Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1971, p. 7

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NOTICE SANITARY SEWERS STREET TO SI Brady SI Main St County No Si appro of Si Chriity St Jicknn St SI SI SI appro Mackcnllt St Main SI Main SI SI Mackeuit St Mickeiulc St St in SI Si St St appro N Jackton St Station Si St Si St JackamSt St Church SI appro St Si St approl ot St Si Si Fan mar St of Dim Main SI si ho I SI Main St tea S of Haiti Valley Road appro SI St of Carroll Main St appro SI appro St S of llinii SI appro I MO Main St Main SI appro i and parallel St Elicmfnt running ISO and to Main SI at a Dotal St SO of Main St appro Ho W Mi In Main St Main SI SI Carroll SI Frederick SI appro 90 writ Si Carroll Si appro 169 tail of St Main SI Man Si Man Si SI appro SO north of Alma SI OS Main St alley ltd No Han MsTol Fall SI SI SI Man SI appro rait or St Mary SI Mary St St Si Frederick St St Carroll Main St point tin Inlt rare lion parallel the lint Lot and northerly approx of Lou 1 and coin Hay No lent on liny No St Lot SCO of rail Si Brady St l north til SI si Balaclava St appro rait Si parallel Ma n SI and north of Gtorr St SI together with sewers from the main seven to the lot lines a sewage pumping station on the west side of Valley Road approximate Highway No a sanitary and trunk sewers to sewage to a 1GPD sewage treatment plant prowding secondary and tertiary treatment to be located in Lot Concession of the Township of For provision of services from these works it is proposed to raise the necessary annual revenue as follows a frontage sewer rate of cents per foot per annum on all lands which abut on or connect to the sewers described above a connection charge of per annum on owners or occupants of lands for which a sewage sen ice connection to the sewers is ided a SO per cent surcharge on the water bill of domestic system a surcharge of not less than 180 per cent on toe water erf cornrnercial and users of the system In instances where there is a connection to the proposed sewage works but there is no connection to the water works the charge for sewage service normally recovered the water bill surcharge is to be recovered by the imposition of a foot frontage rate of SI per foot per annum on the owners or occupants of such lands This foot frontage rate does not reduce or eliminate any other frontage rates imposed on properties for sewage or water works In computing the frontage charges provision shall be made for the exemption or partial exemption from a foot frontage rate and for the determination of such exemption or partial exemption in the following manner a A reduction in the case of comer lots at the Junction or intersec tion of streets of per cent of the flankage and a reduction or increase In the case of triangular or Irregularly shaped lots may be rate that otherwise would be chargeable mereon having regard to the situation value and superficial area of such lots as compared lots to adjust its frontage charge on a fair and equitable basis Where a lot is for any reason wholly or in part unfit for building purposes a reduction ma be made in the foot frontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable thereon sufficient to adjust Its frontage charge as compared with that of lots fit for building purposes on a fair and equitable basis c Where a lot other than a comer lot has two limits thai abut on streets described above and the sin and nature of the lot is such that any or all of the works such streets are not required a reduction in respect of the works that are not required so long as they are not required may also be made in the foot frontage rate that would otherwise be chargeable thereon sufficient having regard to me benefit derived as compared with other lots to adjust In the case of lots that because of the nature of the terrain or the elevation of the sewer do not derive the same benefit as other lands abutting on the sewer a reduction may be made in the foot frontage rate which otherwise would be chargeable thereon sufficient having regard to the benefit derived as compared with other lots to adjust the foot frontage rate on a fair ana equitable basis e The reduction shall be made by deducting from the total frontage of the lot liable to the frontage rate so much thereof as is sufficient to make the proper reduction but the whole of the lot shall be charged with the annual foot frontage charge as so reduced On the basis of these levies a home connected to the water works and having a frontage of 66 feet would pay the following amounts annually after connection has been made lo the proposed sewage works The Freo Press Wednesday March TOWNSHIP OF ERAMOSA At the request of the Council of the Township of Eramosa the Ontario Water Resources Commission has investigated the possibility of Installing within the Police Village of a sewage works project to be owned by the Province of Ontario consisting of a collector system and treatment facilities which will provide a major part of the Police Village with sewage service It is now proposed to construct such works at an estimated cost of with per cent of the cost or approximately being paid by the Province as a subsidy For services