Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1970, p. 13

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Valedictory remarks given by councillors The regular meeting of the Eramoua Township Council was held In the Council chambers on November with all members present and Reeve Cam Lush presiding The following motions were passed THAT the clerk Is hereby authorized to contact the Township solicitor re road closing and conveyance road allowance in lots and con cession 3 and Messrs Ostran- be notified of the lawyers comments THAT the clerk was Instructed to advise the secretary of the Village Trustees that legislation for the control of rata and vermin in the village of should be legislated In the village of bylaws Evert on road The clerk was Instructed to notify Hungerford and Guthrie that Street In Is open half way across the frontage of their clients property This road Is not constructed or maintained at this time and due to weather conditions It may be Impossible to make any Im provements to this road this year This being the last regular meeting of Urn Council before the nomination meeting on November 28 the council was called for the usual valedictory remarks Valedictories Reeve Cameron Lush an- THE VOTERS LIST ACT Section Clerks Notice of First Posting of Voters Lis 1970 Township of County of Halton NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN THAT I compiled with Section of the voter Act mid that IhnvepcatMupotmyotfkeat on day at October the Hit ail persons entitled to vote In the municipality at municipal election and that Hit remain there tor Inipectlon AND I HEREBY call upon all volar to Immediate to have any or error corrected according to law the last day for being the day of November IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE THAT YOUR NAME APPEARS ON THE LIST person Is entitled to be on the Voters Is rated or entitled to be rated to the amount hereinafter mentioned on the lost revised roll the local municipality for land held in hi or her own right as owner or tenant or who the wile or husband of the person so rated or to berated lor land as owner or tenant and who reside Inor within five miles the municipality or who I entered or was entitled to be entered on such roll a formers son far mers daughter or farmers sister or who Is rho wife of a person who Is entered or was mi it I to be entered such roll as a The rating lor land shall be In respect of a freehold or leasehold legal or equitable or partly of each to an amount not less than in villages and townships NOVEMBER The County Judge will sit In the Council Clumbers Township Municipal Office on November at J against the Voters 1 1st DATED at Brookvllle this day of November 1970 C THOMPSON Clerk Township of Nassagaweya that he was retiring as reeve and expressed his ap preciation for the cooperation of the councils and officials during tenure of office DeputyReeve James Milne expressed his appreciation with the cooperation he had received working with the Council and Officials He felt that the Township had a Rood year and referring to the various ac complishments which he and the council had programmed said that the new fire hall was well on the way the road programs were progressing favorably and stated that he would accept nomination for the position of Reeve if so nominated Will stand again Councillor William stated that he had enjoyed his three years on Council and that he would seek to retain his present position as Councillor or move up to He expressed his appreciation of the cooperation of the present council and hoped that future councils would be as co operative Councillor Warren Parkinson suited that he had enjoyed his three year term nnd had Rained valuable experience He men tioned officials and the manner In which the present had handled the meetings throughout the year He stated thnt he would contest the seat of reeve If so nominated Councillor Duncan McPhcdrnn stated that he had enjoyed his five years on council and tctt that during his tenure of office that he had aided In procuring for the municipality new township garage fire truck fire hall truck etc and thnt the time had come he should either retire or contest a higher position If personal problems are resolved He would a candidate for the office of reeve The rond superintendent Hamilton and the clerk I T expressed their ap preciation for the cooperation they had received from the retiring reeve and hope that in the future he would return to Municipal office Accounts amounting to general accounts road accounts were moved to be passed for payment and the meeting ad journed to meet on Monday December at pm or at the call of the reeve Stye Press ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 11 I Year No SECTION DALE HAMILTON Drexler Jack DeVrles and Blair Sllpp In the background tee off In position for the marathon dancing extravaganza staged at the Rockwood St Johns Parish Hall last Friday night and Saturday Film on drugs shown Institute MARY LAW from Gait feams up with Rock- woods Dennis Death to compete In the Dance-a- which at the beginning was slated for a hour straight dancing stretch Photos by Lorraine The November meeting of the Itockalong Institute was held at the home of Mrs George Mitchell of 1 with an attendance of members The roll rail Your favorite supper remembered from childhood was cheerily responded to Several items of Interest were proposed after the opening of the meeting by Mrs Helen Bain president and one of the discussions dealt with the leadership Training Course which