Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1971, p. 12

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The Acton Free Wednesday April DOWN BY THE OLD Mill Stream was where the now fabled 130yearold Goudy privy once stood Remains of the old mill of power for a thriving industry Staff Photo Sugar and Spice by bill smiley Last week I had a rare chance to do something Ive wanted to do and I selied it with both hands and my tongue I was speaking to the Vimy Branch Royal Canadian Legion its annual ob servance of the battle of Vimy Ridge The Vimy branch is unique in that nearly all its members are exofficers of the Canadian armed forces On the program for the banquet was printed a list of the executive and the post presidents It contained a bounty of Brigadiers a confusion of Colonels a mess of Majors a wedge of Wing Commanders and a scattering of Squadron Leaders Senior officers Sitting ducks Ever since my days as a fledgling fighter pdot Ive enjoyed a firm conviction that there is no possible way anyone can pound anything Into the head of a senior officer Here was a golden opportunity to prove my theory and 1 sailed into It with gusto I didnt use phoney survey or a lot of statistical facts but personal experience and I let them have it with both barrels As a flyuK student I first ran into the of the senior officer This wing commander the chief flying instructor nearly had a stroke because Id tried to land from one end of the runway while another student was trying to land from the other How was I to know the wind had changed degrees since Id taken off During advanced flying training in England a similar occurrence deepened my conviction I was coming in to land every sense alert and my mind dallying with a 72- hour pass and a chubby Land Army girl Some fool down on the runway started firing red flares I went around again and again he did it I had checked the carefully this tune so knew it was his fault not mine On mj fourth approach I did the usual cockpit check and no red flares went up I rolled to a stop and the squadron leader was standing in his jeep his face a of mulberrj shade And once again the of senior officers was dis played Not only did he call me a stupid clot who should be sent back to Canada in a strait- jacket but the dirty dog cancelled my weekend pass And all because Id forgotten one little item on my first three approaches putting my wheels down Then there was my squadron commander in France I was his No Two and wed made a divebombing attack firing our cannon as we dived which was our wont not to hit anything but to bolster our nerves He shouted something on the way down but I thought It was something silly like Hammer the Hun so paid no attention closed my eyes as was my wont and squeezed the tit When we landed he was in a terrible flap because I was the only one who had dropped his bombs on the wrong side of the bomb line I thought it was damn poor navigation on his part I think what really bothered him was that Id shot off a bit of his wing on the way down Then there was the ridiculous squadron leader in flying control who made me land with a hangup In those days a hangup was not some trivial emotional disturbance It was a fused bomb dangling by its tail from your wing I tried to get rid of it over the sea Nothing worked Hopefully I suggested Shall I bail out His reply Dont be We need that aircraft Pilots were cheap aircraft expensive One bounce on landing and it would be meat me all over the landscape And I was always known as TwoBounce Smiley Did you ever see a mouse with kid gloves on walking on eggshells Thats the way I landed But what hurt was that he wouldnt let me land on the metal airstrip as he didnt want it torn up when I blew up I had to land on the bumpy verge beside the strip Just a few of the examples I gave to the senior officers in my audience of the of senior officers They took it well because of course they didnt understand I offered to step into the alley afterwards with any senior officer Provided he was over Two ancient brigadiers had to be forcibly restrained History at every turn in Israel The bus roared along the coastal plain to Half which sloped from the Mount Carmel heights to the sea It was a bright sunny day much of the way and at Haifa we saw the gold topped dome of the world centre of the faith then on through Capumium where Christ drove the money changers from the temple We paused In Haifa near the Israeli aid centre where students from other countries receive instruction to implement technical assistance to countries As young as Israel is it recognizes the value of sharing its knowledge and contributing to the development of its neighbors Along the way the purple lilactike Jacobs tree brightened the route Land in Israel we were told is generally owned by the state and leased to the farmer for 49 years This avoids speculation On through the valley of Sebulon through the hills of lower Galilee and Into Nazareth we rushed through the city passed the Church of Annunciation where God is reported to have announced to Mary she would conceive Jesus past Marys well to the heights which overlook the whole city Sites in the Holy land are difficult to pinpoint Quite frequently the Roman church has marked one spot as biblically significant in Jesus life and the Greek Orthodox marks a spot Immediately ad jacent The result is that generally