Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1971, p. 14

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The Acton Free Pros Wednesday January the ACTON at BOWLING LANES Jan won the first two canto rem the biff to the Top Iria for Don HsttIi win In he lift point lor camel from with Dave Shannon 28S Bob Price and Mirg Dunn KM pat the ssgsssrstei i and Tom Shannon and John Dennis For it Che M WJ and Bob Woodcock BUI came in the game Everybody Si into the act for Finisher when took two and totals from PatenU He- Born atanaing Unknowns Wltchy- Road Runner Tom Shannon Ron Stuart 807 Hoy McDowell and Glen Stevenson Topi for the Patent were ll MS f g Run Malhewa Hunay Ml It was a two game win for Roller but they loll out for totals by IB pins when the took It on the atrength of a big game win Final game clow Rollers took It by Top for Roller were Phil TO Skip MS and Andre Top trio for Upper were Jake Van Kooy and Ray Alitinaon 240 League Handing Patent 58 Upper ST CAROLINE GARDEN CENTRE Jan The leagueleading Saphire Inereaied their lead took from Marauder with Art Ml Bill MS HI and Emmy pacing the win Top trio for were Clarence Harinsa Ml Bob Adams 240 and Belly INDUSTRIAL Jan 8 Texaco Service were a concern when they met up with the leagueleading Pete a Barber Shop they slammed Ihe win door In the faces and all name for themselves Wert sparking the Toxans Charlie Drown 243 timer White COS 231 The union must have taken over the Reliable Tad because all Ihey did was with Ihe result of the pooling Acton Lane winning nary Reliables triple w were Jeff Fryer 1290 Bill Williams and Phil I Best Acton Line Ken John Churchill and anil Bryan Hammond The Happy Gang were a happy gang of Ihey won all facing mo win wore Harry 676 Archie Duiker 173 and Bob 504 Top trio for were Floyd Hammond Sonya and Marg Hammond 411 Accident A car driven by John J Whlnton Acton received damage In cident on Slderoad at the First Line Tuesday evening tost week The driver was unhurt Milton OPP report One youngster defined memory a that thing I forget with from Rick Eileen 204 and 4T 168 Hippy MJIglters Cudas John Churchill Middle ton 240 making their winning mo Ruby 2JS and League IruJeri headed up the win Best In Zombie effort were Steve 240 June 581 208 and Jettery It a point for and Eliminator winning two Hurricane one and tot ill Hon top trio were Tom Stavet Ell Roy Swan 219 and Porte 197 For the Hurricanei 11 wai Lome Norton 242 249 Betty Cherne 214 and Donna Staves who were landing Saphlres Zombies Hurricanei 28Vi BLUE SPRINGS FLOWER SHOP Jan With Elsie Edmondion an HO 351 for a new house triple record for the ladles Trillium rang up a and total win over Bleedlnc Hearts Mary with and Jeannie with formed the real of the top trio tor the winner Bleeding Heart out their win the middle Anna Spear 482 1771 Mage and Jill McLaren were belt lor the losers it a two and totals win or when they met up with the Petunias Pacing the win were Bender 809 Karen Marl Johnston a JOB first game solo cane in handy Petunias lop trieounlers were Lynda Harris 239 Laura Treble 545 CDS and Marl Hammond Larkspurs won the game from Coral Belli by 32 second by fell pic- clobbered and lost the ringlefc Top trio for Larkspur clobbered and lost the Top trio for Larkspur were Carolynne Smith 503 481 Heading up Coral Bells roll were Sandra McGraw 175 and Betty Leigae Trillium Coral Belli Lupins 40 Bleeding Hearts SPORTS CORNER MIXED Jan Bom with two sod win from the leagueleading Unknown got within one point of the lop Howard the art 656 White 835 and Joan Knight beaded up the win Unknowns effort were lopped by ArchLe Steve Blanchard and Don Perry 279 Road Runners and total win Ri Top were Tinnie Mssalei Cam Helen Beit for the were John Dunn Larry Knight 205 Arlene and Helen Fowler SIS were the the night Ihey won 182 311 Keith and Charlie Auger 207 Ton trio for the Barbershop were Doc Poll Jeff Fryer and Tom Shannon 273 Bill Shannon 101 In the first game A Supermarket came up with a good effort Ave of the ladi tracking the barrier Gary Twkoll 300 John Earle 311 Kor Vryenhoek 721 105 and Ken 255 The re nil l being a two and win from the Jon Hurit Top