Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1971, B7

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Letters stir up ferment in Rockwood The- Acton Press Wednesday April by Lorraine members of the community It was perhaps a letter which also Tnere was a note of urgency in echoed the fears of many a letter dated March 30 1971 sent residents regarding the tre- to all villagers and costs of a proposal signed by eight respected which to many is not a LastlliursdayOsprlngePubUc basket ball teams will play School came here The boys and Ospringe defeated Ospringe The On Tuesday grade s went to girls beat us with a ten school to see an ai point difference in the score show under the supervision of There will be a tournament on Mrs Mrs Muysson April 16 Both volley ball and and Miss Warwick Comins and Goins Hey kids I Big Utile young older and positively ancient come along and enjoy the happiest Easter Monday ever when the teachers and children of the Christian Education program have planned an Easter Egg Roll for Monday April Street will be the scene of the action after a 30 a m special church service at St Johns Everyone will have an opportunity to test their egg rolling skill down the Street Hill with an extra contest for mothers Practice now on your own little mountain but get cracking with your eggs and see how great you are Fun and games egg hunts clowns and coloured balloons are on the Monday agenda and the more children and grownups the more fun for everyone You do not nave to be a member of the Sunday School to attend all we want is 0 U your box lunch and dessert and coffee will be provided Happy Easter folks and remember the key word is egg hard boiled style and decorated Hold it Have you marked the date of Thursday April on your calendar The Home and School Association Is having Its publicized HomeDesigned Fashion Show in the Centennial School auditorium at with door prizes and refreshments This years fashions will be modelled by homegrown and hopefully thousands will attend Friends of Frank Kelso are sorry that he is back In the St Josephs Intensive Care wing but are happy to know that be is making recovery His big Incentive is removal to an ordinary hospital room where television will allow him to watch the regular Wednesday night hockey games Its called bedside hockey gentlemen but better it happen at home yet See you soon Frank The Guildtloroe was hopping last Saturday afternoon when Joans brother David Varcoe was married to Judy Fryer of Acton and the reception was held in the Brady Street residence Family friends and relatives from Acton and enjoyed the festivities and the young couple were presented with many exciting gifts The University students at the CNR station played host this past Wednesday evening to the Board of trustees and their wives The Village fathers had their first viewing of the special films the students had compiled during an earlier session In and enjoyed It immensely Pat Griffin Al and Rod Kent continue to Invite residents to drop in at the station and see how their present project of village planning is proceeding It was moving day last March a for the Cox family when they left their Main Street Apartment to move into their spanking new home on Street its of fun interest to note that when citizens refer to new homeowners in that section of the village many This indicates rapid growth In that she should now be requiring district names Would you believe and where In Rockwood would be Hey now Mr and Mrs James of Main Street Jim and Bev have a new son Raymond Scott bom at the General Hospital last March weighing lbs an Easter present for his year old brother Jlmmle Congratulations to parents and grandparents Mr and Mrs Lloyd Given of and Mr and Mrs Ed Hennessy of Eden Mills and best wishes for latest citizen It Isnt a foxhunt youll be viewing but rather a series of professional type homegrown movies taken by Mr and Mrs Brian McCullum of Toronto Come out to the film night which the trail riders are sponsoring seeing your own friends a la horse during the Rockwood and mile Endurance Ride at King City in which many of them won awards for fine performances Learn what happens to local Rockwoodltes when they participate in these events and see real people you know along with other specialized films on equestrian knowhow April is the date with set as the time Refreshments and friendliness Is what find at the Town Hall and everyone Is welcomed Cost Merely 100 for adults and children threequarters The weather was and cold but Ray and Ellis visited Babs sister and her husband Mary Lou and Bruce Henderson In Midland over the weekend The season was not for swimming but everyone enjoyed a fun family visit Approximately students of the combined schools of Guelph Centennial High and John Ross Collegiate were transported via bus for a field trip recently to the Sherwood Mall In Toronto to look Into advertising and marketing Practical as wen theoretical say the teachers and such trips are teaching the students many things about big business and Its organization Tuesday April 20 should be set aside for all villagers to accept the open invitation of the St Johns Young Peoples Ritchie Murray the chaplain of the University of talk about and discuss The health of your religion A provocative a worthwhile speaker with hopefully an enthusiastic audience See you here St Johns Parish Hall at Theres a first time