Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1971, p. 10

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tree Press Wednesday May 1971 Tories score with budget PROBING FINGER OF Prospect Park is prominent in Co at the focal centre and the community centre upper left icccncnsed Fairy Lake just before Spring arrived a scant with Glenlea subdivision stretching out of the photo at top and three weeks ago This is another of the aerial shots of Acton a few houses of Lakeview subdivision at left taken by Jack Carpenter Landmarks include Beardmore and Sugar and Spice by bill smiley last week I mentioned making a speech lo Branch Canadian and what treat it was to be able to get up and bilk about the stupidity of senior officers Normally I loathe making speeches almost as much as I detest listening to them As a former weekly reportereditor a cold wet grey blanket comes down over my spirit at the fateful words And now I give our guest speaker that the signal Some guest speakers you I give to a starving group of cannibals I have been given dunderheads and dolls politicians and poltroons pipsqueaks and presidents farmers and philosophers Not once have I been inspired uplifted or convinced On a very few Decisions I have been mildly amused although almost never professional humorists who seem so intent on keeping their tongues in their checks that you begin to feel that somewhere in bitten Ihun oft Unit the end Tin delivering end is as bad It follows a fairlv pat torn sal You are up or written to by the secretary of some organization which you never heard of and told they tike to liave you as guest speaker at some function you have no interest in at some place you have no idea of how to get to Oils is the moment to say loud and clear thank you am deeply honored but can possibly make it Any wavering and you re in trouble The professional guest speaker and there are a few about chooses that moment to lay down his cards He says Well 1 might be able to fit that in on that date but I have to consult calendar He consults his calendar which is blank for weeks He calls back Yes I could make it My fee is Plus expenses Due produces on agonized pause if you Then comes a plaintive Oh yes asyouknowuh werea nonprofit and we dont have much and we thought you just come along and give us a little talk You know just anything how would 111 expenses be And in a burst of en thusiasm And bring your wife along Her dinner would be free of course fins is always what clinches it with mi A last minute invitation for my wife And a free dinner for her Big dc Some people love to speak To anybody They have one speech which theyve memorized They have two Jokes invariably inserted with the prefix That i me of a little story 11 and the story has nothing to do with anything But for half an hour and sometimes for minutes these speakers the cynosure of all eyes except those which arc closed in clumber And every ear attuned to them those with the aids turned off They bask It is rue tar and ambrosia to them even though it lukewarm coffee and porridge to their listeners Good luck to them Forme Its torment It like a Saturday night whether you need it or not About every two years whether I need it or not I m proving something to myself tune it w is different Vimy Branch is the way I like it They meet only twice a for a real smash They have no club rooms no flags no lugubrious mutterings At the setting of the sun we shall remember them Instead they have their own band whieh smashes out the tunes of glory at a v that is exceeded only by their enthusiasm and skill Hie chaps took the insults well Their hospitality was gracious a hotel room a for expenses and a crock of my choice wife was not thrown in as an at tert bought ill make another speech in a When thu Hon McKeough was of Municipal Affairs In the he denied a considerable stir with his deslie to iiiUoduce regional government In the Despite severe he stuck to Ihemies lie- anil his advisers created and left the Indelible mark of his own k on the inient Now Mi McKeough lias the post of of and Minister of I Is appaient he will not be content lo sit hack and run Department with the same lustre less reliability as his predecessors In his fit budget Mr McKeough showed he lias mil the common touch by abolishing the fishing license which was a nuisance In the same as he upped the price of lieer di inkers in Ihe southern part of province ally when the price of beer is raised there is a general hue and om the populace thai government is down on poor Bui when you eliminate the fishing licence in the same legislation as beer hikes it is hard foi anyone lo yell robber without someone else pointing thai a fella can still go fi ce lt is moves like these on the political chessboaid of province that have marked Darcy as a man who knows how to get what he wants by the oblique manner if the direct route is risky As Mr points out in his budget summary the fishing licence was introduced in the province to provide revenue from users more in line with the costs of services provided by the Department of Lands and forests Although he agrees this is a worthy objective Ihe Minister points out that it generated only 1 million in revenue is costly to collect and is a nuisance for fishermen Conflict and Contrast Old Jerusalem provides mixed feelings Security regulations at the Knessit Israels parliament were strict and cameras were checked at the main entrance The Knesset is an impressive building with modern sweeping lines appropriately constructed out of red Jerusalem stone and it contains