Irlpler for the were Don Ml Bruce 280 and Whltey a two and Mil win for Station Hotel when they met up with Terry The Tcrryi dropped a tough game by one pin lie win were Alt Lockerbie and 253 On trlole plateau for were Terry Churchill 271 and brother John 681 248 standing Pete a Barber Shop Jon Hurst Electric 36 John a Texaco Service Station Hotel ACTON LADIES Jan I A came up with a two game win at the family Stores expense but lost out for totali when the Family Store rang up a big win in the second game Marion Storey 169 290 Lynn and Audrey 497 paced Ihe win Family Store top trio Donna 812 Nan Hunt 591 and June Payne The place Beckers Milk made a slight gain on the when they look two and Wtl from Nielsens Coining Grace 241 Linda Fierce and Shirley Cook sparked the win Nielsen beil effort came Pierce 211 Smith 202 478 Speyhill made with a two and win losing out in the middle canto to Cameo Boutique Top for the Farmerettes were Cheyae Ml Pat 238 and June Warner 202 For Cameos it wai Donna Manes May and Lil 191 League Handing I G A 76 Becker Milk Cmeo Boutique 56 Family Store Speyhlll Farm Nielsen- Clothing 47 THURSDAY TOPPERS Jin 7 Alley Hoppers won the first two from Hopefuls tried to make It three but Hopefuls rallied lo lake the finale Pacing the win were Joan Why 238 Mary Hi cock and Terry Dawson 456 155 Beit for the Hopefuls were Laura Jms 480 Mamie Allen Freak won Ihe first from Goof Off by pinl had no trouble by plna Heading up the Goof Off roll were Shirley Tbompion 228J Pie landing Reliable Taxi 42 Scenic Pools AdamiBui Depot li ACTON FRIENDS Hippy made Jan 8 barrelling along in tint place winning all games fromSlKUrsdolnglhcmnoharm On the triple single plate hi John Gill 841 701 MB John Al and Wlngi Fireball IIEADPIMIILITES In the Beat the Champ go ShBLinon retained title Don with Nell with 790 were tho who challenged Shannon In the tllle rolloff up and with a triples In no way matched J win from Dusters e game Top irl- Hippyi were Gary and Jnck filendcnnlng Top for tho were Chic Milne 212 Harry Phillips 160 and Harry Mitchell Little Darlings won two from the Diggers but lost out fir totals when Digger i made their last game win a big one to grab the singleton point for totals Beit in the Darlings roll were 230 Kevin Clark 503 IBS and Donna 495 197 For Alan Schinck 516 216 Lou and John Chapman 181 Road Runner were off and running in their go with they won cm all Pacing Cln Claude crack Ihe triple Moore Ted Hancock Joan and Ann hud em Slow made with Iwo wall win from the Hippy Gang Adami 847 Earl I Wert and Lcnora paced the win Top trio for Happy Gang were Andre White It a two and total win for Ihe Clan winning Heading up Clans win were Short Price Making with 1 or Nltroni ere 247 Harry Mlddlcton 2431 couldnt Shannon who fired a by champion BUI id game that ChcsLcwandowski League stindlng Slow 43 Happy itta We Specialize In Floor Covering CARPETS New Samples for 71 Just arrived Patterns to Chooso Double Play Bedroom Carpet Hloli Density Foam Back ARMSTRONG VINYL C0RL0NS Free Estimates on Flooring Installations CENTRE John Salmon Country TV Centre SALES SERVICES ftockwoad Lino TV Service to all males Occasions Cut Flowers Potted Plants Funeral Arrangements Corsages Etc Opm 7 Day Weak Sam Til Dark WE WIRE FIOWERS ANYWHERE Caroline Flower Garden Shop TWO MILES WEST OF ACTONSOUTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY being Audrey 128 Freak best were Joyce Adams 175 and Marie Chapman 111 Drifters didnt drift off the win beam they won em all from Challengers with Sandra 592 Donna Stives 214 and Colleen 165 heading up the win Top trio for Challengers were Elaine Norm 448 and if tine Leigue standing Alley Hoppers 21 Goof Off Freak Out Challenger Hopefuls 13 MAJOR LEAGUE Jan Acton Meadowi rang up two fist wins on Scenic Pools but tilled to make the grade In the third and Milled for a two and totals win Mac 836 Jim Tlmleck 788 and Wayne Mason Seed the win Top trio for Scenic nil cropped up In Jack Gould Bill Anderson 720 and Tom Browning 711 252 Hintons Store were also a two ind totlll winner losing out In the middle to Bus Top Irlpler for were Bob Turkoss 898 and Bruce 8 257 Best By Jan