Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1971, p. 12

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Why are editorials dull SSSfl saw day of Spring Sugar and Spice by bill smile Why are editorials dull The Arn- Guide Review has come up with the answer Editorials are dull because they are not written to communicate with people like you and me They are written to impress other editorial writers These ivory tower people are trying to impress their peers to heck with everybody else Examples of this strange behavior A young clergyman at the start of his career may have a genuine desire Iq talk to the people who come and sit in his congregation every Sunday But as time goes on he begins to sound more and more like the people who write the books he reads In his sermons he tries harder and harder to talk like the people he hears at various conferences and other professional gatherings Our politicians many of whom ire at first quite approachable and to understand very soon adopt the jargon of their fellow parliamentarians whom they wish to impress It t take long for them to become master of the meaningless cliche muddy cir In their anxiety to impress their peers lawyers are in a class by them selves Any lawyer would sooner go hungry than draw up a document or give an opinion in clearly stated or easily understood language Teachers and professors do the same thing Instead of making an attempt to communicate with the general public or indeed with their own students they feel compelled to express thoughts both orally and in writing in the dull heavy style of the professional educator which very quickly turns off the hearer and reader so that the idea never does come across Hie entertainment business suffers from the same blight Maybe some of you remember an old TV show called Hobday It started out as an un assuming country and western show and as such built up a large audience for itself The producer was not satisfied because one assumes the show was looked down upon by fellow entertainers So the Cool Corral was introduced in this segment old country and western tunes were jazzed up The Cool Corral soon cooled off the audience and the show was dropped Consider the giants of show business people like Ed Sullivan Red Skelton John Wayne and Johnny Cash These men have been content to stick to the styles that made them successful They go on and on Pop musicians laugh at Guy Lorn and Lawrence Welk but both of them have been able to hang in there until they have become very very old and very very rich They have been able to do this because they have not tried to impress a group of people who wouldn t go to hear them if they were- free passes So now you know why editorials are dull That is if you have read to the end of this one Remailing returned tax rebates Belated congratulations to our Prime Minister and his It was one of the big upsets in March The others were Mohammed All taking the clobbering of his lifetime and me winning an argument with wife Not from the first have I been swept away by Mr charisma though the women in mj family were At tunes I have had serious doubts about his attitude and decisions But when a man has enough sense to wait until he is to get married I feel our country is in safe hands Good if I had waited until and I not there jet Id probably be able to ski and scubadive And I might even be prime minister And a millionaire But when a man marries at he had He has just thrown the best 25 ears of his life the second that is For the first ten or years he swimming against the tide In more prosaic terms he is spending about HO out the 168 hours in every week sorting out his kids his finances and his woman That leaves him 28 hours to float and don forget he s going against the tide So where does he float Downstream that where That s why so many married men of are washed up On shore or otherwise If he can keep his head above water during that rsl period he s a mighty strong swimmer But In the process he has developed hardening of his physical emotional and mental arteries And just about then he is pulled out of the witer purple and gasping and told that he is entered in another marathon In short his kids are in their teens Swim baby swim It really racks me to think of the gifts I have squandered in nearly years of marriage Especially when I think of Mr Trudcau We re verv much alike He a little older and has a little less hair Probably more teeth unless they re About years ay we were on equal terms Both in excellent physical condition The only real differences I can see are that And I chose to swim upstream while he chose to swim down Perhaps there one other minor dif ferenee He docs everything well and I do everything poorly But don t forget he had two and a half decades to practise everything from skiing to chess while I had to catch them on the run I like to see what a great scubadiver he was if he had to raise two rotten kids and pay off about four mortgages Not to mention dealing with a strong minded woman who has a direct line to divine inspiration in every discussion No wonder he was able to snatch up a beautiful intelligent yearold at his age He practically while I like an old alley cat About all I could snatch up as from the fact that my wife would kill me is a 48yearold with three divorces and three chins Don t for one moment think I Jealous him have his big rent free mansion in Ottawa while I labor over my heavily taxed heavily mortgaged hovel Let him have his fifty or sixty thousand a year in salary We have enough to put bread on the table after paying income tax and putting two kids through university I not envious He earned it by being smart enough to stay single until he was At least I don have to bother with platoons of photographers and numberless newsmen when I take out Barbra Streisand No I t trade him even my old ladyforhis my kids for his charisma They think I have charisma which is good enough for me The only thing I get a little wistful about is not being asked to be Prime Minister And I still think I could beat him in a game of Russian billiards Remember the banking story Stephen Leacock where an uninitiated depositor strode into a bank inner sanctum and the ensuing catastrophe I know hoi poor euy felt after my own experience is