Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1971, p. 12

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The Acton Free Press March Pass Rock wood water sewer bylaws township council passed the controversial by laws which could give a 1W million water and sewage system at a special meeting Monday night attended by village trustees and a roomful of spectators who turned smoldering resentments into words A debate raged over two hours In the smofcey chambers and ended up in a vote over the bylaws which the township council deferred until they met with village trustees Monday Councillor Dick Strong was the lone objector the to pass the bylaws requested by the village trustees which wny were sets the stage for an Ontario Municipal Board hearing if there on the piano that day are objections to problems I dhate to think wo arc driving out the elderly and fixed Income people Mr Strong went on Strong also failed to accept circumventing of the conservation area a project which would cost the village a great deal of money He olio felt friends of the OWRC have a Members of the and Area Ratepayers Association Eden Mills village trustees and other township residents attended the meeting which resembled general debate at times under the chairmanship of Reeve Warren Parkinson Act on requcit The reeve explained why the township council did not act on the request of the village trustees at the first meeting when the by laws were brought up Ho errors in the newspaper ads for the project and alterations to some section the ad vcrtlscmcnls made it necessary to repeat process again before there could be an 0 M hearing on the project Councillor Strong however asserted signing the by laws was tantamount to approving the million projects First to sneak was village trustee Don Hilts who reviewed the history of the proposal briefly from the time In 1966 when the first survey was taken and wells found polluted He said the village trustees asked the township council to pass the laws so there could be an hearing Reeve Parkinson said he ana the deputyreeve accompanied the trustees to a meeting with OWRC in Toronto the previous Tuesday He felt council decision on the by laws should stem from the information on maps and plans for the water and sewage projects supplied by the Ontario Water Resources Commission Best plant People arc concerned that the sewers will pollute the river but theOWRC says will get the best plant available The it is now the River is being polluted by seepage along the banks treasurer 0 Brlen reviewed the history of the projects again in more IcnRthy fashion noting the building by law was found In the township offices after being lost for years He said he spent almost the entire summer trying to a by law passed to make three building lots out of two and the found they had to get permission from the county board of health suggested the village get water in and then they could use one lot instead of two for building was called In and it was their experience that sewers follow water so quotes on the projects were made Village trustees thought they could only afford water Mr O referred to the previous week trip to the OWRC where were told the all the Information on the subject right here Want hearing All the trustees arc asking Mr said is for the township council to pass the by laws so the OMB can have a hearing Changes In the laws said Mr were made so or 12 new houses could be serviced at no extra charge to the village which will be absorbed In capital costs Cost to individuals would would be unable to maintain water quality Waste from the village waan t necessarily Diluting the Eramosa River now once wastes were concentrated in a sewage plant there could be concentrated discharge as high as 19 per cent attunes One opinion That one professional s He said It was an outright lie that more information was not available because he knew of further studios can l let Toronto determine the pattern of growth he insisted Hidden casts Chlsholm said ratepayers would also be fined with hidden costs of repluinuina to fit the now system eould go as high as or dwelling Tho water by law was rend and opinion We got another opposite passed with only Councillor one declared the reeve Mr questioned by tho reeve said If he had a well In he would certainly try and do something about It but was not convinced water and sewers was the right alternative The one alternative injected Mr O Is to go back to privies whether he says it or not Professor denied the allegation He said the alternative might be chlorine injectors on Individual wells much the same as holiday use reconstruction of wells detecting the actual source of pollution by detailed analysis He felt the problem might bo solved in a unique manner How many wells were polluted in village Twenty four per cent were definitely bad asserted village trustee Bert Smith and IS per cent showed traces Only way As far as Deputy Reeve Dune was concerned the only way to get a hearing from the and the was to pass the by law Objections could be filed and the B was duty bound to hold a hearing We were assured was getting the best price for waters and sewers In the province Mr McPhedran said comparing the figures with similar projects In Grand Valley and Drayton Major cost of the projects is installation rates would not change lrregardlcss of problems contractors ran into He said rates could not be lowered for pensioners otherwise the village would be inundated with people because of cheaper rates but cited statistics from Ihe OWRC which showed that in five years there would be per cent less pensions and In 10 years this would be cut to virtually nothing Anticipated growth for the village he said was by since it Isn In a growth area and the plant would take up to people There is no way the would consider building a plant for people Each householder has the choice of having both services or neither If they dont want either they must still pay the cost of water and sewers going across their lot he said