Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1971, p. 8

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Time to Sell those Old Things to You New to someone else Free choice schools said unnecessary BIRTHS ami Mrs Noel Gene nee of Acton an pleased to announce birth of their daughter Laurie weight lbs IS it Milton on March A come Slur ry USHER Grunt Anne an pleased an of their daughter Anne lbs horn M Gutlph pita IN MEMORIAMS ROSZCLL In ever Moving memory of my lit lit inddaughter Christine age two who passed away Just as wire you will el ways Ti isured li my mem Sorrowfully missed and remembered by Grmdma PIECE Provincial almost new 1370 At the Toronto Western Marsh Storev of Harlow Cm Rex hie in viiir beloved wife of lite Robert ir moths r of Geor ge mil Mis George Allister of loved of ami and Nines Mc Allister of Sum of and prcdeiened rs titers Resting the and Son Funcril Home 465th Ave Wood bridge St nice in the on attemoon April one Interment hair view Cemclerv A ton On Thursdiv Mirth at Toronto Rov Wins lift member of Fidel It lodge No A ind Pist Mister Colonel Francis Brown President of tin C Progress Club be loved hicbind of Alin loved fithtr of Belts and dtir her of Mrs Dav Anne tit Mr- Smith Anna and the hie Harold of John the Turner Toronto v Intel Acton s held at Porter Chiptt Mirch it went filling tear So missed but lovinglv rv numbered Untie Chuck Tina and cousin Patricia In loving of our daughter and ton Christine who suddenly March 1963 it two God many A fervent wish our was here re ire wt know But she is ours we loved her God tiki message our little girl in heaven Tell her how much we miss her give her all our love remembered by Diddv brother John WILSON Hinnah C At Mil District Hospital on March wife of the late John Wilson deir mother of J J Kennedy Milton Jack of Ac ton Mirgaru Mrs Martin Campbollvillc Vtr Mrs Acton and iMiry Mrs of sur vived by Tour four and one grindehlld Funeral service vis neld on at the iMcKcrsic Home Milton Interment is sigaweya WRIGHT In loving- a lunt died April Lifts tit gift Fond loving niernones Sidlv misstxl by niece Fimdy WRIGHT Treasured memor ies of my dear sister Edith Wright who died April 1969 To live in the hcirts of those love cry CARDS OF THANKS Jim would like to think sincerely ill neigh former work miles ind other friends who in sponsoring his in the Curtdian Amitenr Swim it iW3286 1 wish to friend neighbors and rclitivcs for cards gifts and flowers while I was i in Gutlph Gen Also think to Rev Dili son for the Acton Group mir es on the second floor for it tintion and fnenets for for m vsifi Chirks Cult- The sister the late Rov Winsbrough wishes to think Die nnnv ind friends for their kindness the espns ion of in to from the Lake Avenue neighbors md ind the kind for the lunch brought in the funeral Aimi Smith of hist ens to cypress his to those whise ters enquiries and visits wen se deeply appreciated bis three st in hospi tal And this all else The prove of that sav the For the Lord Who the life from destruction Who all dIScasc is nigh unto all that upon Him He will hear their cry and will them mouth shall speak Die praise of the Lord all flesh bless His name IN MEMORIAMS In memorv of a dear little Christine who passed March Svwct flower of birth She was too fiir to bloom earth Lovingiy remembered Grandma Ingles ROSLU In memory our dim wee cousin Christine wiw passed aw tv three ye ago two Its just a little but haven To forgot Ann i and In lovlny memory of i dm little niece and Christ itw who pissed aw IJfrS two years knows much you miss r It tie me so how tithe die 403285 Ruth Bill WRIGHT In loving memory i iife mother ind Edith Miry Walk ho pissed away April 1969 The depths of tell Of the loss of well loved And whik she sleeps a peaceful we rfiill keep remembered by her Fad Wnght Acton ind her son Norm in and daugh in Dorothy in Vilcnc of 1403274 COMING EVENTS Spring Bike Sale SUurdav 17 230 it Par Hall Shire euchre Centre Tuisdiv Limeh served I April met tint I auditor Tuesdiv pm Ontario PI ice a4 Wl Film Duke of Devonshin eeting the home of Mrs Mill St of time CHEST coffee tabic and step ible lb4S2323 PIANO Kara in fiood dllion Best offel Phone I slier Manning Lice Inc WRINGER washer good walking condition Asking 1958 WESTINGHOUSE 30 trit stove good condition but tiers window in Ph 1284 VLRA1 hand crochet Will knit or thing Mrs Rene Thomp son 12 Mill St REI TORS A 1 This week at ntiqut genuii Vietoriin love si oiktibk oil piintins lb482170 of right mil gulf with has il for the person just Marling out Complete Phone 1645 after 30 p m ECTRIC inges retomlli lined and fully of si Priced fiom 19 95 Now at Goodkh dn Georgetown lb393263 St NEW milk equipped and growing business Ap meat above ivail ible Will ex for house in Phone LARGE GLOSSY PRINTS of ACTON TREE PRESS STAIT PHOTOS 5x7 size 8 10 size Plus Tix CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER TV TOWER SALE tower instilled with all ncl head tower installed with all head tower installed with ill than ncl JO heads for second TV Installed M stereo head Installed 15 element color head Installed Automatic rotor Installed 69 Repai