Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1971, p. 8

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The Free Press Wednesday March Claude Couture winner Ford Torino car drawn 399th number drawn belonged to Bob of Ac- Funds raised from the club Claude Couture R Acton an employee of American Motors was the lucky winner of a brand new green Ford Torino In the Acton boys playing Trl Minor Hockey Associations Minor Hockey In town club draw Mr Couture a lucky car winner was number was the last of to Owe come out of the drum at the Cash winners Club annual entertainment Winning cash were 1st night at the Legion Saturday McKnight night Mayor Duby made the ball Bud Webster draw ball Tommy Perkins ballSam Sevcrelprlm Wilson 10 Numbers were drawn from the ballRon ball- drum by various supporters of John Turkoa ball the club In addition to the grand prize a car cash prizes were awarded as follows for the first number drawn number out Tor the number for the 397th number for the 398th number and for the number Mayor drew the final 25 numbers Mr Couture who owns a ftsttir Marks 10 10 ballGary ballHarry ball Mara 10 300th ballCyril Swim 10 ball Barb Weldon 10 last 25 ball Tody Mullen ball Lyman 75 ballBob ball Claude Couture CAR Regular weekly 10 ford was called from winners were Arlle White home with members of his Jack Pink Charlie family when his number was and Ray okays quarry rezoning Golden ready for spring llyMin llilDltced confuting with Mary Ann A or I evening WnIk Hit Some members buzz opened to all In while to lle updating at home March birthdays saluted Mrs I in mill to her MrB also Vlckirs tVrl When finally Mr ncr around corner It is hoped oil C will return to good ta itliy for 1 In a six page decision the Ontario Municipal Board approved the application of Cloverleaf Quarries for rezoning of land In from holding to quarry The decision received by township officials noted the township should now pass a by law Implementing the decision The three day Waxing before the board last fall was wound up in final argument In the Board chambers last month Across from track The acre site affected Is on the Line approximately across the road from Mohawk Raceway The possibility of interference with the Jockey Club water supply was acknowledged in the Boards lengthy decision but they maintained a quarry operation on the site had evidently not caused Jockey Club officials concern at the time the land use by law was being considered The Board maintained the Campbellville residents who had lodged objections at the hearing were too far removed to be at lected by the quarry operation since the were separated by Highwaj Personal objections Objections filed by the township were labelled personal objections of the reeve and deputy reeve The report noted the reeve had the land of brand new 1 Torino in the Acton Minor Hockey Assoclntlon Club draw Claude Couture 2 Acton trios out the drivers scat along with his daughter and niece County Obituarv president Ron presents the keys as Mrs Couture and lucky ticket seller John look on Mr won for selling the winning ticket Staff Photo llioii who hid recently by uit of amity mix program Mm Jack as ML for program MIhh Muriel IloiiiKH sung Beautiful of to r own then uig Me ret i ml When Irish I art Smiling gi vi a couple of I umorous to bring some Mrs limn cited wonderful in One Hundred Ago When I Was Young Mill txuutifully played couple of Intricate I nitru mentals Miry Ann Mllm and Lathy Itr pi I several pieces on tlicir I sing Spring hopes Wllh snowdrops and crocus already in bloom wild geese glng northward robins returning trees and lawns again the will be wonderfully warm the snow and ice no longer an the ailing feeling fit again and a good turn out to lie hoped for Euchre winners uehre winners at I hall Corners Saturday utiles high Mrs Storey ladles low Mrs mens high Clifford men low Jus 72 hands John door prize John nnd her continued considered ineffectual The Board said It tempered Its consideration of the objections of the deputy reeve since he had acknowledged he also owned quarry land and was holding Its use in abeyance in the hope of a higher price Problems of traffic congestion it was ruled had been alleviated by construction of the new county road running east from the line north of Highway Requirement shown Board noted the representations for and against the application were amply but the question revolved around that of requirement Several pages of the decision discussed this aspect Board vicechairman H E Roberts and member W Shrub signed the decision VICTOR Is opening his shoe and shoe repair store this week in the shop formerly the Rendezvous beauty salon MARCH is Health Month and Halton county health unit is stressing the benefits of preventive health care Matter the art of telling someone just what he thinks of himself J funeral A former resident of