Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1970, p. 5

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Wi Rock and Broom Legion House League Schedules rriostly corn By Bob Mac Arthur This past week has seen a lot of activity at the curling rink There has been a Urge number of new faces seen on the Ice People who had never thrown a rock and others who have curled In other or previously belonged to Acton club when It curled at the Community Centre Andy McKenilo and his committee had experienced curlers on hand every night this past week to help beginners get off on the right foot Some took to the throwing of the rocks as a duck to water Others had a little difficulty coordinating their movements on ice But it Just takes time and practice before a lot wlU be outcurling some of the older hands The was a little heavy at the start of the week but then green Ice always produced heavy curling As the week wore on ft became easier to throw the stones the length of the Ice This coming week should see the tones sailing the length of the Ice With little effort on the part of the thrower First The first bonspiel of the season is scheduled for this Saturday It includes two eight end games a supper and entertainment in the evening Where else can you get so much sport and entertainment for two bucks This bonspiel is for members and potential members of the club and the people learhing to curl have an opportunity to get into swing of things for the coming season by entering this spiel The ladles section got off to a Sod start last Thursday They 38 out to the pot luck supper and evenings entertainment It was claimed that the pot luck supper was hard on those professing to be on a diet After supper two films wore shown with George and Williams running the projector One film was on the instruction of a beginner which some of the older curlers claimed was very instructive even to them The other film was part of the Brier held at Saskatoon Court Whist filled in tho remainder of the evening with Tonl Downs Shirley Hunter and Jordan taking the prizes Open curling All this week la open curling and Instructors will be on hand to offer help to all those who want it It is expected that quite a few of the people curling these opening weeks will like the game well enough to join the club Tip to new curlers and large number of the older members Do not stand in middle of the Ice surface when an opponent or member of your team is about to deliver a rock Give the player a chance to see the skips broom and also give the sweepers an opportunity to pass down the centre of the ice unhindered Tip to members If you see a stranger in the club go up to him or her and shako hta hand Make them feel that they are welcome at club It sure helps to make the new member feel they are welcome Next week will see the start of league curling Some nights and hours are more than filled while others are not quite filled The draw committee under the direction of Ken have an unenviable task on their hands sorting out the teams so that all curlers will be reasonably con tented Give them all the co operation that is possible as there is Just so many teams and positions available for a given draw Dixie Lesion minor hockey houie league lilted below Schedule a or the Aral two at pity ap peared In Nil ATOMS Gams 10 Nov It Wciton Nov Wuton Brampton Dixie Nov a Dixit va Weiton Brim Dee Weiton v Brampton Guelph Dial Dec Brampton va Dixie Weelon Dae 1 Brampton Weilon vi Jin va Brampton va Jan Wo I ton Dials va Jan is Wei ion va Dials i Brampton Jin Brampton Walton Dixie Jin SO Dixie va Brampton Fab Dixie va Wei ion Brampton Fab 11 Othawa va Hi mil Ion va St Kltti Feb SO Hi mil Ion St KltU lit Game and Game Nov Cleveland v Baltimore vi BprlnifUld Roc he tor Cleveland Baltimore Nov SI Baltimore Roche iter Cleveland Doe re irlnifleldva Cleveland Baltimore Council Dixie NOVICE lit Game 2nd Game JO Nov St Kllla vi Othawa Hamilton Nov St Kltta vi Hamilton Dec Hamilton KltU Dec 11 Hamilton Dihiwa vi St KltU Dec il HI Kltu vi Nil Falli Hamilton vi Jin Nil Falla va Kltu vi Hi mil ton Jans Oihawa va Kltta Hamilton vi Jan is Hamilton va Oihawa vi Jin St KltU vi Hamilton vi Jan va St vi Hamilton Feb at Kltta Hamilton Fella Dec Cleveland va Baltimore vi Dec 19 Cleveland vi Baltimore Baltimore Rochieter Cleveland Springfield Jan Rocheater Haiti more Cleveland Jan 10 Baltimore Cleveland vi Roche iter Jin a Springfield vi Dill I more Jan Baltimore vi Springfield vi Roche iter Fab Baltimore va Cleveland Baltimore va Cleveland vi Roche iter Fab Cleveland Bprlnsflald vi Baltimore Nov 16 Buffalo Nov a v Nov Hen hey v Dee Buffalo