Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 3, 1971, p. 8

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday March 3 I I I I New officers named by Knox Ladies Aid By Wendy Thomson Every year about this time I take a good look in the mirror sideways a good look at the scales while standing flat Instead of rocking back on my heels to make it five pounds lighter and sigh Here we go again Its time to trim down and get In some sort of halfdecent shape again It would have been a great help if the weather were nice and could get outside to jog down to the barn and ig up the road and jag out to the mailbox As it is I wouldnt get two feet away from the doorstep without falling on my face So much for jogging members of Knox Ladies Aid met in the Dr Stewart Hall of Knox Church Acton on Tuesday afternoon Opening the meeting with a beautiful verse This is my Life Mrs J presided In the absence of Mrs S Matthews Mrs A K Mann acted as secretary and read the minutes and correspondence A card from a member Mrs A J Buchanan holidaying in Hawaii was enjoyed by the ladies The treasurers report was also read and showed a substantial balance on hand Several articles of business were discussed A menu for the Womens Institute District Annual Luncheon in May was decided on Requests for some quilting to be done by members of the Church will be looked after The devotional part the program was taken by Mrs G reading the Scripture lesson and Mrs J C Dennis leading in prayer Then theres the problem of food I just cant seem to make my stomach believe that three tablespoons of jogurt is much more fun to cat than a half a cup of Lemon Cake Custard So no more cooking and eating for fun Must get right down to business with carrot sticks celery sticks half an apple and ugh coffee flavored yogurt Still I do stretch the rules some times and have a peanut butter and lettuce sandwich a thick slab of lettuce spread thinly with peanut butter It beats cottage cheese New me The largest problem is the lack of privacy I had decided that Id like to diet quietly and startle everyone this spring when I shed my manure splattered duffle coat and there stands a NEW ME slender svelte supple graceful potless However before the first week was out Gord had translated the carefully disguised progress report hanging behind the bedroom curtain and passed the info on to daughter Beth Beth promptly came out to the kitchen and walked around me in circles trying to figure where the first five pounds had come off At least I thought Id keep my exercising to myself At sixthirty each morning Id shove the dog off the only rug in the house and settle myself down oq the warm spot for a session of inhaling exhaling and arm and leg waving The first morning Sue unhappy at being rousted decided this was a new game to join in She lay down alongside rolled over on her back took my elbow and half my arm In her mouth and started gnawing at it with long drawnout noises When I hollered at her to go away she meekly went as far as my feet and out of swatting range There she lay with one of my feet solidly pinned under two of hers and proceeded to clean the bottom of my foot Critical cab After throwing Sue outside I went back to my mat and tried to arrange my thoughts again I had Just got nicely going and could feel a few knotted muscles begin to loosen up when I happened to open my eyes Since this mat is beside our bed my glance hit right along the edge of it Twelve unblinking eyes looked back Six cats sat with raised eyebrows and My my expressions As my leg swung so their heads swung eyes still unblinking eyebrows going higher I felt like I was undressing in a store window or something Exit six cats Back down on the mat and to the last three of the exercises Even though they are great for limbering up some of them make me feet like an awful fool and I flopped on my stomach to catch my breath glad to have finished them in private Then I heard the noise a rattley purr close to my head With a sigh I opened my eyes and looked under the bed straight into the eyes of Tansytwo She seemed beside herself with kittenish glee to have seen a human making such a fool of herself and slithered out to assure me that shed keep it between the two of us Very kind of her Im sure Resigned to Publicity Anyhow theres no point in secrecy any longer Ive resigned myself to the fact that if I DO ever get jogging therell be one of the hounds snickering In the bush when I do slip and put butter on my beans like every night therell be family looking pointedly at my waist line I might as well have the whole countryside in on it too Next week recipes not to make if youre on a diet Heed challenge world relief Members of the Marion Baptist Mission Circle met on Monday evening at the church through the One Great Hour of Sharing This is a universal relief program arranged by the Baptist Mrs vacated the chair and Mrs J conducted the election officers The 1971 slate of officers is as follows president Mrs W J vice president Mrs A Mann secretary Mrs G S Matthews treasurer Mrs J Dennis pianist Mrs 0 Moran assistant pianist Mrs A K Mann Press reporter Mrs D S Morrison card secretary Mrs A J Buchanan supply convener Mrs J A Robinson manse committee Mrs McCutcheon Miss Clark and Mrs A M kitchen committee Mrs J Scriven Mrs Mrs J Wilson and Mrs J A Van Fleet advisory committee Mrs F J Mrs A and Mrs J Mcleod Following the meeting a dainty lunch was served by Mrs G Cancer Society plans annual April canvass with the president Frances world alliance on March from Sprowl assisted by her helpers and the ladies enjoyed a social fellowship