Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1971, p. 1

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Acton researcher explodes groundhog myth By the editor It is not without trepidation that The Free Press this week explodes the popular myth about the groundhog and Its shadow Popular belief has assumed for centuries that each February 2nd groundhogs emerge from their winter nap to act as weather prophets If ihcy see their shadow legend says there is sure to be another six week of winter and Mr Woodchuck trots back to his den Ifhedoesnttthefurrybeaststaysupto watch Spring waft gently In on the breeze This week The Free Press consulted University of groundhog expert Murray Smith Jr about this widespread belief What does he say Bunk he says just plain bunk Not In so many words mind you but with facts statistics and the results of two yeara of study the animals on a acre field on the northeast corner of the university campus Son of Mr and Mrs Murray Smith Mill Street Murray Is working towards an M Sc thesis In collaboration with two other men on whether groundhogs have territories Their observations have deduced that 1 Joe Groundhog Is still hibernating In a chamber sealed off from other burrow passages on February 2 in this part of the world anyway During his winter siesta other animals such as rabbits and skunks inhabit his burrow system while he snoozes contentedly at a body temperature degrees F his heart beating at a rate of five strokes per minute and breathing only once every four to six minutes The earliest date a groundhog emerged from his den last year was February 22 20 days too late for his date with the crystal ball During the years 5758 the earliest recorded appearance of a groundhog was on March over a month late It true Poppa Groundhog is the first to stick his nose out of the burrow and a few days later they are followed by adult females Junior emerges last along with his sisters Findings of the University trio disclose that groundhogs have dug up through as much as three feet of snow Last year they pushed through inches of the white stuff by actual measure For the first two or three weeks back on top the groundhog does not eat and he loses two or three pounds During the hibernation period despite the long East he only loses a pound An unusual finding for researchers was that the groundhog Is active early In the morning during March when they also mate But if the weather gets bad they go back Into burrows until it Improves a which might have contributed to the legend 7 Groundhogs have their young In mid April and these furry kittens come up out of the burrow In The trio of researchers headed by Professor E Walker of the Department of Zoology Is armed with an Impressive battery of facts hard to dispute But perhaps there are some grizzled veterans among the rocks and stones of groundhog country who could personally vouch for the authenticity of the legend We don t know But we do know that despite the evidence the reams of statistics and the debunking of those who know the harmless groundhog legend will continue to flourish MURRAY SMITH loll weighs a trapped groundhog while It is recorded at the groundhog rango at the University of Photo Audio Visual of G 1 NinerySlxlh Yoor No 31 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JANUARY 27 Pages Cents Storm closes schools blamed for crashes Most highways in Haiton were closed to traffic Tuesday af ternoon as gale like winds blanketed the roads with loose enow Cutting visibility to zero and turning most of the roads Into a glare of ice Dozens of accidents were reported on highways and 25 in the Milton area At mid- afternoon highway was Impassable both north and south of Milton as rashes of accidents most of the of the rear end variety blocked the driving lanes Storm came east Highway 401 was declared impassable by Milton 0 and motorists were urged to stay at home or at work The storm apparently started In the Windsor area and moved eastward striking area around noon Reports from western Ontario indicate highway 401 was closed through to Windsor No report yet Several persons were injured and property damage figures were mounting but area police departments were too busy trying to entangle the mess of accidents to give any comprehensive reports on just how costly the storm had been Many schools and factories shut down early when the road conditions were broadcast and the added deluge of homeward bound motorists added to the traffic troubles pupils In the north area were delayed in arrival home but all were eventually home safe At one point In the afternoon a sevenvehicle pileup was reported at Speyslde and one motorist who made It through from Palermo to Milton said he saw cars either ditched or involved in accidents Acton community centre shut down operations at last night Tuesday after only a handful of boys showed up for the clock hockey school School buses bringing rural students to Actons three schools were not In operation today Wednesday because of impossible road conditions Acton District High School was closed except for a few staff members who were able to reach the school The examination schedule at the school has been moved back one day Exams will now go on until Monday instead of Friday School went on as usual at M Z Bennett and Robert Little schools for town students although both schools were missing several teachers when the bell rang at thb morning Impassable road conditions prevented some workers from reaching their Jobs In Acton this morning as well Beardmore and Company reported anywhere from five to seven workers missing from larger departments that employ from 30 to people Several residents who work out of town were