Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 20, 1971, p. 12

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Free Press Wednesday Jonuary the Pins at ACTON BOWLING LANES Ken Hulford l Bony or the Happy they made It f Jan I look the front running for and total Ron Paplllon BIS Mathews roll were cues Boyd Bill Boyd and John Finishers made every game a winning one when they met up with Uppers Tom Shannon ins 236 Ear Welt SUB and Helen LeSueur were top trio In the win Making with Hie most for were Ray Atkinson 201 MUly Fabian SOT 193 and Jack Dunne Rollers rolled up three Impressive to take all from the Top trl counters In win were Phil SOS Skip Vryenhoek Vrvenhoet 42 29S and Lynn Dunne For the Soalcs Don Harris John Cotolsntlne and Elilon Adams 494 were beat Finishers PatenU Upper Soakes S2 Rollers CAROLINE CENTRE Jan 11 hung It the Zombies or I two and total win Bill Lausisen and Gerry Landry tripling and singling Top trio tor Zombies were Steve Dill 191 and June 209 Eliminators dropped the first canto to Intruders in the second then hung on lo take Ihe finale by two pins for a two and totals win Lois Norton 264 Roy Swan 21S and John Shadbolt paced the win Top trlcountcra or Intruders were Jules Frytera John 228 and Bert Robertson OH Hurricane blew up a bit of a storm after Idling the first to Marauders and made with a two and total win Betty Cheyne Lome Norton and Les Je- win Beit In Marauders were Clarence Bob Adams 234 and Mary Ctoullcr League Handing Saphlrea Intruders Zombies Hurricanes SPRINGS I LOWER SHOP Jan Trillium made with a three game win Larkspur getting the count Top In the win were Elile 202 Mary Anderson 247 Mlddleton 163 Mailing with the moil for Larkspur were 472 ISO Williamson 421 and Smith 14S Coral Belli dropped the first canto to Petunias but made no In winning the next two and total Heading up the win were Norma Betty and Mitchell Tops In Petunias efforts were 235 Carol Fcrricr and Laura Tremble 491 Lupins lost out In the first Bleeding Hearts squeeied make the grade In the third and settled for two and total win irlcounten in the Twins win were Dec Deforest 678 Andrews 718 and Phil I Making it the hard way for Station Hotel were Conway and Earl Waller MO 231 threw a stumbling block in the A Supermarket climb when they won the lint two games The Ablei managed to grab spasm by to avert a effort were Tom Browning 275 and Harry League standing Barber Shop Jon Supermarket Station Hotel Terryi ACTON LADIES Jan 13 The best hill A walleinthe middle canto although they made a bid for the Just milling Taking the big part the point gives the I A outfit a strong hold on the top spot Pacing the win were Marion Storey Marion Hunter II Audrey 1M and Care Mullen 212 Best In Farm effort were May Swaekhammer 232 June Warner 18S and Betty Cheyne It wai a two and total win for Family Store when they met up with Becker Milk Last i close the Storekeeper made It by 1J pins 2izf Mellon 1791 Too trio for the Milk Maids were Grace Verna 204 and Linda Pierce Cameo look the ceding n In the out on to win the third spasm by five but couldnt come up With a big enough lo take lot and settled for the ms or part of a point split Top trio in Lupins roll were Wannelta Smith Bender 489 181 and Karen Mathews 470 Best In Bleeding Hearts efforts were Anna Spear Jill McLaren and Sylvia 476 League standing Trillium 75 Coral Belli 69 Lupins 82 Petunia 47 Bleeding Hurls Larkspurs SPORTS CORNER MIXED Jan Unknowns the league leaders won the first go from Road Runners then the Road Runner ran em the road and grabbed the neat two and totals with Cam Pat Robinson 207 and Lucy 2201 pacing the win Top trio for Unknowns were Sieve Archie and Bill Conn Pool came up with a two and totals win Born Losers winning the second after both teams got Heading up the win were Harry Moycr Price 195 Topi lor Born were Howard 647 Joan Knight 206 and Pietrangell were the big winner on the night They won em all from Rises Is wluS James 6D3 Dob and Tom Shannon leading the hit Belt in efforts were rry Knight IJohn Dunn Fowler 491 