Same chairman Two new members loin planning board ranks IK Planning board welcomed new members named its chairman set itfl budget and then returned to its usual business lately the big new subdivision on the Seynut and Vyse New members to the board this year are councillor Norman Elliott replacing councillor Earl and council s appointment Dave replacing Blow who has resigned Chairman welcome Sid was named chairman again this year Mr Salts welcomed the new members and said he trusted the work of the board would be for the benefit of all the people of Acton He hoped the excellent relations with town council would be maintained The board doesn t sit to be a hurdle to developers he said but to assist them and see that the decisions made are in everybody best Interest and Major with Paul Other board members present Martlndale and G W McKemie VicBrlstow Frank Simionl absent Mayor Duby MAIN ST N and NO 7 4 New Twin Houses Well Located Minutes From Town Centre- Featuring Solid masonry construction Bathrooms Colored Fixtures Economical Gas Heating Low Down Payment No Salary Requirements Free Dryer For First Sold Builder will consider trade on your house CONSTRUCTION LTD Main St S 8530190 8532610 evgs S Year ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JANUARY 1971 authorised to replace a rcgultr council representative Secretary treasurer Grant Usher was reappointed as Mr praised his work the past year County meet I up Vic Brlstow and Frank Sunioni were named the towns representatives to the county planning association which meets in the evening of the third Wednesday of each month in the county administration building Their meeting rate is paid by the county Mr said he felt it was Important to have Acton representatives in attendance Set budget A budget for the year of was set an increase of over last year Members have been paid for attending meetings for the last two years at the rate of per meeting Last year there were several special meetings and the budget amount allotted for board honorariums ran out before the end of the year As a result this year the amount allotted for honorariums was increased from 1500 to The board did not expect many extra meetings this year Consultant a fees for Project Planning Associates ore again set at Slightly over this amount was paid to the planners last year A special meeting of planning board will be lie Id possibly to talk over some of the planners recommendations for the Seynuck Vyse property with the developer and engineers Project Planning Associates of Toronto the board planners had made recommendations to the board which were discussed with consulting engineer Curtis of London at the regular meeting last Thursday Could be Ultimate population of the development ranging from Wallace Ave south of the music centre over to Churchill Road is about 1 That means about a per cent increase in the population of the town and eight or nine more classrooms Joe Adamick hopes to start this spring to build the first 50 or so homes off Wnllacc Ave This part of the property is already properly zoned as An application must be made for the of the rest of the property Consider whale area Planning board was cons the layout of the whole new subdivision lost week Planners recommendations discussed at some length Included locating more parkland near the school reversing some lots so they don t front on major roads changing of streets allowances for drainage sewerage casement wdth requirements etc Cons for some time was the planners suggestion that Wallace Ave should be widened 17 feet It would eventually connect with the road in the industr basin Planning board members concluded Wallace Ave would not be the best way to another major access to the industrial basin Alternatives are Churchill Rd which like Wallace already has homes facing it or a new industrial road planned well in advance for the future subdivision east of Churchill This land is still in township so cannot be developed Mr Curtis informed planning board members the land surveyors would be here soon to survey the first phase of the work Leno Braida heads board plant manager of the Building Products plant In Acton was elected chairman of the County Separate School Board at the inaugural meeting A former Acton resident Mr Braida lives in OakviUe where he has served as the separate school representative on the county board since its inception Investigate cause of Esquesing fire THE ONTARIO FIRE MARSHALS office is investigating a which almost destroyed the brand new home of real estate salesman Robert Turkington R R 2 Georgetown Saturday afternoon Fire gutted the garage and ate into the house situated on Sidcroad just east of Stewnrttown on the Seventh Line in Two township trucks and bids for ticket Walter announced that he is a candidate for the New Democratic Party Nomination Candidate the forthcoming Provincial Election in the constituency of West Mr Mulkewich a teacher of History and World Politics at Trafalgar High School is President of the Halton West New Democratic Party Association He is an active layman and Sunday School teacher the Burlington Baptist church McMastcr graduate Now 31 years of age Mr Mulkewich was bom and raised