vi Hen hey Dec Buffalo Dec 11 tenner Dec a Buffalo Hera hey vi Buffalo Buffalo PRESIDENT PAUL Acton High School About of Haltona centre talks about the plans of the new teachers attended a banquet and Halton Division of OSSTF with new heard Ontario President of Geott teachers Mrs Sandra Fleischer and Wilkinson explain the work of the Mrs Connie Latimer both teaching at federation Staff Photo OSSTF president lectures a Jan 11 Hon hey v Jin IS Buffalo va Jan IS Buffalo Feb vi Feb Buffalo vi Feb IS va Henhey Feb a Buffalo va Chief timekeeper thli year Harry Jim will nla council will ask for a joint meeting with all municipalities in the Acton Fire area to discuss a proposed In crease of per man per year or firefighters A letter to council Monday asked approval for the raise in honorarium With little discussion council accepted the tender of J Duff tu supply tons of winter sand far township roads at a price of a ton Council also accepted the tender of Q Browne to supply one truck for sanding at IS an hour a day standby and the tender of Wheeler Haulage to supply one truck for sanding at an hour and a day standby from December 15 to March subject to the approval of the of Highways By motion council also ac cepted the tender of Bailey construction to supply a snow Sow with grader at per hit and per day standby from December to March 15 Council read and passed a by law authorising tho borrowing of from the township capital reservfl fund 4a- the- purchase of a fire truck for Fire area No The township has decided to pull out of the agreement with the Georgetown fire area build their own hall and purchase a truck r Spectator Peter Bowman reminded council that It was about a year ago at this time they started skinning earth from the Matthews arm for a drag strip He also recalled the reeve said Mr Matthews was moving the earth to his new farm when asked what was happening Council passed a bylaw designating a strip of road on the Eighth Concession between Lots and the boundary between Georgetown and the township as a through highway Reeve George presided for the two hour meeting with all councillors present Fire hall decision shocks Georgetown townships decision create Its own fire department came as a shock to Georgetown The town has been providing fire protection to the township for decades first on a neighborly basis and for some years with a financial agreement which services part of the township around the town for stipulated fees plus a fire pumper pur chased and owned by Similar arrangements are In effect with Milton and Acton which look after portions of the township near those towns voted to build Its own fire hall and establish its own department and accepted a tender for building the hall It will be beside the 7th Line municipal building Township councillors believe they will save money Tanner Timetable I Caretakers ask for conciliation Conciliation services from the Ontario Department of Labor requested by of the Canadian Union or Public Employees Local 1011 In their dispute with the County Board of Education The union represents caretakers at primary and secondary schools In Halton The Ontario Department of Labor has appointed a con ciliation officer and he has scheduled bearings between the two beginning November Caretakers ore becoming In creasingly alarmed at the school board contracting work out which reduces the of the bargaining unit Also at issue are wages grievance procedures and a seniority clause Five meetings were held between union and management before conciliation services were requested This is the first Joint contract to be negotiated Previously Burlington and vtlle caretakers separate contracts A complete schedule of Tanner games follows SCHEDULE Fit Nov at Acton Sun Nov aActon at Elm In Frl Nov 11 Durham at Acton Sun Nov IS Acton at Lucan Frl Nov Acton at Sun Nov Acton at Durham Frl Nov Cheltenham at Acton Frl Dec at Acton Dec It at Acton Sun Dec So Acton at Durham Jan Cheltenham it Acton Wed Jan li- Acton at Elm Ira Jan Durham at Acton Jan Sun Jap AC too at Cheltenham All attaint to Hart at All Sunday to alert it except Cheltenham where Sunday time will be pm at Arena In an Inspiring address On tario Secondary School Teachers Federation president Geoff Wilkinson challenged new teachers to help provide the WW education possible students Halton schools He addressed secon dary school teachers last week in Georgetown Ours IS an incubator profession Everyone lawyers doctors engineers all pass through our hands the president suggested We mould the future Canadians he added Emphasizing the tremendous responsibility of the teachers Wilkinson