provided from these works It is proposed to impose an estimated service rate of 13 per gallons of sewage accepted from the municipality frontage rates and a connection charge as shown In the third paragraph hereof The project will consist of the following works Initially The installation of sanitary sewers to be constructed as follows 66 foot frontage at 40 cents Connection Charge per cent surcharge on water bill A home not connected to the water works and having a frontage of feet would pay the following amounts annually after connection has been made lo the proposed sewage works 66footfrontageat40cenls 2640 foot cents Connection Charge TOWNSHIP OF ERAMOSA At the request of the Council of the Township of the Ontario Water Resources Commission has investigated the possibility of installing within the Police Village of Rockwood a water works project to be owned by the Province of Ontario consisting of distribution system and water supply facilities which will provide a major part of the Police Village with water service It Is now proposed lo construct such works an cost of with per cent of the cost or approximately being paid by the Province as a subsidy For services provided from these works It is proposed to impose an estimated service rote of cents per 1 gallons of water delivered to the municipality frontage rotes and connection charges as shown in third paragraph The project will consist of the following works The installation of water distribution mains to be constructed as follows WATER DISTRIBUTION MAINS Any ratepayer may within twentyone days otter the first publication of this notice send by prepaid post to the Clerk of the Township of at the address given below a notice in writing staling his objection to such approval or to the imposition of the sewage rates This notice is to replace an earlier notice which was published in the Acton Free Press on the of August 1970 and the of August 1970 The Ontario Municipal Board may approve the agreement between the Township of and the Ontario Water Resources Commission with respect to the provision of the sewage service and the imposing of sewer rates but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered but notice of such hearing be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above and estimates may be inspected at the office of the undersigned during business hours DATED AT day of March 1971 now si St SI Brady SI Mackfiulc SI Station St si Brady SI Queen SI Si Jackaon St and first published this Mr I T Clerk Treasurer Township of Eramosa R No Ontario illchirdio IUUcUvr Main St MO Main Si appro writ of Main SI appro wot Main SI appro north Gowan St hi St tall Si 412 writ Ma i Valley ltd appro north new ay appro north rait Main St appro north coal Main SI appro IK Carroll St St appro 70S north of SI St Main St Ma S Main St Frederick SI EASTER TIME AT HINTONS Gifts for the whole family Easter cards by Carlton Plush toys for the kiddies Easter candy Records Dress and Sport shirts Dress Socks Ties Pants Dresses Slips Panties Jeans Cardigans Sweaters Scarves Gloves Purses Jewellery Use our Easter layaway plan See our Large Assortment of Easter Chocolate Novelties Eggs Rabbits Etc your own coloring ribbon ate Buy your Easter Candy in bulk- Save up to 50 of tor you a complete range of belter quality condy llneiot Low Prices GIVE SMILES At Hlntont we fa hi re the Smites Why not buy thai at no cost Smites A Chucktes Pure Milk Novatttei Boxed EGGS RABBITS HENS DUCKS CHICKS ETC from 10 o BOXED CHOCOLATES from 98 to 249 Special Eaittr Egg Shaped ft fancy wrapped BOXED CHOCOLATES 175 to 6 75 Hintons 5 Store together with connections from the main to the lot lines a drilled well and treatment facilities located approximately feet southeast of C rightof way and feet southwest of County Road No Main Street and water storage facilities consisting of a gallon standpipe located approximately 350 feet east of High way Number and feet south of For provision of services from these works it is proposed to raise the necessary annual revenue as follows a frontage water rate of cents per foot per annum on all lands which abut on or connect to the mains described above a connection charge of per annum on owners or occupants of lands for which a water service connection to the mains if provided a service rate of per annum per domestic user of the water works system and a service rate of not less than per annum for commercial and industrial users of the water works system In computing the frontage charges provision shall be made for the exemption or partial exemption from a foot frontage rate and for the determination of such exemption or partial exemption in the following manner I a A reduction in the case of corner lots nt the junction or intersec tion of streets of 100 per cent of the and a reduction or increase in the case of triangularor irregularly shaped lots may be made in the foot frontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable thereon sufficient having to the situation value and superficial area of such lots as compared with other lots to adjust its frontage charge on a fair and equitable basis b Where a lot is for any reason wholly or in part unfit for building