Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1971, p. 10

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday January fesy Miniature mountains Thank goodness for work ami routine re the best therap there i In the neurotic world we live in The touted holiday season should enough to make a great many me lookinft back I pre a An It started out nil right I enmc home from collet couple of days quite hnpp Just likelier old self each day her f lemflhened is she the Christmas iail NothinR for after Her secret desire of course was a message from the one who Is spending the up around Hudson Bay Nothing She alternated between glooming the plate day before Christmas it came torn letter pers she would rei only bits to her rested tin that rei killed her was in the same mull she an equally from man she been seeing at turn lust to pass the time until lot its Shi chortled at the of nil untie cr indnd an we settled in to quiet v All serene flicn com a phone call from son from some forsj ken village deepest Quebec He and a friend had been in a car Hie iirwiiii writeoff but they were t even d to 1 home for Christmas arrived the next day II racked up bruise and and cut rhc only thing that t been damaged In lent It seemed was their appetites Thej tot through about Is of our nine pound there was a round of rays of chests calls to insurance adjusters and confessions that mine people hud six essays overdue that others had exam right after the holidays and done a tap of studj ing an that others were out of a job This was all very good for wife nerves Combined with the general of the young people they all smoke makings and there tobacco all over the floor they cat and drink coffee in continuous process for hours and never wash a dish their clothes are draped all over the house and the hi roes at brain si decibel count all this made her come down with what seemed like stomach flu but to me was a breakdown id Pepper by hartley coles Frustration takes a lot of the Joy out of life But there has always seemed to be some lighter moments to go with the disappointments turn the worst situation Into a lot less of a catastrophe Recent 1 for instance I was at a meeting where there was an important speech being made I scribbled with all my miLht trying to extract the mam points and up with speaker It wis a losing proposition but 1 kept on convinced before the speech ended I would win the battle about even Still convinced of the superiority of the I made a mental note to ask the speaker sour pointed questions about his first remarks in the event I had slipped After m hand tot back to normal It was at this juncture a folded document was to me at the press desk What that I asked the giver with a blank stare A cop of the speech Just made he replied factly Did you notice where a Toronto proprietor of three ladles wear stores called stuck signs in his windows ad vertising pantyhose for men He sold all 90 pairs at the first day Before you get feeling a bit queer let me explain that these Man Hose are considered ideal for firemen policemen postmen skiers and other outdoor hemen They are warmer than thermal underwear sturdier than women pantyhose and look better on the leg than long Johns when trousers creep up over socks Now firefighters who wear them can be known as the hose wearing hose thing These supposedly new tangled garments look surprisingly like the get up the men wore in medieval movies a la Romeo and Juliet If you think some of today fashions are a bit kooky how about these gems reported Style a women wear newspaper for Canadians Underpants were worn only by loose women until 1840 for to don them was to make the indecent acknowledgement that one had legs To make filmy dress fabrics cling women often sprinkled water over them and sometimes came down with pneumonia 1 bonnets were worn on Sunday because it was considered indecent for a woman to show her profile in church AN IDEA OF HOW the language would suffer If executives of large corporations set the standards was provided by the recent verbal fireworks over the Bonk of Montreal hiring an American owned company with their advertising contract After extensive interviewing and evaluation of all facets of the problem said a senior vicepresident of the bank we wanted to set up a decision process by which as much objectivity as possible could be brought to bear in a very subjective area Now why he have Just said wc want to make a decision based on common sense He have guys like Councillor Coats on his tail then and everyone would likely have understood what he meant I M CONSTANTLY the pull no punches journalism in the Free Press of years ago Problems then are very much like the ones we have today But how they treated them In the case of a youth who died suddenly it was recorded in the obituary that he She tin up Ij Mil t tut steep had no v n Import I A I was busier than Hi Ion rmcdpai erhunger Talking r Ion lif Assuring Hugh tint hi lie even though every time I dim tike in arrow in the chest Calling th doctoi Alex In touch with insurance people Telling my wife to off her tall me a hand An I 1 cooked everything from the Christmas to the w Year s ham And washed dishes until I tbearn rammer out the be hands you have if you use Ivory soup And till In t lime to tell TV And would come down in the to read my paper an that the gentlemi ha seized a section each and wen Immersed In it and their third cup of coffee But the worst thin of all was the complete latk of I im not but I do hour or two a da lo escape from ptoplt think sleep Hit only privacy id was when I locked myself in the bathroom and then wife would be shrillint from her bed Are the dishes done Who to vacuum the there are four loads of shine In the basement ITie only other private noments were when I went shopping And baby I didnt hustle