Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1970, p. 2

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday November Clan Mail Registration Five declare theyll contest seats on Esquesing council Better government for the whole of was the common plea of executive members the North Esquesing Ratepayers Association and five township residents who declared themselves as candidates for position on council at a meeting Memorial Hall Wednesday night Malcolm Freeman SO who was defeated by a margin by reeve Currie in the election announced he will again seek the reeves chair Reeve Currie has so far kept his in tentions secret but Tom Hill has tossed his hat in the race for reeve Peter Bowman 36 and Peter Hughes both announced they will seek the position of deputy- reeve Dick and George declared themselves as candidates for CLOSE TO ratepayers lammed Memorial Hall last Wednesday night to hear vol five men declare themselves as candidates tor council In asked ratepayers to vote for the December election people with foresight Incumbent councillors Wilfrid and Russell Miller will run again In the December elec tions but councillor Ken Mar shall has not yet committed himself Association president Dennlson Denny told the overflow crowd of about ISO the purpose of the meeting was to gather support for on Improved government for the township dont say we should throw all the present council out he said but we should elect people who will give us a stronger council Vicepresident David Craig said the association had formed as a result of the operation of the Golden Horseshoe Dragway but added members eventually found councils approval of the drag strip to be only symptom of bad government in the township He culled for proper planning In all parts of the township to protect the rights of citizens Introduces candidates John Michlc spokesman for the group of residents who have 50th Remembrance service at cenotaph follows tradition For a full half century now Actonians have encircled the grey cenotaph on Mill St to honor those from the town who died in time of war The original monument was erected in The two flanking piers were added after World War II These traditional ceremonies were again paced out by veterans Sunday with sunny weather bringing a slightly larger crowd than usual to the cenotaph Haunting notes The haunting strains of the Last Post and Reveille sounded their annual memoryprovoking notes while and spec tators ringed the grey stone monument at 11 company Lome Scots formed the honor guard and groups with their formed the parade Dr A J Buchanan raised and lowered the flag Names recalled lglon president Bob Angell gave the Legion charge and John McHugh called out the names carved in the stone George Elliott sounded the Last Post and Reveille and after the singing of Abide with Me legion padre the Rev A McKenzle pronounced the benediction Acton Citizens Band led the parade which included Legion Legion Ladles Auxiliary firefighters scout and guide organizations Acton Legion Choral councillors and representatives of patriotic The following wreaths were laid Province of Ontario Ed town of Acton Mayor Ias Royal Canadian Branch Jim Utiles Auxiliary of Branch Phyllis Acton legion Jack Denny Duke of Devonshire Mrs Young lakeside Chapter Mrs Acton Womens Institute Dorothy Simmons Acton Fire Fighters Assoc Norm Price Acton Citizens Band Wm Buchanan Acton Chamber of Commerce Don Club of Acton John Trotter Rotary Club of Acton John Andersen Boy Scouts Girl Guides Steven Acton Mens Club Richard Coo Ijquor Control Board of On tario Earl Waller Orange lodge C K Browne Company Lome Scots CFAW Local Hugh ORourke local of Jack Cooney SWU Federal local Mich Kennedy AF1CIOCLC Local Mel Jordan A CW A Local Albert Ford in loving memory of Mcintosh Majcclm Service In Knox Remembrance Sunday service followed In Knox Presbyterian church when Rev McKenzle entitled his sermon No Room for Hatred Acton Legion Chorallers sang My Shepherd is the Lord Most High dedicated In loving memory to their former leader the late George Musselle A minutes silence was ob served BANDMASTER GEORGE Elliott blows the Last Post and then Reveille at cenotaph ceremonies to com memorate the sacrifice of Actons dead from two wars Staff Photo The annual veterans dinner was served Sunday at the Legion Hall At Nassagaweya For the first year the annual service at cenotaph was not followed by a church service The Acton Legion members took port in the service there Sunday afternoon and the Rev D At Acton council Subdivision parking debated Mayor reported to council Tuesday night that subsequent to numerous meetings with the council committees Hulad Developments had presented another plan directly to the planning board of which council was not aware He said wants to proceed with the development of the property zoned on Wallace St ft was estimated there would