Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1970, p. 14

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A The Acton Free November the at ACTON BOWLING LANES Ken Hulford Limit spending by boards of education Oct Uppeti mil hold the hand in Iho tort out in but bounced back to like Id final and total Van wo Phil Grihama IH RiyAlUniMSttlHrdJck Dunn KM 4n Rolling for the Roller Bryan Dunn Kor Vryenboak and Phil took Beimer In the tint by nine pin grabbed the deelitoa In the second by then tot the third tod loft out for Tap trio for Soikei were Deantu Mc Dowell 23 Adam end Don Hmrli it For Beroert belt It Helen BroulllerdSM Che Ml end Bob Woodcock MO Patent o two end lot from Finisher who took the middle cento by pirn Hedln op the win were Ruteell Methewi Murrey IBS Ron Ml 24S end MS Heading up efforts were Helen Tom Shannon Ml end Earl Wert it ending Upper 17 Roller it garden centre Oct the league- Eliminators for two and Until win lived by winning the middle cento by three Top tripling trio for Hurricane were Lome Norton Ml Betty 290 end Stave 2011 Ton for Eliminator were Porto Ml Norton end Grace 5 Zombie fool around with n for the work Bill Belt for Intruder were Ruby Sit Oil Ben S3 231 end Sally Marauder came up with big win the flrrt ifliinrt then out In the end third but had enough In hand to take total and force a 2 2 Pete Clarence Harlnga 2iS and If ry Cloutier K 111 were top trio for Meraudri were Charlie Cheyne Hiring M3 and Emmy Jen made the with hi double League Eliminator Hurricane IS Stthlrea 12 Intruder 10 Marauder BLUE SPRINGS Oct Coral Bell won the flrrt Bleeding who bid for the find onto but milted It by five pin Looping the loop for Lupin were Karen j o Betty Bender ISO HO and Smith US For the Heirta It n Anna Spear Mate end Lot Walker 204 After Trillium walked with the tint game from It looked If they were on way but tole the Sim from Petunl by IB pin then fickle finger of Fate pointed the other way and Petunl equalised In Belli who made with the win and grabbed the odd point for total Helen BroulUird 229 Betty 227 nd Mite bell paced the win Ben In Petunia effort were 1B3 end Poo Unknown 13 INDUSTRIAL Oct Pete Berber Shop hung onto flrrt ptice with from John Service The Texan rompedhomcwiththeflrttipaim the Chipper nine pin and repeated the win In the third but were thy pin of taking totali Dee 281 Phil 2M nd Chuck Auger were top trio for For the Brber Shop It BUI Shannon 73 Jim and Doc Eleven b the A Supermarket I lucky number after getting clobbered In the tint game by Jon Hunt Electric Electrician 293 7M 315 and Terry Bludd 70S 170 Beit In the Able effort were Middle ton STRIKES a Octal IvyHartln lnformiulhtlhe BC bowler will be around idling too difficult to arrange eectlon for the bowler to do their telling o to people who are Inconvenienced by a number of children coming to the me home we apologue In the Bantam bowling tht week Rabbit hopped over the Cat taking both game from them threw out eight arm taking ail game from Sea Hone While rounded up the IT j won their flrrt gam by only five pint In the Mcoad the Donkey men fed a one game and win by taking all game from SnilU The Top Ten SuiinThompaon 174 Terry Bateman 16166 Bert Port US UI 167 106160 W David 131 Dale Anderson 101 131 ZS Karen 106147 153 111 Jim Pink Bowling beat over their average to win the were Terry Lynn Atklnaon Kevin od rolled two game 111 back to back LEAGUE STANDINGS Shift Octopu 10 Whale Penguin Cat Sea Second Shift Teddy Bern IS Dogi PreChristmas Draw EACH WEEK FOR THE NEXT WEEKS With the Purchase of any Item 00 or more at either Jewellery or Photo Departments You Become Eligible for a Chance on our Weekly Draw Winners announced Each Week Drop In Now and Our Fin SfcHon of Clocks Watches and LAST WEEKS WINNER Tom Browning Acton CuHlinkSetUOoValue Do Your Christmas Shopping Early Use Our Free Lay Away Plan and I go Acton won the flnt 11 from Adimi Bui Depot then dropped close live pin In the third but hid Km In to tike the til up the Terr were Dive McMlllin Terry Churchill 213 and John Churchill Beit for the Hotel He I were Alt Roich 660 155 638 Keith a lot run over but good In the the added Intuit to Injury by liking the odd point for Wheeling end dcillng for the IVnnt only to be hy eight plni of taking total Top tripling irio for Larkpurt were Ivy For the Trillium It Miry Ml 123 203 and Marge Middle ton 179 League Conl Bell Trillium Larkipur Petunl Bleeding Heart SPORTS CORNER MIXED Oct 