which is understandable far as I am concerned the has been fair and the figures are correct he told the meeting I spoke to the reeve of Drayton another ratepayer replied and he said his council refused to even look at the proposals the had for them Twp pick tip tab Discussion roamed over the Strong opposed The reevL said ho didn vote but would have voted with the majority if it was necessary Councillor Adsett opined ho agreed with statements expressed by his colleague Strong but thought all possible answers to questions hud been received from the t long In coming after the vote was taken Hetty I Clark in Id she hoped reeve would be ready to clean which fronts on Hie reeve replied he head since property lie owned already suffered from polluted he suggested pact which would give Mrs Clark head start Day said In his opinion council trustees were moral support to the and asked If would also make representation at hearing to say were prohibitive Are they prohibitive the reeve answered Mr Day said he didn think the trusties and felt responsibility Tor their actions but the reeve replied that the township con II does not Interfere village trust who were ilccted by people Stand up At this Juncture trustee Don Hilts from In the room to stand up In an effort to show the press of from outside St The team standings show an allout competitive trend with two teams vying for 2nd and place positions after last Tuesdays bowling matches and the standings to date show 1st Clippers with pts 2nd Stratton with 104 tying the Pacers 3rd with 100 4th Neighbors with Norton Bluebirds with Carney with tied for with pts Birthday cake UCW meet By Mrs Ron McLean Twentyone ladies and three children attended the C W meeting Mrs Darby and Mrs Trousdale were the conveners Mrs Trousdale dealt with the first three beatitudes The newer translation Is rendered Happy are the humbleminded happy ore those who know what sorrow means and happy are those who claim nothing A happy surprise was the serving of a birthday cake complete with candles in honor of Aunt Florence birth day later In the month Mrs Diamond Mrs J Kltchuig and Mrs McLean served lunch Congratulations to David and Sandra Boles Sandra of Burlington on the birth of their second son Sincere sympathy is extended to Rev and Mrs Bill of Ridgeway in the accidental death of their 23 year old daughter Linda She is survived by three sisters and two brothers A number from attended the funeral be the same todaj as the last proposals much of it a rehash of Churchill time First to challenge the statements made the reeve and trustees was Rockwood resident Dave who felt the law should not be passed Taking this stand he said would force the C to give out more No pollution He challenged statements that the sewage plant would not pollute the river the effect on village growth and ad ministration charges The village will have to pay hack over a year he asserted charging he couldn t see how they could pay back this amount on top of taxes especially pensioners and low Income people He also reminded the meeting there were ecological differences to consider I don t blame council or the trustees for this it is the OWRC hoodwinking us Mr said In effect But the reeve insisted council had all the information possible would waste time snowing laymen plans of sewage plants People want to know what it Is going to cost them Coundl sought professional advice from the O W C and they gave it insisting the river would be better been badly misled said Professor of the University of called as a surprise speaker He said the proposal to bypass the Rock wood Conservation area shows some concern that the system subjects generated at earlier meetings with some ratepayers present fearing the township would have to pick up the tab if was unable to afford the projects Reeve Parkinson said the function of an hearing was to decide whether the village could afford It or not m not going to say it is too expensive for Rockwood he said How do I know Eden Mills resident Chandler said If the project went through downstream residents like himself would be stuck with a muddy river and the bill He felt the township should look Into the matter more thoroughly before coming to a decision Further discussion revealed that names of the people who had wells tested and found polluted were available in the village offices a fact which set many people groaning testifying they had never been able to find out where polluted wells were Councillor Strong was the last to speak before council voted on the water by law He said he regretted the hostility generated by what he felt was merely the action of ratepayers trying to get information on a subject vitally Important to them He felt Information from the OWRC was superficial and biased and open to question Costs confining Costs were confusing he declared and he was not convinced there were no alternatives to the system which was the standard OWRC reaction Sunday visitors By Mrs Fred Mac Arthur Mr and Mrs Bert Davidson accompanied Mr and Mrs Robert McFnery visited last week with Mr and Mrs Cam Winn now of Mr and Mrs Denton of Collmgwood also I Cameron of Guelph were Sundaj guests for dinner with Mr Mrs Bob Kerr and also a cousin Miss Margaret Miller of Toronto who was a weekend guest at the same home guests with Rev W and Mrs Fosbur were their daughter Mr and Mrs Oral Cross and son Craig also their son Mr and Mrs Don of Willow dale Mr and Mrs Kerr visited at Castor Centre v ith Mr and Mrs Murraj McMillan on Sunday Mr and Mrs Elmer of Georgetown were guests on Sunday afternoon with Mr and Fred GETTING MARRIED William the opposition the village Don Gordon said he thought wells should be cleaned up first before village took on obligations of water and sewers I den Mills village trustee Norm Marshall sold eounell was under writing note by signing the by laws and must assume responsibility if I pay lownshlp Ken air commented he thought there was a poor system between all groups and the only to assess the pleture properly