Acton Free Press Wednesday February 1971 News Briefs JUST A month till spring believe It or not THE SHORT change from snow to puddles was pleasant In a sloppy way SOMF OF THE residents of Maple View Lodge have been getting quite a kick out of being taken for rides on a snowmobile SEVERAL crows have been seen and heard THE GEORGETOWN weekly paper also reported a first robin last week MILTON school children go swimming in the School for the Deaf pool during the winter holiday In Mid March TOWN WORKMEN carted away this week after smashing up the weekslong accumulations of frozen snow along the main streets AT THE mens club Chinese meal Bruce Shoemaker received a fortune cookie which advised You will be successful In all your undertakings SIDEWALKS and roads have been ley for weeks on end Town workmen were sanding this week but walking Is still treacherous Some older people hardly dare go out GEORGETOWN now has six banks The Bank of Nova Scotia opened a branch there last week Now Georgetown has two branches of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Royal Bank of Canada Toronto Dominion bank and Canada Trust Until the midfifties Georgetown just had two banks Give Information on universities On Wednesday March 16 Ontario Universities will be represented at a University Information Program to be presented at Georgetown District High School Grades 12 and 13 students and their parents are invited to participate In the program Discussion will centre on the courses offered by universities the educational requirements needed for successful entrance into these courses their costs residence fees and other questions related to university life in general Student awards A representative from the Department of University Affairs will also be present to discuss the Ontario Student Awards program with those Interested in its benefits The program will begin at 30 m in the auditorium After a brief period of introductions and Instruction the group will move to the first of three sessions Each person may choose to participate In three forty minute sessions A coffee period will conclude the evening Invitation Students from Acton and Milton High Schools are being invited to attend this program also Bus service will be provided for them Universities represented are Brock Carleton Guelph Mc Master Ottawa Queens Royal Military College Toronto Trent Waterloo Waterloo Lutheran Western Ontario Windsor and York Youth remanded for examination A Georgetown youth was remanded to Clark Institute of Pschiatry by Judge James Black for mental examination He was sent to the Institute for a period not to exceed days prior to appearing on a charge of attempted murder The youth was charged by Georgetown Police February 3 after four shotgun blasts were fired at Georgetown District High School One of the shots narrowly missed police sergeant Frank Arthurs Same charge Another Georgetown man charged with attempted murder- was remanded one week in custody He had Just returned from a psychiatric examination at the Ontario Hospital In He Is charged In connection with the beating of his wife which occurred last year GIANT BROADLOOM GUELPH BAR HARBOUR HARDING FORTREL SHAG BY CANADIAN Wear resistant acrilan broad- Barefoot and Delightfully loom in a beautiful carved Yours come in tone effect Colors Pink design Color Forest Moss a God O ive Me on or Red BAR HARBOUR REG and 12 Wide BAREFOOT DELIGHTFULLY YOURS REG 1398 SALE PRICE 6 PROPYLON CASJLETWIST Soil and stain resistant Wilton Weave back Colors Admiralty blue jasper martini and and 12 wide REG 13 SALE PRICE Yd BEDDING SALE Special Purchase PERMACALE NOIRON PRINT SHEETS CASES in and FITTED and FITTED CASES 99 each 29 etch 99 Dont just cover your bed dross rt up in easycare and colourful Daisy or Hose Garden punts I These polyester and cotton Perniaeala and cases will wash up like new time timo will Atoned colours the MARGARET ROSE BEDSPREADS Regular 1598 Blluliul in re gravid cord of rot mitt Tn7BiiOO Doubt- TWIN Sua Reg J ACRILAIRE THERMAL BLANKETS WW with nylon 1499 2099 an from be tut decorator mm TwnBtlor HIGHLANDER BOXED BLANKETS wool WYN0HAM USE YOUR WALKER OPEN AND OPTION CHARGE TIL 900 etch TEL LAUREL EASYCARE FIBERGLAS DRAPERIES 84 899 x20 2699 r most popular pattern decorator shades of gold avocado or beige I Wash by hand and hang as loon as ore dry youll never hove to iron them will not shrink stretch sun rot or ode Colors will stay fresh and bright COLORFUL FURNITURE THROWS x60 Reg Reg 1399 Protect your furniture end brighten your decor Three deiigns and one to chooie from Foam laminated back Brown green gold melon x90 Reg 70xl40 Reg SPECIAL PURCHASE DRAPERY FABRICS yards of first drapery fabrics array of patterns and solid shades NYLON PILE BATH MAT SETS Pre shrunk machine washable elosliaied lid cover and mat with woffle skid resistant back Decorator shades of deep purple sapphire gold and block 699 SPECIAL COLORFUL TOSS CUSHIONS Choose from colorful assortment of plain or quilted covers all square knife style Shop for best selection 88 WINDOW SHADES SPECIAL First quality washable flame resistant window shades wide vinyl coated cloth In white only Bring in your exact window measurements Cutting slightly extra Eo WINDOW AND SHOWER CURTAIN SET 349 Assorted colors and patterns Machine Extra heavy Buy Now and Save 399