Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1970, p. 3

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Another stormy meeting The Acton Free Press Wednesday November A 1970 Charges fly in council chamber MR AND MRS ALEX MANN celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary Sunday with a gathering In Knox Church hall Friends and relatives gathered to honor the popular local couple from as far away as Fredrlcton New Brunswick Staff Photo 40th anniversary A happy family gathering assembled Sunday afternoon at church to celebrate the wedding anniversary of Lena and Alex Mann About family members and friends sat down together to an informal supper that they said was almost like a reunion picnic Big difference was a beautifully decorated wedding cake which the well- known couple cut ceremoniously As well as friends from Acton there were relatives and friends here from Parry Sound Owen Sound Hanover St Catharines Kitchener and Toronto Family here Particularly welcome were son Ken his wife Diane end children Steven Kevin and Lisa from New Brunswick Daughter Linda helped plan the celebration She and husband Bob Paul with Gerald Ian and David live at RR Acton Although they hadnt expected gifts they received flowers cards and items in ruby hue for the anniversary Returned home They were married in Owen Sound November 1S30 Lena Buck had been working In Acton then for four years and she and her future husband returned to her parents home for the wedding Rev of Knox church went with them and Laura Wiles who played the wedding march Their attendants her sister and Mr Manns brother were unable to come Sunday due to illness The wedding dote fell on her parents silver wedding an niversary Mr Monn has always lived here He farmed and then they moved to town In 1933 He was employed at Bcardmore and Co for 31 years and retired several years ago Theyve lived the past years in their present home on Arthur St Both have entwined their lives with that of the community Active In church Mr Mann has been clerk of session for the Presbyterian church for years He Is a former member of the church choir and Acton Citizens Band Mrs Mann has been 40 years In the choir Is the leader of the Junior choir taught Sunday School for 27 years until five years ago and is still the pianist sometimes when needed Shes a member of the Ladles Aid and Alert Auxiliary She ran the Clansman restaurant and Cameo in recent years Both arc keen gardeners They enjoy being involved in the community and church friends over the years who will Join the Free Press in extending congratulations Quarry truckers Continued from Page 1 was the 4th Line and 17 Sideroad He scoffed at charges they were endangering Uvea claiming he would go nuts if he got up in the morning and worried about all the things his drivers could hit Mr Armstrong tilted his Lance again and related the dif ficulties the company ex perienced directing drhers to different routes each day He said council should settle the matter that night because the income of truckers would be affected the next day He also felt trucks put more ruts and holes in township roads than those that were loaded Councillor Russell Miller disagreed with members of the large delegation about the suitability of the route to High way for trucks and asked who was going to subsidize fixing roads so trucks could mash them up again He referred to the long discussions council had on the truck route and said he could see no reason to change his mind on the matter Councillor Marshall said again he thought the solution council worked out using Sideroad and the Line was the right thing to do until council found a proper answer Who says the people on Sideroad can have a country lam to themselves he asked He said the government has contributed to fixing up the road and all were entitled to use It Road Superintendent Bud Show told the Free Press 00000 had been spent on Sideroad last year Main expenditure was a new bridge over the creek Deputy Reeve Hill traced the problem back to the lack of zoning and a township plan The current zoning and plan efforts were 17 years too late he said Councillor Leslie switching his opinion stated that since trackers pay licence fees and taxes they could use any road fit to drive on as far at he was concerned There was a round of applause The reeve efforts to have the delegation leave with assurances that council would come up with a solution were met with resistance from the delegation which wanted the question settled that After some discussion the reeve agreed to poll council and to loud applause a motion passed on a recorded vote to allow trucks to use and the Line Mr cast the deciding ballot The motion read That the council rescind the motion that was passed October 26 1970 deleting the following road Sideroad Con and and the 4th Line Lots 18 to 24 from the original motion passed July The council chambers emptied leaving only a few spectators out of who filled every available space Sole evidence of the foregoing warm discussion was a sign left along the wall which read Truckers also have kids to look after Night school begins There will be six night school classes in Acton this year following registrations last Thursday night The classes which will be held are in upholstery elementary and advanced sewing advanced oil painting typing and pottery The classes begin next week The upholstery class is already filled but applications may still be received for the other classes They can be received the first night at the high school Those whose courses had insufficient registration and will not be held are being