Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1971, p. 6

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Time to Sell those Old Things to You New to someone else BIRTHS BLACK Doug and nee Richardson arc proud to the birth of twins on Hospital a son in weight lbs 12 a daughter weight lbs of Mr Mrs Max Bhck of Milton and Mr ind Mrs in irdson of ncc the of first child i Ok lbs March 1971 it the Number Memorial il Toronto First of Dow and of ton first of Chirks Irene of Oikulle and first great of James end of Toronto me nee Mirks ire proud to announce the birth of son David 1971 at St Josephs A brother for Steven HOLMES pleased lo announce the birth of son on 971 at the GuOph General Hospital ANNIVERSARIES 1 PRODUCE FOR SALE Mi nut Mis Hilt Out will be i id ommunits tenia Mirth rim I pin to nine Hints and on the of their Wed dim No pic io COMING EVENTS is Month i mm ivser will be our door during of Apiil even Sat it at the Lodge Hilt Comers Lunch provided Admission Even Rumimfie unhiding household jewellers hike sale Ml A Sit it m Tiimfv Crai and in da nee of Mow an pleised to an nounce birth of their daughter Mam 7 lbs on 1971 the General Hospital A for Marl Iter 1 19 ATTFNTION seed graded nil quantity w of requi or v tin mill It Com thuds Fine Cie glides I ash Hid pot i toes line lor vim ni appoint mint Bung Open ills iscd Ro 87WS5 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE 11 Possible hull MAI I Cigx id J10 compkli horn Hood pill IVuxkr Colin months old wh with pups is Will and tvpO TREMBLA and are of a broker Ron ald an lb si born i at Si Josephs Hos pital Proud parent are Rick and Ccvtlc Acton ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Johnson tike pleasure m the of iheir eldest Elaine to Mr Warren Mitchell son of Mr Mrs Mitchell Sarnia Ont DEATHS Jadwrgi Ai Hospital on 1971 Jid of ihv lite Thomas of 19 At ton In her xar Dear mother of of Toronto Ted of Acion friends mis it hi Rum Schiximkir horn Acton Requiem Miss it St Joseph church Acton on da at l in InKrment Si Joseplis Return 2 nnals sal phonv 1 1393264 WHITE drxss for or list 12 Will stll best of fir WESTISGHOUSE s on good londmon bumir- window in door SsV4 lii926 ALUMINUM doors shut its iKo custom urn man railings Rcisonabk If CHILDREN S clothing arts household baked goods Getirgitown Arm Siturdii Mirth 27 I 1 of sir Priced from Now it Goodlct 5 Si Pro mk mini bed- bed spring he it Ik fun Thursla On Tin 1971 Tor ono Wesum of Girtl ins of late r bid and bid Riasonabk SIMPLICITY lb Fun Tumr Sn Porter Chapil St Toronto noon washer ind pump sk it own CARDS OF THANKS I wish o think ill lie and for the cards tts ring mi Hospital and sins home is Seott and Dawson Four ta and Pi Post si no thank their friend jnd on Mill Main and Streets Acton lor their forts us since loss of our Scolt i391271 We and sell new and rccordmoncd pianos our large selection now for me real Wc also will lake lour old in on trade fa appliance i Son Ltd comer iidonnell St In of Rosrell passed i 31 Gone from the mi Just like a floMtr in bloom So fur so loving Yet called is so soon Always remembered Winc Tn 1393261 la47 2429tf LARGE GLOSSY PRINTS ACTON STAFF PHOTOS 7 size Plus Tjs CASH Ml ST ACCOMPANY ORDER TV TOWER SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES It Alt Mtjrrn CI liann If iV OF THANKS IIS 1 I ft 100 IN Hi JO per col Ik I r Tar Anln Hi r 11 1 lie VpI I In r W J I J or llr Irl I I in Directory 1 A I I I led am in Ural pi lw err SO Mill St IMIONL or The Acion Free Press Wednesday VEHICLES FOR SALE 1169 8 In bus 11 m IW1 I loll i Spin I inn Will con IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE IMPLEMENTS Diesel TRACTORS Buy as low as 75 per p WITH FOLLOWING FEATURES Indipuuknt with root hind control Compkti Miy I 1971 No Interest Charge SWANSTON Farm Equipment Selliiib British for 12 models it REQUIRE MORE HORSEPOWER LOW AS HP 73 wind ins ilkd with wipers 685 UNIVERSAL AUTO TRACTOR LIMITED 3163 line Phone Buying a Used Tractor or Equipment Sci of models Plus pm of used iquipm Milton Equipment Co Limited Line MILTON local i dialer PHONE WANTED CLCUMBER growirs i iihbk an house Id Vnnn R I Mill HELP WANTED Route Salesman i in opening i Siksmm or who is of I ippoinimint 274 5696 or 416 Mr Green CREDIT AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN HI tnv Inil 1SH 1 1MMEDIA1I pel 85V1I65 13i37 OMB decision upsets council Will review quarry legislation An Immediate rovlew of quarrying loglulotlon end a meeting with the Hon George Kerr and the Minister of Mines agreed to by NaaMgaweya Township Council In the face of Ontario Municipal Board approval of a