OUR READERS WRITE Calls MacArthur statement rash The Acton Freo Press Wednesday January Dear Sir January With reference to a reported by Reeve Anna of at Brookville wherein she makes rather a rash statement to the effect quote No one can challenge me at the county level now 1 have received overwhelming electoral support from our residents end of quote One wonders how a person of such authority can make such a ridiculous Let the reeve be reminded that Just because she receives large support at the polls it doesnt give her licence to do as she pleases She should always remember that chaUenAesofanvkinrf from higher or lower authorities should be readily ac ceptable by her at tiny time and from whatever level they come be they high or low Life is just one big challenge and you do get accepted readily if you dont fight for ones objective but refuse to accept any opposition with the resolution it merits A point too she should remember is that she is elected by the people of the area concerned and shouldnt try to put a crown on her head just because of this factor There la much which can be done ef ficiently and thoroughly without making such rash statements She should remember engines that produce the most steam dont always produce the best performance Restrict strikes to days ACTON CITIZENS BAND elected its executive at the annual meeting at the Acton Music Centre Friday night Executive members are front row 1 to r 2nd vicepresident Bill 1st vicepresident Jim Gibbs president Bill Buchanan secretarytreasurer Charley Kingsmill band master George Elliott Back row to arc executive committee members Brian Sampson Ian Moorans Barb Pratt and Heather Buchanan legal representative and town council representative CounciUorNorm Elliott Staff Photo Dear Sir- I was at that fine old Canadianfinanced bank of yours the Bank of Montreal when ladies waiting at the same wicket said I cant spend so much this Christmas my mans on strike Then she turned to me and said I dont believe In strikes do you Great was her surprise when I answered Yes do believe in strikes when they are not long But you cant tell how long they are going to last she replied She had hit the nail on the head That is the one wicked point in a strike The producer having more money in reserve than the worker or his union can hold the rod over the striking worker Just as long as he pleases He can make the workman smart He can make the workers wife do without things He can upset things for the workers family Can the union leaders not see this Do they not know that the longer the strike the weaker the position of the working man becomes I know what the worklngmen themselves can sec and they dont need a spyglass see It cither They can observe the business where they labor expanding by leaps and bounds as a remit of profit from their labor Mind you I say the producer can do undesirable things but must be fair I must admit then that some producers do have the interests of their men at heart but how many What then is the solution to all this disruption of home and country a law restricting the strike to not more than workdays At the end of that time a government mediator who has taken his oath to be fair to the appointed to settle the dispute His decision to be final Just let that mediator give the laborer what rightfully his due which could be even more than the workers demand and watch the formerly unyielding producer sit up and take notice He may Indeed wish he had taken atl- of the day strike period The experiment is worth trying Yours truly Mlllicent Milroy Ont regional plan from Page I Need milewide belt Water sewer problem Province should establish job corps Its time for an Ontario Job Corps With government policy creating unemployment and increasing automation many unemployed are out of work through no fault of their own There arc thousands of worthy projects in Ontario Parks need upkeep Roads need maintenance and cleanups Manmade and abandoned farms need re fore ion Community centres and facilities need improvements while governments waste millions In welfare to keep healthy men idle This is folly for the taxpayer and unhealthy for those on the dole Ontario now makes grants to municipalities but the situation gets steadily worse The province should assume all welfare costs and establish an Ontario job corps All ablebodied unemployed could be given work the provincial minimum wage till economic conditions improve and they can get better paying jobs elsewhere The money would be spent on welfare the taxpayers will get something for their taxes the Jobless can have some work and we can abolish welfare for the ablebodied Yours truly John C Mcdcof Mount Albert The brief states that a combined urban separation and services corridor formerly referred to as a Parkway Belt would be useful to provide major separation for major areas and space for roads hydro right-of- ways pipe lines and future transportation all incorporated in a visually attractive Jointuse corridor Hospital rates up Of interest to is an increase of rates at both hospitals St Josephs Hospital and the General Hospital rates have been increased by the Ontario Hospital Services Commission January 1 flic new rates set by the commission for both hospitals went into at first of the At St Josephs