Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1970, p. 9

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Its one of those gloomy November days with the overcast so low that even the birds are walking I have a months correspondence to catch Up on three weeks of essays to read and a weeks leaf raking lying in the back yard My wife has pains In her stomach and Is going to have the livingroom redecorated I dont know which alarms me more My daughter Is In the next room writing an essay on an appalling prospect Asked her how It was going and she said pretty well but that she hod an Idea what she was writing was a lot of crap Two of my colleagues lost their fathers unexpectedly on the weekend Another la In Xrays on his stomach and hoping its only an ulcer Outside my little world lies a Canada deeply troubled by pollution an unem ployment figure that Is alarming and the freedom of the individual under the new government legislation for the prevention of violence And outside that world again is the big one a seemingly hopeless mess of population explosion food shortages wars suspicion despair and poverty Oh well what the hell You only go through the course once Its the only life we have and however bleak it seems there are always a few rays of sunshine Looking on the positive aide its not so bad The correspondence essays and leaves wli eventually be dealth with The living room will be decorated which will cure my wifes pains in the stomach My daughter will get a Cmfnus on her essay and blame me for it but it wont kill her We all to lose our fathers sometime and maybe It will be Only an ulcer which Is practically the trademark of a sensitive person these days Theres not much I can do about pollution except bagging my leaves instead of them and continuing my refusal to use throwaway bottles I con t do a darn thing about unemployment except get a kid to rake my lawn and Ive tried and they arent interested And there little I can do about individual freedom except demand It in this column which I shall continue to do and the government had better not start monkeying around trying to censor me As for the world it s always been a mess Human beings seem to enjoy living In messes of their own making unlike other Someone has asked me what I think about the Ontario governments new ad vertising program entitled Ontario Is there any place youd rather be Well asking a newspaperman if he is in favor of advertising is like asking Simpsons if they are in favor of Sears or enquiring If banks deal In money You are sure to get an affirmative reply Of course I Uke advertising Its the vehicle which carries the freight for the And no newspaper would exist very long without it Several have tried and failed dismally But if you ask me If positive statements about Ontario stating are the kind of people who wouldnt be here if there was any place better dont upset me a little I can only reply No They make me realize a little better how fortunate We are here in this particular neck of the woods I think it is about time someone did a little about the state of life in this province Im a little tired of the constant complaints which emanate from almost every quarter about all that is wrong with Living In dear old Of course everything Isnt This is far from being a Utopia There are wrongs to be righted economic disparities poverty both rurally and in the dues taxes are high living is higher houses bard to get and people with skills out of work as well as the guy who has to work by the sweat of his brow to earn his dally bread But compare old Upper Canada to any other section of the country and youll have to admit this piece of real estate Is a pretty attractive place Now ask me about the timing of these advertisements which state emphatically that the more people we have boosting Ontario and Canada it is Hart to find anything to quarrel in that cotes If you read the ads and find out what a grand place you are living in then you see the signature underneath Government of Ontario John Roberts Prime Minister What your reaction Do you equate the success of this province with Mr Robarts and his government that clever Especially when you are paying for the ads Cost according to the Liberals runs around a million bucks You asked and I repeat these ads are excellent They give you an appreciation of the and benefits living here has conferred on us lucky stiffs But it makes you bristle a little when one political party wonts to take all the credit Well I think the timing pretty dew You see theres going to be an election In the province next year and opponents of the advertisements declare they are pore propaganda THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE B53 Bunnell and Ed Offiei OS n DDK vd Editorial It is YOUR business Monday Is nomination time in Acton as well as Esqueslng Nassagaweya and Erin townships township holds Its nomination meeting Saturday November village trustees will be nominated Friday November It is a busy and rumor filled time or the staff of this newspaper trying to keep tabs on the election scene in every community And ludglng by flack already flying about municipal politics In almost every centre mentioned there should be a good number of can tossing their hats In the ring this year Nominations are the time when everyone unsatisfied with the way a community is being run has the opportunity to offer an alter native either themselves or someone they support for public office If a voter misses nominations and subsequent elections he really has no business complaining about the way things turn out for the next two years A keen and enthused electorate Is a requisite for good government Apathy on the part of voters breeds Indifference on the part of those who do wind up in office Why should they care If no one else does There are many and sometimes complex Issues for those In public office to face during the next term Including the spectre of regional government Development pressures will require Intelligent and honest members of council untainted by Interests which conflict with the common good It is your business to be at municipal nominations and to cast your ballot