League Handing Unknowns Born Loteri Poos Hillbillies ITU 36 Road Runner INDUSTRIALCOMMERCIAL Jan 13 Petes Barber Shop took the first canto from Jon Hurst Electric hung on to win the second by pins then bowed out In the Inale Pacing the win were Jim Bullous h 747 283 Bill Shannon 746 293 Post 692 253 He ding up the Electrician efforts were 710 Don Harris nd John Texaco Service won the first two from the Station Hotel but kept ACTON FRIENDS Jan 14 Hippie barrelling along In first place wim a two and totals win rem Road Runners The Road Runner came up with a big win In the last garni Youth Bowling By M argot MaUeioa Sunday Jan is the Family Twoiomc for the Junior and Senior 1 would like to wish everyone good Ho the Division Ihe Rabbits bopped over Sea Horses taking both games with them Whales the Octopus taking two games from them Cats meowed themselves into two game win from penguin i In the second shin the Snails snitched sway one game and totals from the Crabs up a two glint win rem the Donkeys Teddy bears wrapped up the mornings bowling by taking two games rum the Top Ten in the Bantam Division were Susan Thompson It Bert Post 111111 David Dunn HUTS Ricky Van Fleet 16 21 Eddie Couture in Jim Pink lUtl M Eric Lam on 134- 271 Palsy Storey 133 Jimmy Huxley 1715 272 Danny March 1MUS 170 Bowling best over their average to win Ihe Orange Crush and Coke were Eddie St Pierre Jim Pink Susan Thorn p ton and Atkinson LEAGUE STANDINGS First Shift Rabbit Whales Octopus Cits Sea Horses Penguin a II Second Shift Teddy Bears Snails Crab Doga Donkeys IB the Unknowns taking all three games The Ten Toppers In the Junior division were Janet Storey Marcel Frytera Bill Gentles 514213 Heather Wilkinson Ken Swan Colleen 197 Arte Vryenhoek 463 Ronnie Moore Gloria Brown 440 Jim 440 LEAGUE STANDINGS Champion Turk Marauder Mod Squad Unknowns ISM Senior division the Alley rocked oul two games and from the Puijc Rockers rocked oul two games a from the Puny cm two games and totals from No Deadpin came alive and two game and totals from He dp Ins Leading seniors In the Top Ten were Dave Pink 66 Henry Toe be S Martin La Vole 230 Guy Payne 24 Steve Van Fleet 549 Milne Son 18 Kevin Perkins US 207 Allan Green 204 Denis Drink waiter 191 Sue UN LEAGUE STANDINGS Sealsra Alley Roc ken 20 Pussycat 14 12 In he Well wishes and birthday department celebrating the occasion Is Junior bowler Ronnie Moore on Jan So tor now good luck and good bowllngl Runners were Doug John 236 Claude 439 Leo Cmlvi dug In and made with a two and totals win from who came to life In lime lo win last game Diggers win were Alan Schinck 51B John Chapman 247 and Eva MB 198 Top trio for wore Chick Milne 210 Phillips 474 110 and Mike Noble 458 up with a triple win at expense The Cudaa made a bid for the last Heading up the win were Dennis Death 259 and Dob Bell In were Jim 197 IBS and nick League standing Hippie Utile Darling Digger 22rt Cudai Runners ACTON MIXED Jan The Clan took the first canto from then 11 curtain the Pica got grabbed next two and totals Topi In the win wore 728 hick 725 and Bryan Top for the Clan were Shorty 282 Donna 210 Dob Price and wood Gong were happy wllh a two win from They tried for the bundle but misled out In the lait game by 11 pins White 744 Andro 203 and Karen Tops or Slriler were Moore and Ted Hancock Pretty near everyone got the two and win act or Nitrons against Keith Bill Manto 60S BOB Charles 601 and Enrl Weil 1264 and Bob League standing The Slowpoke 67 Nitrons 85 Happy Gang 4B Van Kooy 236 Big Van Kooy 199 and John Dcunk 188 Firing belt or Fireball I Marg nlng win from lied the trick Heading up the were Van rill Archie Duiker 518 III ad Harry Red Wing oft were up by Larry John Bryan Hammond 436 their Family Twosome tournament and next Sunday the Juniors and Seniors hold with their and Norma Debbie and brother Gory Wllh the It Allan and mother Bert Poll and fslher In the Four Step to Stardom senior girl Rosalind Hall Debbie Storey Malheson have leaders for the records are high average Marion 1 and Don Wilkes High triple 840 and Bill