the standard ward rate went 15 last To consider corridors of less than one mile In width la not in the best interests of the region and could Invite major problems In the future While present day needs may not require that much width It should be adhered to as a reslriLted development area will be needed in the future ihc report calls for examination of the cost of such a using only service and utility costs as a guide to provide a yardstick to measure other Intangibles such as aesthetics Fire destroys snowmobile woman hurt Glen mishap While there have been no fatalities in this area to date Milton OPP have Investigated three accidents Involving snowmobiles in the past few weeks and a spokesman at the detachment office reported the force was being flooded with regular complaints about indiscriminate use of the pleasure machines An Oakvtlle escaped unhurt but his machine was a complete loss Sunday when it flipped over and caught fire in a field on the Fifth Line Apparently a ski broke and the machine flipped over spilling gas and bursting Into flames The snowmobile was totally destroyed for a loss of Driver Gord Tower Dr was unhurt Woman injured Another Sunday Incident Injured a Georgetown woman Minnie James of St She suffered a bruised shoulder and head lacerations in an ac cident involving a boose trniler drawn by a snowmobile The driver of the machine Karl James Frank of Main St Glen Williams was unhurt This incident happened on Confederation St In the Glen Earlier a Campbellvtllc man required hospital treatment when his went into a ditch on 15 Sidcroad In Nassagaweya So far this winter just the three incidents have been reported to OPP rate for the General was set higher by OHSC because of the higher budget due to the recent addition Scmlprivatc Semiprivate at St Josephs mil be an additional 50 up from JO in 1970 Three rates for a private room set for 1970 of and remain the same Hie Generals rate of for semiprivate and for private ore tho same as in Extended care at St Josphs went from for standard ward rate of 75 for The rates of for semiprivate and for private are the same as in 1970 The smaller rates for semi- private and private are in ad dition to the standard ward rate all rates are daily costs Hows Your Hearing Chicago 111 A free offer special interest to those who hear but do not understand words has been announced by Bel tone A nonoperating model of the smallest Bel tone aid ever made will be given absolutely free to anyone answering this advertisement Try it to see how it is worn in the privacy of your own homo without cost or obligation of any kind yours to keep free It weighs leaa than a third of an ounce and its all at car level in one unit No wires lead from body to head These models are free bo wo suggest you write for yours cow Again we repeat there no cost and certainly no obliga tion Write to Bel- tone Electronics Corp Victoria Chicago El STRETCH YOUR MONEY CLEARANCE SALE BIGGEST BUYS OF THE YEAR SAYINGS GALORE HELP US CLEAR OUT FOR OUR NEW SPRING STOCK SEEING IS BELIEVING COME IN NOW AND CHECK DURING OUR SAVE SALE SAVE THE FAMILY STORE MILL ST E ACTON If sufficient funds are available for research water supply and sewage disposal should be no problem In the Central Ontario the Toronto region concept plan states but the brief says tho problem is so acute In the region now that It is the Regulator of Develop ment Need specifics The concept should have specific statement of policy to deal with the question the brief urges An indepth statement should consider all alternatives and Is a requisite If the concept Is to head in positive direction regarding wnter supply and sewage disposal An alternative to present methods would seem to bo reusable water at least In part brief says especially in the area west of county The brief states control of development by availability of services Is unwise recognizing thai conversely stimulation could occur by providing these services M HURST of Mlko Plan ning Manager Is by A Owon Director of kotlng of British Columbia Limited Mr Hurst holds from Unlvorslly of Ontario and degree from York University In Toronto Onlarlo Ho joined Labnlls Limited In whoro ho rocolvod direct and market analysis and Juno of Mlko has boon assistant Iho VlcoProsidont La- batt of Canada Limited London Onlarlo Mr Hurst will bo located In Iho brewerys Now offices SUPERMARKET MILL ST SIRLOIH TB0HE PORTERHOUSE WING ACTON 8530650 RED BRAND BEEF siiMioa Round Steak or Round Steak Roast Sirloin Tip Roast or Boneless Rump Roast Swills lb SMALL LINK Pork Sausage 59 Schneiders 14 oz PIZZA 69 2 lb Bag GRAIN RICE 29 Pantry Shelf Tins PINEAPPLE 5p Donald Duck Tins Orange Juice 39 Crown Brand lb Bottle Corn Syrup 39 ox Bottle CORN OIL Christies lb Premium Crackers 35 FROZEN FOOD Old South oz Tins ORANGE JUICE 3 Sunshine 2 Lb Bag FRENCH FRIES 39 3 oz Pkg TASTY BAKE 51 FOR Schneiders lb Pkg RED HOTS 59 Town Club 1 lb Side Bacon 59 Christies Old Country Crusty Bread FRESH PRODUCE DAILY US No 2c49 No lb Bag Cooking Onions 19 No I CARROTS 3 lb Bag 19 Prices Effective 13- 14 Black Diamond Cheese Slices 3 for I Nescafe 10 Jar Instant Coffee Green Giant Tins BROWN active SUGAR 51 FOR Moderne Facial Tissue 41 Henley oz Jars Dill Pickles 3 FOR I DISCOUNT SAVINGS ARE GREATEST AT A SUPERMARKET