Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1971, p. 9

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NOTICE On the basis of these levies a home connected to water works and having o frontage of M feet would pay the following annually after connection has been made to the proponed sewage works TOWNSHIP OF ERAMOSA At the request of the Council of the Township of Eramosa the Ontario Water Resources Commission has Investigated the possibility of installing within the Police Village of a sewage works project to be owned by the Province of Ontario consisting of a collector system and treatment facilities which will provide a major put of the Police Village with sewage service It is now proposed to construct such works at an estimated cost of with 50 per cent of the cost or approximately being paid by the Province as subsidy For services provided from these works it Is proposed to impose an estimated service rate of 113 per gallons of accepted from the municipality frontage rates and a connection charge as shown In the third paragraph hereof The project will consist of the following works Initially The Installation of sanitary sewers to be constructed an follows SANITARY SEWERS STREET FROM TO SI Brady SI Main St County ltd appro of Brady Queen Chriity Jtokion SI Station St of St Quean St appro at SI Main SI Main SI Mackmile SI St Mickcruli St of Giowaal SI appro of dirtily Kt St SI St appro of Jackton St Station SI h Brady SI Balaclava St MI N of St appro of Jackion SI Inkerman SI Church St appro 1W of St SI SI SI St Ink man St Pan more St or Dam Main St Balaclava SI llwy No Alma SI Main St appro flW of st of Valley lloacl appro of a St Main St appro of Frederick SI appro S Si appro J of Main St Main St tut appro and parallel to Si running appro and perpendicular lo Main St at a point zoo of of Main St ISO of Main Main St Main St Wealherald St Carroll SI Frederick St appro weal of SI appro rail Wcnthoralrt SI Main SI Main St Main St St appro ISO north Alma appro lot writ of Main St St Valley Valley Main SI Valley dam Station St appro well Main SI Main St VIII air SI north of SI St No Main St Main St No wetl of Main St Fall si St SI SI appro SOU eail St Main St Mary St fiuelph SI appro welt Imimore St SI SI a point of Carroll Wealherald InicriMtlon too northward parallel to the writ line of Lot I and northerly approa 11 parallel north line Lot I and St Main Si Carroll Si St Weatherald SI Main SI from point No on No I Alma St of tall SI Sow age Treatment Cot Brady SI appro north SI l St Balaclava SI appro St mi more SI parallel to Main St and north of Grare St mnt appro north approx together with sewers from the main sewers to the lot lines a sewage pumping station on the west side of Valley Road approximately feet south of Highway No a sanitary and trunk sewers to convey sewage to a sewage treatment plant providing secondary and tertiary treatment to be located In Lot Concession IV of the Township of For provision of services from these works it Is proposed to raise the necessary annual revenue as follows a frontage sewer rate of cents per foot per annum on all lands which abut on or connect to the sewers described above a connection charge of per annum on enters or occupants of lands for which a sewage service connection to the sewers is provided a per cent surcharge on the water bill of domestic the stem a surcharge of not less than per cent on the water bill of commercial and industrial users of the system In instances where there Is a connection to the proposed sewage works but there is no connection to the water works the charge for sewage service normally recovered by the water bill surcharge is to be recovered by the Imposition of a foot frontage rate of per foot per annum on the owners or occupants of such lands This foot frontage rate does not reduce or eliminate any other frontage rates imposed on properties for sewage or water works In computing the frontage charges provision shall be made for the exemption or partial exemption from a foot frontage rate and for the determination of such exemption or partial exemption In the following manner A reduction in the case of comer lots at the Junction or intersec tion of streets of per cent of the flankage and a reduction or increase in the case of triangular or Irregularlyshaped lots be rnadeinthefootfrontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable having regard to the situation value and superficial area of such lots as compared with other lots to adjust Its frontage charge on a fair and equitable basis Where a tot Is for any reason wholly or in part unfit for building purposes a reduction may be made In the foot frontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable thereon sufficient to adjust its frontage charge as compared with that of lots fit for building purposes on a fair and equitable basis Where a tot other than a comer lot has two limits that abut on described above and the size and nature of the lot is such that any or all of the works in such are not required a reduction In respect of the works that axe not required so long as they are not required may also be made In the foot frontage rate that would otherwise be chargeable thereon sufficient having rtanl to the derived as compared