Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1971, p. 10

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The Acton Free Wednesday March What readers think of us Hurry up with the Free Press Ive been waiting a week A lot of newsprint has rolled off the printing presses since the days of the town crier At the sound of his bell people gathered around to hear him tell the latest news Today townspeople hurry just as eagerly to pick up their copies of The Acton Free Press for now as then news is important to man Events taking place on the far side of the earth or even on the moon can been seen on television hut our Interest In whats new In town is best met by a weekly newspaper Like the town crier a newspapers first function is to report facts to its readers The Acton Free Press fulfills this community need with case giving us news which affects our dally lives Human tragedies and failures are reported without sensationalism but with compassion while triumphs arc heralded with praise and pictures of unsurpassed quality Editorial viewpoints on current events arc stated frankly and readers opinions controversial or otherwise arc keenly sought and published Facts alone often make dull reading but the paper includes articles and features to all tastes their lines liberally seasoned with humour Yesterday baseball scores or todays new law the arrival of springs first robin the departure date of winters last pothole all arc faithfully reported Should you wish to sell a bassinet or buy a swimming pool success In the advertising section Is assured The voice of the young Is heard through the land but nowhere is it expressed more joyously than in the notes from Acton High reporting the ac tivities of its students Reading of their happenings In the pages of the Free Press our faith In youth is renewed weekly Nor arc our senior citizens forgotten each treasured and golden even in their lives la recorded with photographs for their added pleasure Surely the following testimonial from a golden agcr overheard in the Post Office lobby best expresses the enjoyment our community derives from its weekly newspaper This gentleman sorted his mall and Impatiently discarded hand bills and advertisements Re opening his lockbox he hollered through Hurry It up there with my Free Press Ive been waiting a week for It The Free Press has received several entries for the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association essay contest entitled Our Hometown Newspaper and we thought they were so good we decided we should let other renders In on our readers impressions of us The best essay will be selected by the Free Press staff and sent on to the CWNA to compete in the nationwide competition for which Dominion Textiles is offering prize of Were sorry all entries could not be sent but competition rules call for only one Meanwhile here they are both bouquets and brickbats for your weekly paper Free Press is quite indispensable The Acton Free Press or the Acton Blah as it is more af fectionately called here in north Moffat has established itself to be quite indispensable Sensationalism Is so very Important to the very competitive dally newspaper business that we all tend to feel just a little frustrated with our fellow man Why should Fuddle Duddle murder and riots monopolize so many front pages when Im sure taken In their proper perspective theyd rate four lines somewhere around page The Acton Free Press although not a literary master piece still holds life In that perspective Most of us live in this area by choice and are proud of the fact that our neighbors are anxious to make these few thousand acres a place to remember With harmony and goodwill we can make it such a place and what better way to promote these than through honest evaluation of all events by good reporters and interested citizens in one local newspaper Man Is basically vain but sometimes a little unsure of his ability This little paper can boost his ego by printing a few lines about how his hard work at farming racing breeding stock or what have you paid off with a win or an award at a local event This small item not only creates a certain pride in his neighborhood but occasionally provides this man with the incentive to try for larger stakes Ones name doesnt have to be MacDonnld or Sinclair to make the newsprint it can be Hogglewog who has worked hard for his community be it with the boy scouts the council or by digging a big pond and making it a home for 100 ducks and geese Upon moving to our new home in this pretty rural community a local grocer suggested we get a copy of the Acton Free Press which would probably answer many of our questions on schools churches shopping and other activities to our satisfaction Within a few short weeks he had this information plus wed become acquainted with some of our neighbors through the Comins and Coins and other special Interest columns are all proud of this little portion of Gods good earth our children can still run and play without too great a fear of being run over by a car or reprimanded for trespassing air Is still reasonably free of pollutants and we all still have pride in our community which many larger areas have already lost Every Wednesday evening we are all reminded of how fortunate we are to be living in such a pleasant happy progressive community how by reading approximately 16 pages called The Acton Free Press Mrs Lillian Moffat Ontario Prints news without fear or favor Box Having worked In the town of Acton for years I became an avid reader of the Acton Free Press This relatively small newspaper in comparison with other larger weekly publications Is produced In a sire of print that can be read whether of good or bad sight It Is exceptional inasmuch travelling as 1 have around Canada I have yet to find a journal of weekly stature to equal its excellence The paper covers a large area around Acton and gives reports from its many outlying corres pondents in its columns This keeps people In town in contact witn regional and vice versa There must be a great deal of thought and hard work put into the production of this newspaper which is also excellently laid out with important news in the appropriate place Editorials are both topical and varied and at the same time written in under standable language Comment is always invited and it is something for a paper to print adverse criticism and compli ments through the medium of letters to the editor Emphasis Is placed on both local and Canadian issues and where there could be lack of understanding on the part of the reader simple explanations and interpretations on the subject nutter are given A newspaper such as the Acton Free Press can be an asset community wise and the people of Acton should be very thankful that they have such a live organ their midst The photography content is very