through the supenmrket I strolled like a tired tortoise enjoying every voluptuous moment of it All in all its wonderful to be back to decided to live henceforth a Christian life after attending special services at an Acton church My question of course is Whit wis he doint before there was unemployment too but the attitude towards the unemployed was m irkedly different thin toda s bays the Press of tramp problem is likely to prove a serious one durinc the present winter and municipal bodies should be prepared to deal with the perambulatory gentry The municipal stone pile scheme has been found to work well Its success does not lie in the accumulation of a lot of nicely broken stone The presence of a pile is an effectual means of avoiding visits of tramps who soon get posted and keep away from towns where they are made to work you glad you tout of a Job in those days THE ACTON FREE PRESS HP PHONE si and Ed la al OH Don Adv Mmigw Copyright Mutual respect the key 1 he cm rent uproar about regulating use of snowmobiles storm from in sponsible use of the machines by few drivers The majority who the arc reasonable law open to suggestions fm cutting down annoyance others Despite this municipalities Including and Georgetown have been foi to legislate hours mid post regulations speed as well banning machines from sidewalks boulevards and mcdlnn strips Severn streets in Acton may only be used when the machine are cither on the way out or into town In Home places may thing tlit regulations arc bit but the sudden surge of popularity brought penalties as welt as an upswing in sales charts People who wen willing lo overlook from few machines so charitable when noise and numbers increased With Ihret months to go In tin current season Ontario bus last years record of fatalities and Is working on rt cord that ft would venture to guess where it will stop Quebec lias recorded deaths more than us many as last winter I there have bun no fatal accidents Involving machines In tills an a so far but with irresponsible rs around the possibility must not Ix ovt Hooked Bylaws passed were lo the Irresponsible ikmLnl from We wire pleased to sec that mini considered any li glslnllon to misuse of snowmoblU s conferred with mi mix rs of the Iim snowmobile club which Ih iiially i with fin vcntlon of and re rs I here are two nidi to i vt issue and this action on llu pin of i mux in rt of the fiul Snowmnblllng an bo a lot of fun disturbing others hope dilvirs In llils part of the province Ibis by the rights of tiiosi who r lo enjoy other snorts or reeruitlon My llu same w would expect snowmobile to rispict the i those who own and opt rale the hint Need transportation policy Much of the current controversy over the Scarborough railway hearings is copy of In Acton when the Hallway Transport Committee of Canadian Transport Commission held bearings which resulted e venlunl nil but closure of sin Lion doors no doubt that both of Canada railways ore anxious to dispose of their passenger service and like those beautiful operate a romantic service over the high mountains broad plains and green valleys of our country while Gordon croons a ballad Of course they are doing this us Whiting has said despite the cost to the public In convenience and In some hardship Apparently the extent of opposition In the present ease has surprised commissioners of the Transport Committee who would learn a lol if they kept ears luned to the public instead of the noise that emanates from the spokesmen of the railways In Actons ease commissions seemed so eager to display their to the railroad they testimony from railway spokesmen over the of the lying public I ncourage passin gens from Ibis ran vouch wilh a great deal of experience to back opinions up little thought goes Inlo lhat end of the railway business Hauling freight the railways cup of tea at the moment you and a very lucrative business Decisions to cut off passenger service are difficult for smaller municipalities to fight because as Mr Whiting has said again the railway Is represented by a battery of lawyers and slide rule experts while the local town has neither the manpower or resources to fight effectively Indeed the entire situation smells to high heaven of vancies red tape is its share of herrings dragged r hearings Anyone with a of 1li rt that transportation into lo taki an are with cars i blasts of pollutants They it roads that cost hundreds of millions of dollars to build How much simpler It would to use existing railroads to transport lommulers In and out of the country big smokes I hut transportation policy for tin province and thi country which would take into not only Ihe r need consider the poor lis well There have been gtstun in Hi it din by the but is yt nothing concrete implemented laken the lack of decision on ihe lex ition of the new international Jetporl the insportation system In seems to be due for overhauling Spirit and letter of wedlock One intriguing aspect of the report of the Commission on the Status of Women has received comparatively little notice in that there is a list of against man not very long mind you but still substantial The Financial Post noticed it and comments wilh check that if common sense prevails perhaps It will be possible to get changes in the law without waiting for a Men s Liberation pressure group to spring up The commissioners refer to husbands and wives in the report as spouses entitled right before the law They call for the abolition of discrimination in a number of cases where it is the men not the women who are getting the thin end of the deal Under section of the criminal code every parent is liable for the support of his children and every husband for the support of his wife support is a criminal offense The commissioners recommend that the code be amended so that a wife