a complex of meeting rooms committee rooms of lobbies lounges restaurants members suites and worship room Throughout the Knesset expensive items of art drape the various chambers rooms and halls In the Knesset chamber which seats the M P in a semicircle the impressive wall behind the speaker 5 podium is made of large carved blocks of white stone Special galleries overlooking the chamber are available for foreign diplomats guests members of the press and the general public very much as exists in our own Canadian Parliament buildings The president of the State of Israel is appointed by the Knesset which is made up of 120 members elected by secret popular ballot from all segments of the population Israel is a parliamentary democracy and laws are proposed either by the government or individual members On now to a luncheon at the Eden Hotel hosted Michael of the ministry for foreign affairs Attending was the Canadian Ambassador to Israel a former resident of Thunder Bay Ontario Mr Ehzur talked about the hope for a new relationship with the neighboring Arab states and a new atmosphere for genuine negotiations between Israeli and Arab As long as you cannot look into each others eyes it is a faulty procedure We hope sooner or later to be able to advance the talks in a more meaningful way he told us as he pointed out recent develop ments in the negotiations being earned on by Israel and Egypt through a UN representaUve He told us no mop of borders had been prepared by Israel but one gathered there would be little retreat from those borders established in the six day war of 1967 One of of the Israel economy he told us was the extremely high percentage demanded for defence Thirty per cent of the country gross national product goes for defence compared to the A per cent We questioned him on whether foreign prices generally recoRiii7id as a means of becoming in this province where large of its residents quaff Ihe suds thai cheer hut Mr has again scored by lowering Ihe price in the North at same time as he the price In South In way both North and will end up paying the same amount for thcli beer So while re may lie a few catcalls from lileaihets below North Hay you tan be sure Uiese will gcneiiilly unheard In the approbation emanating tin provinces North I will quarrel either Mr changes in succession duties following the polity of the lo leave death duties to the il govt for widows and widowers therefore has been inci cased lo 100 the per cent additional lax sin lax is eliminated for close relatives and these pre fet red beneficiaries ire liable if value of an estate is less than previously a result of these Mr estimates fewer than r estates a year will lie taxable As Ihe Minister sees it Ihe changes will drastically reduce lax burden on farm estates and in most casts make difference selling out or continuing lo operate the family farm ll a pitch lo the fat m vote perennially lory but which has somewhat las toned by changes in the provinces school structure of late moves are also calculated to reduce the pressure on small firms or businesses winch might have had to sell in order to avoid death duties tins will also serve as a vehicle restrict foreign ownership since many small firms and businesses pass from the control of Canadians at death Another facet of the budget which most people in Ontario will welcome is the decision to expand the provincial care Insurance program to cover nursing homes and home care This could be the most significant move in the budget since it will alleviate many families burdened sickness and could also be the means of allowing many people to be treated at home rather than going to an liLsUtutum I la per cent tax credit for invest in mndiinery and equipment is lump of sugar designed to stimulate business investment and new jobs in the province We will leave il to the economists and opposition parties to prick holes In this measure but we believe any step which will help stimulate the sluggish economy can I be wrong ips it is nol enough to deal the unemployment situaUun as stands hut certainly is worth a lot more Uian idle conjecture about the way to fight Results are what we are interested in not theories and this measure looks like a positive step as a whole the 1971 Ontario tnidgit has a number of worthwhile measures which can stand up to much It smacks of an imminent Itclion since there are few parts of the population which won t be affected one way or the other by new measures If Mr Davis has as many ministers as Mr McKeough who can belt out and triples when it is their turn at bat the Liberals and New IX rats had better step up election campaigns unless they want to watch the Conservative vote dominate the store board again Practice what they preach It seems like only yesterday when we were getting hot under the collar about the magnificent pensions of Parliament voted themselves at a time when Ihe government was calling for everyone lo practice restraint in wage demands and fringe benefits to enable the country to fight inflation wiUi a big slick Now Members of Parliament are lo accept an increase in salaries which will raise pay from il8 lo 26 per year It is guaranteed too since there t been a Canadian government go broke as Well what can you say when a group of eminent men vote themselves a per cent raise The boost in pay is far more than the average man in these parts received in his pay envelope We have heard the arguments concerning the need for adequate salaries to attract good men into the race for a seat in the House of Commons We agree one hundred