for everything and for Mr and Mrs Arnold Red Maw of Hubbards Nova Scotia previously of Its a first granddaughter for John Maw a first niece and for Mr and Mrs Harry lannon it a first baby Stephanie Lee born on date of Wednesday March 31 weighed In at lbs and her family is absolutely delighted Congratulations and may friends also be the first to send their best wishes If the teenagers in the village are looking for something special to do Friday April 16 they should put a check on their calendars and reserve the night for Duke She will be appearing at the Centennial School auditorium In Me Natalie and according to brochures Its a aim which all teenagers from up and adults will enjoy The St Johns Young Peoples are the sponsors necessary one because they have not as yet been faced with the necessity of finding another water supply other than the ones In their own back yard The letter pointed out the complexities which could well be the result of the installation of the Ontario Water Resources sewer and water system with warnings of overdevelopment tre mendous hidden costs of the necessity of plumbing hookups from the main line through each lawn to homes plus the damage to a unique village heretofore untouched by building influx and modern housing which would not match the general openair aesthetics of the village Easy to understand It Interesting to note that one of the general attitudes of the recipients of this letter is acclaim and a feeling of security that for once its all been put down on paper In uncomplicated terms which everyone can under stand There is another one which says The Village trustees should have done the same thing along time ago and we could have understood what it was all about Mr OBrien the Rockwood Hydro manager reminds us that villagers a year ago when trustees called a meeting to show the costs of the proposed system and that same white paper is the one which Is the basis for the township notice of the proposed rates Actual cost breakdowns mul tiplied by 12 months shows that the total costs shown on the circulated letter to be correct It does not show however that excepting for the standard monthly service charges or pr month the water and sewer connection of 47 can be paid off immediately at a total expenditure of Instead of the year term which will amount to SO The remaining amount then according to the white paper would be the sum of the frontage tax for both water and sewer lines which show for water and 20 40 for sewers totalling as the only amount to be applied to the annual tax bill According to Mr OBrien there Is speculation that even that cost could be wiped off Immediately If the customer or resident so desired Sign petition Based on the concern of the cir culated information residents are already- signing a petition to Indicate their disfavour at the price of the proposed system Bob Leslie a past member of the trustee board in office at the tune when considerations for a system was originally Initiated feels strongly that Rockwood cannot possibly meet such costs and although there Is a definite need for action there should be a less expensive alternative Just because we price a Cadillac says Mr Leslie does not mean that were going to buy one He feels that the trustees Bowling May will mark the finality of the Bowling schedule and including next Tuesday night April there will only be Ave more weeks of activity in the local club with three weeks In which the ambitious members can vye for the high average high triple flat high single flat high triple with handicap and high single with handicap From there on in it will be playoff bowling for everyone and may the best man or gal win Final standings Last weeks games showed the team final standings standing at Strattons in first place with points three teams tying for 2nd spot as the Pacers Clippers and the Neighbours teams register 113 points 3rd with pts 4th Nortons Bluebirds with Carneys Pig Htg Four Corners with 7th Whilewashers with Elmers Alley Cats with 77 Brothers with and the Slow Pokes have only points to make It up to top place from the cellar where they sport only 44 points for tenth position Strattons showed a 1 point lead against the Bluebirds last week as the final score tallied 4 far with Nortons regis tering only 3 Sam was the strong contender for the Highway team as he rolled up a triple score from his 189 and 234 singles Dick made a great showing with his 178 and 275 set of singles to triple Ivy Ritchie for the Bluebirds was really on the ball as she snatched a triple from her 194 170 and 300 set of scores Irene Lavoie hit a 222 single Alice Johnson a and Fred Nightingale showed two singles of and 203 triple Carneys Plumbing and Heating showed Bob raising a triple after his and 201 singles John Carney bowled a single and Allan Burnett a The Clippers had showing his worth with his triple of and and TD McCutcheon made a 211 single and Doug Chandler a The Four Corner hopefuls were ousted by the Ospringe Slow Pokes by a to score as Nellie wrapped up a 219 single and Ralph Wright a single score The Ospringe team saw Orma Ferguson bowl a single game and Ross Ferguson a 195 single Fine fettle Elmer Allan was in fine fettle for the Alley Cats when they cap tured their score of to against the Elmer showed a 271 169 to triple score Gloria Alton had two single games of 255 and as Ross swung into action with his single Lloyd Marsden rang up a 