27 BornLoierigavelletolhelr and won 11 gime from the Unknown with Join McKnlnhl 741 let Howie 837 269 end Smilty Pletrangell win Coming up beat for Iho Unknown I were Don Perry 193 Shannon 111 and Steve Road Runner hung onto lha pot with two nd total win from Retell who won the middle Steve Dew and Lucy Synott the win Topping Raicil were Dave John Dunn 1M and 207 up to the third rung with two and total win from Poo who face by winning the middle Top trio for were Tom Shannon 221 60S 146 and Ed Wood 191 Donkey 7 In the Junior Dlviilon the Hod MUid took two but tied for toil with Unknown Mod Squad won their flrit game by only one pin Jet loomed right aver taking two game and total showed up the champion by taking two and total Ten Topper for Junior were Wade Knight Roger Janet Storey 208 Ronnie Turkoti 497 Ronnie Danny Bill Gentle Lcigue Pete Shop Jon Hunt Electric 18 John Service Hotel 12 ABSupertnirket Terry 10 ACTON Oct 28 IGA their league lead when after the tint gametoSpeyhlllFarmi came back to win the wo nd Tripling the top for I A were Marlon Storey Audrey 273 and Carol Mullen Heading up the Speyhlll fort were Fiona Hodgson Belty May Swickhimmer The place hope of lining on the were rudely when look em or Ihe work Pierce 193 Mary a and Lorn 483 188 were top rlo for lei en For Camcoi It Donna Manci ind Miry 168 Beckers Milk won from Family Store by grabbed another close one In the by IS then got clobbered good in Ihe finale and loit out lor tot Cream of the Becker trundling An nd Verna 177 Top trio for Family Store were June Payne 238 Hunt 193 and Hie Ward League Handing I G A Family Store Cameo Boutique Becker Milk Clothing THURSDAY TOPPERS Oct 29 goof off a far a bowling concerned Ihcy won all game from the Shirley Annette St Pierre and Audrey 177 headed up he win Going wild the moil for Challenger were Elaine Meccham M7 Norm Alley Hoppers were hopping all right they took all game from Driller John MryHIcockSM230 and Ina Wilton paced the win Drifting In with the top for Drifters were June ill 169 Sandra McGnw 189 and Colleen Robb Driller made a bid for the middle canto but misled It by pins Freak Out hung the sign on Hopefuls forts and packed in Ihe three garnet to their credit Cora Walter Eleanor Landry 168 and Joyce Adimi 14S sparked the win Top trio for were Join Schlpper 171 and Allen 163 Goof Out 6 Alley Hopper 4 Drifters Challenger 1 MAJOR Oct Acton Medowi dropped the first to RellableTaxl then put on the power play and grabbed the next two and total with Don Wilkes Mc 772 280 and Jim leading the hit parade Making with the most lor Reliable were Don 740 267 Phil LeSueur 701 266 and Bill Store won the fir it from Scenic Pool then it curtains Scenici life and took Ihe next two and totals Bill Jack Gould and Larry 761 263 Conwiy lis All lloflman 714 and Lane were Dee Do Fore it Ken 246 and Carl Eton- 11 Acton Lane Adam Rut Depot ACTON FRIENDS Oct took flrrt place with a two ind lolil win from Hippie Peter 670283 Jim Glcndennlng 199 Odllon 111 were top trio In win For the Hippie It wa lien Vaailvt 111 Gary Ritchie 197 and Jack 480 II wan three game win for the when Ihey met UP with the Itotd Bold up a good score In the finite but mined Ihe win by nine Top irlcounler for wen were Allan John and Lou 190 Road Hun top trio were Doug Charlie Thomion 111 ind loCanivIl 7137 were on the loiing end in the tint but the revolution In the third and made with a big win and grabbed the for totali by even Top trio for Iho were Kevin Clark Donna Schlnck and Cord 160 Beit In the Duller lineup were Harry Phillip 201 Mike Noble 187 and Chick Milne 161 League Cudai 10 Diggers Dusters Road Runner 7 Hippie Hemic Little ACTON MIXED Oct Hippy took a belling In the first from Clan got even In fcond with a nine pin win and While and Ed Browne 186 For the Clin It wis Shorty Boh Price 203 won a close three pin game from Nitron In the tint tort out in the canto but rallied lo win finale plus singleton for lolili Top win Bryan Billing 225 and 184 Making in the most for Nitron were Don Elsie and solos In the win i Earl West 276 21t Ken Billings 216 and Lcnora Vickery Top trio for Idlers were Near Marie Moore 220 and Bob Snyder League The Clin 43 siowPokei35 Nltroni 30 Happy Gang BIG FOUR Oct Hot took the league Fireball for two and total with Jake Vtn Der 231 John and Utile Jake Van Kooy icing the win Top for were Rente Voikamp 231 Floyd Hammond and Sid llofstcdc 472 Second game wot close Hot Shot took by pin Red Wing