with other lots to adjust the foot frontage rate on a fair and equitable basis In the case of lota that because of the nature of the terrain or the elevation of the sewer do not derive the same benefit as other lands abutting on the sewer a reduction may be made in the foot frontage rate which otherwise would be chargeable thereon sufficient having regard to the benefit derived as compared with other lots to adjust the foot frontage rate on a fair and equitable basis Ob The reduction shall be made by deducting from the total frontage of the lot liable to the annual foot frontage rate so much thereof as is sufficient to make the proper reduction but the whole of the lot shall tie charged with the annual foot frontage charge as so reduced 66 foot frontage at Connection Charge 180 per cent surcharge on water bill TOTAL I IB A home not connected to the water works and having a fronlage of GO feet would poy tho following amounts annually after connection has been made to the proposed sewage works foot frontage at cents foot frontage at IM cents Connection Charge TOWNSHIP OF ERAMOSA At the request of the Council of the Township of the Ontario Water Resources Commission has investigated the possibility of installing within the Police Village of a water works project to be owned by the Province of Ontario consisting of a distribution system and water supply facilities which will provide a major part of the Police Village with water service It is now proposed to construct such works at an estimated colt of with per cent of tho cost or approximately being paid by the Province a subsidy For services provided from these works It la proposed to Impose an eat service rate of cents per 1000 gallons of water delivered to the municipality frontage rates and connection charges us shown In the third paragraph project will consist of the following works The installation of water distribution mains to be constructed as follows WATER DISTRIBUTION MAINS The Free March IV71 At Pledges back marathon swim Any ratepayer within twentyone days after the first publication of this notice send by prepaid post to the Clerk of tho Township of the address given below a notice In writing Hinting nil objection to such approval or to Imposition of the sewage rates Thin notice la to replace an earlier notice which was published In tho Acton Free Press on the of August and the of August The Ontario Municipal may approve the agreement between tho Township of and Ontario Water Resources Commission with respect to tho provision of the sewage service and Impaling of sower rntei but before doing so It may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will bo considered but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above Plana and estimates may be Inspected at the office of the undersigned during business hours DATED AT and first published this of Murch Mr I T ClerkTreasurer Township of No 1 Ontario NDP says Tories on the way out Walter West Provincial Candidate was one of some candidates from across Ontario who met with Stephen Lewis party research people and various party officials this past weekend at Bolton Tho candidates discussed Issues and plotted strategy for the forthcoming provincial election As the candidates saw It analysis of the current political situation in Ontario confirmed that the Conservatives were on their way out and that the New Democratic Party was the logical political alternative in Brigdcn Ontario Secretary reminded candidates that the would have been the official opposition In 1067 but for 1000 votes In 1071 tho aim of organization and strategy Is to win enough scats to form the government Stephen Ontario leader reviewed the issues at some length Automobile insurance and foreign control of economy were seen to bo two of the major Issues In the forthcoming election Recent government moves In tho environmental field were scon creating an impression of action while In fact little was being done Mr Mulkewich will report the results of this weekend session as as West strategy sessions to the executive of the West New Democratic Party Association at a meeting on March TO St Main HI llrady St Main Ht Queen HI Jackion HI Main HI llrady SI St HI Mackomte St HI Station Station St Mac hernia tail of Mackanil SI Ml appro welt of Main St Main Si HI approx writ Main north Main St hi St St ol HI tlowan hi fit Main Alma St HI Hwy No Mary HI weal of HI Main Alma HI lid of Kt Inkerman St Alma hi Ilalaclava hi fiuelph Ilalaclava SI Can more HI Church SI Alma hi hi Main HI Valley lid Valley ltd wail of Main Valley lid Main HI at dam Main through Main St La no way north weal Miln Hi of HI off north 100 Ianeway wail and north of till of well of Main HI SI north of Main St Main hi approx Main rail of Main for Standplpe Main hi feeder Carroll St 1U well of Weatherald Main Carroll Frederick HI Frederick HI Main Main HI dam aoulh rait of Frederick Saiomcnl fur feeder hi Jackion Well Station main from well 1lne Waler SI SI iMne Si Spring HI Pollution expert together with connections from the main to the lot lines a drilled welt and treatment facilities located approximately feet southeast of N rightofway and 311 feet southwest of County Road No Main Street and water storage faculties consisting of a gallon located