220 single Dean Taylor a and Garry Parks a 194 and set of single games Sany McPhedran bowled 213 singles for a triple to Neighbours take a to lead over the Pacers Harvey three a single and Doug Cross for the Pacers showed single games as Ann Andy McCormach made a single The Gooyer Bros team made a clean sweep and took points straight from the Whilewashers and Winnie Hilts bowled a single JoAnn a as Art Nightingale slashed off a 169 169 set of singles to triple In a Over 500 WOMEN OVER Ivy Ritchie Gloria Alton Winnie Hilts Nellie Stokman Irene LaVoie Alice Johnson Orma Ferguson Ann Mc Cormach JoAnn Gooyers Ellen Gamer Gwen McDougall 508 MEN OVER Elmer Allan Harv Jestin Sam Dick Jim Thatcher Sandy Dune Kingsbury Mike Kelly Art could have shopped around more Insisted that the come up with another proposal Many other citizens also feel to take on such an item would bank rupt the village in no time and as one lady put It We all be in the poor house The ferment continues The Hon stated recently that for slow growing green belt areas it wouldnt be feasible to consider extensive sewage and water systems but as the OWRC has already committed Itself to the proposal It is expected that it will up to Its comm itments depending on the decision of the OM Approach One resident who strongly hopes that the matter will be put into effect said that she hopes citizens remember that the Ontario Water Resource Commission was approached Reported costs of other sewage and water plants shows a tre mendous disparity between those installed 20 and even 10 years ago but specialists who have in vestigated other more recently proposed systems such as the one for Drayton find that they compare favourably with that being considered for Rockwood May contest The notice published In the newspaper of March clearly states that any ratepayer may by sending a written letter stating his objection contest the agree ment between the Township of and the Ontario Water Resource Commission The Ontario Municipal Board will have to give Rockwood Its utmost consideration and It is that such an experlerieed Board of judicial individuals will in viewing the matter with an experienced but unjaundiced eye be able to better assess the matter In a constructive per spective weighing thoroughly potential pollution against bankruptcy and any other feasible alternatives In any event the die ha3 been cast and until the O M sets its date which could be sometime in late summer or early fall the matter of the proposed sewer and water system in could be considered a closed issue DESPITE THE crisp frosty air nature is already snowing signs of a not too distant spring with only patches of white snow on the muddy ground to remind us of a long winter past Jim Muir park superintendent and assistants Harry Collins and Jim clear out the dead wood in preparation for summertime beauty and needs In the Rockwood Conservation Park Photos by Lorraine Ladies night for brigade Ladies Night at the town hall last Saturday was a glamorous affair for some firemens wives when the Eramosa Fire Brigade feted them and several guests and their wives to the annual evening on the town and one of the lady guests anxious to have her husband sample the lemon pie dumped the entire plate directly into his lap swing as The Clansmen of the Paradise Gardens fame started to get into the tempo of an evening out for the ladies Pant suits formal wear hi and rmxis rustled The headtaWed depu about the floor as the firemen Corsages decorated every handled the situation with case Brigade evening damsel as past and present however and during the short md members of the Brigade the afterdinner speeches Duncan invited their ladles to village trustees the township was able to add his dance There were special dances council members and all of their usual dry wit to the auspicious pg r which wives sat down to a marvellous occasion but reserved his right by Fran Wilson a potted banquet supper prepared by the ladies of the Presbyterian Church Lemon aid Cold turkey with all the trimmings plus scads of delicious homemade pies satisfied the appetites of the hungry to comment on his wifes lemon Ask intercession new post office Ten gentlemen and their ladies sat as the guests of honor at the head table including fire chief Meadows and his attractive wife Susie deputychief David Bacon and Gail Don Hilts the chairman of the village trustee board and his wife Winnie reeve Warren Parkinson and Jean and Mr and Mrs Duncan Mc Frank Allsop one of the two captains for the local brigade Master of Ceremonies coveted door prize and Flora and Albert won a spot dance as the music rang out celebrating the anniversaries of such guests as Jim and Jean Milne Tom and Jessie and Lloyd and Helen Woddell who had arrived in from as a member of the trustee board and the Eramosa Fire Brigade Reunion time It was a great night and one which lasted from 30 in the evening until 1 00 a m It was a reunion for the return of many of the past brigade members and a reacquaintance for last years township council will send a letter to Wellington Alf Hales asking that he Intercede on the townships behalf regarding construction of a new post office to serve village and township residents Deputyreeve Duncan introduced the resolution at the regular meeting of the township council Monday night He told council be under stood It bad been passed by the post office department but then had