Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 10, 1971, p. 15

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mhmM Sus of poison Th B7 jFrtc yrcssfeocfcwood Mystery of heron Comins and Goins CLOSE INVESTIGATION of mountainous snow bank situated near the garage of the Conservation Park reveals that under all the white sparkle are almost cords of wood which have been brought down for summer campers from the Belwood lake area New growth of young trees necessitates the cleaning out of all old growth and the forester crews at lakes Shand Dam are removing trees and in the same process cutting up the hardwood and storing it in one big stockpile in the local park Photo by Lorraine News and views It was birthday time a few weeks ago Youngest son Peter had hit the tremendous age of six years old and at our house thats party age With the help of his ideal mother his school teacher who excels every other female in beauty talent and brilliant abilities he managed to get his invitations Into the hands of the children he wanted to Invite with special limitations on the quantity if hed had his way the entire school would have been participants in the celebrating affair With strong vocal manipulation we managed to curb the numbers to ten five girls and five boys while an Inquisitive family wait at home speculating lust who Peter would invite to his very first party J Keen eye Our initial realization was that either our little son had a keen eye for pretty chicks or else little girls were getting cuter every year We had in our house for one entire evening a collection of the most adorable pint sized femmes fatales anyone could imagine Bobby with homegrown falls wearing velvet pant suite sharp tiny brunettes with fascinating personalities and one cute little blond with a dutch boy cut who kept repeating over and over again no way The boys were also something special from their high necked poor boy turtlenecks to their Jackets and suit coats Definitely a party of high fashion lea fry petits Fun Intended We were to begin the party by playing through a list of games which I had carefully scheduled allowing so much time for each so that this was going to be one night when the kids would roll into bed saying things like Wow did we ever play a tot of games at Peters ffltyffiffWever have fun Well fust off found myself confronted by a glamorous small blond organizer who thought my games were all wet and no one had ever heard of such stupid words as Hi ho the daireeo because at the school everyone knows that It HI ho the merry- Bowling Rockwood bowlers were back on the track last Tuesday night after a weeks layoff due to blizzardy road conditions By the end of the evening team standings were giving better Indications of whats to come and the 1st place shows the clippers with points 2 Pacers Neighbours Guelphltes Bluebirds Four Corners Whltewashers 60 Came Bros and coming up from the bottom the Slow Pokes with points for place Almost split Nortons Bluebirds almost split the score with the dippers when the Clippers gave them an upset to make the score to 3 for the Bert Archer for the whining team made triple McCutcheon a single and Jestin rang up a 274 277 764 triple score Jest In a 237 triple The Nortons team boasted Fred Nightingale with his 721 triple and Mary fettle The Neighbours were in a fine fettle after the week countdown and they took a 5 to point lead over the Carneys team Ellen Garner showed a 191 single Sandy McPhedran a 192 Bill Garner a and Lola a 201 all single scores John Carney for the plumbing and heating team ran up a single May a 186 Bob a 211 and Betty a single score The Four Corners team were the contenders for their game against the Alley Cats as Tony made a 239 single tally rate a triple score Ralph Wright made a 199 single and Jack Parkinson a 196 Elmers boys showed Elmer Allan running op a single Helen Elliott a and Gloria Alton a single score Strattons showed Sam Nyholt with single Ruth Kingsbury and Dune Kingsbury made a triple score to put their team top dog over the Ospringe Slow Pokes with a score of to Ross Ferguson for the defeatees bowled scores 222 176 to triple 619 Ferguson made a 159 single and Harold Theaker a single score Heavy winners The were the only heavy winners of the nights bowling games and Don Archibald a triple Freeman Wilsons single and Ross Gordons slngTe put the team over the top to win out against Gooyer Bros to the tune of to Winnie Hilts made a single showing and JoAnn Gooyers a single The Whltewashers were down points as they were bowled out by the Pacers who won with a to score Doug Cross of the Pacers made a triple Mike Martin a 202 single Doug Hilton and Bob Van a single score Brian Robertson for the showed a 209 228 191 set of single scores which tripled Clarence Hilton rolled up 2 single scores of 209 and 225 Marina Mulder a single and Art Nightingale a 180 single score Women over 50B Mary Stahlbaum Ivy Rit chie Vivian Nightingale Lois Jestin Nellie Alice Johnson Doris Ann McCormach Marina Mulder 524 Irene Men over Ted 788 Jestin Fred Nightingale Don Archibald Dune Kingsbury Brian Robertson 628 Doug Cross Sam Nyholt Tony Stokman Bert Archer Ross Ferguson puzzles pork director and shed rather play London bridges anyway Utile dutchboy haircut just stood there in the circle shaking her head over and over again saying In clever reiteration No Way Heads tall So we played London Bridges and everything was great until young glamour puss wearied of always catching people and chopping off their heads and discovered that some of the little boys had marvellous knee which were more fun to kick at anyway Pit pit there I was trying to outwit a brilliant six year old with the mind of a tack who almost had everyone eating from her hand Her fascinating personality regressed somewhat however with the discovery that Peter s older brother who was assisting In the success of this amazing party was also good knee capkicking material but he wasnt having any part of it gradually she became so engrossed in the game