approximately feet east of High way Number 7 and south of Harris Street For provision of services from these works It Is proposed to raise the necessary annual revenue as follows- a frontage water rate of cents per foot per annum on all lands which abut on or connect to the mains described above a connection charge of per on owners or occupants of lands for which a water service connection to the mains if provided a service rate of per annum per domestic user of the water works system and a service rate of not less than per annum for commercial and industrial users of the water works system Making a oneman marathon swim to raise money Actons Jim Monday completed 160 laps In pool for about Sponsors backed him most of them at penny a lap to raise funds for the Canadian Amateur Swimming Association and for tho V Another district swimmer Betty Clark of also took this way of raising money 1 Jim wholl be next month Is probably one of oldest swimmers at tho Ho retired from and Co lost June He swims at least once a week Ills endeavor on Monday amounted to two and quarter miles of swimming which he completed in one and three- quarter Only He undertook the swim during of tho free swimming periods In and he was the only marathon swimmer in the pool at time Quite a number of swim enthusiasts have raised money this Hes only one from Acton however Taught iwimrafng Among his sponsors were members of the Acton Mens club and some of his former swimming pupils Mr used to be chief swimming instructor at Acton He taught the lake here and to groups of Acton children who used to go to by bus or When he decided to seek spoaiors for the swim he had in mind all tho he received over post years He Boys need equipment About young boys have been attending meetings of the new The boys ranging In age from 12 to 16 need equipment such a table tennis pool tabic and equipment record player rugs couches ana chairs and games r Anything to offer Call Don Perry days or evenings would very much like to see Acton youngsters taking swimming lessons again 20 AUCTION SALES ALREGIS AUCTION SALE for MR JIM I VlLltnla Si Ant- liliiei Color TV Garden Tools etc RCA TV mill piece kit- lien net end keltic vacuum ilcmur floor electric hoy dresser nil tkik with lawn unite bumper humidifier electric wry li mit room suite kitchen rocking wishing hot plum lawn garden louh hose pick shovel vie elL puns kins other to chair Imxci wash ill old pic lure pocket watdi butler dish of old clock wit Is first suit- for the Hi union includes of Hie original furniture ivl In Georgetown Mr Drum mi mid family Owner not res- for on pre mises iy of sile lth Choraliers In computing the frontage charges provision shall be made for from Page 1 How many How many industries are using dangerous chemicals According to Dr Pasternak information on water pollution can be more readily obtained than data on air pollution We dont know how much Is being released into the air he sold A recent test of rain water In the city of showed the water contained parts per million of cadmium a violent poison he said A test of air in downtown Kitchener over an hour period made up of both high and low density traffic recorded a carbon monoxide content Just two parts per million less than In New York city Dr Pasternak admitted results of the Kitchener test shocked researchers Whats going on around Acton is having an effect here too warned Are certain Industries very difficult to charge for air pollution violations Its not black and white Dr Pasternak replied Its all grey Should publicize However he claimed industries should publicize what theyre doing to combat pollution We dont want dead babies to be the criterion of what we have done he said Dr Pasternak confessed ignorance about industrial pollution problems In Acton a subject which inevitably arose from the discussion Chamber president Roy Goodwin pointed out Beardmore and Company have been working with the Ontario Water Resources Commission for a good number of years and thousands of dollars have been spent on solving pollution problems Long time resident Fred Wright answered a comment by one Chamber member that She will not accept the smell from s by pointing out he has lived here many years and has never known anyone to die from the smell yet Building Products staffer Kevin told the meeting his company was forced to spend thousands of dollars to Install pollution control devices to combat dust Dr Pasternak was introduced by Alan Eastwood Past president John presented the speaker with a wine decanter and set of cups produced at White Oaks Ceramics Just north of town to show the Chambers appreciation President Goodwin a veteran Chamber member described the meeting as one of the most interesting hes ever attended LOL euchre euchre at Corners Saturday Ladies high Vivian Shaw 130 Ladies low Marie 71 Men3 high Charlie Thompson 112 Mens low James Farnell Lone hands John Dewar Door prize David Wins in Gazebo Over people tried out for parts in the next production for Georgetown little Theatre and Mrs Pat Kentner of Acton was one of those chosen for a main role The next play Is The Gazebo which will be presented in Georgetown April to 24 There are 10 people in the cast with seven of them veterans with the Georgetown group Mrs had an