Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1970, p. 13

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OU READER WRITE Working at being Canadians SCHOOLS Dear Sir title above this letter appeared over a letter to this column last week I am very sad and disappointed that In these days of national crtsiB a letter like this one was even conceived let alone submitted to oar readers Oar good Dutch neighbors are said to have opened separate Dutch schools and that their basic aim Is that of bringing up their children separate from the rest of Canadians In the next paragraph the author of this letter writes They dont seem to realize that the acceptance of these opportunities carries with It a responsibility to become good Canadians not separatists Let me in passing assure every reader that the Dutch realize this responsibility very well They are working very bard at it whether they support Christian schools or not And I am sure that they are deeply hurt and disturbed by the above and accusations I said I am very sad and disappointed about such a letter Why do say mis Do I say this because I support the Christian school and the petition for equality education No not because of that I am sad and disappointed because this letter demon strates how little we have really learned In these last few weeks from the present crisis In our land For It seems to me that this crisis Is with us primarily because as a majority we are by and large still too ignorant and too Insensitive about the basic human rights and liberties of minorities and because we are still too apathetic and even too averse to securing rights and liberties for minorities which rights and liberties we as a majority take for granted for ourselves As Englishspeaking Canadians we have not taken our French countrymen and their rights serious I take it this is also the gist the Rev Turners article In last weeks column The Clergy Speak Out In effect we have said to our French fellow Canadians Forget about your hangups of being different Become like us assimilate and become Canadian dont cause a breakdown in Canadian unity And now we read the same kind of reasoning with regard to Christian schools sup porters But does our Canadian unity Indeed mean that we shall all conform to the same mold culturally religiously and educationally speaking Does not democracy fight or at least claim to fight with might and main for the preservation of the basic human rights and liberties of the Individual and the minorities Does it indeed not bend backwards to safeguard such rights Is not this what all the furor Is about In the debate around the invoking of the War Measures Act Does not democracy and Canadian unity thrive on diversity and freedom over against the unifor mity and regimentation of the tyranny of a totalitarian state Is It not strange then that we should have an educational system which is almost as and state controlled as the one found In a totalitarian state while reportedly democratic countries in the world allow for at least partial equality d In some cases allow for total equality of educational opportunities for minority It is my conviction that both In the French Canadian problem and in the Christian school we are not helping Canadian unity and heritage by labeling each other with the derogatory term separatists Instead lets really try to respect minorities and their rights as long as they are lawabiding citizens Lets also remember mat we can smother such minorities lust as ef fectively by the majority rule of a democracy as by the suppressive laws of a dictatorship All it takes Is a greedy ruthless majority concerned with Its own advantage even if this means the denial of the rights of others less powerful than such a majority We should of course not be surprised that the baser elements of our society use such Injustices as an excuse for their cruel crimes and terrorist tactics I would plead with our Concerned Ratepayer and with others who may feel like him that they refrain from labeling the schools under con sideration as Dutch schools or even Christian Reformed schools The supporters of such schools as a group do not call them by these names They do not want them to be or to be known as such They certainly do not have the basic aim of bringing up their children separate from the rest of Canadians This is at best a mistaken notion and at worst a malicious accusation They do not aim for ethnic distinctiveness of the Dutch nor do they act out of an ethical disdain for all what is Canadian An unbiased Investigation of the facts will soon bear this out So for the sake of human concern not Just ratepayers concern for the sake of Justice and liberty In our nation especially now let us realistically respect our genuine differences Let us at least try to understand and tolerate each other and let us be fair enough to present the other sides position in as honest and as Informed a way as The basic aim of Christian school supporters is clearly to provide their children and children of other parents with a positive Christian education not simply more religion as last weeks letter stated These people want to take their commitment to Christ serious not Just on Sunday In church and during the few waking hours of their children at home but also during the crucial process of formal education In the day school not Just in a Bible lesson but in the whole curriculum They are deeply convinced that education cannot and in fact does not take place apart from an all pervading philosophy of education rooted In ones basic attitude toward God and the Bible And this is not Just a Christian conviction It is also held by several secular educators This has nothing to do with nationality or a particular denomination Supporters of Christian schools would love to see nothing better than that more of their fellow Christian Canadians would Join them In the promotion of positive Christian education Many parents other than those from Dutch descent have expressed their preference for this kind of education and they are gladly welcomed under the same conditions as everyone else Such parents and teachers do not sacrifice huge sums of money and certain Inconveniences merely to be Dutch or separatist They are moved by their