notified Classes are held either Tuesday or Wednesday through the winter In a stormy council meeting laced with charges and counter charges tempers flared as members of Nassagaweya Council heard charges From Reeve A MacArthur that the authority of local councils was being emasculated From Councillor Alan Ack- man that a small barn may have been built contrary to current township bylaws From citizen Gus Goutouskl that the reeve had at an earlier meeting read a letter in a frivolous way with uncalled for Jest From Councillor that an industry which had suggested it wanted to locate in the township had taken ad vantage of the township From Deputy Reeve Agncw that the recent audit of the township books was not a com plete audit since statements of account had not been sent to ratepayers From Councillor Ackman that Important legislation was not being brought forward although dozens of other resolutions and bylaws were being presented May change mind When the meeting ended at midnight tempers were still not cooled and when a representative asked if all council members would be seeking reelection Reeve A Indicated she might not seek reelection although she had earlier in dicated she would Reeve MacArthur reporting on an appearance before the Con servation Authority land use committee on a subdivision application for rural residential lots noted the application was being opposed under Niagara Escarpment protection legislation and the proposals of the TorontoCentred Region No rubber stamp The reeve noted the need for new assessment and her feeling the subdivision proposed was the right kind for the township I refuse to be a rubber stamp and see land values drop she protested She maintained there was not much use being on council in the township if the council could say nothing about Its future with decisions being reached in Toronto Im ab solutely disgusted she declared as she emphasized the sub division proposed was the kind envisioned In the townships official plan The next thing Is to go and see Mr Barnes but the township council shouldnt have to lobby at Queens Park for something planned for in our official plan she maintained Barn problem Paul appeared before council to point out a problem where a small bam was located in front of his house Councillor Ackman declared he was shacked the barn was per mitted there Mr owns acres which surrounds on three sides a one acre parcel He located his house at the rear of the one acre parcel and the owner of that land had since erected a small horse barn directly at the rear of his lot placing it directjy in front of Mr Saeglltzs home Councillor referred to a bylaw prohibiting erection of an auxiliary building In front of a house but admitted the bylaw was not clear on whether the ban could also apply to erecting a bam in front of another mans house He noted the barn was permitted within three feet of the rear lot line while In other in stances a barn cannot be built within 1000 feet of a house Mr agreed he would share the cost of moving the barn if his neighbor agreed Work It out In later discussion it was suggested the clerk and building forgivable provincial loan Wed staff legal consultations and now we get a polite but rather abrupt letter He suggested he was not satisfied and observed weve been taken advantage of Councillor A Gibson disagreed He suggested it was a duty of council to Investigate potential Industry The principal had advised the council It would depend on the awarding of a inspector approach the neighbor to sec if some solution could be worked out Reeve warned that the council could be intervening in a private matter We re not hiring a clerk and building Inspector to settle neigh bors quarrels she observed after council agreed to see if some amicable solution could be worked out Goutouskl R 1 Moffat appeared at council to read a letter protesting the way Reeve MacArthur had read an earlier letter of complaint from Mr Saeglitz He suggested you did with great care read every word even to a point of enun ciating and pronouncing every error and in between chuckling He maintained the right to read this letter in any fashion you choose is your privilege Madame Reeve The responsibility is also yours to treat the contents with respect and not ridicule Not facetious Reeve MacArthur declared the letter would be read exactly as written adding nothing and taking nothing away She offered no apologies and emphasized that when she read the letter she didnt feel facetious God Himself couldnt satisfy all of you and I have no intention of doing more she snapped Ive made my point Mr Goutouskl observed A letter from an Industry that had considered locating in the township expressing ap preciation for cooperation but indicating a provincial loan had not been obtained and they could not proceed drew the ire of Councillor Ackman He cited visits work done by township TAX NOTICE 1970 MUNICIPALITY OF ACTON FOURTH INSTALMENT NOW DUE Attention Is drawn to the payment of which are now payable In lour instalment Taxes are payable to the Municipal Treasurer at the Town of Acton Municipal Office BUILDING INSTALMENTS ARE DUE AS FOLLOWS FIRST INSTALMENT MAY SECOND INSTALMENT JULY 15 THIRD INSTALMENT SEPTEMBER FOURTH INSTALMENT NOVEMBER 17 According to the Tax Collection By law a penalty ot 1 per cent per month or traction a month will be added on the amount remaining unpaid after the day of May This penalty applies to each instalment In a similar manner The attention Ratepayers Is directed to the Penalties and other clauses as printed and explained In detail on every Tax BUI MAKE T HURST Collector ir fORGiT