Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1971, p. 1

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Need assessment to pay for sewage plant Mayor Acton needs new assessment to pay for the towns million water pollution control plant addition Mayor Duby told members of the Acton Hydro Commission defending councils decision to agree in principle to overhead rear yard services in the proposed development on the former Seynuck farm Speaking to the Commission which had gone on record as insisting on underground wiring for all new subdivisions the mayor said the town was already running Into problems sub sidizing the new pollution control plant The only way to eliminate extra costs was to get extra assessment he felt Council considered underground he said but agreed they had to be practical and assess the total picture The mayor admitted he had supported the Hydro resolution but was outvoted at council and he now supported the resolution from the town He urged the commission to understand the position of council Weve taken a final poslion he declared but It doesnt mean we won have underground wiring In the next subdivision or caddy The Mayor said he not suggesting Acton was a Chevrolet as opposed to a Cadillac town but he felt council had delved deeply Into the underground wiring question with developers and considering the tax rate and costs of running the pollution control plant had come up with the only possible solution Mayor asked the Commission to cooperate with council In spite of their feelings on the subject He said he supported a separate hydro commission away from the thumb of council but if the commission bucked councils decision it would lend support to those who were opposed to a separate commission Commission chairman McEachcrn said he couldnt agree that the difference between overhead and under ground wiring could persuade any developer to defer building homes He also claimed overhead wiring meant the Hydro would run into problems trespassing on private property as well as making It necessary to build two lines What bugs me said the chairman Is that all sub- dividers say they are going to build tomorrow but then they turn around and sell their land at a profit to someone else He suggested the develop ment was the place to start underground We have to start some place he declared Councils decision There Is no question the Hydro Commission Is elected to service hydro but in the final analysis it Is council which must make the decision the mayor asserted He asked the Commission to look at its over head wiring I had engineers who arc in no way related to the town tell me what nice sub division It Is Mr McEachrn replied that the modern trend was to underground wiring because It was cheaper in the long run easier to service he couldnt see any developer pulling out because of he small extra cost which lie would Just pass on to the buyer anyway The mayor reminded the Commission that the Seynuck farm has sat growing weeds for the past three years presented a fire hazard and a growing list of complaints He compared the development to the Industrial park and asked if the Commission wants the property to sit for nine years as the park did The mayor also told reluctant Commissioners that overhead wiring In existing pnrts of town surrounded the proposed subdivision and there was no way the town could afford to take the district underground He claimed each new agreement with cost the town tax dollars and time and there was a definite need for more revenue to run the water pollution control plant He said council must still ratify the agreement and the builder would likely start early In tht Spring I certainly hope thats what council wants said the hydro McEachern Other projected building for Acton this Spring is slated for Churchill where homes arc planned by Revenue Properties homes at the site on the cemetery lull Vicechairman T Tyler toying with resolution In which he might express some of the commission wrath decided to tuir It up In case he said he might later regret WONDERING WHAT these gentlemen are pondering over Turn inside A clue from left to right they are high school geography teacher Keith Black and Hugh Patterson and it Is possible their thoughts faraway Staff Photo SUNDAY Sports church clergy concern The Acton Clergy Association has expressed its concern over the growing tendency to allow certain sports activities in Acton to interfere with Sunday worship services and church and Sunday school programs In a press release to this newspaper the Association declares We realize that not everybody attends church or Sunday school each Is of course free in this However we should avoid placing our youth as well as others before the dilemma- church or sports Lets respect each others convictions and feelings on this score the release continues We urge all of you to use your Influence to see that sports activities do not compete with the activities of our churches on Sundays at least before pm AsTar as Sunday labor Is concerned our employers are urged to allow continue to allow their employees the necessary day of rest on Sunday so that they can be with their families and attend Divine worship services if so desire Our maker ordained one day in seven as a day of rest for all His creatures Lets not violate this altogether salutary and just arrangement the release concludes The subject was discussed at the most recent meeting of the Clergy Association which Includes ministers and priests of all major denominations In Acton Children adults hurt in collision Ninety Sixth Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MARCH Fifteen Cents Tot drowns in icy lake A six and a half hour search for four yearold Scott Post ended tragically when the young boy body was recovered by Acton firefighter Norm Price beneath Fairy Lake ice Saturday evening The boy was reported missing by his father in the afternoon Firefighters Price and Don Van Fleet had been alternately dragging an open section of water near the edge of