Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1970, p. 7

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By Wendy A or m ago Mary from Eden Mllli and I around an upiratui asking each other How on earth did they ever stay on it they being horsewomen of a century ago and It being a Hits particular saddle was years old and had been bought repaired and recovered by Audrey of whod lent it to Jenny for the day Mary and bong Intrigued by the sound of the thing descended on Stables to cheer applaud and laugh at Jennys efforts Jenny thrown about overshot the saddle I saw nobody there but Once the saddle was on fee flU M mare Sheba we stood around a bit longer talking Addling with the stirrups or rather TOE stirrup and sort of Oiling In Mary and Jenny politely S happen if nv top half fell SSSJStiSilSS off the horn bottom half wouldnt let Mary looking quite innocent and very smug But I was up And I was up to stay I think if Id WANTED to lump off tor any reason I couldnt have the way my legs were wound and clam ped I kept thinking Now what World Day of Prayer for Baptist women Acton Froo Pros Wednesday November we threw the rest of her bodily into onto the saddle Then came the adjusting The left toot stayed in the stirrup while a curved thing was swung down over the left knee to more or less clamp it place The right knee hooked over another curved horn Just the left knee Its fine And there Jenny perched It was a decidedly odd feeling after having ridden astride all the and I found the moat dif ficulty In centering myself Ordinarily I knew that If my legs came to more or less the same spot on each side of the horse I was centred Or If I started sliding off sideways I wasnt But sidesaddle theres no way to S5Jrf nI A seam In SS put an In back so that content to act as TL1 Unlike Jenny and svelte and we conk see mediately why riding sidesaddle done it was deddedthat I should have a turn much to my dismay Actually i was to have a no at it too Aft of us sat TftXr4mVSli off OutS sheer J toukmsTI Rot the giddy Wouldnt It be fun to owns thelwMstMdln8onmy But my enthusiasm faded a bit loot an the salt block with on the way home as the picture my left foot In the isUrnip with continued on In my mind of those eyeing this Entering their creature and edging away Then horses across the open fields and a gruff voice me hollered gracefully jumping five foot FRIEND JENNY tries to mount a side saddle on her trusty steed Answer roll calf with supper item Greenock Womens Institute met at tho homo of Mrs Ralph Sinclair for their regular meeting held the evening of October The meeting was called to order by Mrs A Gates who read a poem October followed by tho usual Opening Ode and Mary Stewart collect Mrs Allan read the meditations Serve roll call Thirteen members and two visitors were present to answer roll call by naming a recipe containing a Canadian product and each had brought a sample of their recipe which was later served for lunch Several letters read Membership was again renewed with the Wellington Historical society A donation was sent to Candian Health association Mrs G Wallace was appointed voting delegate to the area convention held In Dont Itch Mrs R McKeown read resolutions Mrs A Winter convener for Federation of Agriculture had prepared her motto Dont itch tor something you arc not willing to scratch Daughters of Knox make donation for Mrs Sinclair read ar ticles from Canadian Consumers book on Childrens books cook- wore and carpets and what wo should look tor when buying these Trip to Costa Rico Mrs A Winter Introduced tho guest speaker for the evening Smith Griffon who no stronger to our group He Rave a very Interesting account of his recent trip to Costa Rica In Central America when ho went with a consignment of beef cattle which taken by plane last July tie told of the climate people and agriculture It Is in that part of tho world somewhat different to ours meeting closed with the National Anthem All were then Invited to Iho dining room where nil sat down to a bountiful supper which com prised the many recipes prepared by the members which were truly delicious Mrs E McKeown was cour tesy convener and thanked the hostess and assistants Mrs A Gates and Mrs G Leslie for the evening which all had helped to make such a success Ladies Aid hears of bus trip east The