application to permit a now active quarry In the township Members Monday heard the six page decision of the OMB ruling on the application of CnmpbollviHc Gravel for rezonlng of the property from quarry holding to quarry Ineffectual A MacArthur took exception to board references In tho decision to her testimony being ineffectual maintaining she had been specific in emphasizing the township dldn t need another quarry when six quarries already exist within township approach because three miles The only people wlc policies worked Councillor Maclntyrc David Thompson In MCtcd he always fett a report lo tho township told drawn up members the case did revolve Individual quarries around reasonable need and the township would be for Board hod based their Inter than by lows and problems attached to quarries should be separated and dealt with He spelled out the first problem an trucks and the road maintenance and construction problems attached the second problem an blasting and the possibility of provincial supervision or cooperation with other municipalities in making equipment available and the third probtem environmental He suggested the need for assurances end of the quarry would leave It for conservation or other use Policy work The deputy reeve maintained there was a need for change In 1 1 Hid Apply phone 1H7 13 3263 16 SERVICES TAX I ill Kenneth A Bun ess of As Tit Consult mis it Sink l6b39 32S2 I LOUR We i modern We will refinlsh jour floors or rent you the equip- lo do the job yourself J 1 ink phone St S Acton 16a 24 Hour Approvals 2nd lid MORTGAGES in the Convenience i for helpful con Inv HELP WANTED TheWomms Opporlumts 1970 with cert mincdnteh tori ompuiiiv Hit re tid top 17 REAL ESTATE I lunldint lot ven Hint spot for livmt new semi ilutiliid luuses leiletl at irly Minis lirte modern I down to ill isn Trade your one Mr or 1738tf Listings Wanted Homes Farms Rural We offer you our many years of experience listing and tiling in Halton Wellington Counties Christie Woods limited BROKERS hi Si MILTON 878 6057 878 2095 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate of JANIE CIV EN late of Ontario St South In tho Town of Milton In the County of Hal ton for- imrly or the Towmhlp of I In County of llngton SpLrurtcr deceased ALL persons having claims the iforemuitloncd t He r J ink Given who died on or the day im required to file proof thereof with in derslgned solicitor for on or befforc the of 1971 which date the will be distrib uted hiving regard only to die urns then filed at Actort this 3rd day or Mirth C LEAT QC etc Ontirio Solicitor for the Executor 19a39 TENDERS of ill her instilled with all I I I tower installed with all head I tower installed with all or smh lions svill eonlinm u si whether for men or iomen Such listings an not to pi ins of INSPECTOR I t t RlLMRDSOS JACK RICHARDSON CHEV OLDS LTD S Milton 878 878 3812 whi tireh Your presence Your wx treisure Forgetting Sadh his daughter Bel and Famih a392503 WILDS In losing of a dear son and brother Francis who passed March Every in some small way Memories of htm come my wav Though absent he re ever near Still loved still missed Mill very dear Too to ever be forgotten in loving romem Mother and ids for sen set Installed head J2000 color Installed Installed J64 Automatic Rep RICHARDSONS Radio TV Main Street East MILTON Phone 8786949 ami tin n dr 111 LOST OR STRAYED Roy W Goodwin T Ross Ballentine Phone 853 COMPARE THESE PRICES butij Hi tie on I Ijndsapid lot COUNTY OF TENDERS FOR MATERIALS and SERVICES SEALED TENDERS is to tontLnis be until Wednesday March 31st for the following materials- and art pproxim A MATERIALS fob any point In unless noled Woven Wire Farm Fence gauge rods Steel Fence Posts 7 T Rail ps included Farm Cites 16 wide by high ice wire gauge and l Calcium Chloride in Bags Bulk fxb plant and coun ty tons 3 CIP Culverts Crushed Stont all sizes lob plant Weed ind Brush Chemicals ill types Spn Pitching Emulsions RSI gal fob sup pliers bulk storage tank Si County in drums 7 Cold mix Hotmix as il fob tons SERVICES 1 Surface Treating Prime SuppK and Apply 330 gals RSIK ind tons w Supply and Appl 121 gals of bituminous prime and of sand Line Painting Supply 300 gals Stippl of Roid Signs and Sign Posts 4 Supplv of Gasoline Diesel Oil for J period Slurry Seal Treatment 350 3 on tho availability of tho market and willingness of the owner to proceed No permit yet Reeve MacArthur pointed out the OMB decision did not mean tho Department of Mines had given a permit for the operation of the quarry She suggested If development of a subdivision of the kind for In the official plan was curtailed by the