Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 21, 1970, p. 2

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The A October The ctetfif Apeak cut Morgan St Josephs Church There an certain subjects of Im portance In conversation that take precedence over others Those subjects are discussed In everyday life by large masses of the people Their importance are men tioned dally over the radio they are por trayed on the screen they are em phasised by pictures and cuts In our local and daily press and they are brought to our attention by pan discussion They are even expounded by government regulations And what Is this today that has precedence over many others It Is Pollution as we might commonly un derstand It today making foul or dirty the things that should be clean and pure for mans use and benefit and to sustain his human timely existence here on earth Pollution as we hear about it Is the presence of waste or something where it should not be For example pictures on the TV screen of thousands of dead fish In our lakes and rivers brought about by some dement or waste or poison The air that we breathe and which Is necessary for human life becomes polluted by smoke end smog and other Impurities Likewise the soil that is so necessary for the production of food to sustain human life We have heard more about Pollution In It would seem man hadn t realized its danger and If continued and not checked it would finally mean the extinction of all human life So much has been said about this subject that one might be inclined to either this pollution or poison has now been conquered or the other extreme that nothing has been done to overcome Let us be fair and realize that pollution or dumping of waste where It should not be put has been going on for many years perhaps centuries and it cannot be completely overcome by the crack of a whip or the snap of a finger Governments organizations societies the beads of Industries and Factories are cooperating to overcome this hazard to human existence Scientists inventors and chemists have been working on means to prevent it but there remains the effort of every human being to do his part In dividual to overcome and prevent pollution But my dear friends all this talk and effort to conquer pollution seems to be to preserve and extend our human temporal existence here on earth which Is natural and human and right But there la another pollution Tar worse than the mentioned above and which can destroy not only a temporal human life but an eternal spiritual life and If more important than temporal Is there means and time and effort taken by man collectively and In to eradicate the pollution that can destroy the soul for eternity Are the dangers of this spiritual pollution brought before us often enough by radio the press and other sources Or rather arc they not more or less passed over or condoned or excused The Gospel of St Mark Informs us of the danger of this spiritual pollution by wor shipping and honoring God with only lip service and not In keeping His Com mandments when he quotes the words of Our Lord to the Pharisees Listen to He all of you and understand Nothing that goes into man from the outside con make him unclean for It is from within from man heart that evil intentions emerge for nication theft murder adultery avarice malice deceit indecency envy slander pride folly All these evil things come from within and make a man unclean Yes these are the pollutions that destroy not Just a timely human existence but an eternal spiritual life To sum up a good moral lesson In a humorous manner by a good story which can also teach a lesson Is it a true one Yes It is I heard it many years ago A European priest who was in Canada and not very well versed In speaking English but trying to learn it was assigned one Sunday to assist in a purely English speaking parish He attempted to preach In English this Sunday and took for his subject charity of man In speaking of his neighbor So he went on to say My dear brethen You hear people soy Jim so and so Is a good fellow but but he Is an awful man to drink and gets drunk often Mrs so and so is a nice woman But oh my she blabblabblab The little girl says 1 like so and so But she is not my religion and the little boys says my mother Is OK but she is old fashioned t agree with me shes stupid You know my dear you could go to hell on your THE CHURCH OF ST THE MARTYR ANGLICAN Corner Willow St and St Alban Drive Rev H J Dawson SUNDAY OCTOBLR Tnnily am Hoi Eucharist Church School Nurse 10W CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister Rev Acton Ontario ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Mill St Founded 1842 Pastor Bymi BA Chultcnhim Church Office St NOW OCTOBER 1970 1000 am Morning Worship Service and reschool Sunday School II 10 am Sunday School Afternoon Worship JO pan Teen Meet at the church TuimIj