did a little high flying they bested the Happy Gang for totals Happy Gang making with a win in the finale by is pin Top trundling trio for Red Wings were Harry 291 Steve Do war ITS and Larry Douglas Beit In LEAGUE STANDINGS Mod Squad 13 Turk 11 Champion 12M Jet Unknowns Marauder 6 In the Senior Dlviilon the ganged up on the taking all three garnet Stooge however only managed a Iwo game and total win the Leading the Senior in the Ton Ten were Dive Pink Bob Andrew Larry Knight Guy Dan McGUloway5M2tl Glen Bob 233 Martin LaVole 229 Steve Van Fleet 530 Cathy Dunn LEAGUE STANDINGS In Well and Birthday Department celebrating the happy cation Is Bantam There Sjmnott on Nov We would like to welcome Sue to ihe enlor rank tad alio welcome back Junior Wade Knight So for now good luck and good how to get ahead in death Enjoy eternal life You can you know If you read understand and believe the Bible So why wait Let us send you our FREE Bible Correspondence Course It an Interesting systematic study plan you can do at your leisure in your home Send today B Stud Box ACTON Ontario Gentlemen Yes I in studying the Bible Please send F BIN Correspondence Course I understand no one on me But I may call on you I TOYOTA the limit but without too marry and with careful Vice Hill gone near their limit last year and had figured on using this to do their catching He It they were penalized under the poorer boards who had not the new restrictions County Board of Education will have some room to but careful foresight will be necessary to live within the budget limits set down for and This la the way Director of Education Jim Singleton in terpreted a letter outlining financial restrictions set down by the Department of Education The limits for grant purposes on ordinary ex penditure of for elementary school pupils and for secondary school pupils are to be Increased for 1971 to and to respectively with the provision that no board can in crease the pe pupil cost by more than over the lost years recognize ordinary expenditure The increase allows for a rise of nine per cent In the elementary and six per cent in the secondary schools Over this celling there will be no provincial grant and the money will have to come from the municipal levy Mr Singleton said the provincial government Is committed to paying per cent of costs for education But the question Is now per cent of what He said the government would have to gallop to stand still with some boards No extras Singleton Indicated the would be able to live within Legend a He that has attained the dignity of age appy efforts were Harry Van Arragon 11 197 and Archie Duker 45D 1IFADPINHIIITES In Ihe weekend the Champ it challenger Don with 901 and Jack Gould with In he qualifying round who tried to dethrone champion Brown Young Brown luccciifully defended title however with a which took care of Could and Wilkes that win it up for now my frlendlic io and Concord POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL of Telephone EQWtrSt North iOL HEADQUARTERS m ta See OUR LAR03 SELECTION OP Evergreens Potted Roses Shrubs Fertilizers Trees WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF CUT FLOWERS SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR ANY OCCASION JUST ARRIVED SELECTION OF FALL BULBS TULIPS HYACINTH Open Days a WekS am Til DarkPhone WE WIRE FLOWERS ANYWHERE Caroline Flower Garden Shop TODAY EVERY DAY EVERYWHERE LUMBER MART R 4 GEORGETOWN TORONTO OPEN MONDAY TO THURSDAY SAM TO P FRIDAY AM TO M SATURDAY SAM TO M Wall Standards and Shelf Brackets Give You Shelves Like These In Minutes Transform any bare nlo on Ideal tor the re real on room Shelf bracket are Makes j simple WIDE SELECTION OF SIZES AND FINISHES CREATE HANDSOME SHELVES PREFINISHED SHELVING READY TO NO SANDING OR VARNISHING RICH TEAK AND FINISH water mint of Standards from At Shelf Brackets CEILING TILE I In and fad proof trip clttrt with a damp f ft par carton I I CM FT WIDE DURAVAL OUTDOOR OZITE OVER so SO YDS UNDER 6 COLORS DURATIX RUBIER BACK TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON ASH EMBOSSED WOOD PANELS WHICH ENABLES EVERYONE TO HAVE THE BEAUTY OP WOOD Tha have to be tn Bppfetlat the value COMPARE AT PREFINISHED PANELS EXOTIC NATURAL WOOD You will Im with luxurious ton 8 flnlth COMMRI AT TEAK per 4aB OAK KENTUCKY ACADIAN ACORN GOLDEN OAK ENGLISH BROWN OAK CAFE 5 per panel Mahogany Panelling COIORCONTROI COMPUTELY FINISHED Pan

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