Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1971, p. 14

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The Press Wednesday March Spilling the at ACTON BOWLING LANES Ken Hulford Bcimera when took em for two and totili On Ihe triple and stalls or Patent were Rao Rick RoadknKbttU 231 Raaiel and John Dunne Up there for the were Che ZflO Arlle White Ml Bob Woodcock RoberU III and BUI Bojrd won the canto from Rollers on to annex the scccod by pin and were gunning for the finale but it by 14 pint had enough pint In haud however to take total Top trio or the were Don McDowell and John Dennis SO IU For Roller It Phil 134 Kori Vrrenboek 303 and Andre milliard ill 11 a two and tout win for Upper alter loalng the game to Pacing the win wire Raj Alklnton Phil OS 260 Fabian and Jack Dunn MS Tripling and for Fin her were Helen 3 Glen Stevenson Ton 331 and John Gilbert Finisher Soake Her 33 With a wo and win from Intruder Eliminator hung keep their place In the and Uniting or Eliminator wei Porte 231 Loll Norton Grace Robcrlaon IK Roy Swan and John Shidbolt III Top trlcounter or Intruder were 2 Bert Robertson 230 and Tom 10 Second place Sipbtrct t gain on the leader but kept pace with a two and totala win from Zombie blew their chance of taking top when the the waa Bill GenUe 251 Man Jeflery and June Bouafleld Her 24 Jon Hurst Electric were all charged up for their go with a Barber Shop they took am or all The Barber made a for the finale but mined It by 13 Heading up the win were Shorty Lowtn Pet Homer and Whiter ZB3 Bait for Pel were Dave Ml Jim Bullous and Doc Ml John Texaco Service hit tilt SUtlon Hot for a three game win with Dee DeForeit 77 291 Phil Le Sueur TO Terr 7M 213 aloof with the solo of Gary and Keith AndrawalM pacing win Top trio for the were French Conway 591 Andre Ml III and Keith SOB 130 A Supermarket came up with a triple win at the Acton expense Gary Turkon711310 Earl 2ST and John 237 win an off night for Milkmen they failed to get mention able League Pete a Barber Jon Hunt John a Texaco Service Supermarket Station Hotel 4S Acton Milk IB ACTON LADIES Mar Fir mi hit the win when they up with the Tbeywereathreegame winner Betty Til May and Pat Dawkln pacing the win I A a top trio were Marlon Storey Audrey 471 170 Becker Milk were alio a three game winner Family Store getting theero count Heading up the win were Grace Robertson 2M Linda Pierce 141 and Verna 204 Beit In Family Store a efforts were Nan Donna Richardson 201 and June Payne Cameo Boutique made with two and total win Nielsen for Cameo were Barb Donna Manet and June Hunter 4T 170 Nielsen a best were Lome Marin ill 471 182 Fran Pierce 443 W and Cbarlene Smith League I A 113 Becker a Milk 107 Cameo Boutique 17 103 Dill Hurricane they Sow up a three game win from with Lome Norton 749 25S Donna Stave 370 333 and Betty Cheyne HI ISO Being the win Top trio for were Clarence Harlnga Bob mi and Rose Gentles League Handing Eliminator Saphlreidl Zombie Hurricane intruder Msurudert41i Mar 31 The frontrunning Coral Bells rang up a two and win at Petunia a expense were going or the bundle but Petunia had other Ideas and atole it by one pin Heading St be win were Norma Titu Doraen ItB and Sandra McGraw 324 Best for petunia were Linda Harris 4f and I Stt THURSDAY TOPPERS Mar Driller came up with a two and toals win Hopeful winning the middle Her Top trio for Driller were Donna Staves 07 111 Sandra McGraw 117 and June Allen 416 and Marie It was a two and totili win for Alley Hopper after losing the bit game to Joan Why lis and Terry Dawaon the win Making with the moat for Goof Off were Shirley Thornton Audrey Blaachard and Gloria Galbralth 120 Laura TrlUlumshada good night they won em ill from Larkspurs with Ed monition 223 Anderson 1M Nolan 411 and Burrell 103 heading up he hit parade Top for were Carolyne 431 171 llealhrr Ward 427 111 and Howaon Lupin came up with a two and total win Bleeding Hearts Uklng the short end Top trio In the win were Karen MM Delorei Colborne ill and Betty Bender Ill For Bleeding Hearts It wa Anna IW Sylvia Mages 4M 171 and Jilt McLaren 111 HO League atandlna Coral Bell 110 Trillium 104 Lupins 101 Petunia Bleeding M Larkipur SPORTS CORNER MIXED Mar a It a a blanket finish In the Sport Corner league one night of league play left and four leama have lie chance of grabbing lop Unknown have the lop of now a two and total win from Road Runners getting them up there Road