week It started innocent enough We had a farewell for ember of the staff who s leaving or pastures in the sun parlor of the province Arrangements required a few financial transactions from the plant coffee fund a local bank going thrauji of bills and then going back to u bank to de posit what I was delegated to do tht Job so stuffed the money left into a box and headed for the bank with no visible There I handed the dough over to a lady teller who started to count the loot with the dexterity bank tellers display with money I looked on with no particular interest Leafing through the stack of bills however the lady stopped withdrew one particular bill and examined it more closely She took her finger and scratched the number Then she turned the bill over and Inspected the other side a quizzical expression on her face My interest Increased What that a phoney I joked I think so she replied while my mouth fell open She took the bill over to another desk where another lady was called on to give her opinion on what was obviously a counterfeit bill Then she took it over to a bank official who nodded his head Farmers who have returned farm tax rebates to the Ontario Department of Municipal Affairs would be well advised to reconsider their decision which was likely based on a mis understanding of the socalled repayment clause if land is converted to agricultural uses between now and The clause says the program bene fits the owners of property that con tinues to be used for farming If property ceases to be assessed as a farm before or 1980 repayment of the assistance received in will be required with interest at a rate of per cent per annum Some farmers in this district inter the clause to mean that if they sold their farm before 1980 they would have to send their tax rebates back with interest if the land was converted to other uses such as re sidential industrial or commercial even though they didn own the land is not what the government intended although the onginal Order incouncil authorizing the program did not make it clear The Order incouncil has been amended now so there will be no more confusion Die change stresses that the person who owns the land at the time it is converted to other than agricultural uses is responsible for the repayment it removes the onus from the present owner of property that may change hands several times prior to its conversion to other uses Responsibility thus is placed sq uarely on the shoulders of the developer or speculator who owns the land at the time it is for purposes It s a Peter and Paul method of easing the tax burden on farm people The ario government was not interested in subsidizing developers or real estate speculators Thats why the clause went into the farm tax reduction program Farmers who returned cheques are being asked to reconsider their action by the Department of Municipal fairs As a matter of fact the Depart is returned tax rebate cheques m order that no farmer in Ontario is penalized through standing of the policy By this tune I hid the distinct impression everyone in the bank was looking in my standing nervously drumming my pinkies on the counter top It hit me all of a sudden No wonder they were staring It isn ever day someone from a printing est walks into a bank and tries to pass off a phoney 10 bill If circumstanUal evidence was damning I was consigned to the lowest floor of the banking hades whoml wont name for fear of embarrassment strode over with a gleam of recognition in his eye Aha caujjit at last I thought he was going to say But all he did was smile politely and ask if I had any idea where picked the phoney up I repressed the idea to head for the door spying a police man on the other de of the street Could have been anywhere I replied but quite likely it came from party funds Well we have to notify the police he said and we 11 give you a receipt to cover for the bill Which they did Then the sharpeyed lady teller tidied up the account while I kept my attention on the counter Bank employees could see the bill was a phoney but they could pass that particular one to me times and I would accept it without reservation out of I thought about this as I left the bank and strode back to the office Perhaps I should get the old eyes checked Other members of the staff after stifling gasps of horror expressed the same thoughts It was still on my mind as I left to go home about the same afternoon I noticed the family limousine In Its usual so hitched a ride home with someone else figuring my distaff side had reached it first and gone home The first thing I noticed when I arrived home was that the car In the drive way Wife cant be here yet I mused One of the fust people I saw when I opened the door was the wife Where the car I asked Her eyes widened Haven you got it she gasped Where was if Investigation subsequent and after much head scratching revealed it was almost beside the bank I had walked off and left it Now just waiting for the Mounties or the Acton detachment of the O P to pick me up on a counterfeiting charge I hope the cells at Milton jail are com fortablc I must ask friends of mine who spent some time there Maybe I can plead 20 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press March Acton snow blower which was purchased at a joint meeting of the council and Utilities Commission Tuesday demonstrated on the streets on Saturday morning A truck was loaded in approximately seconds and in less than two hours the highway from Garner Motors to the Mill St railway crossing was clear of excess Many citizens were on hand for the demonstration by Manse 11 The Whirlwind Snow Blower was purchased for Mayor E Tyler was presented with his charcoal portrait by representatives of Cities Service Od Co at council meeting The portrait was done by artist Egbert C Reed when Acton was featured on the company radio program Council engaged architects to make a survey of the town hall area considering the of a new municipal building is the last time in this century that Easter falls in March Twelve cases most of them violations of dot or parking bylaws were heard in court in Acton Tuesday Postage on greeting cards up to two cents from one cent Postmaster Terry ounces Men off elected president W McKenzie secretary Harry Arbic trea