be to 42 homes constructed in the Rl first phase was hopeful that the balance of the land on the and Vyse properties would be rezoncd to and R3 to permit semidetached houses Construction in phase two and three would not be undertaken until planning board and council had ruled on an application for The mayor said would like to proceed immediately with the Rl homes on Wallace St Consider appointment Council accepted the recom mendation of the committee to consider the appointment of a parttime zoning administrator and bylaw officer Councillor Marks said that the town office required additional help to keep the bylaws up to date and to handle the anticipated increase in zoning applications and foreseeable changes in the of ficial plan Councillor Masates wondered if this position could be tied in with other parttime work to make the Job a fulltime one Councillor Coats thought this could develop in the future It was anticipated that this position would not become ac tivated until the Qrst of The position will be advertised Parking lot Council accepted the recom mendation to establish a parking lot on property owned by St church on Willow St A by law is to be prepared to allow the town to enter Into agreement with the church It was estimated that parking for cars could be provided for at an expenditure of less than and an additional five to parking spaces could be created on the property at a later time Mayor Duby said that area was one and a half blocks from the main shopping area and would relieve the parking congestion on the streets OPP agreement Councillor Marks asked for permission to attend a committee meeting on November 11 which representatives of the Ontario Provincial Police will be in at tendance to negotiate a new agreement for the policing of the town Chairman of the police com mittee Chapman said there were subjects under discussion for committee consideration only He felt there should be no publicity given on the discussions Councillor Coats said it would be better to let members of the other committee find out quietly at the committee meeting rather than having embarrassing questions asked at council Councillor Marks was given permission to attend providing he didnt have anything to say the discussions Own engineer The committee was to in vestigate other municipalities which employ their own municipal engineer Deputy- reeve Tyler introduced the subject by asking if the com mittee had Investigated the possibilities Councillor Marks said his committee had added up the bills received from the engineers and projected the annual expenditure to annually It was felt that this was not sufficient to warrant the hiring of a fulltime engineer Deputy- reeve Tyler thought the com mittee should look beyond the engineering requirements and remember that the present office staff badly overworked In many ways It was his opinion that an engineer would relieve the clerkadministrator and superintendent of making engineering decisions He suggested that the engineer could start designing the next sewage plant and In that way the savings would equal the salary requirement Councillor Marks pointed out the backup people to support an engineer are Included in the charges by V Anderson and Associates Planning board requested meeting with council to review THROUGH M SHOUT PR SAT MATINEE M 1 Jo HOFFMAN MIA FARROW TWO MULES FOR SISTER SARA SHIRLEY been complaining to council about the danger gravel trucks travelling on the Fourth Line and 17 Introduced Mr and Mr as can didates from the southern and central parts of the township who hove the to represent all the people in the township Mr said his group were using their particular dispute with council only as a springboard to point out other problems In the township Because of geographical position he said the township could become an Ideal spot for dumping grounds and quarries In order to combat these potential he predicted Were going to need people with a little bit of forethought who have some feeling for the people of the township Protect environment Mr Howltt a civil litigation lawyer who has lived on Sideroad In the Scotch Block area for the past two and a half years wild he was concerned about protection of the townships present environment If theres going to be development lets hove It organized he suggested He said he had been told by township authorities two and a half years ago zoning bylaws would be introduced And we still dont have them he told ratepayers Comparing the townships agricultural holding bylaw to the War Measures Act Mr Howltt called It something council has to grab onto Ho Bald In troduction of the indicated poor planning and short sightedness of council In dosing Mr made no promises to be at the beck and call of the ratepayers association but added Ill listen sympathetically to residents problems which is something the present council doesnt do