an walkway connecting Prospect Park and subdivision since about ACTON FIREFIGHTERS Norm Price and Don Van Fleet crawled across a ladder stretched over the open part of water in Fairy Lake to help in the search for the body of four year old Scott Post who was reported missing Saturday af ternoon Firefighter Price recovered the boys body shortly before nine oclock Saturday night photo Four children and three adults were injured two of them seriously in a headon collision between a car and a pick truck on 15 west of Spcyside early Friday evening Milton OPP said the two vehicles appeared to collide headon at the crest of a knoll feel east of the town Damage totalled and the pickup truck ended up partly an top of the car John 32 of Acton driver of the truck fered severe facial cuts Sent to hospital Driver the car Roy Rowley of R Acton was admitted to Joseph Brant Hospital in Burlington suffering facial lacerations a fractured Jaw broken hip and pelvis and broken hand A passenger Helen Mac also of R Acton as sent to Milton Hospital with a broken left ankle and facial lacerations Bruce Klinck 8 and Timo thy 7 were both sent to Hamilton General Hospital with concussions and facial injuries Their sister Barbara was treated fa- head and leg cuts Rowley nine months receded facial cuts Forgiveness Will welcome prodigal books Two hundred books are missing from Acton library And have been for many weeks Board members were astonished to learn this week there are seriously delinquent books In the records of the library staff Despite notices and even lollowup phone calls many readers still haven t got around to returning the books Some of the prodigal books have been missing from the library shelves as long as six or seven months worth About of the absentee volumes are from the adults shelves and 12Q from the Juvenile section TheyrepiescntllOOOworthofbooks a large amount for a small town And they should be in constant The board is very very concerned secretary Bill MuUln told the Free Press this week So we have decided to declare a forgiveness week during the school break No fines will be charged All will be forgiven The librarians just want to welcome their books back No embarrassment Mr Mullln urges the readers concerned not to be embarrassed about coming In next week After all the librarians know who they are anyway He suggests they could Just leave the books somewhere In the library if they don t want to engage in a conversation about the reasons for the delay Mr Mullln understands how they eel During the meeting when the board and chief librarian Mrs Watson were planning forgiveness week It gradually dawned on him his own books were a week overdue Robin crocus message Spring sprang a couple of days early Although spring starts March boast a couple of advance notices Mrs Fred Bennett Elmore called Tuesday to report a robin perched on her lawn And her nextdoor neigh bor Mr Kevin Conroy already has a crocus out in bloom and buds on daffodils Mrs Henry Taylor town line rang in the news Tuesday morning that a flock of geese had just honked word of Improving weather over her house This week we can finally see over the snowbanks And what we sec is spring coming Hydro earns only Acton Hydros earnings last year were less than for a percentage of 1 3 per cent far below the nine per cent safe level recommended by Ontario Hydro secretary Audrey revealed at Thursdays meeting of the Hydro Commission Weve got no reserve fund and were supposed to have two months In reserve commented vicechairman Tyler Hydro reserves have been spent ab sorbing increases for power from Ontario Hydro and the Is all paid for No dough Some councillors think we have lots of money I hope this convinces them different commented the chairman But Mrs had more bad news Ontario Hydro Is predicted 7 per cent Increases in their rates each year for the next few years There must be some way of getting money to finance growth said Mr Tyler Id hate to see it block development but It could concluded the mayor Police warn Stay off lake A total of seven general oc currences were Investigated by the personnel of Acton detach ment of the Ontario Provincial Police during the reporting week of March to March 14 Const Investigated the death by drowning of a four- yearold child The body was located in Fairy Lake on the east side of the lake Fire Chief M Holmes and members of his crew assisted at the scene All school children have been asked to keep away from the lake the past two days The Ice Is breaking up in the area of the arena and it s not safe We are now appealing to the parents to set a example and keep away from the lake and remind the children not to use the path that runs from Elizabeth Drive to the arena Impaired driver A charge of Impaired Driving was laid against a motorist from out of town and False alarm at B of A false alarm sent police rushing to the Bank of Montreal Friday afternoon No robbers just staff and customers The alarm brought Milton OPP in two cruisers as well as the local police Narcotics coses heard Three charges under the Narcotics Control Act handled by the ROMP assisted by Acton OPP were heard in court in Milton Monday One Acton man received a suspended sentence with two years probation another Acton man a fine and an outoftown man a fine two young boys were warned for stealing cigarettes from parked cars The parents of the boys were mode aware of this urrence On the traffic scene as a result of patrol seven charges were preferred and six warnings were issued for various infractions of the Highway Traffic Act A property damage motor vehicle accident was investigated with damage estimated at No charges have been laid Two premises were found in secure by an officer on night patrol and were secured by the owners MOTORISTS A man cant outrun shadow but a driver can his headlights This would like to remind drivers that It Is common sense to drive at a speed that will permit stopp ing within the stretch of road illuminated by the headlights Const Roy Wood Stores