Acton John McClure of Richmond Hill died at Eden House Eden Mills on March He had been in failing health for the past three months Mr McCuinT was a retired salesman and had travelled for the Storey Glove Company of Acton and A Clarke Toronto He lived In Acton for 70 years and years at Richmond HU1 He was born in Meadowvale in 1873 and attended Acton public school Survivors A bachelor he is survived by nieces and nephews Trances Hurst Vera Joseph Hurst Adelaide Wylic and Newton Hurst Funeral service was held at the Shoemaker funeral me on Wednesday March by the Rev A H and interment was in cemetery Acton Pallbearers were R C Lcishman Stuart McDonald A Kirkncss and Robinson of Acton with of Rich Hill The clerfl ft by Rev Tboman Evangel Pentecostal Tabernacle WHERE WILL IT ALL END The Bible says in Exodus Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy and the Prophet Isaiah adds his admonition Isaiah M 1314 If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath from doing doing thy pleasure on my holy day and call the Sabbath a delight the of the Lord honorable and shall honor Him not doing thine own ways nor finding thine own pleasure nor speaking thine own words Then shall thou delight thyself In the Lord and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth Very recently the Ontario Law Reform Commission proposed major changes in Sunday Observance Iaws ranging from allowing wideopen recreational act to removing the Holy from what has traditionally been the Lord s Day The main point of the report said the chairman is that there should be legis lation from Sunday Laws entirely divorced from any religious connotation The idea would be to make Sunday a day of pause rather than a of rest with Its religious inferences that the Lord Day Act should be replaced a Sunday Leisure Act reflecting a day of pause that would be secular and not religious The comer stones the foundational attributes our Christian heritages stand like sentinels to the loyal and courageous mind These same sentinels stand In need of defence by the brave and the strong In every Instance the controlling and determining leadership of man baa sub stituted the faulty wisdom of man for the inspiring wisdom of God Materialistic research sophisticated college degrees and godless philosophies have been substituted for the Holy Spirit God in His Wisdom as revealed through the Bible and His Holy Spirit never intended for roan to remain deliberately stupid never intended that he should neglect self improvement It was never intended that man should separate the electric current of his intelligence from the great dynamo of Supreme Power How con a light bulb boast How can a street lamp brag if it Is cutoff from the dynamic current that comes from the central power plant Canada by default and legislation is being cut off from the central power plant This of course can only produce darkness destruction and death as the graphic ill of present pollution forces its deathlike grip throughout America man being smothered in his own arrogance and pollution becomes frightemngly realistic The fathers the missionary priests the early settlers and the colonists personified in George Washington sought first the Kingdom of God They prayed They made Christian faith a part of their colonial constitutions and by laws They lifted up the cross of Jesus Christ They were rewarded for this faith by being given the honor of bringing about the most abundant nation on the face of the earth in this Century we began to see symptoms of erosion In this expression of faith Modernism in the churches skep ticism concerning the authority of the Scrip tures materialistic Interpretations in relation to the affairs of this world began to create symptoms of doubt and decay the schools in the churches our community life in our statesmanship and in our economy The whirlwind of man s bigotry and atheism has sown drastic results Be not deceit God is not mocked for whatsoever a man that shall he also reap For he that to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting Gal 8 God is not a respecter of persons He has rewarded the early patriarchs for their faith their courage and their strength He will reward His people today who will stand for righteousness truth and holiness limy people which are called by My Name shall humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways THEN will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land S Thoman WHY NOT MAKE A CLEAN SWEEP WITH HOOVER APPLIANCES from C W KELLY SON LTD Upright models start as low Hoover Constellation STEEL CONSTRUCTION KING SIZE THROW AWAY DIRT BAG WITH TOOL RACK HOOVER DIALAMATIC ALSO AVAILABLE Hoover Spin Washer Plan to drop in now and see the HOOVER products in action Budget terms easily arranged and Son Ltd Corner Wyndham Sts GUELPH 8226041

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