OUR READERS WRITE Board decision arbitrary Dear Sir recent decision of the WellinRton County Board of education not to rehire Lome Brown as principal of Erin Union public school is yet another example of the insensitive and arbitrary acts perpetrated on the public of this county by this Board Being aware of the high esteem in which he is held by the citizens of the area it is to be hoped local members of the bonrd did not support the scheme to replace Mr Brown The decision not to reapply for a letter of permission to maintain Mr Brown as principal of public school a position he has held for years came not from any lack competence as a teacner or to administer but because he lncks a B A degree The Ontario Department of has decreed that all public school teachers will be expected to have a minimum of A in order to tench in our public school It would appear that that policy Is to be enforced first amongst school principals Whether or not the people of wish Mr Brown to head their school has no relevance the matter Is purely legalistic and urea cm tic However despite the edict from the of It would appear that the final decision rests with local boards of education otherwise the Wellington County Board would not have bothered upon it decision of the Boird is in outrage to the citizens of I rin Township and to citizens everywhere for there Is no Justice In it Merit is not considered because If it is it would appear to make no difference The assumption Is that makes a teacher better What nonsense There ore many ways to become an educated and cultured man the least of which is a A This action on the part of the County Board of I must surely be a strong argument any kind of and this Includes Government Perhaps vcrtcnlly this will awaken sleeping to accountability from those they elect to manage their of fairs Whatever the case the Wellington County Board should reverse its decision forthwith ind reinstate Mr Brown as I school for as long as the people there want him Alan NDP Candidate Wellington Hiding Claims repori misrepresents meeting Alma St Ont April Dear Sir It lb unfortunate your article titled Group Committee to be re formed on of your April edition docs not more accurately reflect the content of the Had your correspondent attended I am sure such presumptuous remarks would not have ken printed Scouting is a community affair IT there is a luck of interest It is due to the will of the community It is our to accept r I any organization at our will simple participation or lack of It executive the 1c iders and the Auxiliary have carried on for ye with little participation from the community are to be commended for this Although the halim in many years of voluntary service is diclmed the other members of the executive will be asked to participate 1 sure level is follows Cubs to years Scouts 11 to 1 J years Venturers 14 to 16 years lovcrs 17 to 21 with variation determined the local roups I im sure the presumptuous and insinuating rem irks were unintentional r the press does have a to the community and should tfully Die it prints Sincerely Old Jerusalem provides mixed feelings I In Page before us from the Mount of Olives and the Garden of Down into the old city and a walking tour to the Wailing Wall and through the Bazaar where the salesmen have to be the eastern aggressive brand Children are Just as tenacious in their begging Clutter noise and smells are what remain with me from that tour along the narrow bazaar streets Our entrance to the old walled city had been through the Dung Gate We visited the church of the Holy Sepulchre where Greek Armenian and Roman Churches share sections Mounting steep steps we are told this was and descending on the other side we approached the tomb where Jesus la supposed to have been laid Crouching my way In with three others we were greeted by an Orthodox priest colic tin money for the restoration of the church here in what should have been the of places I was dismayed and dis gusted In crowding out I was blocked by ranks of priests with lighted candles J vine their picture token 1 whs moved with disgust with the whole scene left the holy city through the Jaffa gate Jerusalem history toes back years It has been coveted and fought over by Babylonians Macedonians and a great number of other conquerors have fluttered across its bloody and anguished pus Jerusalem isasacredcity Davidsson Solomon enshrined the ark in a beautiful temple which made Jerusalem the eternal spiritual centre of the Jewish people the unification the city the six day war has gien this Jewish nation new pride and augmented their sense of walling wall Is considered to be part of Solomons temple which rested on the summit of Mount Munah This section of the wall escaped the razinc by Titus who toppled some of the blocks but approximately 11 luyers the block have ben excavated and art considered to date back over years We