Runner made their win In the middle by II pin Top trio In trundling were Don Perry sieve Blanchard and Archie M Best or Road Runnara were Lucy M 171 Helen Osborne ul and Helen McMlUan ill Ratcal kept their alive with a two and totals win from from who won the middle canto by pin The loss dropped from the top spot half point behind the leaders Top trio for were Dave McMillan at Larry Knight 202 and Helen Fowler Beit effort for Hillbillies from Okal James 131 Ed Wood 233 and Tom Shannon Born Losers moved up Into contention two and total win from Poo Pacing the win were Joan Knight 1U Howl Smltty Plitrangell For Pool Dave Shannon 574 233 Harry Mover 411 and Anne Perry were M Raaciti H Born Wltchy Pom Sit the game against win Meecham 333 201 Norma ThornhUI 472i31and Ellen Forest 111 Beat or Freak Out were Eleanor Landry 1M Joyce Adam ITS and Cora Walters 162 League Drifters Alley MAJOR LEAGUE Mar 33 Acton Meadows hung the aero on the Acton Lanea to pile up a few mora the Golfera were Ron Shannon 134 Kt Jim Hi J14 U Forth Lanci Itwai Earle 280 Churchill and Dee DeForett 347 Reliable Tail won the canto from In too Store by 18 pin the second by then dropped oft la the finale and loat the singleton for total and settled for a point spilt Pacing the roll were Bob Martin 717 298 Jeff Fryer 713 291 and Don M Beat for Union were Shannon 171 Prima Rigo 787 lit and Ken Jack Gould and and State Blanchard 717 Forth Depot Dave McMillan 188 Glen Glfab 706 371 and Conway 101 League- Handing Store Scenic Pool Aclon Lanes MH Adsma Bus Depot IS Toe running Hippie made sure of staying In front by winning gam from Road Runners Gary Ritchie 1H Gloria Moulton IB and Sally Booman an headed up lb wtn Top or Road Runners wera Doug Ml John Beaulleu 523 111 and Leo CasaUl 431 184 made with a three game win Utile Darling being the losers Top trio In win were Peter 214 Jerry Buchanan Hi and Jim Glendcnnlng 441 Utile Darting Dili ten who came alive In time to annex the male Top far Digger were John Chapman Alan 204 and Lou Top for D inter were Harry Phillips 208 Mike Noble Chick Milne 196 League it an ding Hippie Htm lei Diggers Cud RoadRunner Little Darling Duster 37U ACTON MIXED Hit won the two game from the place Clan by close margins the fir I canto by pins and the second by 8 then the Clan got to rolling and barrelled home by a big enough margin to the game plus toUls Top trio for were Bryan John Gilbert and Wayne At the regular meeting Monday Council Was informed that the clerk hoped the budget would be finalized by April Decided that tenders for dead elm removal should ad only in the local papers to keep the Job local Learned from the Health Department that garbage is being dumped by the Ninth Line quarry Bud Snow will be directed to pick it up keeping an eye out for some sign of ownership Approved the building of ft housekeeping units at the Ukrainian Summer Camp on the Fourth Line Heard the CN plans crossing protection at the Fifth Line east of Passed a bylaw to appoint French as clerk treasurer and tax collector with Mrs as deputy Passed a bylaw to provide for establishment of Fire Area No 1 the cost to be raised on total tax assessment in the fire area Heard a letter from Douglas Hyatt Milton stating that he is putting in a claim for damages to his car from hitting a washout on the first line BIG FOUR Mar Hot Shots arc still the hot team two and win from the Hippy keeping them In first place Top trio In the win were Web Bert and Dorm a Slave Little Van Dor Kooy upheld Iho family honor wllh a solo Top for Hippy Gang were Bob Krul Harry Enslng 227 and Dolf Van Red Wings dropped the first canto to Fireball by 11 in the second with a pin win and repealed a a In in the finale with another pin and grabbed the for total for good measure Top trlcounter for Red were Doug Bryan Hammond and Larry Topi for Fireball were Floyd Hammond 47S 166 League Hot Shots Bcardmoro League comet up with their banquet date it May at their old stomping ground the Erin Legion Hall probably one of the election on record took place In Tuesday eve with the Sport Corner league nomination night but by acclamation the Incumbent executive were relumed to office Congratulotioni to president John Dunn vice president Harry Moycr secretary Joan Knight and treasurer Lucy May your bowling In the weekly Heel the Champ Tom Browning successfully retained his title John Churchill with and Conway with were the challengers In the