providing the wearer is doing the snapping Anyway Im glad to see the girdle guys letting themselves go at the pantyhose people Theyve been taking if youll pardon the pun a hosing long enough And being newspaper types we are always glad when someone comes out with a piece of prosey poetry extolling the home town paper although 1 must admit being a litde late with this one since the North Hastings Review first printed it in February of 1920 But see If it doesnt sound familiar It is called THE CRITIC My father says the paper that he reads aint back issues Papillon Betty Ann Barr Paul Coles Margaret Pat Corcoran Peter Barr Terry Elliott Jerry White Little panic buying has resulted in Canada as a result of the Korean crisis The hospitality of Mr and Mrs Davidson at their lovely home and grounds was enjoyed by the members of Knox Ladies Aid their families and friends 50 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday July The recently organized Mlsson Band in connection with Acton Methodist Womens Missionary Society has been named Ruth Nelson band in honor of Hiss Ruth Nelson a missionary in British Columbia who went out from this church here The song service at the Soldiers Home now the funeral home last Sunday evening had a much larger attendance than usual These community gatherings appear to be increasing in popularity Last Friday evening little Newton Hurst newsboy was delivering his evening papers he took a abort cut across the boulevard on West Bower Ave which was covered with water after he heavy rain He trod on a broken bottle tying in the water and his foot was painfully lacerated Users of Hydro current must become accustomed to an occasional loss of current but usually connection Is restored in very few minutes It was not to be wondered that the current was disrupted during the heavy electrical storm on Friday when the lights were off for several hours after the storm But on Saturday evening when everything was calm it was a surprise and a great duouptian business when the lights died at nine oclock and were not turned on again until a Sunday morning Mow Minnie Bennett entrance teacher of Acton school Is the lady teacher from Halton selected to accompany the govern ment excursion through northern Ontario next month be done test expensively What then should you look for fn a warranty or guarantee H should diicloM In writing either or the label booklet or bill of sale 1 What product or parts the product it actually guaranteed What characteristics or Included In or excluded from the guarantee 3 The duration of each section of the guarantee how long are they In effect the guarantor will fulfill his promises What the buyer must do to obtain the guarantee Who the guarantor Is dealer or manufacturer This is Important if he purchaser moves to another city and the Item fails to live up to its claims If a guarantee or warranty la not honored in circumstances In which it should be contact the head office of the firm Involved When you accept a guarantee or a warranty you enter into a con tract with the dealer or manufacturer And like all con tracts the tine print should be read carefully to make sure that the warranty does not exaggerate benefits and conceal exceptions Be careful the next time you buy machinery accidents The farmer himself is directly responsible for the high accident rate and its up to him to reduce the needless toll of deaths and Injuries July to 31 is Farm Safety Week in Canada Its a good week for all farm people to start putting a little more safety into their day to day work Theres a new booklet on farm safety we would highly mend Its called Farm Machinery Safety and is available from the Canada Safety Council 30 The Driveway Ottawa A Canada If every farmer read It there would be fewer farm accidents put up right He finds a lot of fault he does perusing it at night He says there aint a single thing in It worth while to read And it doesnt print the kind of stuff people need He tosses it aside and says strictly on the bum But you ought to hear him holler when the paper doesnt come He reads about the weddins and he snorts like all get out He reads the social doings with a most derisive shout He reads about the parties and hell fume and fret and groan He says of information it dont contain a But you ought to hear him holler when the paper doesnt come Hes always first to grab It and he reads it plumb clear through He doesnt miss an item or a want ad that is true He says they dont know what we want them dumed newspaper guys Im going to take a day some time and go and put them wise Sometimes it seems as though they must be deaf and blind and dumb But you ought to hear him holler when the paper doesnt come 75 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday July IS As Is customary on all of July celebrations it rained and it never rains but it pours Such was the kind of day that welcomed the visitors to to witness the Orange demonstration Chief attraction was the Hilton County League match between Acton and and Acton defeated 7 to The unfairness on the part of the umpire was readily teen by all His infirmity prevented him from taking a proper position to call a strike The Acton team wish il known that with a fair im partial umpire and at the park here they can defeat the Star again Acton players were Murphy Keough Lawson Beatty Speight Hallern and Clarke Mr Dunn of this place married to Miss third daughter of Mr P Gibbens In St church by Rev Father Haley at of last week Although the hoar fttt the ceremony very early the church was well filled The bride was neatly attired in a fawn colored drees end carried an backed prayer book After brides home they took the 11 oclock going east on a short wedding tour

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