evening Catechism Come worship and study with us to belter equipped to serve God and men Everyone Welcome CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew D Mr A Organ and Choir Master OCTOBER i Morning Worship The Voice tint Dead 1100 School in Choir Simula I mi Church Georgetown Boillcl will be in the church study ihjs fiom to 12 Phone A Cordial Invitation T All EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Churchill Road Rev S M Pastor SUNDAY 1970 a Chuixh School for Grades 18 1100 Worship Sun mint of Sermon Theme Baptism Intultis Dicipkship Next Sundij at am Confirms Classes resume Most Welcome TRINITY UNITED CHUJtCH Minister The Rev Gordon B Turner Director of Music George Elliott MA mule von it Tabernacle to ind Mrs Dennis Sunder of Edmonton Alia null the Gospel in Music Sunt October to Til thru Sunday pm SUNDAY OCTOBER 10 Sunday School MOO Morning Worship Ei Sen ice at both Tueadav pm Sen ice and Bible Study 30pmCniMd 100 Enter His gates with into His courts with pi use be unto Him bliss His name MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY OCTOBER 1970 Morning Worship 1000 Nursery 1000 Church School to Grade 1100 am School Grades 58 We Welcome You and Your Family to Take Part in the Life and Worship of Trinity SUNDA OCTOBER Here ii our sincere mutation to the whole family to attend church Sunday School All age 1100 am Morning Service pm Eicning George CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill Road North Minister The Rev A Walter 124 Ave phone SUNDAY OCTOBER 1970 II a m Worship Sendee and Church School Mr M Coles will be taking the sen ice Visitors art Welcome at all Church Githering ji Church on the Hill Rev Byrne inducted as Baptist pastor A service or the Induction of Rev Frank Byrne Into the pastorate of the Acton Cheltenham Baptist churches held on Tuesday evening October 13 In he Acton Baptist church Moderator Rev Tarry of Gait was in charge eon ducted the service of Induction The scripture was read by Nicholson of Brampton The minister Hurra Christian love Rev John of gave the Induction sermon taken from First verses and 10 Ho emphasized the need of growth In the church that this can be accomplished by co operation and prayer for the pastor It Is necessary to find new ways to present the gospel to up with changing limes but all must bo with Christian love Musical number for the evening was the rendition of Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah by the united choirs of Acton and Cheltenham After the service a reception was held In the basement of the church Health in India concern of Thankoffering speaker Circuit assembly for Witnesses The Word of God Is alive- and Jehovah wants this work done It o Hour God Jehovah Hugh V wli presiding militate for 1968 over the Acton congregation of study Jehovahs Witnesses so prefaced J m hi announcement this week that m Jo Eternal Life have another circuit assembly has printed The demand for the been scheduled for October n languages cannot and In the Fergus District te J High School Thanks to this course of in- The theme for the Fergus nicUon more than a quarter The Word of God Is Alive the Christian ministry In the past two years It is not boastfully but hap- me entire congregation and ptly that we apeak of the many many Acton families presently millions of Bibles and Bible study studying the Bible with them will books we have printed and attend all three days of the distributed Mr con- Circuit Assembly designed to Untied We recall the words of a relate the growth of Jehovah former presided of the Watch witnesses to the living force of Tower Society long as Gods Word Representatives of local churches as well as Georgetown and attended the fall of the Marion Mission Circle In the Baptist church on Sunday evening Oc tober Rev Paul formerly of India was guest speaker Rev Antrobua went to India In 1962 shortly before Rev and Mrs and returned In 1968 on the same ship as the He Is now working toward his doc torate in social psychology at the University of Waterloo While Rev Ant rob us spoke he wore a white and gold national costume While in Indiii he spent much time getting to know and love the Indian natives and learned to realize that because of poor health many of the people seemed to be lazy Many of the natives carry around germs of dysentry and malaria which had a weakening effect While in India Rev and Mrs were able to Improve the health of the adults and children by introducing better strains of poultry and goats They also became involved In family planning and sanitation Slides shown Slides were shown depicting the lives and customs of the In dian people The meeting opened with a lively singsong of old favorite hymns led by Jessie Cole3 with accompaniment by Charles Ijinlsborough at the organ and Mrs Buhner of Fergus a former member at the piano Trances Feltham read the scripture taken from