alio unable to reach their Jobs Groups tell county they need grants Controversy over an attempt by Haiton county council to stop Issuing grants to agricultural and charitable organizations resulted in six delegations and an hour s discussion at the January meeting of the council held in Milton Tuesday But the Issue Is not settled yet the question of grants was sent back for more study by the countys committee at a later date Recommendation made Two weeks ago finance committee recommended the county Halloa bulletin discontinue the policy of paying Haiton county roads grants at the county level Some department issued a bulletin to counsellors felt Individual municipalities were also contributing to these groups and the county grants were duplications Finance committee chairman area radio stations at Tuesday reporting that most county roads were impassable county Board of Education officials reported Permits show 70 growth In 1970 building permits were issued in Acton with a total value of The applications show diversified and steady growth in the town Mrs Lorna Clarke in the town office compiled the figures for the Free Press with breakdown of the building permits into categories Apartments homes Residential permits were Issued each month of the past year except January with the biggest item In February worth of building at the Valleyview Apartment on Churchill Road N followed by 194596 in April for Monex Churchill Residential permits totalled 649096 Breakdown by months February 305000 in two permits March one permit April 194596 12 May 000 four June 15200 seven July 28400 eighth August four September 3700 four October 53200 two November two and December one Banks stares Commercial permits totalled for applications Monthly totals were January one application February 55993 for two including the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce April 500 for four applications May 134 BOO for three the new stores on Main St S the Bank of Montreal addition and alterations at the Dominion Hotel June for the To bank July one October two November for Beckers stores at Churchill Rd and Queen St One new factory Industrial permits totalled 100700 The breakdown shows May with 97000 total for three Acton Wood Products factory and additions to Superior Glove and K Porter plant July one August one One school permit was issued 1350 for addition of portable classrooms to the Robert Little school and high schools One permit for the arena was issued for for alterations Reeve Allan Masson of OakvlUe said the municipalities benefitting from the services should pay the shot themselves Tuesday line up Announcement of the proposed change in policy brought a group of representatives to council Tuesday meeting The Salvation Army which received a 1 grant last year The Canadian National Institute for the Blind which sought the Royal Botanical Gardens which received last year agricultural representative Henry J Stanley on behalf of his department the Junior extension branch the Soil and Crop Improvement Association and Haiton Farm Safety Council which sought a total of Haiton Plowmen Association which sought from the county this year and Ken Murray who spoke for Acton Milton and Georgetown fairs grants of Each speaker told councillors their organizations depend on county grants for their existence and urged the grants be continued in 1971 They all reviewed their organizations work and said some of the organizations would either have to fold up or curtail their ac tivities if the county grants were stopped Not chintzy Reeve Masson told the council the finance committee wasnt attempting to be chintzy or mean but was seriously worried about duplication I dont think any one of us here is out for killing fall fairs It s Just a matter of who is to pay for them Georgetown reeve Rick Morrow who sponsored the motion said his personal opinion was that the whale policy of making grants with tax dollars was incorrect Many people In already donate their own money to these organizations he noted Lack of priority Healso suggested there was A total lack of relative priorities in past grants with the Muscular Dystrophy Association and the Canadian Mental Health Association receiving each while the Lome Scots Regiment got and the Botanical Gardens He said he respected the history and tradition of the Lome Scots but I Just cannot justify a priority times greater than the Muscular Dystrophy he said Other seeking a share of the total of 20 In county grants this year are the St John Ambulance Navy League of Canada John Howard Society Haiton Fire Prevention Bureau One dissenter With only reeve Morrow dissenting the council agreed to delete the policy change from the finance committee minutes and have the budget committee which is the whole council deal with the grants controversy at a later date Assault charges withdrawn In court in Milton Monday two Acton charges of assault were withdrawn The two women Involved had laid the charge and countercharge last summer fines of falling the breath test were levied of and and a fine of for refusing to take the test A fine of was meted out for a liquor charge Three charges of minor traffic violations were laid by Acton police there were two convic tions One fine of 43 was levied for speeding and another of for falling to hove a muffler The third charge was dismissed Enforce two hour limit GALE FORCE WINDS whipped around Acton streets yesterday Tuesday af ternoon quickly covering parked cars with a blanket of snow and making visibility almost impossible This picture was taken at the corner of Mill and Willow Streets about 1 Photo Last one ins an icicle Shinnyists shiver in shower Inefficiency of Acton arenas gas water