Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1971, p. 1

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MAKING PICTURE frames Was a project for adjust side pieces while other Cubs watch NAILING picture frames together is a tongue twister ONE or THE pictures is Cubs Adam left and Jerry Acton Cubs at Mondays meeting where Staff Photo for Jerry Wardle Cubs had pictures of ships and wildlife to displayed by Join Hirrison for Wnrdlc The ittrnctive birch frames were Forbes Cole right helps Michael Waites frame at a meeting Monday night Photo proudly displayed by Cubs Staff Photo N nety Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MARCH 1971 Pages F floen Pollution expert says Acton should heed waste factor Installation of pollution control devices can result In increased profits for manufacturers University of Waterloo biologist John Pasternak told a dinner meeting of Acton Chamber of Commerce at the Dominion Hotel Wednesday night Pasternak one of the founders of Pollution Probe a nonprofit public action group organized to bring attention to the dangers of pollution said some companies asked to put in pollution control devices have shut down and put people out of work rather than accede To prove his profit point Pasternak cited an example of a grain elevator In western Canada which was creating a pollution for residents nearby cause of an excess of grain dust Electrostatic precipitators were installed in the elevator the dust was compacted into small pellets and the owner made almost threequarters of a million dollars selling the pellets chicken feed There have been dozens of other similar instances he said Most enforce The speaker admitted there t much the individual can do to stop industrial pollution until certain standards are enforced but at the same time offered the group a suggestion on how to help combat smaller forms of pollution Communities should ask their councils to start separate paper collections whether it profitable or not he suggested Pasternak claimed paper can be recycled up to 30 times It would be a fealher In Ac ton cap If they were the first to do it he said Dr Pasternak pointed to the multiplication factor to convey how serious throwing wrappers or other garbage out of car windows can be Individuals may think nothing of throwing garbage on the floor but when you multiply that by millions of people It adds up he explained Man averages five pounds of waste a day he added All of us in some way contribute to pollution Asked why manufacturers prefer to use disposable bottles for their products Instead of returnable types Pasternak said he thought the initial capital outlay required to use returnable bottles acta as a deterrent to their use Why the Why all the fuss about pollution now when nothing was said about it years ago We re just now beginning to Acton travellers return from Mediterranean tour sec the hidden inter relationships between all things on earth he explained the speaker told the group that people as living organisms have living action with the moving world and referred to a famous quotation England owes her glory to her old maids to illustrate how all things are inter related The strength of the Britons tame from eating good beef he explained Good beef was produced by having cattle feed on good clover Clover must be crosspollinated by bumble bees Field mice cat bumble bees but cats eat mice and old maids generally keep lots of cats he went on In another example Pasternak told of the World Health Organization efforts to eradicate malaria in Borneo Villages and residents of the island were sprayed with DDT DDT helped cut down malaria but it also had a disadvantageous side effect it An 18 day tour of the Mediterranean and bordering countries ended Monday night about IS for students and 17 adults from Acton when a World Airways Jet brought them home to Toronto International Airport on a flight from Rome The group loft Toronto Thursday March 11 landing in Rome the next morning at 30 They travelled by bus to Naples spending two nights there visiting the Isle of Capri before boarding the ocean liner bound for Beirut Lebanon The ship was to have docked at the Island of Rhodes just off the coast of Turkey but SO mile-an- hour winds whipped up waves Seasick Chaperone Keith Black confirmed reports about sea sickness amongst the group during the two days of the storm the tall end of a cyclone and I d say about half the group became sea sick he said We found the best thing to overcome sea sickness is to remain out on deck and look right at the waves or the horizon After stopping at Beirut where they visited the famous shopping bazaar the group visited the Island of Cyprus in Crete Syracuse in and pulled in again at Marseilles France where some of the students spent a day ob serving in a French high school View statue From Marseilles the ship sailed to Genoa Italy where the group disembarked for the last time On the way back to Rome they visited the leaning tower of Pisa and viewed the famous Pieta statue sculpted by Michaelangclo at Florence Before leaving Rome the group received Pope Paul blessing Sunday at 12 noon Some students caught a glimpse of Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia on his way to visit the Pope Leaving Rome by air they stopped at Amsterdam Holland for refuelling and then came direct to Toronto Highlights of the voyage included a guided tour of the ancient city of with a topnotch guide finding snow in the mountains of Lebanon which axe about feet above sea level and viewing the Pieta which brought tears to the eyes of many of