a reduction may be made in the foot frontage rate that would be chargeable thereon sufficient to adjust its frontage charge as compared with that of lots fit for building purposes on a fair and equitable basis Where a tot other than a corner lot has two limits that abut on streets described above and the size and nature of the lot is such that any or all of the works in such streets are not required a reduction in respect of the works that are not required so long as they are not required may also be made in the foot frontage rate that would otherwise be chargeable thereon sufficient having regard to the benefit derived as compared with other lots to adjust the foot frontage rate on a fair and equitable basis In the case of lots that because trie nature of the terrain or the elevation of the sewer do not derive the same benefit as other lands abutting on the sewer a reduction may be made in the foot frontage rate which otherwise would be chargeable thereon sufficient having regard to the benefit derived as compared with other lots to adjust the foot frontage rate on a fair and equitable basis The reduction shall be made by deduction from the total frontage of the lot liable to the annual foot frontage rate so much thereof as is sufficient to make the proper reduction but the whole of the lot shall be charged with the annual foot frontage charge as so reduced On the basis of these levies a home having a frontage of feet would pay the following amounts annually after connection has been made to the proposed water works foot frontage at Connection Charge 40 Service Charge TOTAL Any ratepayer may within twentyone days after the first publication of this notice send by prepaid post to the Clerk of the Township of at the address given below a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or to the imposition of the water rates This notice is to replace an earlier notice which was published in the Acton Free Press on the 19th of August and the of August The Ontario Municipal Board may approve the agreement between the Township of and the Ontario Water Resources Commission with respect to the provision of the water service and the imposing of water rates but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above Plans and estimates may be Inspected at the office of the undersigned during business hours DATED AT ROCKWOOD day of March and first published this Mr T Hindley Clerk Treasurer Township of Eramosa No Ontario Church Services TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister 1 he Rev Gordon Turner A BD Director of Music George Elliott MA PhD SUNDAY MARCH 1971 10 ii Morning Worship 1000 in Nursery Church School to Chun School Welcome You and Your I to Take Pari in the life and Worship of Trinity PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew McKcnzic Minister Mr A Hansen OrKinist Choir Master SUNDAY MARCH 1971 Church School for m MinlMti Church Cliss for Tit igcrs n Sin No do of rship Christ Who Join Injus I Most Welcome ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Mil Street Founded 1842 Pastor Rev M Byrne Parsonage Chcllcnhtm Church Office Choir 8 Teachers Mnimy church Meeting it of Mr ind Mrs SUNDAY MARCH 1971 ng Worship Tht Sound of Wicping 1100 am Sunday School A Cordial Invitation To All THE CHURCH OF ST THE MARTYR ANGLICAN Corner Willow Si and St Albans Dr Rev J Dawson BTh SUNDVY MARCH 1971 Siind ly Lent V am Holy Communion 10 30 am Church School Nursery 1010 am World Ril it DlvlIop- Scr via of solve WEDNESDAY MARCH 1 am Dropin Cofki Hi for hole of EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Churchill S M Pastor SUNDAY 10 Sundiy School 1100 Morning Worship 7 rvarrgcHstlc Scr vice Johnston spirting nt both Thursday 00 pm Crusaders You will miss a red treit If you fill hear Evange list ami Mrs Divld John stun singing thi Gospil March 4 nightly thru it 8 12 Verse Behold God Is my I will trust not be afraid for tin Lund Johovnh is my strength mv song Hi so is becomi my salvation CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill North Minister Rev A Walter 124 Ave Phone 8532386 SUNDAY MARCH 28th 1 1 m Church School Si Worship S subject The Sit prune Quest ton April Holy Com Visitors re Welcome Church Gatherings at the Church on the Hill all hi provided BETHEL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister Rev P Brouwcr BD Acton Ontario SUNDAY MARCH 1000 am Morning Worship Sirvicc Nursery and pre school Sunday School Sundiy School 2 Afternoon Wor ship Service Tccn Meet at the church Tuesday evening 7 10 Classes Comi worship study with to be better equipped to God and men Everyone Welcome MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Ave Georgetown Pastor Rev Robert C Hue is our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church SUNDAY MARCH 1971 45 Sunday School All ages 1 m Morning Service Evening Evangel Georgetown L0VELL BROS HEAT MARKET RED BRAND BEEF Choice Wing R Lean Shoulder Roast 79l Blade Short Rib Roast Lean Ground Chuck 79 Small Link Sausage MAPLE LEAF RINOLESS Sliced Rindless Bacon LB FOR YOUR RED BRAND BEEF Sides Hind 87 Fronts LOVELL BROS MODERN MEAT MARKET Acton Phone DAILY

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