was to go through the process in a and manner they were If the by laws arc no good they won go through he said A man in the erowd asked what the poor families In the vitiligo would do if they pay He suggested would to move Hut Mr suggested they move they be able to sell The reeve eoneluded ihe meeting before the vote on sewers by admitting there was no solution to suit everyone IN MUD produced by Monday thawing weather conditions a hunt anndn Carluke tr loaded with lengths of 1 appears almost rtnciy to tip over The truck is milking a call at Acton of United Staff Photo meetings held to get organized Local Jr Farmers to attend conference to Action Is County will be llii me of the 1J71 represented by David Mcfntyre lour Corners with 8th I Alley Cats with Bros with place with points the Osprlnge Slow Pokes Norton Bluebirds showed a four point the team who managed three points for lust evening bowling fames Nightingale played his usual masterful roll as one of the tap bowlers and his score a to a triples Mary showed a 100 and outstanding a to triple score Vlv made a single Die following showed Ross Gordon single Garry Park 226 single and Parks with 203 single score Top pacer llie Pacers took a seven point straight from the Carney and heating team top scorer for the winning team were Hilton with a triple and Brian with a tour corners lost their team score when defeated by the Neighbours with a to tune and the Neighbors top scoring valiants were Bill Garner with a 209 to a triple Harvey s 265 155 to a triple Sandy McPhedran to a 667 triple and Doug showed 228 to a total of triple The Pour Corners team proudly displayed their top scoring losers as Ton with a 134 set of singles with a triple score Nellie showed a triple Ann Parkinson a 208 single Ralph Wright a single and Nett Wright also made a single on the nose Stupendous The second place Strattons won their points against the White washers 2 when Dune Kingsbury made a stupendous JJ0 and two 229 224 singles to triple points SamNyholdran up a J single and 10 is Jcstin a triple score Hilton of the made a triple and Marina Mulder a single Ted was in top fettle for the Clipper team when he landed a triple score Jestin made a and Bert Archer showed a 203 to a triple and for the Slow Pokes Ross Ferguson ran up a 178 28set of singles to triple points and Bruce made single Cats to dogs Bros beat out the Alley Cats who went to the dogs when len Smeltzer rolled a single Beth Smeltzer a 198 single and Jo- a single Dons JesUn for the Cats made a single Marion Allan a 209 and Gloria Alton a single Over Women over Mar 694 Nellie Stokman Doris Gloria Alton J lo is Justin Manna Mulder Ann Parkinson Vivian Nightingale Ann Kathy Parks Irene Alice Johnson Beth Smellier Ritchie JoAnn Goojers 501 Men over 600 Dune Kingsbury Fred Nightingale Ted Sandy 667 BUI Garner Doug Buttenham Ross Ferguson Jestin Doug Hilton Bert Archer Clarence Hilton Harvey Bayne Tony Cook The 4 Organization Meetings for the Holton Agricultural Clubs arc to be held the week of March 21 For those attending all meetings will be held at m Clubs will all meet in tlie agricultural office Milton the Acton tubs will meet in Die schedule for the meetings is as follows all Calf Clubs Wednesday March 4 H I ield Crop Club Tuesday March Halton H Horse Club Thursday March 25 H Conservation Club and Halton 4 H Club March Acton 4 H and Field Crop Clubs Monday March 22 these organization compulsory meetings Attendance will be taken and recorded for final standings I- or the sake of first year members he age limits on er Is 12 years of age as of Jan 1 1971 and for older members not yours of age before Dee The Sheep Club has already been organized Cut trees lo prepare for road widening crews are cutting down trees on second line north of Aeton the way up to Pine old maples and walnuts art the old trees being toppled of Junior farmers of Ontario Toronto Inn on Park will host three hundred and fifty Junior I armors from across the provinee for this three day March 19 to It It Acton Sharon Britten It 1 Acton Mary I Hyatt ll I Ollphnnt Mono Road Janet Hunter fill 1 Burlington and Barry RR Happenings at Rockwood School last Thursday ramosu and beat us The boys bent I ramos 107 On riday classes will be dismissed for one week during I A movie will be shown on the afternoon of Friday called the love Bug I Is entitled to watch It Thems a new of value at dealers Variable ratio power steering While on the you plenty of ro id feel But when irking the vin feature rcitly redueesthe I turns required for tijht spice trine on some Pontiles em ill others New emission controls Pontile ib dune its part to help eleirthe by engine th run le ind in on efficiently And there in E iritivc System on ill Pontiles to fuel Power disc brakes dis bnkes help fist fide ps under the toughest dm me St ind on all Pontiles option trim size Pontiles Biasbelted tires Help improve Bias belt design also helps increase tire life by resisting flex thus cutting heat build up on all New open rocker panels Reduce silt vs r I up lie Ipinetoeliinm ite 1 rust ind en size Pontiles tint iff it tnde in Roomier quieter interiors There more re insult ill full until longer fe r double roof n Ire designed rl sound fl It fresh full Draftfree ventilation ire joni of I ie i ir dues Hurt New suspension A front in ill full Pontile impmes bin bumpy rends neioss winds The result better ride mere precise Prove it yourself with test Sideguard beams id mpiet n ry den by men Met rs on ill I71 Inside hood release Slips uninvited hoi lifters It bin ill is I e Hid r tin dish in trim models Complete GM safety package Pe nines are equipped ei mplete piekite of Heidi prevention protietien it ft New seat construction I hi front in all full new molded foirn eonstruetion fi r more com fort dur New materials Up front all Pontiles rust rcinforeed pinels And on all proof grille divider dealer is making up for lost time Come in and order noWfor fast deliverjC

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