Toronto Centred Region Plan she could see no reason why a quarry would be allowed to proceed on the fringe of the Niagara Escarpment Deputy Reeve Don McMillan observed the problem of quarries had been batted around for 13 years He called for a three point attack on the program first by defining the big quarries from the small ones Then he suggested the three major the need for costly prosecution Members the by law committee should study current township and provincial legislation on quarries and the meeting with the provincial member and MinLitcr of Mines should be arranged Severances sought The Committee of Adjustment will hear two application for severances next Monday Neigh bors have been notified One Is from Altheo Con for the four semi detached houses on Main St The other from Ton Construction which will be building two sixstorey apart ments on Church St on the former Beverley property AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Al the farm Lot Con miles South of Village STAN RUCKO Line of three SATURDAY MARCH At 12 noon FURNITURE round oak dining tibk with 6 oak chairs caned back and upholstered lis set his been completely finished and reupholsttrcd a be chesterfield and gold leather makes into i day bed like new oak and pine roll top desk oak sideboard very good pine dresser rola oak desk now desk and chair modern rockers buffet maple wash stand finished baby and rock piano ward robe ind movie bookcase good one oak hall bench half hook chrome labk- and chairs Moffat eke floor polisher tweed gold 10 18 and 2 tweed rugs beige nylon carpeting 10 with nylon runner long TERMS No reserve Farm sold Owners moving oil with for steps DISHES ITC pitcher from toilet green limps eiderdown pillows sleeping bigs etc 2 liquor sets butler dish Old ind system extension 1 comp lete one 12 long in good rolls of now rabbit wire 30 pes sheet me til pans I beam 9 Ion new eeniint mixer two wheelbarrows rlo Idler liwn mower variety of tools gar den elc drums old bug of fence rails some odd lumber 5 old light from Mil ton pien table child s swing set many more small items Consignment Auction Sale IN MILTON AT THE FAIRGROUNDS IN THE AGRICULTURAL HALL SATURDAY At II wkd ports A working speetion procedure simple sion will is to cheek and fixtures and with experience to recommend whin riquirvd Hospital medic me and sick pud Repls Box 535 Acton Free Press ACT ON Good terms I lot I the BEDROOM town 13 1393269 ROOM and board for mm Phem Mrs HOUSE barn and 75 acres on Hwi 2a per mon Phone Mrs Bit iflcr Phone 13i392625 stores bedrooms lirge li tig room and en bathroom den oil ind stirer home Priced at only G Alec Johnson LIMITED Realtor 2 Mill St Acton 853 2086 st be submitted forms for Items in Section A Materials include Federal Sales Tax whin applicable Counts Tender Forms must bi used for Items in Section B Services Tender Forms and further formation may be obtained from the office of the under signed on or after Wednesday March 17th 1971 The lowes or any tenders ly be accept County Administration Building MILTON Ontario Sherlock Manning pump org an consigned by a local church in exceptional condition Do- on pump organ Duncan drop leaf table round table fireplace screen tongs fire box and wxxxl bas ket walnut pedestal china cabinet odd chairs china cab inet upholstered footstool large pictures and frames chrome kitchen suite refnger automatic clothes dryer wringer warning machines pendulum mantle clocks child ren s school desks and match ing chairs Floor material rug 9 Si matching runner iron kettle cosmetics ornaments toys games large lot of glass and china quantity of old glass and china chesterfield suite large Quebec heater kitchen cook ice cream maker oil limps table lamps new and used floor limps lawn mower hall rack sew ing machines small pine table pine eupboard top glass doors ash stands complete set of Encyclopedia oihcr books children swing set Lawn chairs mirrors brass a rd re magazine rack crocks sellers pot pans for your cottage needs blinds I 72 x 70 51 32 piece dining room suite rug 7x9 chair electric typewriters machine old coins from England Eur ope Mexico round wrought iron glass top table and four Compact vacuum clean- r just like new upright retaiy piano stool box stove No TERMS ARE CASH DAY OF SALE Lunch available Auctioneers Remarks Merchandise consigned to this sale by the local public is m very nice condition several antique pieces amongst it Consigners Hall Directors or the Auctioneer not responsible for accidents Preview from morning of sale Selling by number CHRIS SCHOUTEN Auctioneer

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