is being held on November IB and in No Community Centre with Mrs Margaret Nelson and Mrs Win Garner appointed leaders The subject of the Course Is The Main dish the meal and Greenock Institute and Interested todies are Invited to attend with a small charge to defray expenses Gift exchange It was further decided on an exchange of Christmas gifts among the members the December meeting The program under the vencrshlp of Mrs George Mit chell got under way after Mrs Margaret Nelsons report on the Area Convention Mrs Edna Guild commented the evening motto Guard your Health It Is your richest possession and Mrs John gave a reading A film was shown depicting Drug Traffic by Mrs Dyer after which another reading was given by Mrs George Mitchell Mrs John Thomson conducted a word game contest after which a delectable lunch prepared by the social committee of Mrs Edna Guild and Mrs Sheldon Trousdale was consumed Form book club Further business at the meeting Included the formation of a Rook Club by nine members of the Institute and euchres were arranged for to be held November and December In No Community Centre At the conclusion of the lun cheon Mrs Cyril Titt thanked the hostess nil present for their contribution to worthwhile evening News and views POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL Telephone GALT ATHLETE Greg Strong left quar terback of the John Ross Royals has just come off the field between quarters when his school team was playing against High last Friday afternoon The CWOSSA semifinals saw the opposing team carry off the winning score as the Guelph Royal Blues were defeated- Photo by Lorraine jf I TUIIDCnflV Ann THURSDAY pm to FRIDAY pm to pm SATURDAY am to BROADLOOM 158 MILL ST MILTON NEW TEMPORARY LOCATION CARPETS MILL CLEAR0UT KITCHEN CARPET POINT 7 TWO COLORS GOLD GLITTER MARINE FIRST QUALITY YEAR WEAR ONE YEAR STAIN GUARANTEE REG YD JUTE BACKED DEEP PLUSH FANTASY ACRILAN JUTE BACK TIP SHEARED COLORS SPANISH GOLD BRONZE COLD SPANISH MOSS BRONZE OLIVE COPPER GRECIAN GOLD ANTIQUE GREEN PLUSH SQYD REG BROADLOOM REMNANTS SELL OFF ALL TEXTURES ALL QUALITIES ACADIA TWIST ACRILAN ISLE WEAR EMPIRE GOLD BACK PRINTED AVOCADO J YD SQY LEISURE TURF BROADLOOM OUTDOOR FIRST QUALITY COBBLESTONE OR 499 INSTALLATION GUARANTEED FOR CHRISTMAS The kids culled It a Ihan you It what you will but at least It was something for them to do on a Friday night for a while lenat the St Johns Parish Hall In one of the spots in On tario Elvis Presley Simon and Ijconnrd Cohen oral other nnmc recorders fust music slow music Jazz tempo hard rock slow you name and it was there for the suited hours of straight dancing to take young people right through from last Friday night until 1100 of the Saturday following Good start Well It got off to a good start fair enough But the new in novation Instead of marathon walks hadnt been considered the challenge it turned out to bo The Idea was first concocted by the young people when they heard of a similar type dance marathon held at Beach They Jumped Into it with all feet lining up sponsors weeks ahead deciding what they would do with the millions they would make when they made It and setting up and refreshment committees who would be willing to stay with them throughout the small hours of night time spells Change the rules Allowing minute breaks for every two hours of dancing the young people played It by ear and part way through the beginning of the doncetime they changed the rule to a break every hour for seven minutes with ham burgers cookies hot dogs and chocolate bars being prepared as energy res to rants and handed out free from the store of food which had been donated by worthy patrons The purpose of the whole thing There were those who dropped In to the hall out of curiosity to watch the kids for a while and mumbled something about Whats with these kids anyway If theyd get out and do something useful like shovelling dirt or raking some guys back yard it would be a heck of a lot more worthwhile others shrugged and moved out Weary watchers There were of course a few spectators who sat and watched the whole of events right through until the small hours of the morning and even by a m the worn tired still had a captive audience of one or two weary watchers determined to sit it through to see who the winner would be And if the dancers feet were numb imagine the fate of the poor viewers who had nothing better to do than sit and watch on hard chairs throughout the nighttime sojourn Went numb Well its over now Kids kept flaking out consistently after the first couple left the floor at 2 a m Their feet were the calves on the back of their legs were sore and paining Many youngsters said afterwards that at one point their whole bodies from the waist down were numb According to some final par ticipants the fast music which usually rejuvenated the dancers acting as a stimulant when they were dull and sleepy finally couldnt even do its Job When the fast music was beating out its loud quick tempo the dancing feet could only respond by shuffles The continual feet must be moving at alt times rule took Its toll and gradually one by one the couples left the floor and by 9 oclock on Saturday mor ning only four couples were left to greet the early morning audience who dropped in to the St Johns Hall to see how the competitors were surviving Fight break Even a brawl which occurred sometime around midnight the night before when outsiders had tried to usurp the local dance did not deter or stop the dancers from continuing on and as the RANDY of Guelph are beating