heater Is creating problems for hockey teams according to arena manager Harold Townsley Teams can t shower unless they all get in at once he told Acton Parks and Recreation Committee members Thursday night The last ones in get cold water he said New heater Mr Townsley recommended a new heater be Installed and also asked the committee to consider purchasing a water softener Hot chocolate and coffee machines in the committee arena booth are becoming clogged up with lime he explained Installation of a water softener would cost the committee 329 A water softener could be rented for per month Property committee was instructed to investigate the possibility of purchasing a tarpaulin to keep cold air out of the room at the back of the building which houses the Ice resurfacing machine Mr Townsley told the committee unusually cold weather has helped form a sheet of ice on the floor of the room Need ads Mr Townsley also reported he has room for more advertising signs In the arena Subscribers receive 32 square feet of ad vertising for per year New subscribers are also charged to have their sign painted Space is rented on a two year contract basis Acton police warn they will be paying particular attention to enforcing the two hour parking limit In the mala business Me lton The overnight parking ban will also be enforced Corp Ray Mason said this week He also reminds Acton drivers that cars ore being parked much too close to the crosswalks Acton parking bylaw states that cars may not park within 20 feet at an Intersection or crosswalk Lost pup I Malcolm boards Coats wagon Newly elected parka and recreation vicechairman Gil Malcolm has climbed aboard Councillor BUI Coats band wagon advocating an early start on plans for Actons centennial celebrations in Chairman Hugh Patterson backed Mr Malcolm suggestion We should think ahead he said We certainly didn t for Canadas centennial year We started in January and The vicechairman came out in came up with nothing favor of early planning at Councillor Peter Marks Thursday nights parks and promised to see parks and recreation meeting Councillor recreation has representation on Coats has already brought the the towns centennial committee OPP charge The first town O charge against an impaired driver of a snowmobile was laid early Saturday morning An Acton area man returning home at am was stopped for a routine check of his registration and later charged with falling to pass the breath test Milton He Is the first snowmobile driver to be charged here by the Acton detachment The police have received a directive to check registrations of snowmobile operators Union sign two year contract Wage Increases of per hour the first year and per hour in the second year was the major change in a new twoyear labor contract signed between Beardmore and Co and local of the Canadian Food and Allied Workers representing employees Beardmore employees ratified the new contract by a targe majority last Thursday Increases In shift premiums were another feature of the agreement whidh expires January 17 1973 Weekly benefit payments are improved and continue for up to weeks for employees with 10 years of service Insurance coverage has also been increased Pay percent The company pays one hundred per cent of premiums for Ontario Hospital Services Commission and Ontario Health Services Insurance Commission major medical and medicalsurgical Elans which Include weekly and insurance Anew bereavement clause will pay up to three days absence without loss of pay for death In the Immediate family During the past year the company voluntarily initiated a major medical drug plan and improved pension benefits Pension payments were also increased to employees who retired prior to the instituting of the Canada Pension Plan categories Twentysix new work categories have been established based on skill and effort required There la a per hour spread between each category Womens and mens Jobs have been eliminated as such and a new list of Job categories established to make It more convenient to comply with the Womens Equal Employment Opportunity Act Men women and boys can now apply for the same job The Beardmore release said the company has a long history of amicable relations between employees and management who cooperate in keeping their products competitive within the Industry and with substitute materials I think we have a real good contract declared union president Win and most of our people are quite satisfied Arena manager Harold Towns- ley has some unexpected help this week with no obligations to the payroll A black Labrador Retriever Joined the staff without Invitation and has since attached herself to the manager Flattered by the female attention Mr Townsley still feels the owner may be looking for this good looking pup and sends out an S He can be reached at the community centre Ringers council Is considering a letter from the town of Georgetown challenging the council to compete In snowmobile races set up by the Georgetown Jaycees It was suggested at council in view of doubts on their mobillng ability that they bring in professionals as with all their gear on nobody could tell the difference anyhow Reeve asks consideration Reeve Tom HOI has asked township residents when clearing their drives give consideration to where they pot mow Some residents with front end loaders have been trying to pack It the hank left by the This builds tot onto the road and is rockhard to ran Into He explained farther Its not only hes worrying but a car that has moved to the side of the rood to let another pass might bit this abatment This also applies to mow thrown from a drive onto the road

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