on election day Cement friendly relations animals Perhaps that why so many kids arc on drugs today If we tried to force drugs on them they rebel violently And those rays of sunshine do appear The other night at a party a lady friend was being embraced rather amorously by a middleaged gentleman who had been Into the grape She appealed to me wideeyed over his shoulder As smoothly as a fight referee I broke up the clutch and simultaneously prevented the gentlemans wife punching him on the nose first lady told my wife that I had the polish and poise of a European man My wife thought It was a compliment Con sidering some of the European males I have known In my life I thought it an Insult However a ray of sunshine through rather murky I got another one this week when a friend described a confirmation ceremony In a local church The Archbishop himself was there and it was a big deal for all The Arch was asking the children what they had learning in their training for confirmation They provided the stock answers which they had learned faithfully Hoping to probe a bit deeper he asked one little guy what else they had learned The lad muttered something The Arch looked rather surprised and asked him to repeat It Loud and clear the kid said We learned to commit adultery Apparently the whole church broke up including the Archbishop So into each life some rain must fall But at least until the Judgement Day we can always hope for those rays of sunshine Maybe we could have been even better off under another political flag Who knows The ads themselves They are good It is just the tuning I take issue with They would have been quite acceptable a year ago But don t doubt that any one of the province s political parties would have pulled the some stunt If they had the opportunity LAUNDROMAT washers have probably been subjected to all kinds of strange baptisms but surely the lady in charge of church suppers who cleans turnips carrots and potatoes in the machines gets the prize for the most ingenuity Good Retailing trade publication for furniture and appliances tells about the lad who has been cleaning vegetables in her tumbleaction washer for years Now spurred by this they have developed a unit that you can wash goldfish in setting the action lever at gentle The machine will take up to IS fish at a time More than that and the oxygen supply is insufficient But what the devil would anyone want to wash goldfish for You might as well peel trench fried potatoes Payment of grants to the recreation committees of Acton Milton and Georgetown to help pay the way for township minor hockey players using arenas in the three towns Is recognition by council that township residents have a moral obligation to support facilities they use Rural people have been welcome to use arena facilities at all three North Halton towns for many years but award of grants Is the first tangible recognition that it costs townspeople money to keep these facilities operating each season Township residents are well known for their Independence and willingness to pay for the facilities This has been tempered by a conservative outlook on the spending of tax money a heritage from their forefathers perhaps who took a dim view of extr vagance on the part of their elected representatives Development In this area has expanded the population of the townships and created a need for recreation facilities Because of the distance involved it is impractical for rural areas to build arenas of their own Use of town owned facilities is the answer to recreation needs of the townships In these Instances with both urban and rural ratepayers sharing the cost on a per capita basis We would hope that Esqueslngs action will be followed by similar grants from the other rural municipalities whose ratepayers use the facilities provided by townsfolks Some municipalities have adopted a special tax for those from outside their boundaries who take advantage of community programs and use the libraries Perhaps this is a fair way of doing it but certainly we would prefer that the townships recognized the disparity and offer grants of their own volition It would cement the already friendly relations between townspeople and their country cousins Cemetery desecration senseless There is nothing that shocks the sensibilities of mature people more than the wanton desecration of a cemetery as has been exhibited in Cove Chapel cemetery on Sideroad This senseless destruction of memorials to people long dead not only leaves a bad taste In the mouth but calls In question the state of mind of those who would do such a deed Surely they must have sick minds as Councillor Ackman suggests or they are devoid of any human feeling The fact that the Cove Chapel cemetery commemorates pioneers in the township makes the deed seem more deplorable Memorials to those who founded the township should be cherished We were glad to hear that teenagers in the township were interested in arranging some restoration work for the cemetery and would be presenting a proposal to Nassagaweya council in the near future It shows adults have no monopoly on reverence for the dead Nassagaweya councils decision to go ahead with plans to restore the old burying ground Is also to be commended Cemeteries are one way of perpetuating the names of those who came to this area when it was a wilderness put down roots and laid the foundations for the benfits we enjoy today Chapel Cove cemetery Is situated In a picturesque part of the township with a large maple tree shading the memorials It has a certain charm especially In the fall as leaves fall and the stark branches heighten the loneliness of the scene We hope the restoration will preserve the rural atmosphere and preserve the ground as the pioneers knew It Taken from the Issue of the Free Press Thursday Novembers Improved phone service will be the result of recent changes No more than five rings will ever be heard on a rural line now Installation started yesterday on the railway crossing signals on No highway at Mill St Two sewing classes are being held in the with full enrolment Working on the rear approach to the new scout hall with a cement