life commitment to Jesus Christ Is it fair to ask or even suggest that they abandon this commitment It is true the law gives them the right to operate their own schools subject of course to certain regulations and minimum requirements for which no financial aid is given In return But is such legislation not hypocritical when this right Is at the same time undermined and rendered largely ineffective by the smothering device of economic discrimination You may choose Christian education for your children But you must pay for that as well as for the secular education of the children of others Is that a fair and honest choice especially when the cost of such education is approximately per child per year Is not that a most vicious form of discrimination against the financially legs well off Must we add insult to Injury cannot believe that our Concerned is really more concerned with paying his tax rate than with doing Justice to all our citizens I want to believe that he along with many others is bighearted enough to Join us in fighting bigotry discrimination and Injustice especially over against minority groups which sincerely seek the good of our country and every citizen in It I challenge everyone of you to fight Ignorance concerning the real motivations of others par ticularly the supporters of Christian education and to fight apathy In the face of real Injustices done by the majority to legitimate minorities particularly the supporters of Christian education Find out about Christian education and then support Its Just struggle against unjust discrimination PS If anyone so desires I will happy to outline the financial and educational feasibility and advantages of such public Christian education and other school systems next to the secular public school system Peter Brouwer A concerned citizen School is open to everyone John St E Georgetown Dear Sir Re Concerned Ratepayer When I read the letter from the concerned ratepayer this week I was so angry I had to wait three days before I cooled off enough to write a dvil letter If I sputter a Utile yet know why The trouble with people like the concerned ratepayer is that they are Ignorant of the facts and dont know better What grounds has he or she for calling It a Dutch school per cent of the pupils are born Canadians The national anthem is sung every day which Is mora that Is done In most public schools across Canada There la absolutely nothing Dutch about anything in that school And It Isnt our own school It Is open to anyone who wishes a Christian education for their cbl Likewise the church is open to anyone who wishes to worship there It is only a matter of choice The concerned ratepayer writes The Dutch have their own school their own church he coaes the Dutch of keeping to themselves He even dares to link them In a way with the deplorable mesa In Quebec That blame doesnt fall as heavy on that minority group of as it does on the government who for years knew what was going on but didnt lift a Anger to stop It Its often after a tragedy before action Is Dually taken One of the reasons why concerned Canadian parents have act up tim fr Schools Is to have their children taught about responsibilities toward society responsibilities as a Christian living In society To make them aware that Christianity la for everyday everyplace everything Not to as you please through the week andi on Sunday bring out God for an hour who was pat on the shelf for the rest of the week Toe concerned ratepayer was sorry that religion was taken out of the public schools Just how sorry was he Did he or she do anything to keep it there Was be or she at the bearing of the McKay report to protest If too concerned ratepayer were not getting something that was rightfully yours would you not do somfthing about It The United Nation Declaration of Human Rights Parents have a right to choose the kind of education that shall be given chUdren If I choose Christian Education and am a Canadian ratepayer I have me right to expect the otherwise the declaration Is void and has no meaning I am forced to have my child educated In the public school system which Is not Christian Is this freedom of education This country was built on faith love hope charity Sound familiar The fathers of Con federation were Christians God counted In the government of their time Canada thrived Her people are free They have enjoyed peace and prosperity Canada Is among the richest countries In the world A rich heritage concerned ratepayer a rich heritage How about countries where God has been shoved In the corner as Canadians are doing today one example being in the schools How about countries who no longer depend on God but on Man Russia China to name but a few Is this what Canadians want for Canada I didnt become a Canadian citizen this spring to stand by and let that happen to my country In closing concerned ratepayer I would like to put you straight aa for the DutchCanadians not rulfulling their obligations and responsibility as Canadians I believe the concerned ratepayer said they take they enjoy the freedom Of course they do but dont suggest they dont do anything for it Find out for yourself how many Dutch Canadians are on welfare Not too many I can tell youl Most of them work hard for what they have In this country today Many work for themselves in businesses which they have built up from nothing Numerous ones serve society and mankind as doctors nurses lawyers teachers social workers Which other people honored Canada with liberation festivities Holland wasnt the only country liberated by the Canadians Dutch Canadians give blood collect for the March of Dimes cancer society and many other causes Church groups entertain at homes for the aged and hospitals They give and support community fund raisings They educate their children to a Christian way of life which is the richest heritage the Dutch Canadian could give Canada And theyre not afraid to sign their name when they write a letter that mlgnt cause con troversy Thank you concerned ratepayer and fellow Canadians who have taken the time to read this lengthy letter Very Sincerely Rla Kroezen nee Hulsman John St Georgetown The Acton Free Press Wednesday November U Beardmore chosen for pilot project The respirator