good too This paper prints the news as It is without fear or favour its editorials wide in scope and the invitation to freely express ones views and opinions is readily available to all What better could you have than this in journalistic democracy It is a credit to the community at large Congratulations to all con cerned in the many facets of its Publication Andrew E Welch Better paper increase the range I Acton Free My Views I opened up the weekly press To read the latest news And noticed that our Tanner team Again did go and lose I sighed a bit then turned the page And read how Mrs Had left her tramsplit VauxhaH car And bruised some ribs Then when I turned the page once more A clipping caught my It said that my opinion might Just win me quite a priie It said that If I gave my views About your newsfilled sheets That I could win three hundred bucks OK then hold your seats The first complaint that comes to mind Is of the news you give It seems to be some small town talk Do other people live When someone buys some news to read They want the very most Theyd want to know If Russia bombed The Eastern coast wish to know if Britain was Attacked by strange green things But when they buy the Acton Press Our town is all that sings Another thing you could improve Is what sports cast writes They tell of only Acton games As if Toronto bites The NHL has hockey too But seldom do you see That Boston beat Detroit In a game of eight to three The Free Press has its good points too The news Is not obscene It Is not hard to understand Just what your writers mean The words are not too big to read The printings not too fine You do not need a microscope To read between the lines To sum It up Its not too bad It needs but one main change Youd have a better paper If you would Increase the Range Stephen Atkinson There is no secret By Shirley Morrison A interest To us the people there is no secret those at rest Please read the Acton Free Press For what people say why should we care For con we help it if they ore so square A friend of a friend For freedom the press there isno end And to the people we will express Hie thoughts they write no more and no less To us the people there is no secret if you have chance Dont stand around waiting Hurry and get one In advance For a long as Acton is a town words of the press will always be written down To us the people there is no secret A friend of ours the tree Press Is It writes the news as it occurs It has grown with the town through his tips and downs of six To us the people there is no secret the Free Press tells the local news Of the people happiness marriages and their blues It tells us of accidents that aren t too funny And lots of ways to earn extra money To us the people there is no secret For every tree that loses a leaf The Acton Free Press writes up all the news briefs write about all the sports And even about people who go to new ports To us the people there is no secret tor this weekly paper all we ask is fifteen cents the whole year Autumn Winter Spring and Summer Hometown paper unique Like letter from home It comes every Thursday af ternoon In the mall If it does not come which Is maybe once a year I call to the postman to see if he has forgotten It He knows better than to forget my Hometown Paper It Is unique in so many ways I read every word ads announcements etc His just like an old friend coming In for a visit What memories It recalls Now could you believe it Is twenty years ago a certain person got married or was appointed to an Important position Really the 50 year column and pictures from the past have attracted my interest since especially 1967 It does seem a long time ago But looking back to the stories true ones those articles recall fills many a pleasant evening The younger members of the family begin to realize that Mum and Dad really did have some happy times fifty years ago And did you know so so was my uncle or aunt as it may be the Hometown Paper The Acton Free Press has risen In my estimation to a high degree It never did stand still Perhaps I am a little more critical because I am married to a newspaper man I am quick to find errors and omissions In our local daily Never would that happen in the Acton Free Press I hod better count up the words because I am sure the limit allowed is not sufficient for me to express my good opinion and kind applause to the editors for such an excellent sheet It is a history of the people past and present and gives a true crosssection of the community In every phase of life The Acton paper has had some wonderful pictures this past few years There is nothing like a picture to tell a story good or had the equipment has been so improved that it would be Impossible to better the pictures presented In so many ways Another family asset is that one knows through the paper when relatives marry or pass away So few letters are written and so few family groups get together now that it would go unknown if it were not for the paper I do not mean that In an unkind way because in this day and age do not have the time to keep in touch so often The small town weekly and always has been the beginning of a larger dady paper It has been the foundation on which our friendly communities large and small have had their beginning and have grown up to larger periodicals and most of all have trained the personnel to Till those higher positions called for on our dally papers It is in other words the beginning of everything worthwhile Kathleen C Cur Mrs J C 15 Haddington St Gait Ont Suggests ways of Dear Sirs It is a great pleasure for me to write this letter and let you know how much I enjoy reading the local paper Our own Acton Free Press has received many awards and I might say is one paper which is enjoyed around the country for many miles To begin each week we open the pages to read The Word of God a good message written by one of the local ministers of our community The news columns of twenty years fifty and seventyfive years ago sure bring the memories which the older people enjoy so much The local community pictures and news from the different localities for ten miles or more the sports column hockey and skating where children age five to parents and friends twenty or one hundred can enjoy themselves if they wish Our bowling lanes pages curling and golf report In summer the baseball reports for girls and boys It is interesting to see the monthly reports of all the church women meetings The two groups of the I O D the Womens Institute the Ladies the Legion Ladies It certainly is grand to see the friendship and love in all these groups and all the good they are doing in our reports in the paper Another group which was organized seven years ago The Golden Age which will to welcome anyone over sixty years old at Luxton Hall the first Tuesday at 2oclock and the third Tuesday at 7 