important part last year Rehearsals are underway already Its the final production of the season Accident Monday A twocar accident at Church and Main S was Investigated Monday at pjn by Cons Paul Brown Drivers involved were Norman Marshall Eden Mills and Paul Forbes of or partial exemption from a foot frontage rate and for the determination of such exemption or partial exemption in the following manner a A reduction in the case of corner lots at the Junction or intersec tion of streets of 100 per cent of the and a reduction or Increase in the case of triangular or irregularlyshaped lots may be made In the foot frontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable thereon sufficient having to the situation value and superficial area of such lots as compared with other lots to adjust its frontage charge on a fair and equitable basis Where a lot Is for any reason wholly or In part unfit for building purposes a reduction may be made in the foot frontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable thereon sufficient to adjust its frontage charge as compared with that of lots fit for building purposes on a fair and equitable basis Where a lot other then a corner lot hafl two limits that abut on streets described above and the size and nature of the lot Is such that any or all of the works in such streets are not required a reduction in respect of the works that are not required so long as they are not required may also be made In the foot frontage rate that would otherwise be chargeable thereon sufficient having regard to the benefit derived as compared with other lots to adjust the foot frontage rate on a fair and equitable basis In the case of Tots that because of the nature of the terrain or the elevation of the sewer do not derive the same benefit as other lands abutting on the sewer a reduction may be made in the foot frontage rate which otherwise would be chargeable thereon sufficient having regard to the benefit derived as compared with other lots to adjust the foot frontage rate on a fair and equitable The reduction shall be made by deduction from the total frontage of the lot liable to the annual foot frontage rate so much thereof as is sufficient to make the proper reduction but the whole of the lot shall be charged with the annual foot frontage charge as so reduced On the basis of these levies a home having a frontage of feet would pay the following amounts annually after connection has been mode to the proposed water works foot frontage at cents to Connection Charge Service Charge 60 When the Toronto Welsh Club celebrated Its anniversary two weeks ago at the Dermlson Armouries in Toronto the Acton legion Choraliers were on hand to put on the program with Malcolm as Master of Ceremonies During the evening the were also asked to sing a few numbers at the Sergeants Mess of the Governor- General s Horse Guards In another section of the Armouries Urge council get In swim council received an Invitation from the Georgetown Junior Chamber of Commerce inviting them to participate in a Krazy Boat Race April 30 The letter stated that the scenery is a sight to behold and urged council to get In the swim While Deputyreeve Ritas Miller said he might enter in a canoe Reeve Tom Hill flatly declined saying I understand the rivers not fit to swim in the summer Jet alone in the winter It Georgetown AUCTION SALE For of CLARFNCC TREANOH Con on Line West of finn South of Britannia Smith of SATURDAY APRIL 3rd At 1230 FARM MACHINERY No 50 irjttor loader and hot cut 1 F furrow plow MP cultivator No Mil grader I ft Iff wd drill Snow snow blower 3 dso other farm and tides Some and Chrome and 5 chairs round oak si of dress ers piece chesterfield coffee tables end cane seated back chain old phonograph jlso other fur niture and art icles too to mention TERMS Cash on day of sale Owner and Auctioneers not responsible for any accidents on day of sole WALTER DONALD REIN HART Auctioneer In the days of radio we frequently wondered what the audience was laughing at now we can see but we wonder GETTING MARRIED UUBT MOM ll William TOTAL Any ratepayer may within twentyone days after the first publication of this notice send by prepaid post to the Clerk of the Township of Eramosa at the address given below a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or to the Imposition of the water rates This notice Is to replace an earlier notice which was published in the Acton Free Press on the 19th of August and the of August 1970 The Ontario Municipal Board may approve the agreement between the Township of Eramosa and the Ontario Water Resources Commission with respect to the provision the water service and the imposing of water rates but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections be considered but notice of such bearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided tor above Plans and estimates may be Inspected at the office of the undersigned during business hours DATED AT day of March and first published this Mr T Hlndley Township of R No 1 Ontario NOW OPENH 4th LINE FLOWER SHOP miles north of No Hwy on Etquetlns4tti Lino FEATURING EASIER FLOWERS EASTER PLANTS SEASONAL CUT FLOWERS Open 7 Days a Week PHONE ACTON 8532739

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