REMEMBRANCE DAY Sunday November ORDER OF SERVICE 15 A Formation of Parade for Legion and alt other organizations Acton Legion 10 A M Service at Cenotaph 11 25 A Church Service Knox Presbyterian Haltonvllle Service Nov P Rockwood Service Nov A at Cenotaph 11 A Rockwood Centennial Public School Auditorium TO A POPPY OH POPPY DAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NOV 6th REMEMBER OUR FALLEN HEROES In later comments on the subject pointed out council has met to midnight and beyond and had as many as 37 resolutions and bylaws rammed through In one meeting He maintained that the work had been thought out asked for audit Mrs MacArthur suggested she had heard the request at a meeting Deputy Reeve Agnew denied the request had been made The audit had been delayed by the auditors It was suggested go through the exercise again and again he maintained to attract industry Deputy Reeve G agreed with Councillor Ackman He painted out the forgivable loan was only one fifth of the total operation Questioned on what steps should be token to prevent a recurrence of this Councillor Ackman suggested the financial background of firms should be Investigated and we should not spend great big amounts of time until were assured theres going to be more to it think you re away off base the reeve concluded Human waste In later discussion Councillor Ackman protested that a garbage bylaw which had been under consideration since May had still not be tabled He reviewed that the township dump was located adjacent to the headwaters of the Blue Springs creek and he ex- shock that he had earned tank trucks were being permitted to dump human waste In the township dump He emphasized the dump should be In that location while It was there It should be subject to stringent controls and It was a matter of health and safety affecting a large area The clerk reported the operator of the dump had been notified the dumping of human waste was not to continue He also reported the dump was being Inspected by the provincial authorities this week under recent legislation He acknowledged that he understood the dumping had been going on for some years but it had only recently come to his attention presented although emphasizing the present clerk had been overworked and overburdened by the pressure Shortage of government in- personnel has given pit and quarry operators one month reprieve J 1 because of department of mines has not been holidays on theirstafl SeTwl have been so much pressure now You were very disappointed He particularly complained the when they found nothing wrong halted KarbaRO bylaw had not yet been Reeve MacArthur shot at the received one month deputy reeve You said the expiring In October have books were In a hell of a mess and grantedan additional month the auditors found them in good flr condition programs Milton network Sand Just prior to adjournment ffij up to date Deputy Reeve Agncw questioned You had the staff working day the reeve on whether a and night to bring them up tS date month newspaper statement before the audit the deputy proven wrong was correctly rceve interjected attributed to her regarding Exchanges became heated earlier charges about the confidence in staff and township books being In a hell of expectation of something being During the month of October wrong in the books the Township of Nassagaweya My purpose was to protect a valued new man coming in here for a residential ad- Deputy Reeve Agncw main- tained Horse baloney exploded Councillor Jim Watson You were mad at Cal Mcln- month permits a mess The deputy reeve suggested the audit recently completed had not been a complete one since no statement of accounts had been sent out He also maintained the audit was two and a half months late after the former clerk- treasurers resignation Acknowledging the books were up to date then he suggested the reeve had had the staff working day and night to bring the books up to date before the audit Chicked books reviewed she had carefully checked the books after the deputys original charges and had subsequently met with the auditors after their audit and they said the books were uptodate A difference of opinion arose on whether the retiring clerk- treasurer Col Mclntyre had Low issue dltion This year to date permits valued at in that township have been Issued You brought this all on yourself You had an axe- to grind the reeve charged Presses or answer Arc you admitting the auditors havent proven me wrong the deputy reeve pressed I am not the reeve declared In conclusion the reeve suggested she was sorry if she had apparently made It difficult for the staff She expressed support for Cal Mclntyre suggesting he had done his work efficiently with the township JOHNSON OPTOMETRY MILTON AND ACTON Profession Directory for TWOPANT SUITS it STOP MINf Corduroy Slack SALE SHOP and SAVE AT ILVERS ONTARIOS FAMILY CLOTHING STORES FALL SALE OF DRESSES THE LATEST IN FASHION SAVE AT LEAST BY BUYING NOW WORK SHIRTS Plaid SALE MIKNIT ACRYIIC CARDIGANS SALE Mm NAM HAND BRIEFS TOPS 77 Mtm NAM SHORT SHIRTS Si SALf 100 PYJAMAS Comptr it SALE KNIT SHIRTS 155 WORK BOOTS FALL SALE OF LADIES COATS MOM CANADAS MAKE SAVE AT LEAST BY BUYING NOW KNIT SLIMS ON 555 CUMP KNIT SLIMS TAJIOMQ BROADCLOTH SHIRTS 158 PULLOVERS 298 CWlDtfMS TWfrftfCI SNOW SUITS 898 CHUMSH1 UNtD SNOW PANTS SLIMS 444 Pullovers Cardigans to WORK BOOTS WIDE SELECTION OF MENS AND DENIM FLY E L L S 650 Men to SEE OUI WIDE SELECTION OF MENS AND SOYS- WIDE WALE FLARES M on ion lull MENS COWBOY BOOTS IN HACK AND MOWN 1500 MENS AND COTTON SHIRTS 2 for

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