30 of each month The different activities of all the schools The coming events The page with the Births Deaths Wedding announcements Marriages Pictures Over fifty years married or over We also have our pages with all our ad vertisements telling us where to buy our best food and groceries Farms and Sales Our weekly Editors The Painted Box by Wendy Sugar and Spice by Smiley Salt and Pepper by Hartley and the page from All these articles certainly make our paper one we sure can be proud of and in closing I wish the local paper the best of good luck for Our Acton Free Press travels far We enjoy its news so much It tells us all about whos sick And always keeps us in touch Its like a letter from home From Alberta came this word So subscribers remember your subscription And get the best news you ever heard Yours truly Margaret J Davidson 2 Actoji improving paper As a grade student I enjoy sitting down after supper every Wednesday night reading the Acton Free Press Personally I feci the paper Is written very well and I think the people of Acton should not criticize it but help to improve it I feel when a crime is committed in your town or surrounding areas or anything else bad you should have the name of the person who did it put in the paper The town council should let the people of Acton in on some of their future plans to improve the town Instead of the town standing still the newspaper should take the responsibility to activate public and council interest to developing a progressive community This could be done by head lining in the newspaper areas which need improvement The newspaper should encourage more readers letters to be sent in to the paper Why doesnt the paper originate projects to improve the town and why not run a series of sketches of local places I feel the advertising section is good and all the local news covering is very good Putting the different churches in is very good for new people coming to Acton Another section of the paper should be articles from various people talking about general interest items such as local interest crafts painting drawing and other interesting things In closing a general poll of readers to find out what they would like to read in the paper should receive priority Cheryl Williams Grade a Robert Ijttle School Likes briefer reports a word to reporters like reading it it affects me I would like to compliment you on your Free Press I think the front page is okay but I think you should find a few more Interesting articles to put on it instead of the regular news I always read the sports page and I think it is quite good except I would like to see the legion hockey standings and the top scorers There is a lot about some sports and little about others The heading you have over the hockey report makes it easy to find Die part about the used to just about fill the news section 1 do not see why it is that important You should be able to break it down a lot The council report is not very important because if you are that interested you could go to the meeting Since you do have it in I do not think it is a very good idea to repeat what each person said I would rather read what it was about and what happened instead When your reporters take pictures or notes they hardly ever ask you how to spell your name and half of the time spell your name wrong Apart from these faults I think that on the whole you have good pictures and a very Interesting paper I wish you luck in the future and hope you wm a lot more awards David Morris Grade Robert Utile School The Acton Free Press our weekly is very interesting and to read It has all the news happenings in Acton which is why I especially like reading it also because it affects me The paper also includes area news from Eden Mills and This also pleases me because it gives an Idea of whats going on in the county If there has been a special event like a parade fair variety night or something similar there is always an excellent and complete with many pictures The paper is loaded with columns some for older people some for younger people but most of them are for everyone and I enjoy reading them Some examples are Salt and Pepper Painted Box Notes and Quotes Sugar and Spice and others These can be amusing educational or both The Directory is also an excellent as well as necessary part of the paper It contains want ids births deaths lost and found coming events letters of thanks for rent and for sale sections To me it is a complete section in itself sports page Is also a helpful part by telling the tune and place of games or sports being played it also contains pictures of games that were played the week before There are also columns of bowling or other sports written by students themselves The weekly specials for the various stores are found through out the paper and are very helpful These articles however are sometimes difficult to find and should be all put on one page where they will be easy to find The front page lists the most important and recent news happening in Acton I say if the rest of the paper Is as good and it is it is an excellent paper Free Press frank candid powerful For myself I really like reading the Acton Free Press It Is outstanding in communi cating information the news is intelligent prepared in understanding for all walks of life The Acton Free Press is frank and candid It is a voice of power for the people of Acton and surrounding districts in local More en fries next week politics church and clubs such as scouts guides M C A legion etc I agree that the our little paper are some of the best anywhere In Ontario This is of course the reason why our paper wins so many out standing awards Some of these awards over the past few years have been Best front page for small town paper Best editorial page and also the Best advertisement page for paper of and under The front page is distinctively with lots of pictures and often very colourful at Christmas Easter and Thanks giving making a nice change from black and white You will find Interesting notes from the Acton High School very well written by Mary Ann and you will see comments about the Golden Ages and their comings and goings Variety of sports lor all ages such as curling hockey skating bowling etc are readily available each week I find the directory a most helpful page especially for new people moving into our district I like the editorial page as it allows you to express your pros and cons example local politics The advertisement page Is last but not least Out of work Look under Help Wanted Buying and Selling is found under For Sale and Wanted auction sales and Notice to Creditors Anniversaries coming events cards of thanks births and deaths are also found In this section All In all we can be proud of our little paper Emily Grades Robert Little

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