Ladies Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church met in the A Stewart hall on Wed af ternoon Oct 28 The president opened the meeting with a poem entitled Mental Poise The hymn What a Friend We Have In Jesus was sung and Mrs Mclntyre led in prayer The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer gave her report After a short business period Mrs Matthews read the scripture lesson Psalm Si and Mrs Agnew led In prayer The collection was received followed by prayer by the president and the hymn Follow Me The Master Said was sung Trip to East Mrs Near was called on and she gave a very descriptive report of a bus trip to the east coast of Canada which she and some other members of the Ladles Aid had taken recently Mrs- J McDonald showed some pictures taken on the trip This was very much eta toyed by everyone and on behalf of the group Mrs Mann thanked Mrs Near and Mrs McDonald and presented them with small tokens of appreciation Gift exchange Lunch was served by toe committee in charge and before leaving the president reminded everyone that as the Dec meeting comes after Christmas the Nov meeting will be the time for the annual gift exchange value not over Only 115 at auction Only 115 people attended the auction sale sponsored by the North Hatton Association for the Mentally Retarded held at the Agricultural Hall in Milton Fair Grounds on Saturday Ap proximately selling lots at tracted visitors to the sale We were very pleased with the results although our goal has still not been reached said Jake of Acton campaign chairman Cash donations are still coming in bringing us closer to the goal Auctioneer Chris Schouten donated Ms time and secretary and treasurer were Mr and Mrs Jim Milton Everything from office chairs to a wig and toiletries went on sale Proceeds will be used for the building of a new addition to the ARC Workshop at Hornby All articles on sale were donated The Acton Georgetown and Milton ladies served refresh ments We still plan to look to other avenues for more funds added Mr The monthly meeting of the Daughters of Knox was held the Miss Ellen Anderson room on Monday evening Nov The president Mrs Bern Van Fleet opened the meeting with prayer The hymn Living For Jesus was sung and the mottos repeated in unison Mrs A Hansen read the minutes of the last meeting and the roll call was answered by members with their orders for mincemeat Work meetings were arranged for the making of the mincemeat next week Woman fails breath test Womens rights include the right to be wrong On Tuesday of last week Acton OPP laid the first charge against a woman for Impaired driving and failing the breath test An area woman was charged All other such charges hove been laid against men Eramosa Flower Mart ACTON Phone 8564771 grow a big variety of POTTED MUMS HOUSE PLANTS CUT FLOWERS See our Selection of NURSERY STOCK FERTILIZERS PEAT MOSS LOAM FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL a Flower Marl While they last TONE BLUEGREEN 14 X TONE GREEN X X 10 PLAIN GREEN 1ONLY Iff 9 TONE BLUE 1Only 12 BROWNORANGE RED 1Only TWEED 2Only 12 X 12 Many More Bargains in Remnants Roll Ends Estimates on Hart Surface or Catpet Installations LAKEVIEW CENTRE MAIN ST N 8531190 Members of tho Marlon Mission Circle of tho Baptist church journeyed to homo of Janice Harris Milton on Monday evening for their November meeting which was tho annual Baptist Womens World Day of Prayer president Frances opened meeting with Scripture built around tho chosen theme of Pence This annual program has been carried on for tins last years and has deepened the spiritual life and broadened the vision of Baptist women around the world Tho outline this was prepared by the Baptist women of tho southwestern Pacific and included special mentions of tho work In Australia New Guinea and New Zealand Ada Davidson took chargo of tho program and prayers given by different members Interspersed with hymns and devotional readings by Edna Gordon Francos and Janice Harris The special offering taken will bo Bent to tho womens division of Baptist World Alliance towards travelling expenses of officers and for Baptist world relief Harriot read an interesting letter from Mrs Zlna Kitkl who has just returned to India after a furlough spent travelling thousands of across Canada telling of her experiences a nurse In a 160- bed hospital at