together in charge gave a devotional thought based on a modem version of first Corinthians 13th chapter The highlight of the evening was an inspiring resume of the 4H members which a sum of 12000 was raised last year Before the prayer session Frances gave a few facts from the film To Russia with Love which was shown recently produced reading locally telling of the difficulties en OV course books which was given by Christians have to contend with Janice Harris From the book In Russia The Acton club held their Operation Brothers Brother she meeting of the club Dairy told of the new peace gun Fare on Monday February 15 Invented by Dr Reusing by which During the season the title states this club deals can be vaccinated I in working with milk cheese butter etc As usual the meetings are held one day helping to stamp out many diseases In foreign countries Challenge heard Mrs Harris left all present with a challenge to do something definite for world relief and as a result of this a bake sale is being planned in the near future All proceeds will go to world relief thankoffering to be held Monday April in the church to which all are invited Slides are being shown on the new work in Kenya Meeting closed with the benediction after which Elsie and Elda Fryer served a delicious lunch Harriet was courtesy convener Mr Fred Kingsmill is a patient in General Hospital High school teacher Mrs Marion Reed who was in hospital in Guelph Is now in Toronto General Hospital Mr and Mrs Gordon Park Cathy Steven and Kenneth of visited with Mr and on Monday nights at the home of members Lynda and Shirley New officers The officers for this club are as follows president Lynda vice president Shirley treasurer Shirley Sayers press reporter Lynda Sayers For this club they decided to take turns being the secretary This means everyone will be responsible to have notes kept up to date The leader will draw names and that person will have A busload of Acton Liberals to ro attended the Liberal Association nominating have Mrs MacNaughton as their convention last night Tuesday The Canadian Cancer Societys Acton Branch met at the home of Mrs West last Tuesday Feb With April Cancer Month just a month away plans concerning campaign were the main theme of this meeting Cathy Lasby club head On Tuesday Feb the Dublin Seniors held their meeting The meeting opened by electing officers They are as follows president Cathy Lasby vice president Doris Black treasurer Cathy press reporter Marilyn Barber duty reporter Gail Douglas Other members are Rennick Karen Pierce and Bonnie Armstrong We decided to hold our next meeting on March 1 at 7 oclock at the home of Mrs Douglas Mrs read notes and gave us our roll calls Members then enjoyed a snack of pizzas and hot chocolate Pink Panthers were also served but the club members did not like them Since the Cancer Campaign Blitz was so successful last year plans are again being made for a similar this year Members feel this is of benefit to the community as a whole in that everyone can expect a canvassing neighbor some time Success stories from classifieds Good response to classified ads in last weeks Free Press was reported by happy advertisers An apartment was rented on hour after the paper was out Various pieces of furniture listed by another advertiser were all sold A pair of girls tap shoes found a new owner thanks to a small ad during the first two weeks of April Hospital open house With open house at the Princess Margaret Hospital being held Sunday March 14 arrangements have been made for a bus to take Acton volunteers to visit the hospital and lodge to see what work is being done there and also to see where the new activities program here fits into their complex program Members are very grateful to the 150 volunteers who work throughout the Acton district in the many different areas of service activity groups driving visiting and campaigning They expect with this years Acton and area to raise an even larger amount than last years campaign Personals Billy and Mike Ware formerly leader The girls discussed names for the club but have not decided on They had a discussion on of Acton and now of Erin both food3 wer given played with Erin Pec Wees who recor books Atthe first meeting they made quick cheese pizzas Shirley won the series championship at the Mrs Chas over house league tournament on the Sayers and Kathic de Boer made Vegetable Queens make check list The second meeting of the Greenock club Dressing Up Vegetables was held at the home of Mrs Gordon Johnson on Feb The meeting was opened with the pledge The roll call The vegetables served at home yesterday was answered by the five girls present The minutes were read by Leah Leslie The Greenock Versatile Vegetable Queens was chosen for their club name Checklist Miss led the discussion on how to choose and buy vegetables Some points to remember are Check size shape and color Make sure the vegetables are fresh tender and crisp Any vegetable which Is bruised decayed or blemished should be discarded Choose vegetables by their intensity in color for good vitamin content Buy in small quantities and use immediately Moke dishes Vegetables are low in calories and produce the necessary bulk needed for your body To pep up the flavor seasonings and sauces are often added The girls took part in demonstrating three different methods of cooking Norma Leslie made panned cabbage Donna Milton made baked carrots and Barb Gates made boiled onions in cream sauce the weekend Mr and Mrs Robert Lands- borough Christopher and Paul were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Landsborough Howard