Anderson High single Don thai again my fricndlles and Concord City Urges attendance district meetings Acton Hydro should take a more active part in district hydro meetings such as Iho upfoinlnK A ME meeting In declared Bob MacArthur at the commissions regular meeting Thursday I think someone should put In on District No meetings said the commissioner following Information that no one had attended one the previous week They arc worthwhile meetings agreed Commissioner Orvllle Brown Ana we r problems Mr MacArthur said the meetings are set up for hydro commissions and they often produce worthwhile solutions to problems various commissions may encounter Cost to the commission for attendance at the meetings runs to 25 a day for members who attend a figure one commission spokesman said is trifling compared to benefits gained SEE THE NEW SKIROULE SNOWMOBILES COMPLETE SALES A SERVICE 10 Models Mftdc by 1 Division of SHELL SERVICE Hwy Open Every Evening ill io Firing Floyd Ha mm 24 Hour Approvals 2nd and 3rd Mortgages Arranged In the Convenience ot Your Homo to lor courteous Ice Investment Corp MO Bay Street Toronto Call TOYOTA BEST LOW PRICED CAR AVAILABLE SEE IT NOWATYOUR LOCAL ACTON GEORGETOWN DEALER Park Toyota to annex the finale and totals with Barb Wilson Mary 104 and June Hunter 111 119 sparking the win Nielsen effort came from Fran Pierce Shirley 4S3 and Chalene Smith 444 League standing I A Becker Cameo Boutique Jan 14 Drifters moved up for a share of the top when they every game a winning one from Hopefuls Top trio in the win were Sandra MeGraw Donna Slave SI 202 and June 434 Tops for the Hopefuls were McKlnnon Joan 16fl and Sojka A two and totals win for Alley Hoppers against the Goofs kepi them up for their shirt of first Top trio In the win were Mary liltoek S3 Josn Why Dawson For Goof It was Annette St Pierre 2M Shirley Thomson 40J and Audrey 397148 It was a point split for Freak Outs Challengers Freak Outs winning two games and Challengers taking one and totals Top tricountcr for Norms League standing Alley Hoppers Drifters Goof Freak Outs Challengers IS Hopefuls 13 MAJOR LEAGUE Jsn Scenic were the big winners or the night paced by Bronco Billy Anderson Larry Nolan 287 and Tom Browning 313 the Scenic handed the Adama Bus Depot the sero count Best in the Depots efforts were Glen 782 297 Frenehy Conway 318 and Charlie Brown BOS Reliable Taxi grabbed Ihe from Hint on More then got lost on a detour and it was for a two and totals win with Bill Shannon 323325 Doc Post and pacing the win Top trio for Reliable were Jeff Fryer Bill Williams and Don Harris Acton Just couldnt Hand prosperity After winning the Acton Meadows the fell by the way side and the Golfers were a two totals winner Heading up the win were Don Wilkes 308 Jim 729 and Pro lopping Acton effort and it wai an effort were Earle 711 301 Had DeForest and Dee League stand Log Acton Meadows S3 Reliable Tail 41 Store 38 Scenic Pools Acton Lanes 174 Adam Bus Depot 11 Lobhwsi SUPER BUYS SUPER BUYS WHITE SWAN PAPER ACRES FANCY SOLID WHITE MEAT SOVEREIGN MCLARENS SWEET MIXED JAR10 STAINLESS STEEL WILKINSON a RAZOR BLADES LOBLAWS KITCHEHPRICE APPLE PIE REGULAR EGO LEMON PATRICIA SHA TOP MODEL HAIR 16 SPRAY DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY FREEZEDRIEO MAXIM INSTANT COFFEE jah DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY MOMS SOFT I LB TUB MARGARINE SWEET GREEK TOMATO PICKLES JO SUPER BUYS QUALITY MEATS LEAN Fresh Pork Roasts 48 58 37 47 98 59 LAIN RIB END Loin Tenderloin End SHOULDER ROASTS BUTT ROASTS QUARTER PORK LOIN in chops MEATY SPARERIBS BRAND SIDE BACON Shoulder Lamb Chops 49 LITTLE SKINLESS PORK SAUSAGE PORK HOCKS It IUCAS BACK BACON CALVES LIVER BRAND CHOICE BOLOGNA BRAND bulk IMPORTED SMOKED KIPPERS BOOTH HAND SOLE FILLETS 59 429 98 35 109 49 DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY JOHNSONS CLOTHS DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY TEA SWISS STYLE ozc Tit 0 HOW VIVA AN niHii COIN EL TIN VIVA FANCY WHOLE CM 19 bf of a

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