Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1970, p. 9

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ANOTHER IN THE SERIES of aerial photographs of Acton and area token for Halton Industrial Com mlttee by Phil The was over Main St N when camera shot this view over section of town and newer areas on the north side of the CNR tracks Sugar and Spice by bill smiley I you heard sigh recently Ukc elephant about to lie down and die there was nothing to be alarmed about It was just the netting last of two kids off to college Hugh inn so bud an more Hoys arent jam some clothes and a or two and duffel bag and off tltoy go He had decided of years of waiting table and selling cleaners that there might be something In thai higher education stuff after all ami went back last year Unfortunately I promised that If ho buckled down I d him Homo financial help He buckled down Just enough to act through his year ho this stuck with paying cos As far as inline goes hes on his own Got him off on mi bus bound for Halifax with a box of books frayed shirts one mine bulging He was full usual of optimism and great expectations No problem Kim Is kittle of fish Or fowl A war nun took hi r off to university got found In r a place to live and made about four long trips In six weeks to allay her loneliness buy her more clothes and change her living quarters twice She quit at Christmas and my stony heart bled team when I counted the dollars down the drain She was 111 for a time Then she went out Into the world to seek her fortune She discovered that tho streets of tho city were paved with soot not gold After a few months of being broke or working she chose the lesser of three evils and decided to go back to school After an Incredible delay and weeks of agonizing anxiety for her mother her ap plication was accepted Dealing with university bureaucracy is like dealing with the government I took her down and we checked out the university She liked It to my amazement I think what sold her was that an English feasor we talked to Introduced himself by first name had long hair and a beard and when he stood up turned out to be In his bare foot She had expressed a desire to get out of the city Sick of the smog traffic and goes with It She wished she could go to college In a small town I pointed out that small towns do not boast universities But this was as close to it as you could get Campus surrounded by A river winding through It Well out of the city proper No heavy trnffk within two miles By sheer good lutk taught the last bed In a girls residence Its a cooperative with girls They do their own cooking cleaning and make their own rules Great A girl who lived In the house said It was fine A throw from college It was a mess but professional cleaners were coming In to clean decorate and put everything in order Then the doubts set In Dad how can I get along with 13 girls What If my room mates dont like they sec mo come In with my guitar in Jeans and sneakers And so on In my jovial fatherly way I retorted Look kid years ago I was living with other fellows In a room the alio of yours and got along The answer was typical of all kids the minute you start talking about the tough days Yeah yeah I know Dad but thai was In camp and you had no choice Ive heard It all before For once I was firm She was pleased by my firmness All settled So took her down on a Sunday to get settled The house was still a mess No cleaners No drapes up No pillow cases Two or three girls struggling around witli furniture No heat in the house on a cold drizzly day It was bleak and dreary and her spirits went down like a in bucket Typically she hadnt even packed sweater left her the one I was wearing When we left she looked as woebegone as a drunk at a tea party Her mother moaned softly all the way home has been wringing her hands since Well see Saving face and blasting Them Is no doubt tho Minister of Minos tor Ontario has boon in vested with wide sweeping powers by the pasvogo of an Act to provide for the preservation of the Niagara Escarpment and Its vicinity Quarrying operations have already been hit with closures slapped on 15 who through neglect or objection did not apply lor permits to operate According to Section rive tho Dill may refuse to Issue a permit where In his opinion the operation of the mine would be against the Interest of the public In preserving the character of formation that includes escarpment and tho availability of Its natural attributes lor enjoyment by tho public This of course Is aimed at those pit and quarry operations which defaced this natural beauty spot especially on the face and made no plans to rehabilitate gaping holes and piles refuse It took some Intestinal fortitude to pass legislation but before wo stand up and cheer wod concrefo evidence that quarry operators Intend to rehabilitate tho escarpment over which they had stewardship It Is true some quarries already done something tangible In this regard but tho lack of any Improvements In this Is noticeable There Is another area where there should be more control and perhaps tho wide Interpretation suction f would give tho minister some ammunition That Is ex strong by some of largo quarries there aro tow people who live In tho vicinity of pits who havent felt their houao tremble from effects of a largo blast Wo sometimes feel blasts from a nearby operation In Acton Efforts by the Department of Mines to exorcise form of Dropping the hem line According to the Financial Canadian men will have to have pretty good reasons to oppose their wives mldls that Is II tho sex drop hemlines because mens fashion experts predict that Johnny Canuck Is going Into a longer length topcoat this tail