It out to one of the heavy sounds of Steppenwolf floor dead beat tired and not a little disillusioned So that thats what everyone was talking The remaining were too tired to stick it out even a little longer to find out who really had won Still wondering Debbie Hurtling was one of the finalist dancers accompanied by Tom Ronnie Death and Ann Wlckham Joanne Selm and Buzzle Ellis Dlanne and Brian Given were the other three couples How the executive will determine the final winners of the event is difficult to Imagine Hopefully they netted all told at least some most of It to be used for charitable causes But most of all they tried This game group of teenagers who little else in the Village to took forward to by which to utilize all their marvellous youth ful energies least tried to find some constructive way in which to use them up Maybe the Recreation Com mittee can come up with a better way like basketball teams or bowling swimming lessons or anything that would provide an outlet for exuberant energies curious crowd outside about the fighting participants dancers continued to move their feet to the time of the music as lliey lined up and pro red with curiosity through the Windows to sec what they could of the street fight which was quickly quelled by observant chnperones Bruce ljgan Bolton Hamilton John John Clark Miriam Chris Sinclair Wendy Gray Sandy Root and Pauline assisted in changing records preparing food and keeping the dancers organized and on the floor Several were arranged Tor including Mr and Mrs David Howe Mr and Mrs Ray Kills Mr and Mrs Dick Strong Mr and Mrs David Schneider Catharine Meredith and Florence and Mr and Mrs George Ingle Several other names were also on the list for wouldbe adult accompanists throughout the Saturday af ternoon and evening however by 11 am that morning the remaining eight people on the dance floor Just took a seven minute break and walked off the Terrible thought Meantime if you ask the kids If theyd ever enter another athon for charitable reasons or for uncharitable ones theyd likely reiterate what the others are saying Golly Im not so sure I could stand another one Me Id be afraid that it might be like an overdose of potato chips Too much of a good thing can turn you away from it for life and wouldnt It he sad to sec a whale generation of young people who couldnt stand the thought of dancing because theyd had too much of it when they were younger Comins and Goins Heartiest congratulations from hometown residents are extended to Moira Maclnnis of Clara Street Soma of Main Street and Janet Nightingale of Alma Street who recently received their graduation cer tificates from the year Business and Commerce course at the John Ross Collegiate Commencement exercises All three were students of the Public School and were in the second to last class to graduate from the old S S No before It was demolished the remains of which still stand Their particular grade 8 classroom is presently being used as the kindergarten classroom Mr and Mrs E A Hill of Morris burg are presently visiting their daughter and soninlaw and family Mr and Mrs Fred Nightingale on Alma Street Woodward of had a weekend holiday trip to Quebec The weather was great for travelling and the visit delightful says Plans are under control for the biggest Presbyterian Church Bazaar ever to be held at the Presbyterian Sunday School between the hours of SOMA the daughter of Mr and Mrs L E of Main Street Rockwood recently graduated from the four year Business and Commerce Course at the John F Ross Collegiate in She is presently employed in the Audio Visual Department of the University of Guelph Photo by Lorraine p m to oclock on the afternoon of Saturday November 14 sewing gift items tea and dessert with a welcome for everyone to attend is extended by the Presbyterian committee to all of -T- Mr and Mrs Girl Jorgenson and their daughter from Mon treal and Mr and Mrs Phil and their daughter spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Milne of Alma Street The three wives In the family visit are sisters t Mrs Alice Duby spent an Acton Memorial Sunday at the home of her son Alfred and his family Whoops an error The first big opening night slated by the Recreation Committee including exercising badminton and varieties of recreation will begin this Thursday at pm and not as was stated in the Acton Free Press last week The place is the School gymnasium and running shoes will be worn on the gym floor at all times Requirements Shoes sport garb birds own ping pong balls and friendly good humor to make these evenings successful Mr and Mrs Max Milne at tended the Memorial Service at the Sodom Stone memorial in on Sunday Last and after the service visited with Mrs Milnes cousin Mr and Mrs Albert Roberts of Moffat On tario The name of the game is deer hunting and Trustee Ken Murray is hosting ViceReeve Jimmie Milne athls cottage at Manitoulin Island for a six day expedition They left by car last Monday evening and hopefully next Sunday will see the Murrays and the chewing on venison steaks for evening dinner Good hunting gentlemen Several awards are to be presented at the next November Home and School meeting for the Centennial School among which will be Special awards for school essays on pollution the Tony Memorial award for grades 7 and the Quebec Education Tour Booklet awards for last terms grades 7 and students and the Safety Patrol Award Also on the agenda for the evenings program is a showing of slides of the Quebec Tour

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