Vuyyuru and Fryer led In prayers for home and foreign mission work At the close of he meeting a time of fellowship was enjoyed over a delightfully new and different lunch served by the and tho group In charge Sewing Circle studies stitches Tho fourth meeting of tho Greenock Circle was held tit Mrs Sinclairs roll call was answered by each air stating Why she chose the fabric for her dross and jacket Discussion was about stay stitching gathering and joining seams Each girl then continued on with her record book and gar ments fifth mooting of tho Greenock Sewing Circle was held at homo of Mrs Sinclair on Monday October 28 at pm Tho roll call wan Show label you found and tell why you think It Is a good one The minutes of the last meeting were read by Norma They discussed what they should do on Achievement Day on January 23rd at Erin High Miss demonstrated on a sewing machine Joining scams stay stitching facing and setting In the sleeves on a dolts shirt that Mrs Sinclair was making Bird bothers Nimble Needlers The fourth meeting of tho Dublin Nimble wai held on Oct Hat the home of Doris Black The meeting was opened with the Pledge and roll call Places tho feather stitch could bo used was answered by all Tho minutes of last meeting were adopted as read by secretary Lauren After tho collection was taken they head tho treasurers report from Cathy The next meeting is Monday Nov at At this time Gall Douglas lost her temper I Shed been yelling at the bird for a half hour now and covered up poor darling with a blanket Then they discussed their free article Suggestions for the mats a bag an a wall changing covers or a bosket cover They learned the feather stitch and the noxt hour working on samples and the article launch was served by Doris and Mrs Black New homes Two semidetached homes are being built by Alteo Construction just south of Main St railroad crossing Youll Smile Too When You Buy Your Shoes from Discount Shoe Store Main St Georgetown Each member received their church calendars to distribute A motion was passed to send to a former member of the Daughters of Knox who is a student for the ministry Mrs William Spielvogel and her group led In the devotion and the study book opening with the hymn Lord Speak To Me that I may Speak Mrs William read the scripture from I John chapter one The chapter Focus on Man taken from the new study book Man Media and the Message was introduced by Mrs William Spielvogel The meeting closed with the hymn Weve a Story to tell to the Notions followed by all repeating the Mlzpah Benediction Pumpkin pie and tea was served by the group In charge and a social time was spent William tucket PHOTOGRAPHY Weddings Passports Industrial Portraits PHONE HINTON S to HARTZ MOUNTAIN PET STORE ATTENTION PET OWNERS This Weekend November 6 7th a Hartz Mountain Representative will be at Our Store to Answer Any Questions You May Have Regarding Your Pets JUST ARRIVED FREE GOLDFISH To All Children MOUNTAIN Accompanied By SINGING CANARIfS Cut Out This Section of Ad and bring It to PET DEPT ssss This Entitles You to a FREE GOLDFISH at our free stand While TN Stock LJtti Alto our selection of Common and Pan Tall Shu- Calico Black Moor Teloscopot etc SPECIAL TREAT YOU CANARY TO HARTZ MOUNTAIN FOOD PRODUCTS JUST ARRIVED I YOUNG BUDGIES REGISTERED STOCK Beautiful Assortment of Colon Excellent Quality TAME THEM TRAIN THEM TEACH THEM TO TALK A ComphH Stack of Hartz Mountain Budgla Food and Toys FISH SUPPLIES HARTZ MOUNTAIN CAT UTTER 51025 lb bags to GOLDFISH AND TURTLE BOWLS AQUARIUMS AND REFLECTORS HEATERS FILTERS GRAVEL FISH FOODS Deluxe Aquarium S tartar Set Includes a lOgsl aquarium canopy with bulbs vibrator electric pump airline tubing water filter food clor out glass wool charcoal thermometer aquarium and tropical fish book Reg 37 value SPECIAL Junior eat tit FOR CATS and DOGS HARNESS LEASHES COLLARS TREATS BONES TOYS ETC Aquariums aquarium stands ret lectori heaters air pumps filters gravel foods remedies sundry supplies and equipment tropical fun gold fish turtles CANADAS LARGEST SELLING BRAND WILD BIRD TREAT FOR YOUR WINTER FRIENDS Wild Bird Seed Mixtara It 39c to 695 HEY KIDS TURTLES FLORIDA TURTLES SPECIAL 77C BIRDCAGES STANDS BRACKETS FOODS TOYS MEDICINES EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES I rnd

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