Lengths of the now coats will vary about knee level to about mid calf And If you are already steaming because you fust bought one that went over your knees hold your breath youve got another shock comlngl Another Innovation for men this fall Is ttie emergence of the country suit complete with half vest and on tho back tho jacket The country suit has been around before of course but worn mostly by gentleman farmors Now youll likely see them In offices and anywhere else where men wear suits For thoso ol us who have not yet accepted tho return ol the wide tie and flared trousers these fashion Innovations aro not going to create a stampede to tho mens clothing stores But well keep closer eye on tho fashion plates we personally know so wo dont got too out of date According to the Financial Post there is some reason for paying more hoed to what goes on your back A Montreal Industrialist who dresses with exceptional good taste confided to an Interviewer Clothes toll a lot about a man Times evidently have changed Remember when the ladles said Clothes dont make tho man In fact to bo a fashionably control over blasting boon ludicrous In tho past sometimes approaching point of In credulity Complaints blasting has brought a seismograph and operator from Toronto to measure However quarry owners notified when the machine lit operating It certainly requlroa no stretch tho Imagination to some would cut down when Inn machine was operating Why not sneak up on those who abuso privilege and I hen moosuro the bias Police cruisers certainly exercise this typo of action with radar along the highways and charges seem to stick If the government Is going to exercise control over abuses of escarpmnt tiny might as well extend control to an area bothering many people now dressed male viewed rnthor suspiciously by ho man typos There was evidence that ho was slightly vain with an eye for the women They tailed him a dandy Now the pendulum has taken a pronounced swing In the other direction led by fashionable football and hockey stars who mod clothes In tholr closets and wear them as well Tor those who can afford fo Indulge their taste In clothos therell likely be a drop In hemline It mokes suspect there must be an awful lot of cloth around that clothing manufac turers want to get rid of because this writer for Is perfectly happy with hemlines the way they Dropouts not unmotivated High school dropouts not unmotivated young people nor do they necessarily lack the In to finish Grade 12 or contrary to much public opinion This is a conclusion of a recently completed study by the Calgary Family Service Bureau Bert executive director of bureau launched the survey because he became concerned about the stereotyped opinions of students who drop out which label them as no good unmotivated people His In disclosed that two thirds of the dropouts were taking other courses or special training elsewhere Boredom causes many students to quit school he found Another cause Is the fact that many older students who have loft school and come back to try again ust cant face It they feel left out Isolated and uncomfortable Poverty Is also blamed for poor academic performance ho points out but adds It Is not true that children from deprived areas are not motivated They may different values but they are not unaware of value of education They just dont have the ex pectation of being able to go to university University Is still not available to most lower income students oven loss so In Canada than the U S says But economically deprived children know that If finish Grade or 12 they will havo to contribute to their familys upkeep or own ho adds They have to accept fact that education is still for privileged people In our society Marcuse that derstanding the problems of youngsters from poor homes Is essential If they are to have equal opportunities with more fortunate children but most class people Including many teachers have a fantastic Ignorance of the culture ot poverty Inn mil from way back and every fall the imps start up the old nostalgia returns I could fill columns and columns with stories of the palmy dajs was king In the winter months hero It isnt loo whin the rinks were packed with people man of them characters difficult to Two I have no difficult were rabid rooters for Haiders They never failed to attend panics home or away Core of the Haider rooting section they were two luely Indies A trace of ac cent hailed from England at one tune where picked up a peculiar idiom which might been home on a was foreign to hockey rinks Despite the fact the sometimes rankled fans from other centres almost everyone professed a grudging admiration for Thej cheered hooted chatted chortled and booed with such gusto they could get under the referees skin which is a triouti in itself However their ribald remarks and caustic comments also disturbed the more serious fans who were often tempted to bounce a brick off the pair s heads But all was forgiven when the two ladies followed an outburst with shrieks of laughter and the comment We may not have money but we sure enjoy life I know the state of their bank deposits but there was no doubting the validity of the second half of their statement They sparkled with a vitality that you sec little of nowadays I wish sometimes this sort of enthusiasm could be carried over into other avenues of life But I realize the world would be in constant turmoil stitches I would even be happy If I could catch some of that spirit when my wife and I go on shopping expeditions It would help take away some of the abrasive feelings and ensuing silences You sec my better half suspects I dont like shopping and merely go along morosely out of a sense of duty