the students One of the disappointments was the fact that museums in Italy were on strike and not open to the public Except for the two day storm and the final three days Italy skies were sunny and temperatures rose as high as in Cyprus Students will give personal accounts and opinions of the day voyage In the Free Press over the next few weeks destroyed a lot of insects Miniature lgunnai began to ent the DDT infested insects The Iguanas in turn were gobbled up by cats who are extremely susceptible to DDT Villages in Borneo suffered tremendous loss of cats which led to an overpopulation of jungle rats which moved into the villages and began biting children during the plague Eventually the A parachuted thousands of cats Into the villages to get rid of the rats I don mean to criticize the World Health Organization he said I Just pointing out some good Ideas con have unforeseen side effects Mercury pollution A perfect example of thb Is the well known discovery of mercury pollution In the Great Lakes Mercury was dumped Into the water because It would sink to the bottom of the lakes and be forgotten about Later mercury poisoning was discovered in fish Pasternak named Dow Chemical as the main culprit In mercury dumping The company was recently sued for by the provincial government when company and government officials were unable to agree on a remedy to the situation Dow were putting from SO to 200 pounds of mercury into the water even though they were losing as much as a day in inventory Dr Pasternak claimed fContinwed on Page DR JOHN Pasternak University biologist and a member of Pollution Probe addressed a meeting of Acton Chamber of Commerce at the Dominion Hotel last Wednesday Chamber president Roy Goodwin looks on as Pasternak makes a point Staff photo Two youngsters struck by cars BACK TO THE BOOKS after returning from an day tour of the Mediterranean are these Acton District High students to Bonnie McKenzie Susan Shoemaker Sean Debra Streets and Anita Maxwell points to Rome on the map as Johnson looks on Staff Photo Ask for suggestions The Chamber of Commerce is anxious to hear from anyone with suggestions for Citizen of the Year Suggestions will be accepted until the deadline Sunday April 11 Then the committee under chairman John will select the mi Citizen of the Year at a special meeting Tuesday April 13 All that Is necessary Is a telephone call to Mr Rol or any other member of the Chamber of Commerce executive which Includes Roy Goodwin John Alan Eastwood John Kevin Conroy Don Don McDonald Paul Nielsen Mike Chester Special speaker at the Inter Anderson Fred Gordon Bob denominational Holy Week Davis or Sydney Lamb services this coming week at Suggestions will be brought to Trinity United Church is the Rev the special meeting where the Bill BothweH merits be discussed before Many may remember hearing the final vote Is taken to deter- him at the High School mine the selection commencement two years ago The dinner and dance to honor Mr Bothwell explains that he has this years nomination for the always been vitally interested in bonor be held at the music the field of centre April Tickets are On leave member of the eierattve lie fc St be bribe 1H2 event as wen Ask 60 mph limit Esquesing Council received a letter from the Department of Highways recommending that speed on the newly repaved stretch of Highway between Acton and Georgetown be updated to miles per hour Reeve Tom Hill directed that a letter be sent to the Department asking them to consider reduced speed areas from north to the bottom of the SBvercreck and from the line east to the Cedar Springs Motel Two sevenyearold children have been struck by cars during the school holidays Their injuries were not serious and no charges have been laid against the drivers of the two cars involved In each case the children apparently darted out onto the road Albert Harris Victoria St was the first seven yearold to be involved in one of the holiday incidents Driver of the car was Clark The accident happened last Wednesday at OS on Main St S The boy had a bruised left hip was treated by Dr Hutchison and released Cons Bruce Mac Arthur investigated Sunday accident The second accident occurred on Young St on Sunday Carol Ann Chaisson seven of Mill E also was reported to have run from between parked cars Driver involved was Glen Holmes of Church St Garrett treated the girl for a cut forehead Cons Bruce investigated Holy Week services at Trinity next week Anglican Chaplain to the of from to 1963 became Dean of the Cathedral of Montreal from to 1968 and also served in that capacity as vicepresident of the Chnuan pavilion at Expo Presently he is on leave from the of Toronto to work in education He is also a staff member of the Cathedral in Toronto BOTHWELL Of local interest Mr Bothwell is a cousin of a Ac- toman Mrs Ted Hansen His home is In The theme for the three evenings will be entitled The Cross in the Centre Sunday evening s address is His and Ours Wednesday evening How He accepted the Cross and carried it and Thursday evening How He fell beneath His Cross and died upon it Participating On Sunday evening the Rev Gordon Turner and the Rev Harry Dawson will conduct the service with St Albans choir singing and Mrs Frank Oakes playing tbe organ On Wednesday the Rev A a McKenzie the Rev and the Rev Byrne win conduct the service a combined Knox and Baptist choir wfQ with Ted Hansen playing tbe organ On Thursday those in charge are Rev W and the Rev with the United Church choir and George Elliott at the organ

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