mixer borrowed from Baxters were Billy Tom Watson Doug Don and Jack Davidson John Creasey Clow Bill Bruce Ray Duval Roy Klrkness and Dave Dills Among the veterans who paraded on Remembrance Day was the proud wearer of a brand new war medal just received a few days previously but awarded for service years ago Former Reeve James B Chalmers served in the Spanish American war over half a century ago Over 30 years ago he made application for the service medal which was due to him Last week the medal came with a certificate In Spanish The medal bears the following inscription First that the people of the Island of Cuba are and of right ought to be free and in dependent From the joint resolution of April Miss Sybil Bennett C has left on a speaking tour of the western provinces on behalf of the Progressive Conservative Association The clergy Apeak Pat By Rev Christian Reformed Church BEYOND THE NEW MORALITY TO SHOW RIGHT FROM WRONG In last weeks paper a very concerned Mother of Four gave us a little Insight into the crisis the moral crisis that is In which we find ourselves She characterizes herself as laying claim to no other distinction than trying to show right from wrong Believe me Mother of Four you are a spokesman for a great silent majority How do we show right from Wrong Whos going to be the judge Who will show us any good In my latest article I pointed out that the Keiller report on religious education In the public schools In Ontario clearly chooses mans reason as expressed the consensus of society to be the Judge of our morals I reject this with all my being Because by making this choice the report Imagines man to be what God rightfully Is the ultimate Judge of the morals of man Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday November A few minutes before on Sunday Just as our citizens were wending their way churchward the fire alarm sounded It was soon ascertained that the Austrian restaurant next to the Baptist church conducted by Tony Seynuck was on fire Vents had to be cut In the roof before the fire could be put out Tony had made considerable improvements The loss on the building is about and on the contents Gradually the number of motor cars running is growing smaller They are being put up for the winter The Hydro lighting played fast and loose with subscribers Sunday night The current was off four or five times within an hour and then went off for a six hour period Farms For Sale acres In orchard room frame house barn six miles from Acton in room home bam driving shed miles from Acton acres In Eramosa township orchard bam stable good roughcast house of rooms six miles from Rockwood After a period of much suffering Mrs William Kelly the dearly beloved mother of the home lot second line passed away A meeting of the ratepayers of Lome School section was held In the school on Tuesday evening Mr J M Denyes the school Inspector recommended that a trial be made of sending the pupils of the section to Acton school The report tells us that justice is the standard by which all men everywhere and at all times can measure any moral stan dard Something is right when it is just and wrong when it Is unjust But pray who Is to determine what is Just and unjust Han Which man Society The majority in a democracy or the minority in a dic tatorship History Is crowded with cases In which majorities were wrong and minorities and individuals were right But who are we that we should judge one another s morals Can any man really dictate the morals of any one else Can a whole society dictate the morals of the in dividual Whos to say which morals are right or wrong Are good morals the same for all people and for an tiroes and situations Who Is to Judge not only the individual deed but also which standards to apply Who That is the big question when all the rubbish of our reasoning Is cleared away It seems to me we have only three choices which really boil down to basically Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday November 7 and many other parts of Ontario were probably never as scarce of water at thisseasonof the year Should winter set in as things are farmers would suffer great Inconvenience A couple of young fellows from Georgetown with a team of white horses spent Tuesday afternoon in town During their visit they were liberal patrons of the hotel bars and by night were hardly able to take care of themselves and not able to drive their tteam properly About eight clock they drove into the rig of Mr William Whitley Nassagaweya at the corner of Mill and Main and took a wheel off his buggy Mr Whitley was not injured but one of the Georgetown young men received a severe shaking up The most interesting event of the season in this part of township was enacted at the home of Alex Esq one of our most prominent agriculturists on Tuesday afternoon At four oclock in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends Mr Waldle gave his daughter Flora in wedlock to Mr Duncan McDougall an enterprising young farmer son of the late John McDougall of the second line Rev J performed the ceremony The wedding presents were numerous and gave ample proof of the popularity of the young couple two choices let each be his own Judge let society be the judge these two can be put together in let man be the Judge and thirdly let God be the Judge Obviously I choose God because I believe He Is the Judge The next question is how do you and I know what God thinks of your and my behaviour Perhaps we can talk about that some other time Let me say for now that we shall not find the solution to this problem in all kinds of rules and regulations per by themselves but only In meeting and living with Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior He is knocking at the door at your heart He wants to come in and show you what Is right Even more be wants to be the power in your life to do what is right and good But he wants you to step down before he will take control of your life He is the way the truth and the tight If you believe In him you will know the truth and the troth will make you free That Is to say Christ make you free

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