of all types RICHARDSONS Radio TV Main Street East MILTON Phone 878 PRODUCE FOR SALE ATTENTION seed The eels Act requires lit no seed or be sold as seed until it is prided ill seed old or i e for ik in Canada must conform to the provisions of the Ait ton O euchre every Sit uixlav it pm at the Lodge Hal Crew sons Comers Lunch provided Admission Every one welcome tf Hume and School presents Fashions at Centennial School it Admission is SI students Mini Home Show id Fndav 1 and at JO to pm Knox Church Main St Sponsored by Friendship Circle Admission 100 Spec Easier Euchre will be held at St Johns Hail Rockwood Wednesday April 7 at Admission A lucky door worth A lucky draw and a delic lous lunch will be provided Ev welcome HAY for silt about bales Phone 2a4032H8 IkINT0SH and Courthnds C gndes Fresh cider and poll Apple juice for wine Bnng Open CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ronriicoMiMa in far IS wonU COMING On 0 Job II IMI I To IS lg 13 mi a Oil I DEADLINES lw paid it Mill PHONL or Acton Free Wednesday March 31 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE LEYLAND Diesel TRACTORS Buy as low as 75 per h WITH Till Power with foot hand hydraulics Buy Now Pay ly I 1971 No Interest Charge SWANSTON Farm Equipment 3 856 Sdllng British for 12 Years 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE SAFE BUY USED CARS DODGE ill Mirk one die ip lit 2195 COLONY Pack igon with ill kinds of toys plus air ion I 1 100 PICK UP with Lie 40887B 2 CARS on rent Sped weekend rales GALLINGER MOTORS MILTON PLAZA Milton 878 2883 Toronto 925 0887 BRAND new Volkswigm on miles red with black tenor Lie Musi sell or 51403290 1969 FORD dump truck power steering new tires S inspection son Downs Robert St Mil 5i401979 who WANTED Dungs to buy sell WANTED USED cutting lorches comp lete Reasonable 8782735 SMALL outboard motor less Dim 10 hp Phone RIDE to ire i Working hours until 4 Mond Friday Phone 8 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED PRODUCTION WELDERS STEEL FABRICATOR LOMTCD IN GEORGETOWN REQUIRES WELDERS Job offers Permanent position Etcellinl wages Excellent working conditions Excellent Innge benefits PHONE 8776957 LOST OR STRAYED DARK red tie Irish Bruce Trail am mile North of Lime house Riwird Phone 5I9S331898 I BEDROOM jwntown location 13i393269 TWO bedroom apt per month Rife rentes ROOM or room indbtMrdfor dv or genikmin Phone 853- 13 140263 TWO Apartment 100 being or 114 Poplar Ave A 16 INCOME TAX preparation A Burgess pel He Tix Consultants 877 232 Guclph St Suite I LOOR REFINJSHING We now Hive a modern and We will refinish floors or rent you the do the job vourself J Fnnk phone Sr S Acton 16a FINANCE 15 PERSONAL 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE GOOD NEWS An now living the burden of popular con- the of the soul Do have enough to lenrn the Bible TRUTH about this false If so are invited to Moment of Truth Box 12 Acton Ontario I5a29ow WANTED homes for male pups Can be seen it Jeffrey Ave or call 1403292 5 HEREFORD ab out 500 lbs open I Holsttin springer due Apnl 24 Hour Approvals 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGES in the Convenience of jour home Low cost You can call in lod for helpful Prompt Invest nent Corp Lid Ba St Call collect REAL ESTATE LARGE bedroom new semi houses located at Hwv ind 7 possession colored f large modem kitcnen low down pajment to quail tied Trade for a new one Call Mr or THE AD in this space last week was stopped be cause it got results County students may soon opportunity to schools ami attend the achool of their choice In tho county While several trustees voiced concern about particular problems with the only one trust re was openly opposed when It was at tho County Board of Education meeting In Thuraday Bill there REAL ESTATE Listings Wanted Homes Farms Rural We offer you our many years experience listing and idling propertlci In and Wellington Counties Christie Woods HI FSTATF I St MI TON Phones 878 2095 ACTON clients call Roy Goodwin or T Ross Ballenhne Phone 853 2000 TENDERS TENDER for TRUCK Two Way Dump Body and Sander Silled lenders plainly mark eel is to contents will be re by the undersigned until MONDAY APRIL 5th To supply a ton heavy du ly truck chassis front A frame and 2wiy dump box sander Lowest or any lender not cess icccpted Dtlmir French Clerk C Snow Road Superintendent Of LEGAL Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the Ertate of WILLIAM JAMES Late the Town of Acton In the County of Retired Fanner deceased ALL persons bavmg claims against the aforementioned Es tate of William James who died on or about the 20vh of February are re quired to file proof thereof with the undersigned solicitor for the Executors on or before the day of Apnl 1971 after which date the will be distributed having regard only to the claims then filed DATED it Acton Oitano this day of March C QC Barrister etc Aclon Ontino Solicitor for the Executors The Bankruptcy Act Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF of the Town of lon In the County of Halton In the Province of Ontario trading as Acton Red and White Notice is given that filed an as signment on the