of bUndmans buff that her antics were put until her next debut Learning level The real fun of a little kids party is Just being there Talking to them laughing with them and sharing their activities Its good to get down to a childs level because It amazing what we can learn They re really nothing but small replicas of their adult elders shy not sure of themselves and somewhat insecure until a friendly gesture puts them at ease a familiar game puts them in the running and a winning score makes them the life of the party and for the rest of the evening the tear stained little damsel who didnt want to come to the party in the first place was having the best tune of anyone else there Karate expert One little boy was a Karate expert and he could slink slyly into a room behind the others and give them the old chop chop Saturday morning M C A style This kid was no slunk and by the end of the evening those unfortunates who didnt know that proper party procedure was to stand with backs against walls stood the chance of a year level Karate chop square on the back of the neck a true test of stolid masculinity According to son Peter af terwards pure kindergarten technique practiced by all the boys during recess Want more Finally it was over time Everyone had been wonderful and had revelled in Peter birth day present opening celebrations The birthday cake candles had been blown in Jerky fashion and balloons were popped in satisfying succession the party was a proven success because all the kids were asking for another one next week Mothers were arriving to pick up their charges and stilt others were to be transported home Last car gone no more noises no more hollering just old Peter rattling around in the paper party remains examining all of presents Prayer of thanks When I tucked him into bed that night be gave a special thank you prayer for his party and another special special thank you prayer lor his wonderful teacher who had planned It all for him listed all the great games and chosen the beautiful birthday cake with all the candles He told God that he was sorry she hadnt been able to get to his party but that maybe next year shed have more time Peter really is only six years old and I chuckled The majestic blue which was spotted on the shores of the Eramosa River Just outside last week is according to Bill managing director of the Kortwright Water Fowl Park In only one of several which have been seen in Ihe area recently Of the four which have been brought here to the park said Mr They have all died either of Infection or from some minor injury Very suspicious Mr an avid member of the Naturalist Club shares a well founded concern of many of its members He Timberl for elms her elm trees in the Hock- wood Conservation Park ore slated for extraction tic this year according to supervisor Jim Already of the giant trees have been pulled out with the top limbs being used for camping firewood and the lower logs sent to the Dam for grading Depending on the quality of the tree and the length of time It has been standing the logs will be used either for furniture factory purposes or as skids The Conservation Park crew had hoped to complete the dead elm clearing by the end of the winter season however the new forestry operation at the Shand Dam of clearing out the old wood in that vicinity has set the project back a short period that although no chemical tests been made of the stomach content of the dead birds positively proving pesticide consumption through fish and other creatures he Is highly suspicious that some form of insecticide has played its role in the change of migratory habits of many of these birds All the herons taken to the sanctuary had received treatment but could not have been saved Later they had been carefully examined to ascertain the cause of death but to make a complete chemical test It would cost from to per bird Last strength It is the assumption of many naturalists that contaminated fish and water consumed by the heronr are responsible for creating a weakness In their flying abilities and consequently they are not strong enough to make the long autumn haul from Canada to the warmer climates According to Mr Carrlck on the migratory habits of the blue heron they leave their Canadian sometime in late September and early October not to return until late April of the species who are not able to make the trip south are forced to fend for survival In the Canadian frost with little protection plus the added dif ficulties of frozen waters from which to catch the fish frogs and small reptiles their natural feed Pelican proven Although the possibility of insecticides DDT and other contaminate pollutants as being directly responsible for the Four 50 awards for studenf project The Grand River Conservation Authority Is encouraging secondary school students in its area to compete for a new conservation award established by the Canadian National Sports mens Show A Sportsmens Show Award will be given a student class or group each conservation authority area of theprovince for the best student environmental management project In that area Four awards Because of the large number of secondary schools In the Grand River Conservation Authority area four awards will be given Projects can be related to such things as land use soil conservation fisheries game biological studies or weather records The only restriction is that they must fall within the overall heading of environmental management Entries must be submitted to the authority no later than Feb 28 new award established by the Sportsmens Show with the support of the Committee of Conservation Authority Chairmen of Ontario is intended to encourage student interest In conservation projects and ac tivities will be judged by the curriculum committee which is made up of tea authority representatives and members of the Grand Valley Conservation Foundation Award winners from across the province will be invited to the TURN OVER Proud mother But even if Willie did misbehave cant spank him on a full stomach