testing project announced as a pilot project in county will be held at and Co Ltd on November and lfl The program announced by the County Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association detects lung disorders such as bronchitis asthma and emphysema The simple test consists of taking one deep breath and blowing It into a machine Draw for tickets On the final testing day association president Mc- Fadden will make a draw and present a ticket to a hockey game In Maple Leaf Gardens to one of the employees taking the test Christmas seals are already In the mad for the associations annual drive for funds Local directors are Mrs Horace R and H Hinton Acton Alan Fish of is chairman of the committee this year and the slogan is Matter of Life and Breath Equipment owned by the Association Is loaned out to patients such as postural drainage boards oxygen and a complete air purifier for extreme asthmatic patients NEW EXECUTIVE of the HaltonWest Progressive Conservative Association elected at the annual meeting in Burlington Friday is shown with the Hon George Kerr MP for Halton West Left to right standing are first vice Halton West Tories told president Robert Foster second vice president Mrs Gerrle McMillan president John McLean secretary Mrs Grace Freckleton and treasurer Dave Smith Staff Photo Premier will lead party Halton West Progressive Conservatives axe girding for the expected 1971 provincial election and mean to keep the Hon George Kerr as the represen tative for the riding Over 100 Conservatives met In Burlington Friday night to elect a new executive for the riding listen to Mr Kerr and guest speaker Richard chairman of the MidCanada Development Foundation Bulk of the crowd was from Burlington but there were also represen tatives from township present Acton Conservatives failed to send representatives to the meeting Rumors false In his report to the riding Mr Kerr told Halton West Tories to ignore rumors that Prime Minister John Robarts would be stepping down as leader of the party He will lead the party and still be prime minister after the next election Mr Kerr asserted The present session of the Legislature is drawing to a close and for cabinet minister Kerr it has been fruitful He said good legislation had been passed and the government had kept up to the various reform demands of the province This will stand us In good stead when we go before the people Mr Kerr was sure but he warned Tories about complacence especially with Stephen Lewis leading the New Democratic Party He paid tribute to Mr Lewis as a tremendous organizer McLean president Elected to bead the West executive for another year was John McLean of Burlington Mr McLean was returned by acclamation An election was held to fill the posts of first vice and second vicepresidents with Robert Foster and Mrs Genie McMillan winning the nod from voters Dave Smith was elected treasurer and Mrs Grace took the post of secretary when Dick West with drew Auditors appointed were Paul Preston and Allan Udder Lack of purpose Guest speaker Richard deplored the lack of a sense of purpose in Canada to unify the people He Bald the last unifying drive was the building of the transCanada railway years ago With slides and projections Mr told the Conservatives that governments must get together to create a national policy for the development of the one million square mile corridor of Corporal punishment A recommendation by Lamb- ton County opposing the elimination of corporal punish ment received the support of the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario at their an nual convention in Kitchener last week The resolution said the banning of corporal punishment would undermine the last disciplinary resort of authority In the classroom at a time when it should be strengthened Lax morals The resolution offered the idea the banning would cause hard ships on teachers and said lax discipline and lax morals usually go hand in hand resourcespacked land in the midCanada development corridor Mr is the originator of the MidCanada Development Corridor plan for the future orderly development of Canadas midnorth an area admirably suited for people and Industry Unless Canadians do something about development of this broad band he said someone else is going to do it He referred to the already vigorous development by Americans of oil fields In Alberta and the Arctic By the year 2000 Mr Rohmer said there would be more than million people in Canada but the United states could have a population of 300 million by that time raising some direct questions for Canadians to an swer He saw only a new sense of purpose which would give Canada direction and Identity as the solution to problems If we decide to do something about midCanada we could have our future national direction he asserted THE VOTERS LIST ACT Section Clerks Notice of First Posting of Voters List 1970 Township of Nassagaweya County of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT that I have compiled Section of Voters Lists Act and that I have posted up at office on the day of October the llt of all persons entitled to In municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for Inspection AND I HEREBY call upon all voters to take Immediate to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law the last day tor appeal being the 13lh day of November DATED at Brookvllle this day of November 1970 C THOMPSON Clerk Township of SUPERMARKET MILL ST ACTON 8530650 RED BRAND BEEF PRIME RIB ROAST 89 lb Tender RIB STEAKS Leon BRAISING RIBS 99 ib Fresh Lean Ground Chuck 69 Boneless Lean Stewing Beef Blue Bonnet Ib off Label MARGARINE Clarks Tins Save 34c Tomato Juice 3 1 Heinz Bottles Save KETCHUP 2 Pantry Shelf oz Tins PEACHES 2 69 Duncan Save 37c CAKE MIXES 2 I Crest Family Size Save 40c TOOTHPASTE Monarch Bag off Label PASTRY FLOUR 69 Aylmer oz Tins PEAS White Granulated SUGAR Town Club 1 Ib Pkg Sldt BACON 69 Schneiders Heat n Eat Pie Pkg Beef Chicken Pork Meat Pies 2 FRESH PRODUCE DAILY Fresh Fruit Vegetables Arrive Dally At Lowest Possible Prices Prices Effective Nov Hills Bros Ib Tins Save COFFEE Save SHORTENING 2 Canada No Fresh Print BUTTER 65 Maple Leaf Ib Tins HAMS Save 1a49

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