urer Orm Hunt at Arms Former president was Bill Denny Guest speaker at the meeting was Miss Esther Taylor who spoke of the growth of Scouting from its inception 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press Thursday March 24 1921 At county council it was decided to request the Hon Mr the Minister of Public Highways to into consideration tl 1 of the second line running through Trafalgar and from Bronte to Acton as a provincial county highway Postmaster and Mrs James Matthews will celebrate their wedding anniversary today or the first tune in the years I have been a resident of Acton Fairy Lake is clear of ice in the month of March said John Harvey The remaining ice went off Sunday and the lake is clear as mid summer Mr Harv ought to know for he has lived within of the lake ever since he came to Ac ton or ten years or more he used the water from the dam to run his grist mill The Toronto Suburban Special of a motor and two trailers took Acton hockey team and two hundred or more supporters to Toronto on day for the last game of the season with the A Clarke team of that city The game was staged at the big Arena was a exhibition Acton was defeated to Messrs Beardmore and Co entertained the excursionists to supper Acton Coal Kennedy defense Beecham and Bowman centre Farrow wings Joe Kentner and Buckle subs Beardmore Carder and John Kentner During the week auction sales in this locality have brought very gratifying prices At the Wheeler and sale horses brought 7 cows and five heifers sow sold for Four Jersey heifers sold for each THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office Conflict and Contrast By Jim Dills Collecting your thoughts after a study tour involving over 14 miles and four countries is possibly the most difficult part of the whole exercise The tour with weekly newsmen from five provinces of Canada was packed into two weeks that saw the group aboard a variety of aircraft and motorized vehicles We travelled in the troubled Island of Cyprus the progressive country of Israel the quiet country of West Germany and Into Great Britain swinging London We ate with Canadian Armed Forces In field messes and officers messes We slept in hotels and In a kibbutz We talked to news makers in Cyprus and Israel and sampled the hospitality of the Oberbergermelster in Germany The trip took us in planes of the Canadian Armed Forces like the Hercules Yukon and Boeing It took us on Israels El Air airlines and Air Canada We travelled in Jeeps mini buses and in the back of a ton truck A good deal of Israel we covered in a luxury coach In London we sampled the double deckers and of course the famed taxis In Cyprus we had a press conference with and his counterpart heading the Turkish group Dcnktash We interviewed the UN Canadian forces soldiers at outposts along the troubled green line the point of at on between the Greek and Turkish that troubled but beautiful island in the Mediterranean Our talks included the general in charge of the N forces in Cyprus and countless other officers and officials connected with maintenance of peace In Cyprus In Israel we met the Canadian Ambas sador to Israel talked with state depart officials and visited the old city of Jerusalem to see the sharp contrast between new buildings and the maintenance of old In that historic centre for several world religions In Israel too we had an opportunity to meet with those on a and find first hand the advantages and the sense of destiny which is evident every where In Israel years ago Taken from the Ibsue of the Free Press Thursday March 1896 The report of the Inspector of Prisons to hand shows the number of commitments with their crimes in Halton jail at Milton during 1095 to have been as follows Horse stealing robbery I larceny assault threatening language 1 trespass 3 vagrancy other offences 1 The Milton Champion says The jail is unusually full at present There are prisoners confined In it and half of them including six chicken thieves and two men committed for support of their wives come from Georgetown The commanding officers of the companies of the Battalion of the Lome Rifles have requisitions for new clothing for die r men with orders to fill them and forward them to the brigade officer without delay The new clothing and extra pay per noncommissioned officer and men voted to the regiment by county council should attract a good class of recruits Company No Acton should now have its ranks filled up again farmers imported a carload of American com intend experimenting with it to see if It Is good for stock feeding The balloon sleeves having had a somewhat lengthy inning the hoop skirts are next to appear Two of the latest Paris fashion journals so announce and fashion decrees are inviolable The Kickapoo Medicine Company were in for a week holding free entertainment and selling their Indian medicine Eden Mills At Germany we met the who heads the municipality of 27 000 which the centre for the Canadian Armed Forces in Europe adding another to the population of that area The typically Bavarian charm of the centre gave us an interesting glimpse of that part of West Germany where Roman ruins still attest to the age of the area In London from Piccadilly Circus wo radiated through the city for a tourist a eye vie of those historic potato which make any visit to the K interesting and exciting with history at every comer Join me then if you will through this series of articles as I review some of the experiences and conclusions reached during this trip to the troubled Middle East for a first band look at some of the events and the people which make today news headlines and which I expect to be a point of world concern for a good many weeks to cone I don plan to belabor the problems of travel delayed flights missed meals and inconvenience but to get at the mora interesting aspects of life and the people as I found them in that part of the world Missed plane connections in Lahr Germany resulted In us replacing a ton of fish on a cargo plane lined on web seats along the wall of the plane with huge cargo containers lashed to the floor of the plane at our feet were deep In the pounding of a Canadian Armed Forces Hercules freight Continued on Pop B3

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