Neighbor No of course not but you can always turn him over decreasing bird populations has not been completely proven as far as the blue heron is concerned It has however been proven in its on the diminishing brown pelican The state bird of Louisiana no longer is to be found In its natural habitat the end of a long food chain in which insects and fish etc have finally consumed insecticides have shown its results so that no longer can the brown pelican progenate In Louisiana the shells of its eggs are not strong enough to carry its offspring Villains In cupboards Close range viewing of the graceful blue heron at any time of the year sounds exciting and curious but according to many naturalists and unless we are more careful seeing herons and other migrating birds in the wintertime could eventually become a matter of common expectancy rather than a rare occurence Plastic bags DDT Insec ticides and other such pest controllers ore fast becoming a of life and the utility cupboards of almost every housewife In the continent houses such usurpers of our environment and in so doing each individual is playing his own small part In the drama of world contamination Precarious nests In Ontario numerous blue heron nests are to be seen plunked In humorous fashion on bush and tree tops gigantic crude masses of loose sticks and although naturalists have spotted a few nests around Fergus other colonies are located In such districts as the Luther Marsh and various other wooded sections of the province When they leave Canada in early fall the heron usually beads for the Gulf of Mexico or the southern half It is easily dlscenable In flight although often such birds are confusedly identified as cranes The sharply pointed bills with narrow heads suspended on long slender necks with bare stork- like legs gives them the appearance strongly resembling the crane however unlike the crane who flies with his neck straight out like a stork the magnificent blue heron holds his head between his shoulders and trails his legs straight out behind silhouetting a large S across the skyline Open to public Bill welcomes everyone at the Kortrlght Water Fowl Park In It is housed in the original of the famous 20 year established Mack Bird Sancturary but was not opened as a public park development until approximately five or six years ago Since that time the park has been able to boast visitors a year with many school children attending annually Friends of little Kevin McRae will be relieved and happy to know that he Is on the mend again Kevin was hospitalized in for the croup and although he wont be homo immediately reports are that he is now doing nicely and will be well soon Hazardous weather conditions put a damper on local affairs last week and several cancellations were a must to many village meetings Village folks are delighted that Mrs Arthur Ewers of Main Street is getting along nicely after her last month A cracked wrist and slight back injury followed by a two day hospitalization period and a week with her son Jack in have finally resulted in recuperation Mrs had slipped on the ice outside of her home and her friends will be pleased to know that yesterday her wrist cradle was removed and she is feeling better again Reports of local visiting tells the winter story of too cold outside delightful fire place warm ups inside and no one seems to be going anywhere friends send their notes of sympathy to Jean Gray on the recent bereavement of her mother Mrs Gladys who passed away at the St Josephs Extended Care Wing Guelph on January and was buried on Tuesday afternoon at the Bcllslde Cemetery Fergus It a heigh ho birthday greeting to one of cutest little guys Robbie Meadows the young son of the local Fire Chief Carl and his wife Susie was six years old on Monday February 1 Congratulations Robbie and Happy Birthday Utile Beth Clark of celebrated her 7th birthday last Wednesday Feb and on Saturday she had a pool party at the C A in followed with a food fest and games at home Happy Birthday Beth It hope for good weather without snow for the Nightingales and Art and Nightingale and Bob Noble left by automobile for the trip to Florida early this week and Vivlenne will be off by plane to meet them on Friday for a week visit in the sunny south Happy holidaying folks we be watching for that brown all over look come the A few carloads of children who had participated as school crossing guards during the past year were feted to a bowling party at the Sportsmans bowl last Wednesday night Two games and potato chips and cokes were on the evening agenda and the kids had a marvellous time This years March of Dimes went over the top for this time and convener Mrs Julie Brace had words of praise and esteem for her ardent canvassers Many of them put aside their school exams to contribute to the worthy cause The two day conference In Hamilton saw the Reeve and Deputy Reeve of attending the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities meeting with councillor Bill Adsett and Clerk Lloyd last Monday and Tuesday Eight little furry and cuddly creatures are being housed in reverent splendour at the conservation park garage and the proud mother owned by Jim Is the shepherd part collie who Is proud of her splendid offspring The babies are exceptionally strong and healthy and their father a labrador retriever Is doing well Milne surprised his family today when he walked Into the house after his recent stay in the Westminster Veterans hospital in London Reportedly Jimmle was doing well and would be home soon but after his leg operation he Just picked up and drove himself home Nice going were glad you re Back in town Hows Your Hearing Chicago III A free offer of special interest to those who hear but do not understand words has been announced by A nonoperating model of the smallest aid ever made will be given absolutely free to anyone answering this advertisement Try it to see how it is worn in the privacy of your own home without cost or 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