per cent with them M are to a remuneration that will make the job atli active and extract Ihe required amount of effort to do a worthwhile job However we have qualms about producing more per year per man when the powers that be arc- demanding the little guy who asks for a raise in his pay envelope to stay alive should be forced to accept less because he is adding to Uie countrys problems The Prices and Incomes I has identified a third villainous group in the inflation field which makes gains of private industry and labor unions look like chicken feed The culprits according to study are top civic officials and those who work under them It looks like Parliamentarians as a group are aligning themselves with them The Prices and Incomes Commission concludes that moderation in the scale of gams achieved by bargaining for lowerpaid help must be matched by greater restraint in areas where employers make decisions on their own without union pressure Study of loronto area drew the conclusion thai biggest increases in pay go to top officials Lower increases go to public employees represented by unions and smaller boosts to workers in manufacturing industries inference there is that taxpaid workers as a class contribute more to inflation than workers in the private Senior officials in public office dont fight bard against high wage demands fiom underlings because Uieirown pay automatically goes up in relation to the pay of lower ranks We would suggest that Parliament might do what they have been asking everyone else in the country to practice exercise restrain and take the pay raise over a number of years instead of in a lump sum as has been proposed It is time the boys in Ottawa started to practice what they preach investors were welcome in Israel There was no about it foreign investors were welcome and there was no limit on the percentage of ownership which they would be allowed in a business We also have development policies to encourage settlement in underdeveloped areas he pointed out The General is the union which represents some per cent of the workers in the country and they cooperate in maintaining the economy through a package deal between union and manufact urers with government acting as the honest broker They promise to keep wage price increases to the bare minimum and the union recently agreed a tax increase for defence would not be taken into account in asking for pay increases The state department official also praised the recent air agreement concluded between Canada and Israel which was signed in February to permit direct flights between Canada and Israel On again for the tour of the old City of Jerusalem We see Jerusalem stretched out years ago Taken from the issue Free Press Thursday May 1951 He largest trout reported after the first of the fishing season was caught Holmes of Acton and measured IB inches from tip to tail It was caught in tin Speed River at Fverton Many fishermen found the water was too and cold for excellent fishing Hie proposed Toronto Windsor highway will pass between Acton and Milton the Department of Highways revealed this week Officials state it will be somewhat similar to the Queen Flizabeth There an two proposed routes one north of Milton mil other two miles south of Acton Of all the ones who tried the recent Know eontest Mrs Robert of Mill is the only one around Acton who knows Ontario to the extent of winning a prize She receives ijuick action on the part of painter Alex rank probably saved the life of threeyear old Heller on Friday afternoon with her brother Ronnie she fell into the water when stonework crumbled beneath her feet Mr Frank waded out into the water able to see only the nose and a part of the face of the tot who was beneath the surface in her 50 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday May 12 1921 The annual meeting of the Acton Women Institute was held at the home of Mrs John Maui Street Friday The manual reports showed receipts of During the past year they have supported two orphans contributed to the Home to the Soldiers Memorial monument to the Annenim Relief fund besides purchasing brooms from the blind soldiers Mrs C who has held the office of president THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office ior seven years was presented with an address a be electric table lamp new president Mrs George and the was read Mrs Alex Bell On Sunday while a motor ear was driving down Mill St a rear tire struck a small stone on the edge and threw it with such force one of the plate glass windows of s confectionery store that the window was unfortunately fractured The question naturally rises where the liability rests A similar ease came before council ami council agreed to pay onethird of the lost of repairing the damage 75 years ago Take the Issue of the Free Press of Thursday April first baseball game of the season was playctl in the park on Saturday afternoon between two teams from the Canada Glove Works The moccasin team was captained by John Agncw and the glove team by Harry Jeans W A Storey was umpire The glove won 17 to and much amusement was afforded the spectators Rev J will preach hia farewell sermons at Knox Church next Sunday rwentyone new communicants were added to Knox rolls this week Mr N r H Storey and Son went to to bring home his wife who has been in the General Hospital for four months where she underwent operation for internal trouble Weekly prayer meetings discontinued In the countryside because of bad roods have commenced again

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