Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1970, p. 2

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Tho Acton Free Press Wed N Sacond Clm Mall clergy Apeak cut mm Living In past Gillies Want mayors on county council Rill nt nnn n Deputy Reeve Bill GilHes of Oakville charged his County Council colleagues with having their feet stuck in the middle of By Reverend Barry J Dawson The Church of St the Martyr A petition has been In circulation around Acton endorsing a principle I feel to be basically sound and democratic I am speaking of the con scientious efforts of those petitioning the Ontario Government to modify and extend government support to school systems that do not at present receive financial assistance The democratic principle that the grant shall follow the child has wide ranging support and la reflected in the United Nations Human Rights declaration Section 3 that states Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children The fact that those attending the Christian public schools nave to maintain themselves at considerable expense without government subsidy tends to hinder and In some cases prohibit parents from choosing the kind of education they would have for their children If as Canadians we treasure the basic human right of selldetermination then to deny this in the realm of education we jeopardize the principle In general This democratic principle protects a minority group and ensures its rights Exclusive state controlled education forced on all citizens because of economic pressures I find particularly distasteful and dangerous Those who have supported the Christian school system In the past have done so A virtue rarely In evidence today and yet still highly rated in our society To refuse them a basic and human right of selfdetermination by economic pressure Is to my mind tantamount to denying ourselves that same right Fortunately here in Ontario we do have some diversity and choice in the educational system we choose for our children The Ontario public and school systems are both government and available to any person Tax dollars are directed to support the institution designated by the ratepayer I would like to see this privilege extended to any school system that satisfactorily meets the standards set by government Even though I personally choose to support the Public School system with my tax dollar I deem It fundamentally democratic and Just that a fellow citizen have equal freedom to support with his tax dollar another school system If he so desires In denying him freedom we deny our own recommended by a committee townships attend County Council Discussing one of 11 Items dealt with by the Wardens Special Committee Gillies argued the r hifl mayors would create liaison between the municipalities and Reeve Gordon Burlington He met with opposition during a the county If they were to sit on Gor Gallagher said it debate on whether or not mayors the county council Presently the was impossible to interpret Just the last century and being op posed to any change last week of the five urban towns in should sit on County Council of and Seek information concerning woman from pages of the past At their regular meeting Monday Oct council Received a copy of a letter from Zenith Tool and Manufacturing to roads Bud Snow complaining about conditions on and between the Zenith plant and Glen Williams The letter suggested a tar and chip surface be considered for the roads aid and poll clerks what the recommendation meant and to what extent the mayors would become members He also brought up the question of voting power and sold it wasnt clear in the recommendation He urged and was successful In having the recommendation deleted so that the rest of the committee report could- be passed Gallagher suggests mayors were too busy now to sit on another council Reeve Frank Oakcs of Acton said it would cost another to have the five mayors on In an attempt to streamline the committee structure council decided to lump Property Committee with the Agriculture Emergency Measures Organization and Planning Committees The special committee recommended the same rate and manner of pay for councillors be continued Legion Notes Fred Kentner won first place at Friday nights mens euchre with a score of 74 Second steaks went to Harvey with a score of while Don Ryder took home third place steaks for his score of Tom Hamiltons 35 won him the bologna for hidden score Reliable Taxi lead the cribbage league with points followed by Club with Reliable Snack Bar Firemen Legion A and lcgion 17 Persons allowing the use of their council and said he was satisfied homes for polling stations will with the operation as it is now receive Milton Reeve Ron Harris suggested there should be more Passed a bylaw to provide study adding that it was poor for the erection of yield timing for the recommendation way signs at all three segments of indicating regional govcrn- the Given road between the Third wasnt far away and Fourth Concessions just Elect warden south of Acton Recommendations HEAR YE HEAR YE PERSONALIZE YOUR g AS GREETING CARDS WITH A Family Or Individual Portrait Received a letter from On tario Hydro regarding report which did receive County Councils blessings dealt with a number of matters The corn- Free Press readers are being asked to supply missing links in a family story which turns back the pages of time to the first days in Actons history Seeking information about her grandmothers family Is Mrs Paul Gorby of Highland Avo Evanston Illinois she made her home for many She stopped in at the town office years with the late Lucius briefly this summer and enlisted Adams one of the founders of the aid of Mrs Lorno Clarke in her search Mrs Gorbys grandmother was Mrs S C Palmer the former Miss Thatcher and THE CHURCH OF ST THE MARTYR ANGLICAN Corner Willow St and St Dr Rev H J Dawson BA SUNDAY NOVEMBER 8 1970 Trinity Holy Eucharist am Muttlns 1030 am Church School and Nursery Tuesday pm Confirmat ion class for young people Wednesday 10 am Holy Eucharist Thursday pm Adult Sludy Group at the rectory BETHEL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister P BA BD Acton Ontario SUNDAY NOVEMBERS Morning Worship Service Nursery and pre school Sunday School 1110 Sunday School pm Afternoon Wor ship Service Teen Meet at the church Tuesday evening 7 pm Catechism Classes Come worship and study with us to be better equipped serve God and men Everyone Welcome PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew BA Minister Mr A Hansen Organist and Choir Master REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY NOVEMBERS Church School for