left the walled city with its history and drove by tombs in the Valley of Jehoso The Valley is also known as the Valley of the Kings because David Solomon and other lungs of Israel are believed to have been buried there in huge tombs like smallscale pyranuds but in much grander outward form Our bus was again roaring along the Israel countryside to keep an appointment the Tarshish Restaurant at Jaffa where we were to meet the military spokesman for the Israel defence forces Special undertakings were signed to Insure would not attribute direct tatements to him and our information would be used for Our dinner wps at a restaurant with a oily atmosphere but the food was native and As we traded questions and answers time flew and some elementary conclusions emerged will be little change in the boundary established in the six ddj war by Israel If there was to be any iivc and take for settlement we felt it would certainly not be in the area of the Golan Heights which we had travelled and where we had seen new roads constructed and new irrigation projects undertaken Nor would it be alone the inks of the Jordan where the children of the kibbutz were now able to sleep in rel itive ice for the first tune in their lives If there was to be much change in boundaries we to conclude it would be in the areas of the Sinai although we had not visited it particular area of the country Al the end of another short we were up for an carl breakfast and a briefing on the press of Israel which operates under licence and in a country where censorship exists in the interests of national security Aboard bus again for a tour of Tel and through Jaffa and Bat Yam where there was sharp contrast Downtown areas which appeared to be slums were being re developed and south of Bat Yam the sand dunes were with five and six storey accommodation Single family houses were scarce or non existent and it appeared that accommodation was all of the multi family apartment building type A brief stop downtown in Tel Aviv allowed us to soak up the atmosphere of the modern core of that city Narrow roads were augmented by wide sidewalks The bright warm sun of that day attracted crowds to the sidewalk cafes which were the It was a pleasant mall like area en sharp contrast with what we had seen in the crowded of Jerusalem Shops were modern and the toods offered were attractive Continued THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY at Jerusalem dramatically emphasizes the newness that is also part of that ancient city Education receives a high priority and ranks as one of the long term Lines of defense The ctetfif Apeak cut 111 By Hi v I Byrne PI All IN Till MIDST I leave with you my peace I give iinti John We know whose words these are and never isonc so authorized to spc on the subject of pence as He He is called the Prince of Peace His ministers His word Is the of His way is the path of lie ice An announced peace at His birth and He Himself bequeathed peace His deatli Peace leave with you We ly consider these irds as a part of His last will and testament His estate did hinds an or silver kill but ic is we all wish we could leave our families and fricti Is Any think us by a friend If It be only a bo or a rlnj Is highly valued Hut ml only is it valued it is also no one em nullify It Hie Holy Spirit has been climbed with task of carry Ine out I ist will and applying His peace to the hunts and minds of His people llus was mill more than tiny liny had proven to be dull set i and servants who only a few hours foi ha I been disputing amongst tlitmselvis as to which of them should lit greatest And now as ering tire Instead of His sympalhlHnc they wen all Lmnj to forsake Him and flee 1 His own who were In the wi rid lived III in Hi till words are nut to be confined solely to Christ a immediate disciples liny personally enjoyed tills f peace and were limned I addressed Hut they stood as reprcsenta lives of all of Christ to end of time And you even yon If you love and follow Him are is much the bequeath as If you were mentioned by name Ijsten his prayer Neither pray I for ihest but for them also which shall believe on their word that they may nil be out us thou I other art in me and I In Hue that they also may be one In thai tin world may believe that thou liasl sent me And the glory which thou me I have then that they may be one even as we are one Prayer father may your peace which passe all understand I tit keep the hearts lend minds yuur today us by to dally take our to you our oil and find there the lb i y yo In our life of worship I Amen DRUGS MAY 3 to MAY 29 COTTAGE CHECK IW SAVINGS GUARD YOUR HEALTH GUARD YOUR POCKET BOOK ISIUVf RIGHT TO LIMIT AIL QUANTITIES NEEDS EUROPEAN STEAK BOARDS 10 DIAMETER HOOD SUGG LIU I OLO HILL CANADIAN MADE STEAK KNIVES STAINLESS SERRATED EDGE PAPER PLATES SNAKRAK TO TOME LUHCHEOH it MATS 88 WRAP BANDAID Bra WET ACTON PHARMACY