of March and that the first meeting of creditors will be held on the day of at the hour of clock in the forenoon the office of A Cecil the Receiver at the Building in the Town of Milton the Province of DATED AT this day of March 1971 Lloyd Young 5 Douglas St Ontario no need for tho Innovation He said winning to change schools to take advantage of an option not in their own were permitted to do He feared problem with the scheme and sold the proposal Implied there wore empty pupil places throughout tho Ho wondered if it meant the would have to provide a pupil place for a person in home area an well as he chose to attend Assistant to the director lavender explained pupil places would have to be here before tho administration would consent to a move He said if person chose to move the board would not provide transportation Director Jim ton noted there likely to be a problem of schools trylnK to recruit students lo build umpires He said he had faith in the physical education and felt neither they nor try to take advantage of tin system Hie director noted the scheme put pressure on principals but if an extraordinary number left a school It would point out a weak In hurry If loo many left It would be time for Ihe principal to find out why and correct the problem he told Ihe ward move I Tic decision to move won t be lightly mode It will come after discussions between the student his or her parents and the principal noted Mr told trustees that the lack of public transportation In the northern portion of the county would limit of the plan In that AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE For the Estate of the Late W C Ins fin Ha I of Acton on SATURDAY APRIL 3 12 noon Cons lirgi lot ippiox 100 on No 7 On Is i line brick dwelling dining room living room kitchen double age lined divided isemtnt p with turn ar floors oil hi it irepi ices with iron railing built in china drive iy and landscipcd grounds The prop erty wis open for inspection on S from im to A first for of purehasi price be by prior ton tut with Mr C r Property to of fired sharp it 2 Posses sion will be grinltd is soon is Solicitor for Vendor is pi in funds For further lont Mr or tht APPLIANCES nation frig ind freezer it stove aiilomitii w dryir Viking il Phillips TV good order I trie fan ind smill ones floor polisher iron ktltlt docks etc FURNITURE piece dies- day bed i walnut dropleaf gall leg table room stun from guest morn like new w limit dinttit suite tut t ible one coffee table punk md benches putt and ihtwtne office set I folding chain end I TV flnr pi screen basket for pill candle sinks oookuses over rial books mostly nigs mirror and pin dinner complete kit of pots pins tic lirje of re linens bed ding of ami chini Viry is lnliquc but it is of excellent quality per fect condition Roto mowvr selection girdm ind lawn tools 16 ex wood ricks single laundry tub rs lawn host trunk filing ind combined OjU Steel floor I imps ible ones real good 2 fern rugs set of bird pictures Audubon frimed pictures fi Abbeville doctor seilis many other small Hems TERMS CASH No on Properly This is an exception offering of modem furniture in condition MAX Auctioned Rockwood AUCTION SALE At the farm Lot 1 Con on the Line 2 miles South of for For Bob HURREN SATURDAY APRIL 3 At I pm tractor new in pony cart and 1964 excellent condition set of pony bile stack Behlcn bitch Wisconsin 4 horse gas libit torn with 4 mi fterh Re el mm industrial motor 380mngton 16 saw good bus drvmg I one Fairbanks Morse ham tester for corn or mill feed mixer 1 way gram double disc d cutting box pipes with point hitch just like mixer with motor set new com or grain heavy duty tractor chains Oliver plow endless belt end furrow triple 14 inch less belt roll of fence bottom 5 cut rotarv roll of fence wire cattle oiler mower new Levis ilummum wheelbarrow trad new 1969 and water 200 gal Masscv all chopper with tank gal drums 3 J blower and adjustable hood land crop set of chain harrows I new New Idea side rake half ton truck good George White bale elevator running order Selling as is with chain type bale farm ton of and ra on rubber cut mixed approx farm wagon and rack 18 I ion of second cut alfalfa Masses hay baler with 4 ton of dried shelled com Chesterfield and chairs kitchen Mute tabic Lazy Boy Moffat refrigerator defrxsi 21 TV radio kitchen cabinet 54 with stainless steel sink and taps and other small household goods BOAT 13 ffbrcglass cov and trailer TERMS ARE CASH No reserve Owner giving up fanning Auctioneers remarks Gentlemen most of the is in excellent Mr Hurren always looked after his mach inery with great care Plan to attend Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents Lunch available Order of Sale Household goods followed by wagon lot miscellaneous feed machinery Auctioneer CHRIS A SCHOUTEN cylinder Wisconsin motor buck rake cultivator on rubber rubber tired land leveller wheel farm trailer on rubber wheel car trailer with tractor blade power rip saw tractor mount gram 5 I horse motor gram auger with motor gram au ger with motor track platform 7 with steel sills double

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