championship round was different story Churchill came up with a and Conway a Champ triple of cully took care these shall we say puny fort this Saturday eve the Ontario Steel Product Social Athletic Club hive their annual roll it Should be a quiet evening winds OP Happu faster from CAROLINES Chock our Supply oft EASTER LILIES HYDRANGEA ROSE BUSHES DAFFODILS CHRYSANTHEMUMS GLOXINIA HYACINTH POTTED MUMS ALWAYS A GOOD SELECTION of FRESH CUT FLOWERS SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS UPON REQUEST Shop Early Order Now Open Days a TI Dark Phone Caroline Flower Garden Shop TWO MILES WEST OF ACTON SOUTH SIDE OF APRIL SPECIAL On TV Towers At WIGO HAVE A FT TOWER 7Q95 TAX INCLUDED COMPUTE WITH ALLCHANNEL AERIAL duty IV- Satisfaction or Mo nay back I OroW Now Allow 1 for Installation FIRST COM FIRST SERVED WIGO TV APPLIANCES 32 MAIN STREET GEORGETOWN AFTER HOURS CALL ACTON STRIKES or March In the Well Wishes and Birthday Department celebrating the huppy Is Bantam Nancy Frank April ill In the Division the Cati meowed themselves Into a two game win agalntt the Penguins did Victory Dan Forty Clarence Harding and Shorty Low In It was a two and totals win for Slowpokes after losing the flrit to Nitron On the triple and plateau for Slowpokes were Ken Billing Earl West Pat Murphy Lenora Vkkery and Adami Up there for Nitrons were Elite 237 Choi Bill Manto Keith W 11 wood 223 and Harry midc with two totals win at the Happy Ganga Second game was close Sit lie look It by pins were 60S 234 Helen In the Second Shift the Dog out ran the Donkeys for a two game win Snails got some ind beat tha Crabs to a two game win Teddy to the and squeeied two games Kevin IW Chri Landry 130258 Peter Hurdle 140 258 Debbie 247 Landry 126 Gary 129115 Ricky Van Heel 212 Bowling over their average to win he Orange Crush and Coke were Gary Julie Mellor Jim Pink Trldo Our most consistent bowler week were Gill who rolled two games of 43 Brian Linen with both games of 142 Jim Pink rolling both games of 143 and McAfee who bowled two games of to LEAGUE STANDINGS BANTAMS First Shift Rabbits Whales 48 Cats 41 Octopus rt Penguins Sea Iiorsci Second Shift Teddy Dear Snails 41 Crabs Dolt 3T Donkey Kangaroos With the Junior Division the Unknowns won two games but tost totaii to the Marauder Turks up two and totals the Mod Squid Champions out on top taking all three games from the Jell The Ten Toppar were Storey 230 Maria IM Bill Gentle Thompson 242 Ronnie Turkoa WadeKnlghtSlKl Jack Van Dor Kooy Aria Bryenhoek i70 471 Colleen 472 170 LEAGUE STANDINGS JUNIORS Marauder Champion Jit Turk 47 Unknown Mod Squid IS In the Senior Ihe Alley rocked upthePlnbuiteri real good taking all three gimei from them Head pin knocked it the taking all from them No a rounded up the dava bowling by taking all from the the Senior In the Top Ten were Sieve Van Fleet 83 Dive Pink 27S Dan McGUIowa 220 Bob Allan Green Drink waller 191 Sua McGilloway Stanley Martin La Vole 318 LEAGUE STANDINGS SENIORS Alley Rocken 41 41 Pin bin ten luch 00d RED A HOFFMAN Oplometnsl George Telephone and OPENING SOON ACTON FISH CHIP STORE QUEEN ST E PLAZH ACTON At Churchill Road FEATURING TAKE OUT SERVICE WATCH FOR GRAND OPENING COMPOST WEED FREE STEAM STERILIZED Government Recommended for SHRUBS GARDENSower vegetable LAWNS COMPOST TOP DRESSING FOR ONE INCH OF MANURE COMPOST KEEP YOUR LAWN IN GOOD CONDITION ALL SUMMER LONG HOLDS MOISTURE IN SANDY LOAM MIX WITH CLAY TO BREAK IT UP COMPOST FOR FLOWERS AND SHRUBS FOR BEST RESULTS MIX MANURE COMPOST WITH SOIL BEFORE PLANTING FLOWERS OR SHRUBS THEN APPLY ONE INCH OF COMPOST OVER THE PLANTS CASH AND CARRY 35c Bushel 3 Bushels for 100 10 Bushels for 300 a load 5 yds PICK UP AND DEUVBtY McNAIR MUSHROOM FARM LIMITED HIGHWAY 8532759 MILES SOUTH OF ACTON Opn Evary Day 7 to NOBODY BUT NOBODY UNDERSELLS ILVERS MAIN ST N GEORGETOWN COATS COATS To pur ft ill our ntw Spring Coat and for at bast tt prevailing ratall by SPECIAL PURCHASE OF MENS TRENCH COATS In navy and brown Excallant Canadian make SPECIAL SPECIAL PURCHASE From On of Canadas fin Mafcan WOOL SLACKS In assorted colours Usually SPECIAL 1000 Of NAME BRAND and ana KNIT SHIRTS Sizes to fix to Orlglfiil from II to Now going at 99 to OOSSOUT Of DRESS SLACKS SUM to IS Original prion lSkHW Now going at 149 to I SHIRTS coloura and B to 18 SPECIAL SPECIAL PURCHASE fiM ml MOTS WOC SLACKS priori 199 SPECIAL

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