and Allan Hall represented Acton at the meeting of the Ontario Minor Lacrosse Association in on the weekend Mr and Mrs Ross Ballentine and Mr and Mrs Jack Mc Cutcheon have reJjrned from a pleasant twoweek holiday in Florida Mr G A Matthews is a patient in General Hospital Mr and Mrs Ken Mann of New Brunswick visited his parents on their way home from a trip to Mexico Mr and Mrs Roy Johnston entertained 35 members of the Acton Snowmobile Club at their weekend Their parents are George and Marg Ware David Wayne baby son of John and Mary Ann was christened Sundajrafternoon at St Albans Anglican Church by the Rev Harry Dawson Grandparents Mr and Mrs Charles Leatherland entertained afterward The babys other grandmother Mrs came from Sudbury for the oc casion A few women are resurrecting the used clothing depot idea which was last in town when the defunct community committee was active Then it was in the town hall upstairs Now its to be in the and donations are sought Bring them to the this Saturday af ternoon Mrs CW Mason accompanied by her sister Mrs J A Logje of Woodstock have returned after a the cheese pizzas All enjoyed them and Shirley Jocque Cathy and Shirley Sayers made a second one Cathy made the hot chocolate and the rest made the vanilla and strawberry milkshakes For the next meeting they have decided to make corn chowder Dairy Fare On Saturday February 27 the members met at the Kirk- wood home for their first meeting of the spring session Fifteen members were present for the dairy fare club The nomination of officers began They are as follows president Sharon Ellerby vice president Debbie Saw secretary Brenda Kingsmill treasurer Susan Kuiken press reporter Susan Bruce tclephoner Ruth Kirkwood Leader Lais Henderson read a Shell cherish fine gifts of English china sparkling silverware and attractive jewellery for years to come LOVELL BROS HEAT MARKET RED BRAND BEEF LEAN SHOULDER CHUCK ROAST 79 TENDER BLADE SHORT RIB ROAST CHOICE BONELESS SI A Prime Rib Roast Lean Stewing Beef 891 Lean Ground Chuck 75i BURNS SHAMROCK BRAND Side Bacon 65 FRESH SMALL LINK SAUSAGE 69 JE i STORE HOURS All Day Monday Wed 9o6p m Frl 9to9prr Sat 9to5pm Elgin St FOR YOUR FREEZER RED BRAND BEEF Sides 73 lb Fronts 61 lb Hinds 87 lb LOVELL BROS MODERN MEAT MARKET Acton DAILY DELIVERY ANOTHER dropin coffee hour this morning SKATING carnival will be April HOLY week services are being planned for early in April MOVIES OF games in the Pee Wee Tournament taken by Jack Carpenter were shown on channel 13 Sunday evening THE NEW Beckers plaza set well back from the highway is beginning to look businesslike REMEMBER the new clothing shop in the Y when youre SNOWBANKS are shrivelling into dirty slush ALTHOUGH Sundays stiff wind was still blowing at mid night Monday March 1 was Lamblike sunny and not too cold PUBLIC school were away from school Tuesday af ternoon for teachers meetings A War Amps key tag will not only ensure you get your lost keys back it also gives back a measure of independence to those who lost limbs in the service of their country LArche meeting Auxiliary meeting for Feb was held at the home of Mrs J Conroy and opened with the prayer for the retarded There were six members present Plans were completed for the dance Feb There are now five Acton district youths in the Ontario Hospital School in and the Auxiliary will be sending each an Easter gift The Pub night held at the ARC workshop in Hornby was well attended and very much enjoyed Since cash register tape system is drawing to a close many people are depositing their extra tapes in the box for the retarded and they are used to purchase equipment to assist at the workshop Every little bit is appreciated The next meeting is Wed nesday March at pm Spring dance for Auxiliary The Spring Dance held by Auxiliary on Feb 27 was very well attended The door prize was won by Mr and Mrs John Oosterhof the first spot prize by Bill and Jermalne of Acton second door prize by Mr and Mrs Murray McWibbon of Toronto The first draw was won by Mr I Mulder of Acton and the second draw by Mrs Joan Taylor home on Saturday night There very enjoyable three mon h vorietie3 in ftTJSJfh I which consisted of honey SfwsSrrysTwS t quick cheese pizza at am so they felt happy when far basking in the sunshine or taking book books It was obvious the Jungle Queen boat cruise in the evening m was dancing and movies shown by Wyn Hartlin and Jim Wallace Refreshments were served and a good time was had by all Worshipful Mistress Mrs Doris Brown deputymistress Mrs Joe Fuller Mr Joe Fuller Mrs George Holmes Mr and Mrs William Carnochan travelled by bus to Georgetown to a meeting of Pride Loyal True Blue last Tuesday night Mrs Carnochan and Mr Ken Shaw received their scarlet degree Gwen Bean daughter of former Actonians Dick and Verna- Bean was married last Saturday afternoon at pm in Leaside United church The groom is Peter Miller and the young couple are living in Toronto Mr Bean gave his daughter in marriage and Betty Bean was maid of honor for her sister is a graduate of the University of The reception fallowed at Fantasy Farms on Pottery Road Among the guests were Mr and Mrs Orwell Johnston of Acton Mr and Mrs Dick Bean will be moving from Toronto to Waterloo soon he is with the unemployment insurance commission office there now Euchre winners Euchre winners at the hall Corners Saturday were ladies high Margaret Davidson 116 ladies low Gertrude Clarke mens high Clifford Bntton 120 mens low Kidd Lone hands John Dewar door prize Faulkner SINGER HAS UP 158 WVNDHAM ST PHONE 8210561

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