noted It was up to teachers to soften the hearts harden the heads and touch the humility of students and give them an insight about the glory It is to be a man Great task We ore full partners in a great task the president told the new teachers Mr Wilkinson reviewed the work of the Federation and the services It offered and en couraged the teachers to make use of the services He explained It was the teachers through compulsory dues who paid ex penses of the Federation There are 33000 members of OSSTF in Ontario and OSSTF is a member of the Canadian Federation which in turn is a member of a World Federation He told teachers never to resign under pressure and never to take a Job with a board until the Federation had said it was professionally acceptable He said the Federation paid the expenses of phone calls to prevent teachers from taking Jobs with pbiklisted boards of education Gone are the days when teachers were fired so the daughter of the chairman of the board could work as a teacher In her own community This hap pened and not so very long ago he informed listeners Dr Donald General Secretary of the Federation and President Paul Mar- spoke briefly to the new teachers Obituary Archie McLean farmed in Halton Archie Lome McLean of Vamey died Tuesday October at the Durham Hospital after a lengthy illness He was Born in Saskatchewan August he was a son of the late Mr ana Mrs Neil McLean His marriage to the former Viola Staff took place at Owen Sound October They farmed In County for many years and took up residence at Vamey only a year ago Mr McLean an adherent of Faith Baptist Church Mount Forest Survivors Surviving besides his wife are one son of Acton two brothers hoy of Thornbury and Donald c of British Columbia one sister Mrs Charles Christina of Markham and two grand children The held from the McTavish Funeral Home Durham on Friday October at Rev D Gorrte of Mount Forest officiated and Mrs Wilfred Thompson presided at the organ There were many beautiful floral offerings as well as in to the Cancer Society The lowers were carried by Wayne Sharpe Nick Nell Hayes Harold Bennett Gorman Johnson Bruce Richardson and Ronald Shaw The pallbearers were John Allan Norman Gordon Melville Anderson George White Fred Wipperman and George Collins Interment was in Durham Cemetery A SELECTION OF SWILL Famous Brand Names 1395 Electric frea Fry an Electric fabae Electric frea MacdoriWll Sti TV and Stereo show Room Join the fun Go SKIDOO DROP NOW AND SEE OUR STOCK OF SKIDOOS ALLISONS SALES Open Thun a Til HWY NO BETWEEN ACTON GEORGETOWN PHONE 8775250 FAMILY I Piece of Chicken CHICKEN Lb a BOX of Cfcktrt Cole Slaw SPECIAL Piece at Flavor J A Chicken Beady jH To Serve Burger Family Bex of FmxbFrVi Me Family Bex Cote Slaw Sic Ataxic Order Preach Fries Be Packs of Hooey Special Tab FUIILT Ml FREMCH FRIES The Wodnol Novemb Raiders win firsi three Georgetown Raiders chalked up victories In their first three Niagara District Intermediate A contests Raiders dumped Dunnville 104 and and nipped Fort Erie The win Raiders home opener attracted fans DENTAL DR LEONARD EMBRACK Denial Surgeon No Hinion Mill Si Acton Tor appointment phone ARCHITECT DONALD SKINNER Port Credit Residence 319 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A JOHNSON OD MILION Main St Tuesdays and Fridays Mill St E and Saturday a Residence phone FUNERAL DIRECTOR Town League Continued from BANTAMS Buffalo doubled the score on Pittsburg by a four goal one assist Performance by Charlie McCroe Daley scored the two Buffalo goals Terry aimed three assists and Mike collected one Taylor Blaine and David Morris replied for Pittsburg Wuyne Allan assisted on two of the MIDGETS Weldon scored at the 11 minute mark of the third period to give Louis a tie with Los Angeles Steve Mclntyre scored the other Blues goal Joe Tarr scored the first Kings from Brad Timbers and len McKenzie and Timbers potted the second one unassisted Phone night or day Shoemaker APPRAISING AND INSURANCE L WRIOHT Wilbur Street Acton Ontario Phone Appraiser and Over Yean in Acton The Mutual Life Club Lucky winners In last weeks Club draw were Herb Coxe Bud Webster Pete Jackie and Steve Townsley ROBERT HART Acton Re 5194531527 CHIROPRACTIC RICHARD TELFORD DC Wellington St Acton Evening By Appointment DRIVEIN COME FOR A WALK IN THE COUNTRY Com and atroH through of r ftvmy kinds of Twenty acre in si under one roof Bring chcldran bring your camera and the sights sounds and of a walk in the country Admisfion Students 7SC Children Tames am to pm daily except Sunday 1 30 to Sunday Novewraber IS

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