on the family farm near Ontario He is a graduate of McMaster University in History and Politics and of the Ontario College of Education as a specialist in History Mr Mulkewich is married and with his wife Beverley and three daughters Shar and Mnam lives at Patricia Drive in the Aldershot end of Burlington The Mulkewichs have lived in Burlington for the past nine years with the exception of one spent in North West Territories claims the meaningful quality of 1 fe is being LOVELL BROS HEAT MARKET RED BRAND BEEF Boneless Prime Rib Roast 29 Lean Shoulder Roast LB Blade Short Rib Roast 85 Lean Ground Chuck lb Maple Leaf Side Bacon 65 Shoulders 49 S Link Sausage lb LOVELL BROS MODERN MEAT MARKET Acton Phono DAILY DELIVERY WALTER challenged by pollution taxes and prices bureaucracy and a dehumanizing sprawl He charges the Conservative government is unable or unwilling to dent with the real problems of the people Nomination night The nomination night for Halton West will be held Feb at Bay Centre Hall on Glendor Ave in Burl Stephen provincial leader will be guest speaker at the event If Mulkewich gets the nation he be pitted against Conservative Cabinet Minister George Kerr The Liberal Association has not yet decided on a cand date volunteers from Georgetown fire department fought the fire In heavy winds which hampered efforts to bring flames under control Water was brought from Georgetown hydrants by truck Cause of the fire has not been determined There is no estimate of damage Staff Photo Elect Bert Hinton Sheridan vice Rev J AM Bell former headmaster of Appleby College was reelected chairman of the Sheridan College Board of Governors at the first meeting of Well known Acton businessman H H Bert was elected vicechairman An resident Dr Bell has served as executive secretary to the board of governors of the Independent Schools of Ontario He is also a charter member of the Sheridan Board having completed one year as chairman Outspoken Member One of the most outspoken members of the board Mr Is a former reeve of Ac ton one time warden of Halton with many years of experience on county committees He is a former executive director of the Ontario Counties Association of the province has served on the Credit Valley Conservation Authority as well as being a charter member of the Sheridan board appointed by the county At the first meeting Mr questioned the donation of from the James foundation of Toronto towards a student campus building fund What building What this new campus building asked Mr But the question was never answered as the board moved on H to discuss setting up a tax free foundation which could receive and hold such donations and bequests The sudden bequest it was learned resulted when the foundation heard from a Sheridan student that a campus building fund had been started Sheridan president John Porter was reported as stating that education minister Davis approved community colleges accepting donations for buildings and purposes Board controller of finance H H Shore said Sheridan has been accepted as a charitable organization to receive money for specific purposes Meet Elect Charles Heard your Jan Liberals and all interested from Acton Nassagaweya and townships are being ted to meet MP Rud Whiting at a special Meet Your P afternoon at the Acton Music Centre Sunday January 31 Guest speaker for the meeting will be M P Jim Breithaupt of Kitchener a member of the Ontario Liberal Caucus Mr has established a reputation as an astute critic of the provincial government Annual event Liberal committee member Lou of Acton said local Liberals hope to make the event an annual affair to enable party supporters and others to meet their M P Many of them work on his behalf during an election and then don t get the opportunity to see him again until the next election he explained Refreshments are also Included in plans for the meeting which opens at Co vicepresident The annual meeting of shareholders and directors of Co Ltd in Acton January 6 saw Charles Heard elected a vicepresident of the company Mr Heard who has been with the company since is also superintendent in charge of production of the upper leather division A new director Jules of Montreal was also elected Sales manager for eastern Canada he has been with the company since 1960 Returned to office were the chairman of the board H Dickson executive vice president of Canada Packers Ltd president and general manager Norman J vice president and treasurer Jack Creighton and secretary Lome E Directors elected were Bennett N J J H Creighton Dickson Dunham L J G Greifeneder C Heard and Mr Lareau Blessed are the young Among other scintillating things they will inherit the national debt A bachelor is the fellow who not only has bad habits but Is free to enjoy them CHARLES ft HEARD Girl injured The fourth snowmobile ac cident reported to Milton OPP in the past month involved a 13- yearold Terra girl who was hurt Saturday morning in a collision with a parked cor Anne was the driver of a snowmobile which struck the parked car on private property near the North village The car owned by Ed ward Fone of Weston was undamaged Miss suf fered bruises to her left leg and machine received HO