there are two churches at each site On past the mountain of Transfiguration Mount Tabor and Cana where Jesus made his way to the sea At Tiberius around the Sea of Galilee the only fresh water body in Israel we toured the residential and industrial area and saw across the Sea of Galilee the Golan Heights often referred to in news reports of the troubled Middle Bast The Golan Heights had been held until the six day war by the Syrians and from those heights they could conveniently shell Tiberius I photographed the clouded valley on the Sea of Galilee where the incidents of the LOOKING ACROSS the port of Tiberius to the Golan Heights in the misty distance you get an idea of the strategic importance of that rise of land so often referred to in current Highway 25 never the same Highway from Acton to Ospringe once a singularly pretty drive through roller coaster hills has been transformed into a wasteland The treelined avenue which once grew spreading maples tall elms and other varieties of trees has gone the way of the dodo bird extinguished by the march of progress Widening and improvements to the highway from Acton to Ospringe saw many of the lovely trees chopped down and consigned to the flames Much of the beauty of the road is gone wiped out by our insatiable demand for new and better roads to whisk us from one spot to another sometimes to glimpse the beauty we extinguished on our own threshold Dont blame the Department of Highways dont blame the government We cant blame anyone but ourselves We demand better roads and we get them Highway from Acton to will no longer be as pretty no longer shaded but well connect with High way 24 much quicker on a ribbon of asphalt instead of a mixture of oil and sand that heaves in the Spring setting pothole traps for unwary motorists It is the trees we ore concerned with growth that took a century to attain full stature Does the Department of Highways Trend to smaller cars The car business which generally is an accurate barometer of economic conditions within the country notes that buyers are favoring smaller lowerpriced cars this year with a trend away from the regular and more expensive models Some dealers report per cent of their sales are compacts and subcompacts and acknowledge there is a large per of the small car market going to the imported cars referred to as subcompacts There is one perplexing note as the swing towards smaller and less expensive cars becomes pronounced Buyers are demanding more options so that often the small car becomes as expensive as its bigger brother Some dealers feel this can be explained by the feeling customers have that they can spend more money on the smaller vehicles because they will be cheaper to operate This ac counts for the tremendous success of the Japanese cars Toyota and on the market They have features which customers would have to pay extra for on the larger model cars and consequently could not afford Faced with an increasing number of models and a better range of prices car buyers are also becoming more selective They consider many things before making a choice One paramount consideration is the increasing congestion of the provinces roads and the resultant scarcity of parking space In many cases a smaller car gets the nod from buyers because it is easier to and park The tremendous amount of publicity about air pollution has also influenced potential buyers into Investigating claims that small cars pollute the atmosphere much less than larger models with bigger motors But above all price is the factor which influences many people to choose a harsher small car ride as against the larger more comfortable nde in a regularsized model Many buyers prefer a new small domestic or imported model in preference to a used have a policy for replanting trees they take down They do The Department replaces at least one tree for every one taken down although of course they are not necessarily located in the same place an official told the Free Press The Department plants about 50000 trees and shrubs each year the same official declared Unfortunately it will be many years before the trees grow to shade size By then most of us will be under the roots Future generations will benefit though unless they have to have bigger and better highways and the cycle revolves again larger model with its uncertainties The new large model is well beyond their pocketbook Auto manufacturers in this country noted the trend to smaller vehicles several years ago launched by the tremendous success of the Volkswagen which people took to their hearts like family pets despite its shape cramped interior and noise They created small cars such as the Pinto Vega Cricket Gremlin and their ilk which won back a percentage of the market imported cars were beginning to dominate It will be interesting to sec where the trend ends There have been periods of economic uncertainty in the past where the trend has been to choose smaller cars as against the larger models On each occasion however with the return to economic stability larger cars have returned to dominate the market We would bet that that day is over and we will see an increasing lean towards smaller cars by the majority of car buyers in this province years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday April Your full support for the Jack Kentner Jr Family Fund is solicited Piggy banks will be located