been turned over to the public works and the matter had died Mr McPhedran pointed out space had been left on land near the new fire hall for the new post office and be felt a little prodding In the right places would speed up the project which he felt the village needed Introduced the various celebrants village and township council Deer return to park area The supervising staff at the Conservation Park reports a temporary postponement to their dead elm cleaning out program due to the necessity of springtime and camp planning for a possible opening date of May 1 Reinforcing the wing walls at the dam with sand and rock fill in an effort to control the embank ment has not proved to be a successful measure at the local recreation area as already transients and visitors to the Park are using the rocks to fill up the lake consequently the next measure will have to be cement Snowmoblltaerr Park Superintendent Jim Muir for a short speechmaking period after which the ladles of the Pres byterian Church were commended for a marvellous dinner by Rick Louis Tour ball During a brief interlude while the tables were being cleared for dancing preparations several members escorted their ladles to the new Fire Hall to see where friend husbands had been spending many many hours during the past winter months getting their spanking new fire lodgings ready for the early spring Open House At approximately JO p m tne Town Hall began to get Into full Everyone was In goodhumored fettle and this years Ladles was a social highlight of the 197b scene Manufacture POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL North has now been in charge of the grounds for two years and for the first time since he arrived he has seen deer in the vicinity which was at one time one of the most highly populated deer areas in the County I ve seen lots of deer lately said Mr Muir and I have watched groups of them on at least three occasions during this last month Many visitors have also seen the timid animals and are encouraged that the havent chased them away after all or else this is a new breed of deer Miss G Stickney Mrs and their eager pupils were given special commend ation in this months copy of the EPS the news magazine of the Public School The teachers and the students had raised through various projects and presented that mount to the Ontario Red Cross Association recently Nice going folks it was a great endeavour A fascinating display of Judo and commentary was presented by two young students of the Public School when Ian and Gary Stewart brought their trophies to display and discussed to their interested audience the various aspects of After a lively contest twecn the two local combatants an enlightening question and answer period followed The grade seven class at the School sponsored the event Meeting conduct in bad taste Councillor Fair As far as Councillor Ken Fair is concerned the special meeting between township council village trustees and many ratepayers on March over sewer and water proposals was a lesson In guerilla tactics He felt the conduct of some ratepayers at the meeting was in bad taste and an obvious attempt to discredit those who were running the meeting He pointed out many of those at the meeting did not address the chair and asked Councillor Dick Strong later if the whole thing had been engineered Spontaneous reaction Councillor Strong replied that to his knowledge the ratepayers groups present were a spontaneous reaction to the proposals rather than something engineered had nothing to do with it he said to the suspicious Mr Fair He reminded him it was a highly emotional Issue and one which could easily bring strong reactions Reeve Warren Parkinson commented that ratepayers should realize regular meetings of council were open to the public but special meetings were not necessarily so He wished all groups had followed the example of Eden Mills trustees who had asked and been granted permission to attend However the reeve said be bore no ill feelings towards those who attended especially In view of the fact a circular had urged attendance It was pointed out that those in attendance were not all members Of the ratepayers group NOTICE TUBERCULOSIS and RESPIRATOR DISEASE ASSOCIATION The Christmas Seal organization an l ting in the detection prevention and control of Asthma Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema 1 Our association Is in no way connected with any organization currently soliciting funds for asthma and or other respiratory diseases The annual Christmas Seal mall campaign Is the only appeal that the Halton County Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association makes for funds The County TBand Association Is associated with the Ontario and Canadian and Associations and their Inter national affiliates Our Association Is affiliated with the Master School of Medicine Hamilton through Its association with the Ontario Thoracic Society We support research In respiratory diseases on both the national and provincial levels Inquiries Invited 184 Balsam Drive Oak vide Ontario Telephone CAMERAS and FILM More memories for your money InstantLoading Color Outfit Tho carnora an Unconditional Guarantee Just use 176 tnslant loading gel bright color prims SPECIAL COLOR PRINT FILM The color you saw is the color you gal cartridge SPECIAL 119 I exposures ACTON PHARMACY

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