Mr accused the present council of exercising a lack of foresight We have to have planning then council will not be burdened by delegations he said He added the townships planning must fit In with that of the province Mr looye said he is in favor of preserving small communities like Stewarttown and Glen Williams Must get village vote People who do not will swing the election In this township Mr Freeman forecast Although he agreed In troduction of a zoning bylaw for the township was very Important he emphasized votes from ratepayers in the villages were needed to help elect a new group of people to council village residents ore not necessarily Interested In zoning he maintained Mr Freeman said he was running for reeve Instead of councillor he is dissatisfied with the merry-go- round thut Is operating on council whereby councillors take turns running for positions of reeve and deputyreeve Mr a resident of the Third line near Acton said he is not bothered by the drag strip Thats not my axe to grind he sold My axe to grind Is Just better government The present council is not willing to Im plement ihanges he charged Bowman speaks Mr Bowman whoso property abuts the property told ratepayers he has attended all but three council meetings In the past year and offered the ex perience he has gained an an advantage He claimed council ore not pushing for an early OMB hearing on the drag strip and also charged letters read at meetings are never answered I theyre filed in file 13 he Bald Mr Bowman first threw his hat In the race for council last month but Wednesday night was the first time he declared himself as a candidate for deputyreeve Mr Hughes owner of Braeslde Farms south or said he thinks there Is more room for businessmen on council He said he is running basically for good government A desire to serve on county council prompted him to run for the position of deputy- Nicholson read Scripture and led in prayers George Elliott sounded the Last Post and Reveille Wreaths were laid by Mrs Taylor for the province Com Ed Footitt for the Legion and Reeve for the township Com Bob Legion president also participated in the ceremony the zoning bylaw Planning board also advised council the deposit required for rezonlng applications would be extended to cover a similar deposit for amendments to the official plan Councillor Marks asked that all amendments to the printed copies of the zoning bylaw be prepared and distributed to the councillors to study how to get ahead in death Enjoy eternal life You can you know if you read understand and believe the Bible Sowhy wait Let us send you our FREE Bible Correspondence Course Its an interesting systematic study plan you can do at your leisure in your home Send today Box ACTON Ontario Yes Im Interested tn studying Bible Please send Courts I Mi Bui I may call on you Address ELECTIONS THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF Notice of Nomination and Polling 1 TAKE NOTICE THAT the meeting to nominate candidates for the offices of Reeve Deputy Reeve and Councillors for the Cor poration of the Township of Nassagaweya shall be held on Monday November 1970 from pm to 830 pm at Nassagaweya Township Hall Brookville Ontario 2 TAKE NOTICE THAT the meetings to nominate candidates for the Halton County Board of Education and the Halton County Roman Catholic Separate School Board shall be held on Monday November from 730 pm to pm at the following locations a As the Township of and the Town of Acton will be combined to elect one member to the Halton County Board of Education the Nomination Meeting will be conducted by the Township of and will be held at Nassagaweya Township Hall Brookville As the Town of Milton and the Townships of Esquesing and will be com bined to elect one member to the County Roman Catholic Separate School Board the Nomination Meeting will be conducted by the Town of Milton and will be held at Martin Street Public School Martin Street Milton The meeting to nominate the members to the Halton County Board of Education to represent the separate school supporters within the County will be conducted by the Town of Burlington and will be held at Central High School 1433 Baldwin Street Burlington 3 Polling if required shall be held in all Municipalities in the County of Halton on Monday December between the hours of am and 600 pm G C THOMPSON November 1970 Returning Officer Are you treating yourself to new floors for Christmas Call lor Iras on hard Installations Mako your aaif FIT HEAVY WITH SHEPHERD CASTERS LAKEVIEW CENTRE MAIN ST N NEW DATSUN 1600 sporty 2door deluxe 4door or wagon highperformance 96 HP overhead cam engine impactabsorbing body disc brakes sedans with independent suspension all round ventilation system bigger heater headrests or 3specd automatic 3035 NORTH END BP 235 Base Line Road Milton 8782471

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