Kindergarten through Grade Ministers Confir mation Class for teenagers 1125 Remembrance Ser vice of veterans etc from Cenotaph Ser vice will wor ship at Knox Sermon No Room for Hat- redl November am and Anniversary Services Everyone Most Welcome MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Ave Georgetown Pastor Rev Robert Here is our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church SUNDAY NOVEMBER 8 945 Sunday School All ages a Morning Service 700 pm Evening Evangel Georgetown ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH SO Mill Street Founded 1642 Pastor Rev Frank M Byrne Parsonage Cheltenham Church Office Wednesday 730 Choir Rehearsal SUNDAY NOVEMBERS am Morning Worship Subject Remember Sunday School pm Monday November Bap tist Men pm at First Baptist Church Pastor will be in the church study Tuesdays and Fri days from am to 1230 noon Phone A Cordial Invitation To All EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Churchill Road Rev S M Thoman Pastor SUNDAY NOVEMBER am Sunday School 1100 Morning Worship 700 pm Evangelistic Service Tuesday pm Prayer Service and Bible Study Thursday pm Crusaders Thursday pm Christ Ambassadors For by grace arc ye saved through Faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill North Minister The Rev A Waller BA 124 Tidcv Ave Phone SUNDAY NOVEMBERS 1970 Worship Service and Church School Service feeing conducted by Elders Visitors are Welcome at all Church Gatherings at the Church on the Hill TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister The Rev Gordon Turner BD Director of Music Dr George Elliott MA PhD SUNDAY NOVEMBERS 1970 Morning Worship Nursery 1000 Church School Grade 1100 Church School Grades 5 We Welcome You and Your Family Take Part in the Life and Worship of Trinity Acton Mrs Palmer moved to the United states In 1858 where she married Stephen C Palmer at Cleveland She died at Ferdale Washington after raising a large family Lists needs Mrs Gorby is especially in terested in finding out Her grandmothers fathers first name 2 Her grandmothers mothers maiden name she died In Acton around 1B42 3 If there is any record of a Thatcher girl her grand mothers sister being adopted by a Hemstreet family here and what her name was Mrs Palmer returned to her old home after she was married and it was reported In The Free Press of the time The report mentions that Mrs Palmer visited at the Hemstreet home and that she used to milk the cows on the Lucius Adams farm in the barnyard where the Canada Glove Works and the bowling green are now situated and pick berries and currants In the garden where fine residence of Henderson MP stands Turnkeys for teeth Mrs Palmer speaks with much Interest of the late Alex Brown as her Sunday School superintendent and Miss AUie Adams as her teacher of the time when Asa Hall was not only the magistrate for the com munity but the doctor and dentist as well and remembers yet the excruciating pain he caused her when he extracted the first tooth she ever lost with the turnkeys Interesting reminiscences are given respecting the Halls Matthews Carrier ons Zimmermans and others of the services in the old Methodist church when she was a member of the choir and Thomas Moore pitched the tunes with a tuning fork Anyone with information on this interesting historical per sonage from early days may relay the information to Mrs through Mrs Clarke Clerktreasurer Delmar French reported the townships court of appeals for assessment will sit on four days November 10 13 and The court has approximately 100 appeals to hear Received a letter from consulting engineer Don advising the call for tenders for the townships new works garage has been extended until November at 5 pm Passed a motion authorizing the purchase of a new F94039 Burroughs Bookkeeping machine along with necessary trays and forms at a cost of The machine Is to be In stalled and programmed for operation in January of next year Payment will come from the townships capital reserve fund Passed a motion that tl township dispense with issue of building permits to the Halton County Board of Education tor portable classrooms to be erected at the Sunshine and Milton Heights schools The clerk received a phone call from board employee James Evans regar ding the necessity of permits Passed a bylow to fix a time and place for nominations of candidates for the positions Of reeve deputyreeve councillors and County Board of Education member Nominations will be held Monday November 23 at Esquesing community hay Stewarttown between and An election if needed will be held Monday December with polls opening at 10 in the morning and closing at Pm Deputy returning officers will be Drugs found charges pending Drugs were seized from a 15- yearold Acton Juvenile on Oc tober 30 by Cons Bruce McAr- thur during a routine check on the street The were informed and will lay a charge The youth was walking on Mill St when stopped by the suspicious policeman Sanation of live mercury vapor TLISS i Si ix Warden be elected on the same basis as other years by the Discussed the possibility of members of the County Council having 1971 township taxes paid In four equal instalments Reeve George Currte presided for the three hours and minutes meeting with alt coun cillors present The committee recommended the striking committee to name councils committees be made up of three deputy reeves and three reeves as well as the warden All would be appointed by the warden YES WE ARE OPEN Fri Sat Sun Nov 8 A CARLOAD Last weekend this season Bring your friends for an All Color Show with added Bonus Feature Fri Sat Sun Nov Only A carload Presley Shelley Fabares Clambake Michael Co Inc Green Plaj Dirty Ad I En In merit Daath a Adult Entertainment BOX OFFICE OPENS pm SHOW STARTS pm I i I 173 11 nil Cunt bold Kite In li called Willi 1 IK indwimUMtiiti 1741 DRIVE- THEME John Boughton Jewellers Certified Watchmakers GEORGETOWN last Time Today Wad Nov 4 DADDYS GONE Paul Burke color THE TWISTED NERVE Hayley Mills color 16 In int In thill 5 and Sat Show Times a PM NOVEMBER IS THE MONTH FOR MEATS BLADE ROASTS YOU TWICE WITH AMD SHORT RIB ROASTS 6 KING OF CUT CHIT STANDING RIB Roast 88 CWCKTJ CHUCK STEAK 6ft uah mm chuck GROUND BEEF RIB STEAKS 8 food rammes MCCAINS CRINKLE CUT Bag French FRIES SUPREME MIXED VEGETABLES 55 WELCHS Tina GRAPE JUKE 249c GROUND BEEF SIDES of BEEF FRONTS 66 iimne cut wrapped lb AND DELIVERED FRESH Seedless Grapefruit 3 Celery Stalks 23 Macintosh Reds Spanish Onions 2 39 Granulated Sugar FUTURE MTOPKC TEA BAGS Price Marked White Apple Pies 2 jjw tenure Royale Tissue 59

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