would like to thank Jackie Unknown Palmer our former Press secretary pinch for me while 1 vacation You did a wonderful Job Jackie good tuck la New Year In the Bantam Division the Sea Hones had the lead In the race taking both game from the Whales outs warn the Cati two games they went In the shift the Teddy Bean used that old basing glove and took one gam totalsfrom the Crabs Snails hoi decided If you win one you win them all and took both games from the The Tea Topper In Ih Bantam Division were Brian Lanen ItOJOl Ml Susan Patiky lawlit US Sussn Thompson 343 Jennifer Krapek 150171 Ul Allan Edmonson Steve 171 Storey 111 Ricky Van Fleet 113133 ITS Deiphtn Roach 13219 Ml David Dunn Bowling best over their averages to win the Orange Crush and Coke were Eric Lamoo Susan Lee Robuuon Jennifer Our most bowler this week was Ami Marie who roUcd two of back to back LEAGUE STANDINGS BANTAMS First Shift Rabbit Octopus Whale It Cat Sea Horses Secobd Shift Teddy Bears Snails Crab ID Donkey IS Dogs 17 Kangaroos 18 In the Junior Division the Jets took two game and totals from the Marauders decided Monkey Monkey do and took and total from IhaTurki Mod rounded up lb Junior bawling Of taking all thre lames tram lbs The Top Tenners In the Junior were Roger McEachern 2191 Danny Thompson Jsnet Storey 198 Heather Wilkinson 212 Bill Genllea 410 Marcel Jim Melanle Hurdle 436 till Ronnie Moore 455 Jack Van Der Kooy LEAGUE STANDINGS JUNIORS Champions Turk 29 Marauders Mod Squsd Unknowns the Senior Division the came alive and two limes but lost totals to the Alley Rockers eat however meowed themselves Into three game win agalast the Heading the Seniors In the Top Ten were Dave Pink 701 100 Henry 603 Martin Vole Rosalind Hall 240 Kevin Perkins Guy Payne Fleet Lsrry Knight 211 Christine in George Adam LEAGUE STANDINGS SENIORS Deadpln Filibuster 19 Alley Pussycat 13 I s 11 the Well Wishes and Birthday Department celebrating the happy occasion Is Bantam Ronnie White Jn 19 and Junior bowler Jack Van Kooy Jan 18 We are sorry to lay that Junior bowler Sherry due to an accident has a pilot on her finger which waa broken Family Twosome Bantams will bowl on Jan 11 while Juniors and Senior will bowl on Jan M Dontforgettobruuinvourforms as soon as possible Good luck and good bowling to MM MILTON PEEP CUT PRICES SHOP OUT SUPER BUYS QUALITY MEATS SUPER BUYS SUPER BUYS DEEP CUT PRICES EVERT Ml ANY OKI DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF Blade Roasts or Short Rib Roasts CROSS CUT RIB ROASTS Boneless Shoulder Roasts RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF Chuck Steaks RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF BONELESS BRISKET PLATE MAPLE LEAF BRAND Side Bacon PORK SAUSAGE FRESHLY GROUND MINCED BEEF IMPORTED loin lamb chops CHOICE SKINLESS BEEF LIVER S All Beef Frankfurters COOKED HAM SCHNEIDERS HEADCHEESE CORAL REEF BRAND HALIBUT STEAKS MOUNTAIN BREEZE BRAND RAINBOW TROUT SIENA BRAND Salametti or Sopresetta We RTOHT MOTHER PARKERS ECONOMY TEA BAGS loos WESTON RASPBERRY R or VEGETABLE OIL TI BILLY I WHITE CREAMED HONEY VIVA TOMATO PASTE DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY i LB PAIL 5T 99 NABISCO WHEAT QUAKER CRUNCH 35 43 SOUP ACRYllC FLOOR POLISH JOHNSON S FUTURE THOMPSONS WHITE PEA SEAMS ALL PURPOSE FLOUR DEI MONTE SEEDLESS PROS 52 17 sos PADS SUCH CLEANER LB 100 11 PRO RAISINS EOG NOODLES HUNTS SPAGHETTI SAUCE PACK POTATO 27 OLD POWDER DETERGENT CINDY LIQUID DETERGENT POWER PLUS LIQUID l oi DETERGENT out LIQUID WISH LAUNDRY is pi DETERGENT o bile NIAGARA LAUNDRY SPRAY AEROSOL TO STARCH tin II 47 97 95 le49 47 NEW STYLE RED KIDNEY IOC EANS 19 WITITPSRK A TOMATO SAUCE VIVA JO BEANS CHOICE GARDEN AYIMER PEAS TIN If PRO CHiPJ CHOCOLATE BISCUITS OATMEAL BABY ozpo BBUNSWIU SARDINES WHITE FLAKES SOVEREIGN TUNA 39 43 CHOICE CRIERS n REGULAR OR SUPER WESTON S OR SALTED SODA C CUDNEY FROM CONCENTRATE APPLE V JUICE OZ TIN CARNATION RED CIRCLE ROYALL CANADIAN LUNCHEON SEAT SWIFTS CANNED 1 SUPER BUYS FROM FLORIDA SWEET FULL OF JUICE ORANGES tender NEW CABBAGE a NO I CELERY CELERY STALKS FROM CUIFORNUU EMPEROR VARIETY RED GRAPES 39 25 29

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