and gave the offertory prayer A special musical treat was provided by a group from the Hlllsburg Baptist church made up of Mr and Mrs George Root Rev and Mrs John ac companied by Mrs Matheson Rev Frank Byrne thanked the speaker and gave the benedic tion A delightful time of fellowship was enjoyed In the basement over a cup of tea served by the social committee when many of those attending chatted with the guest speaker Bus tour supper planned by club Euchre winners were ladles first Mrs Near second Mrs Harris gents first Mrs second Mrs Mc- Cutcheon delicious lunch of tea By Mrs Elsie Reed With the attendance in creasing the Golden Age Club had a very happy meeting Tuesday of Last week A hearty clap of appreciation was given Mr Davidson for his work with the Clubs float for the Acton Fall Fair Mr Davidson had procured the wagon tractor and driver and had helped with all arrangements and with the AfC il decorating which was done at their home The float had taken biscuits cheese lam and cookies was enjoyed by vote of thanks and a hearty clap for her work in arranging a display which won second prize Final arrangements were complete for the bus trip to view the autumn beauty of our trees Enquiries regarding purchasing a much needed Mike for the club had been made but nothing definite had been done till more details were secured Notice was received for fall meeting of the Zone Executive to be held in to make arrangements for the annual zone rally Everyone Is expected to bring something good toeat to share at the pot luck supper Oct 20 at A business meeting and entertainment follow the supper Lucky winners in last weeks club draw were Jim Lindsay Harry Tom Weir Leo and Jeff ACTON PHARMACY is your local PARCOST PHARMACY Plan poppy day Remembrance service Plans for Acton a poppy distribution and the Remem trance Day have been laid out by Chairman Alec Pat Waldie and his committee members Ed and Jimmle Higgtns They are hoping to exceed last years poppy sales and look forward to a greater turnout of veterans and citizens for the annual Remembrance Day service Sunday November During a meeting Monday evening at the Legion the chairman along with committee members Legion president Bob Angell and World War 1 veteran William Billy Middle ton who faithfully assumes the role of decorating the window at Acton Home Furnishings yearly finalized plana for the distribution of poppies placing of wreaths at the cenotaph and the church service to honor the dead of two world wars On Friday Nov Legionnaires and members of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary will blitz homes and industries with poppies Anyone missed will be given an opportunity on Saturday to obtain their poppy from Legionnaire on street corners Free poppies will also be distributed to all schools In the area for students On Sunday November Remembrance Day will be ob served Legionnaires mem bers of council and other organizations honor the dead following a brief ceremony at the cenotaph on Mill Street and a church service following at Knox Presbyterian church Legion Padre Rev A H McKenzie will be In charge of the service Special wreaths have been ordered for clubs organizations and private individuals and committee members urge anyone desiring a wreath to order it Immediately Acton Chamber of Commerce DINNER MEETING Monday Oct 26th at 700 AT THE DOMINION HOTEL Alfred Hates Art P Guest Speaker For Reservations Call John Shadbolt Allen Eastwood Members Guests Welcome Dills Stationery Store 56MILLST ACTON a Mom I you with your plans for that all important wedding day ITATIOVS Esquesing wants to build own fire hall township council pulled a surprise out of the resolution hat Monday passing a motion accepting the tender of Robert Reynolds to build a new fire hall for Fire Area No 1 The township has been threatening to pull out of the agreement with Georgetown and the mutually shared facilities there for the last three years Negotiations have patched the agreement up each year however Council motion Monday was a complete surprise but it is to approval of the Ontario Board Complete motion Complete text of the motion which passed without comment is as follows That the council of township accepts the tender of Robert Reynolds for the amount of to build a new fire hall for Esquesing Fire Area No in which the money will be borrowed from the capital reserve fund bylaw and paid back from Fire Area No for a period of five years subject to plans being approved by the fire committee of the ire area and approval of the Ontario Municipal Board that the clerk make necessary arrangements for the fire committee to meet with the M to discuss the matter has objected that they have been paying an unfair share for fire protection in the area Suggestions have been made several times mat the township form its own

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