may be held to support her In the same way that the husband moy now be hold to support his wife As regards provincial legislation the report notes that in nine provinces the laws dealing with support of a spouse the traditional concept of the wife dependence on her husband Only on Alberta and the Yukon Territory is the obligation nude reciprocal The Financial Post goes on to say it would be sensible for Ottawa to get rid of discrimination against men dunng the next revision of the criminal code It is time that the provinces also updated laws Of course the report is interested only in the legal aspect of reciprocal support In a good marriage this has always been the accepted mode of conduct If the husband through some misfortune or handicap is unable to support the wife and family the distaff side reverses roles and endeavors to keep the financial tide from engulfing the family A kind wife would also feed the husband We know of several marriages where a man has been cut down by disease or Incap in other ways where the wife has shown this mutual dependency by providing the family sole income There was no need for legislation She recognized the need and went to work It certainly would be a lot easier in this day of equal pay for equal work than it was a few years ago when a was to work for much less than a man However it still entails considerable sacrifices Mutual dependence may be legislated by law but how much better for both man and wife If it con be done on their own volition without coercion The same applies to any facet of the law which affects both partners in the state The spirit of mutual love in a will always be stronger than the letter of the Law 20 years ago Taken from the issueof the Free Press Thursday January 11 Week of Prayer is being observed in all the Protestant churches in Acton The first nighfwas observed Tuesday in the Baptist church with Ernest West in charge Ted Hansen was at the organ and Charles lindsboroueh a cornet solo The speaker was Rev E A Currey Wednesday the service was in St with Kev Robert Armstrong the speaker Thursday the service will be in the United church with Miss ampard at the organ Rev will tivethc address Friday the final night the service will be In the Presbyterian church The speaker will be Young from the British Foreign Bible Society Acton s first baby for 1951 is Janice Aim Papillon daughter of Dorothy and Francis She arrived at the Nursing Home on January 9 Another distinction is awarded the lit tie daughter of Dorothy and James who was the last baby of 1950 bom a few hours before midnight in General Hospital The Friday night dance at the was very successful Gord Lawson and Jacky won the elimination dance Vema St Denis and Doug Norton won the spot dance Those who helped prepare for the dance were Roy and Betty Jack McCutcheon Betty and like Zajac Classes in Basic English begin at the high school this week Miss Isabel Gammie is the teacher A second class in sewing has begun at the A similar course was given before Christmas 50 years ago Taken from the issue of the Press Thursday January 13 1921 Commercial slaves of Canada paid to Uncle Sam for goods they could have bought at home in 1920 The tanneries are now running five days a week However the men are gratified they are not closed down altogether Rev Mr Tyler who is continuing his course at McMaster University has been called to the pastorate of the Baptist church here While on Fairy Lake young Eugene had the misfortune to break through the ice when under the bridge of the Toronto Suburban Radial He could not get out by his own effort and his cnes brought Ray Gamble and Telford to his rescue It was a narrow escape Mr Stanley Russell has purchased the undertaking and furniture business in Erin and has excellent prospects for success Council Is considering receiving remuneratior for their services The cells will be fumigated and whitewashed and a new mattress and qudt purchased Mrs James Symon entertained about ladies at a dainty afternoon tea at the pretty family residence on Willow St For several years name given has been spending a month or so each year In Acton She was generally considered to be mentally unbalanced However during an acute stage she was noticed walking up and down the railroad track with little clothing and gesticulating wildly Chief took her toDrs and Nelson and pronounced her Insane She was conveyed to the hospital for this class of patient at Hamilton 75 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday January 1 1896 Mr George Storey reports having heard distinctly the lizards croaking in the swamp on Christmas evening He has been in for over years and never heard of such a thing before at this season of the Mr William Cook cleaner and dryer ha Miss and is now prepared to execute all orders for cleaning and dyeing clothes hats etc Miss is experienced in hair work and this branch will also be earned on Christmas passed very pleasantly notwithstanding the usual accompaniments of frost and sleighing were wanted The Sunday School anniversary in the Methodist church Christmas evening attracted about TOO persons Over children were admitted free and the receipts nearly reached Telegraphic despatches from Santa Claus en route were read at intervals during the program and when he arrived in the fireplace at little folk reached a zenith of delight the Shoe Man 100 pairs of gents stylish lace shoes for skating walking for church or anything you please for 1 regular price and The men who laid the foundation of this municipality are fast passing away The news has been received of the death of Samuel Smith Esq of Deloraine Manitoba He was an active resident of Acton years ago the tanning business here and subsequently in the shingle and stave business

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