Shes wrong of course If I had the choice of going shopping or undergoing a tonsil operation I take shopping every tune Of course it would be a difficult decision And it seems shopping Is now a way of life They even make provision for It at conventions During a newspaper convention we at tended in the spring organizers thinking along these lines ordained the ladies should have one afternoon free for shopping In downtown Toronto Working newspaper meanwhile would be closeted In ess sessions The next day however was left free for all to do their own thing Naturally we headed downtown from the hotel ostensibly to see a show We arranged to meet another couple on the eighth floor of the hotel where they stayed We were on the so that meant we would merely step off the elevator Join them and then catch another car to the lobby We made it to the eighth floor I stepped off to greet the friends who were watching descending elevators and turned to assist my wife off At this point the elevator door closed interrupting our communication and taking wife down below while I stood on the eighth Naturally we wondered whether she would get on and come back up on another shaft We also wondered whether she would continue to the lobby and meet us there We also wondered if she would go shopping interpreting this change of plan as the will of the gods Fortunately we right She waited for us In the lobby and there was a reunion But it was close and tin temptation of those big Toronto stores is one which few ladies would want to miss THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE and Ed 10 Offi 1 utl Col Den 20 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press of Thursday September The community was indeed shocked to learn of the passing on Tuesday of Kenneth A Mackenzie a prominent businessman here for the past few years and son of Mrs and the late J B Mackenzie He was 33 years old He was a fine type of young citizen who took a keen interest In Acton and its progress Acton fair for was a success In all respects except the weather Mr Parker was in charge of the Friday night show and the 11th Field Artillery Band played and marched The saddle horse classes were the highlight of the arena show There were vaudeville acts and the band Charles Mason The fair was opened Saturday by Mayor Mason The prizes for best decorated bikes and doll carriages went to Bob Janet and Sandra Kings and Queens of the crawlers at the baby show were Gary Lois Burt Nancy robert Gordon Burt and Sharon Lyons Judges were Mrs Collen of and Miss Gibbons Acton both nurses There were 12 babies In the tent competing for the prizes Best freckled face boys were Don Dawson Bob Coxe and James LUlie and girls Linda Com Bacon and Betty Ann Joe proved the best pie eater Cold weather played havoc with the parade and the stock parade was cancelled A miniature rodeo and ventriloquist en tertained Saturday afternoon Walter as president and his committees may well be congratulated 50 years ago 75 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press of Thursday October 1920 A realoldfashioned snow storm which lasted for several hours came on October Acton Checker club which has been In successful operation in the old post office building for four or five years has been succeeded by Acton Amusement Club George Barber is the first president of the club and Robert Scott secretarytreasurer The club has leased the billiard room In the Soldiers Community Home and will keep it constantly open for the members and their friends Dr W C Kenney went to Toronto University on Monday to commence his medical course there school fair held at Brook- ville was a gratifying success Winners in the school parade were No Miss Van- natter No Miss Pennington No Miss Miss Mahon Among the many winners were Bessie Kingsbury Edith Ethel Dredge Mary Darby Ruby John Wallace Stella Bert Lamb Lucy Elliott Cora McNiven Stanley Geo Nightingale Reggie Wilson Lloyd Elsie Storey Joseph Henderson Jas Brltton Chas Alex McNiven Mac Mclaughlin Ernest Wilson Irene Twias Irene Darby Bob Kingsbury Margaret Stokes Annie Elliott Archie Cairns Grace Alex Job Emma Land Easterbrook Dan Billings Grant McMillan Elmer Chlsholm Crawford Mahon Clark Lane Hall Taken from the Issue of tbe free Press of Thursday September A hitch In the negotiations for the proposed electric light plant has occurred during the past week and we understand Mr not likely to proceed with the erection of the plant for which he had made arrangements The dynamo has arrived and the National Electric Co are naturally anxious to place it In town It Is rumored that It will In all probability remain as another party Is contemplating the electric business Some of the old beads of village started out valiantly last Sunday to ferret out the burglars who have been terrorizing the neighborhood but had the misfortune to get lost In swamp Visitors to Erin village are impressed with the extent of the late fire when they see nothing left but the foundations of what was a few weeks ago a prosperous business part of the village Erin will now agitate for a fire engine and company A number of boys with catapults smashed a number of panes in the unused room at the school Saturday and on previous occasions This action makes them candidates for the county gaol The heavy frost at the beginning of tbe week cut off tbe tender plants and vines Street railway men in were busy stringing wires on Sunday and after several complaints they ha- been summoned and charged with breaking the Lords Day Act The foreman said the men worked on Sunday to have the electric railroad naming for the Central Fair there this week

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