clinic coming Leases have been signed for two stores which will neighbor Beckers Milk in the new plaza First Line TV will haveone of the stores Mr and Mrs Verboon Georgetown will be opening a fish and chip restaurant Another change in the business section of town is being planned Marks store will be replaced by a suboffice of the Georgetown Animal clinic An outpatients department A shoe and repair store is locating in the former Rendezvous beauty salon location The boutique the Purple Orkid has closed Scott had come to the community centre with his father to watch brother Bert 10 play for Acton novices against It Is believed the tot wandered off to play in the community centre with other boys while the game was still going on Playmates later reported they had been playing jail with Scott inside the building Begin search Missing his young son a few minutes later Mr Post began to search the building for clues but the search uncovered nothing He returned home thinking perhaps Scott had gone home with friends three blocks from the community centre When he failed to find Scott at home Mr Post notified police about 35 that the boy was missing An Immediate search of the community centre was started headed by OPP Constable Bruce Kressler Boards were ripped up and every possible hideaway place in the building was searched In case the lad might have accidentally found way Into one of the cars carrying players back home Constable Kressler arranged to have the Streetsville coach contacted This was done but a survey of parents who had driven to Acton for the game uncovered no further information Constable Kressler Mr Post and a band of volunteers continued the search checking houses in the area of the arena and questioning youths until after dark Discover footprints Reports that a child had been seen playing near the walkway earlier in the afternoon led to speculation Scott may have wandered from the arena out onto the lake Discovery of foot prints in the snow leading to the open section of water strengthened fears the child may have fallen into the water About m Constable notified Acton fire chief Mick Holmes who in turn contacted six of his men by phone A fire truck was driven to the edge of the lake Headlamps shone out to provide light for firefighters and volunteers carrying out dragging operations in the open water At the same time another group of firefighters headed by Bern Van Fleet carried out a third search of the community centre Acton OPP Corporal Ray Mason and Corporal Milton OPP also arrived at the scene Depth of the water was estimated at feet The body was found about IS feet from the walkway which is on disputed property The school creek flows into Fairy 1 almost exactly at the open section Inspcctsltc County coroner Dr Ivan Hunter surveyed the of tht drowning Sunday about noon Police do not know yet whether on inquest Into the Incident will be ordered Acton arc warning citizens against walking on the treacherous now that milder temperatures arc here Constable Roy Wood visited both Acton elementary schools thlb week to speak to students Scott was the younger son of Mr and Mrs Gerald Post Main Street South Mr Post Is an employee of and Besides his and brother Bert Scott is survived by maternnl and paternal grandparents in New Brunswick Scott participated in the Acton Recreation Committees hockey school and was known as a friendly lad with a sunny disposition Funeral was held from the Itumley Shoemaker I- uneral Home yesterday Tuesday afternoon Interment was In air view Cemetery Bill Shannon and David Shannon both cousins of the dead boy and uncles Vaujhan SCOTT POST lockhurt and Eric Joyall were pallbearers drowning was the second in in less than a year Six yearold Debbie War die tost her life last May when she wandered into the water at a point where the shoreline dropped on the lakevlew side of the lake Acton Scout Steven Paplllon rescued 10yearold Suzie Hill from the lake s icy waters last March after the young girl ventured out on the unsafe ice which gave way Location of the rescue was very close to the site of Saturday drowning Steven was later named Acton Citizen of the Year for his feat Suggest program get meters outside Hydro Commissioner Ted Tyler Is in favor of the town compensating individuals in some way If hydro and water meters are installed outside The commission listened sympathetically to a letter from the town about customers not sending water meter reading cards back so they could be billed Five customers the letter disclosed havent had meters read for 10 months We ve got to get meters outside declared Mr Tyler People are not going to sit around wait for the meter reader Trend growing We have a lot of people in town who go out all day and this trend will likely grow as time goes on said Tyler He advocated the Commission and the town should consider picking up part of the estimated tab if a consumer has his meters placed outside where it is accessible to the mutual meter reader Council s representative on the Commission Mayor less than enthused about the Tyler proposal however Water and sewers don bring in recnue he said and it would compound problems if the town started to hand out money People who arc home ail the time would say they wont subsidize installing outside meters the mayor declared He drew a bead on the people in town who made no effort to cooperate or put themselves out wanting the town to cater to them This the taxpayers money he said as well as showing a lack of respect for the meter reader No hydro problem Secretary Audrey Urquhart acknowledged the hydro commission did not have the same problem as the town In having meters read Many of the hydro meters In town are outside but all water meters are inside houses The town has proposed the mutual meter reader should work overtime to read water meters which the commission opposes The secretary suggested the town should try out some of the cards hydro uses and see if results are better

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