The Acton Free Press Wednesday May Swim in Comfort in a Heated Pool How often do you test the water In a pool and then decide not to go for a swim because the v Is too cold Today more and more homeowners are solving that problem by heating their pools with gas Modern gas pool water heaters are small and com pact and many homeowners Inconspicuously place them In a garage bathhouse or in shrubs Since most arc fin with weather resistant materials and the controls are completely covered no protection from the elements Is required Before buying a pool heat carefully consider the size of the pool the temperature at which the water will be kept most experts mend as Ideal and comfortably adequate and the area general mate Accurate heater sizing the American Gas Association stresses is Important for get ting the best buy In a gas water heater A heater that is too big for the pool Is a waste of money A heater that The- nimmor nrrn I worried about role fun The pool i will lirutrr the water on hi nn I rl Illy Is too small won be able to keep the pool at the desired temperature even though It operates perfectly Accurate temperature con vital since fuel bills can increase rapidly when water temperatures rise even degree A A reports that properly sized natural gas poof heaters are able to maintain water temperature with complete accuracy AG A also recommends that the water be heated on when the pool Is in use By Intermittent heating fuel costs can be cut Sharpening Summer Shooting Skills Improves Hunting Marksmanship Summertime Is generally a sad time for the avid hunt er for It means that for the most part the hunting sea son Is over and he must wait until fall before he can once again pursue his favorite sport But this Is no reason for him to put his firearms In mothballs In fact this Is the time of year for him to sharpen his shooting skills and to Improve his marks for the next hunt season There are many ways of doing this Some hunters take up the shoot lng games of trap and skeet others keep their eyes sharp by at paper targets or tin cons But most hunt ers prefer to spend the off season doing what they like best hunting That aright hunting There are certain types of animals which are classified as vermin or varmints for which there are no seasons or bag limits They are con sldered fair game all year long And best of all they are of such a variety that the taking of them can peal to every type of hunter The upland gunner can take his Model out to the fields and test his wing shooting abilities on crows or magpies The approach is much the same as duck shooting Crows are best en from a blind and are at by the use of crow call and decoys Along with the crow decoys an owl de coy should also be used Owls and crows are deadly mles and If crows see an owl surrounded by two or three crows they will swoop down to join the fight Rifle shooters con also keep In practice with summertime varmint shooting Wood chucks prairie dogs and coy provide challenging tar gets and In some states foxes and bobcats are con varmint species These animals may be stalked with a rim fire rifle or taken at long range with a scope sighted center fire Model When shooting at long range however since these are extremely small it Is advisable to take along a pair of high powered binocular for use In scan tin fields How to cut your cars operating costs A and modi I car Each uh it guaranitid You adds up rtpj hills a Regular wing work done lion plus a canon of any to raids of particular car help ur driving A safety car J When a in for a soon You be glad lion II you did chart for jour make DRIVE IN FOR GUARANTEED SHEUUBRI CATION BILL TOTH SHELL SERVICE 318 QUEEN ST E ACTON FOR GREATER OUTDOOR LIVING BLUE FLAME SPECIAL DOUBLE YOUR SWIMMING TIME WITH A NATURAL GAS POOL HEATER for only littla extra on your monthly gas bill NO DOWN PAYMENT A new service can be Installed no charge up to should you not have a gas service your home but on a main WHY CHOOSE A NATURAL GAS AUTOMATIC POOL HEATER There are many reasons here are a few LOWER FUEL COSTS CLEANER Sized to your pool less expensive Installation 100 per cent safety shut off won t rust or discolor water all parts In contact with the water are copper brass and porcelain PLUS the advantage of a gas fired system allows extra natural gas equipment to be installed later such as POOL SIDE BAR B QUE PATIO HEATER GAS LAMPS Etc IS IT WORTHWHILE TO INSTALL A SWIMMING POOL HEATER YESI For a little extra on your monthly gas bid you can SWIM EARLIER SWIM LATER and enOy every day in between PLAN NOW TO INSTALL YOUR NATURAL GAS POOL HEATER LAARS This is the one thats built to last In 20 years of building pool heaters this Is our best Mark IV It as handsome as all outdoors and built for the worst that years of heavy outdoor use can bring It the Laars Mark IV a pool heater for all seasons And we build it in two versions the low profile Mark IVStacklessthat so easy to landscape out of sight and the Aquadyne pool heater for Indoor installation FREE with the first 35 swimming pool heaters sold we will give a free bonus worth Your choice of swimming pool accessories up to this value THIS OFFER MUST ORDER IE LIMITED TO Jr THE EARLY SWIMMERS NOW ACADIAN SWIMMING POOL SERVICE Mountainview Road North GEORGETOWN ONTARIO Telephone Georgetown 877