at business places Committee chairman Sammy run die vicechairman Orville Brown executive Ray Mason Lome Masters Shantz Harry Holmes secretarytreasurer Middleton A benefit hockey game was played between Milton CoOps and Georgetown Raiders A benefit dance is being arranged by Mr and Mrs Freddie Dunn for this Saturday night the town hall It must have been quite a celebration when General MacArttiur came home A balloon with the general and the wording Welcome Home MacArthur landed on the farm of W A Coulter The April meeting of Rockwood WCTU was held at the home of Mrs Orlando Mrs A Thomas conducted the clip sheet Alcohol Education in the Schools What do we Expect Born To Mr and Mrs Wesley Wolfe their fourth son 50 years ago Taken from the the Free Press Thursday May Messrs Johnstone and Co have added a fine new motor hearse to their undertaking equipment Mr Johnstone made his first trip with the new hearse to St Catharines Inst Friday where he conveyed the body of the late William Hippie Mr father This entailed a Journey of mites Mr Fred Blow who has conducted the Acton Machine Shop for the past five or six years has taken into partnership Mr Hartley Harrison The Honor Roll of the Schools lists the Pupils Who Got Their Names In partial list Sabra Nelson Ray Agnew Frances Hurst Earl Cooper Marie Mowat Martha Laird McDonald Marguerite Ryder Jessie Anderson Nellie Half Jean Barber Minnie Blair Marie Lantz Madelon Gibbons Charlie landsborough Campbell Elsie Meryl Clif ford Precious Ivy Precious Mildred Hall Helen Lillian Perry The trout fishing season opened on Sunday but of course all Acton fishermen refrained from going after the elusive ones Conflict and Contrast till Monday Trout arc said to be very plentiful Mr Neil who is always one of the first to get a catch brought a couple to tempt the sick In the editors household 75 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday April 1896 The Free Press reported world news years ago The House of Commons sat last week continuously for 129 hours the longest on record Details follow Sir Charles Tuppcr moved the adjournment The New York Journal published the self- written confessions of murderer Holmes The with numerous illustrations fills three pages of journal The number of students receiving instruction in temperance and hygiene in the Public Schools of Ontario has increased from 33926 in to in 1894 The tuition from this text book must have a salutary effect upon the rising generation Considerable maple syrup has been brought in this week Eggs are already down to 10 cents Hendersons pond was free of ice on Mondayfour days earlier than last year A considerable number of our citizens went to Toronto yesterday to attend the Horse Show The New York Herald contains on ac count of a wonderful gun invented by a Montreal man which it is said will make war impossible if ft Is adopted by all nations It will discharge shots a minute A new Irish land bill has been Introduced in the British House of Commons news reports Shelling of Tiberius by the Syrians occupying the Golan Heights stopped when Israel occupied the area during the Six Days War loaves and fishes occurred where Jesus prayed in the synagogue at and the Mountain of Beatitudes where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mountain We whisked along past the ruins of Roman baths just at the edge of the road outside Tiberius and later crossed the Jordan as it flowed from Galilee to the Dead Sea The dimensions of the Jordan are unimpressive because I doubt it was any wider than the Sixteen as it flows through Mdton At fish restaurant we ate St Peters fish taken from the Sea of Galilee The head was on and the eye cast a glassy stare but this fish was excellent Further along to kibbutz on the Jordan border where we saw the shelters constructed for children In danger from fighting and shelling which occurred close to the JordanIsrael border The childrens quarters were well below ground and children had been required to sleep underground for the past three years It was only in the past few weeks that it was possible for the children to begin sleeping above ground many of them for the first time South now along the Jordan River with kibbutzim dotting the route until we reached the recently held Jordanian territory where no development was indicated Barbed wire and watch towers told their story of defence along the way At Jericho we passed the Arab refugee camps and the area where Jesus spent 40 days In the wilderness was bright In Jericho and we rolled on through the barren desert hills of Judea to Jerusalem That night I walked with a friend to the Wailing Wall in the old city of Jerusalem Most of the streets in the old city were silent as it was the Jewish sabbath History spoke from the narrow cobblestone streets as we passed Davids Tower under the stone arches and along by the walls of the old city itself But Jerusalem is not just history it b history in the making too and a morning visit to the Hebrew University where Richard Oestermann proudly told us about the worlds largest Jewish Institution of higher learning was indicative Surroundings were modern and architec ture impressive In 196970 the university awarded 21554 degrees Emphasis b being put on the Continued on Page THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office

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