Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1971, p. 10

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rcra May Snowy April Saturday for wedding in Trinity Jncobu van den Drink and Karl Henry Near exchanged rings and vows In Trinity United Church on a snowy April day Saturday the 3rd Gordon conducted the double ring ceremony and the church was decorated with baskets of white mums and pink carnations bride a secretary at fVird Motor Company Is tne daughter of Mr ami Mrs J van den llrlnk Main St Acton The groom a policeman with the City Department is the son of Mr and Mrs J Near 1M Mill St George thu organ for ceremony Pink and while The bride wore full length de with puffed sleeves lace overlay on the bodice and pink ribbon edging the train and bodice A while flower shaped head piece held her shoulder length veil She carried pink ruses and Two attendants Maid of honor was her sister van den Brink and the bridesmaid friend Kathy McKenrie They wore gowns of flowered white sheer over pink satin with pink ribbon trim and carried bouquets of white 111111111 and pink The bride was given in marriage by her father was Glen Near brother of groom and usher weru John van den Brink brother of bride and Walter a friend RrrcpUon fallows reception was bold Acton Meadows Golf club where table decorations followed tlie pink and white theme llie hrldos molhur chose pink dress pink lace coat white acceHjor ten and yellow roses llie grooms mother wore blue with nylon overlay and sleeves white accessories ad red roses The wedding cake was made as it wedding Kilt by a friend of family ami was decorated with link roses Flower from Holland A large arrangement of flowers from an uncle aunt cousins In Holland came as a surprise on the wedding day Guests were present from Belleville Melbourne Belwood Windsor Itramalea Montreal town and Acton brides grandmother was present from wearing blue with a corsage of white India described at Thankoffering tier life In India was described by Mrs J Murray of Milton guest speaker at the Trinity UCW Thankoffering mooting Thursday afternoon May Mrs Murray and her husband minister of the Presbyterian church In Milton were moving the same day but she fulfilled her speaking engagement with her usunl enthusiasm The lived many years in India and she had many Interesting stories to tell Taking part Mrs Murray was Introduced by president Mrs and thanked by Mrs Mrs Force read a psalm and Mrs It MacArthur led in prayer Miss Dorothy Simmons sang a solo and Mrs ft Denny played the organ Mrs J Lambert and Mrs H Patterson took the offering A few guests from other churches Joined the Including a carload from Georgetown A nursery was provided Lunch was served Miss Daisy bolster Is a patient In General Hospital friends are sorry to learn Right Worshipful Brother Joseph Fuller and Right Worshipful Brother C K Browne attended the Royal Black Preceptory Grand Lodge and Orange Convention at the Fischer Hotel In last week All members of Halton county and their wives were entertained Saturday at a buffet supper at the beautiful home of Jim Swanborough reeve of Burlington The and McKennes were there representing Acton Miss Dorothy Simmons president of Acton Womens Institute and Mrs L Davidson attended the Halton county music festival Ml Simmons presented the I shield to the winners for its category M Bennett school choir Mr and Mrs Bill Wilson recently drove to Montreal to meet Mrs Wilsons sister Miss May Warrior who arrived from Britain on the Empress of Canada Miss Warrior Is looking forward to an extended visit 111 Canada the United States and the Bahamas Ontario Place was opened last weekend for two trial preview days and local people whove been active in the Conservative organization were invited to attend The annual bazaar and tea at Manor last Wednesday proved very successful Donations of baking from Acton were gratefully received and promptly sold There was a good crowd Mrs Orr now living in after many years on Bower Ave Shes a former high school teacher Shell be coming back to Acton often and Is still acting as regent of the Lakeside chapter of the IODE Mr and Mrs Bruce Shoemaker attended the Canadian Funeral Directors Association convention in Vancouver enjoying side trips and a motor trip through the Rockies before flying home Although the Royal Family was there at the same time the Shoemakers didnt get a close look despite being on a ship docked next to the royal yacht Mrs has arrived from Holland to spend a month with her son Jan and his wife Elizabeth and family She will la ter travel to Los Angeles to visit friends The Rev Walter goes back in hospital this week for further treatment The congregation of Churchill church and many friends hope hell be better soon Three men will represent County Department of Social and family services at a convention in Thunder Bay June to 10 Committee chairman Reeve Ron Harris Warden F Oakes and Director Jim Gray will attend the convention dealing with welfare Attending the dinner and annual meeting of the County Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association from here were Warden and Mrs Oakes Mayor and Mrs Duby new president H Hinton and Mrs Hinton board member Mrs Horace Blyth and Mr Blyth Miss Alma Braida Mrs Arbic Mrs Talbot Mr and Mrs Jack Carpenter Mr and Mrs Murray Scoyne and family moved from Ehzabeth Dr home Friday for their new home In Mr formerly Free Press Foreman purchased his home town newspaper the Dominion The have been active in cubs minor sports golf skiing and the Presbyterian church Theyll be missed in many circles and particularly by her relatives the Allans and fellow workers of both Murray and Doris at the Free Press Best wishes of many go with them in their new venture Sylvester Rouse John Arlie White Nino Braida and Denis Gibbons of St Josephs Parish attended the Sacerdotal Jubilee Dinner honoring Bishop Ryan Father Dan Ford and Father Cremmen at the ShcratonConnaught Hotel in Hamilton Sunday The Bishop and Reverend clergymen were celebrating the anniversary of their ordination to the priesthood Other members of the ordination class were the late Father OBrien and the late Father Leo McBride former pastor of St Josephs Acton Father V J Morgan who will be celebrating his jubilee next year will attend a priests dinner for the in Hamilton this Friday Motor trip Hie couple left on motor trip through the States as far south as Mexico Including a few days in the Ozark mountains leaving bride wore a blue pant suit with will to accessories and a gardenia corsage 11 icy are making their homo in Special events A trousseau tea was held at the brides home on March Hi ere were several even Li arranged for bridetobe Mrs A held a miscellaneous shower and buffet supper February Mrs J win hostess for former neighbors of the grooms family at a miscellaneous shower March 12 Mrs A hold miscellaneous shower for friend of bride from when site worked at the Ford Company in on March 14 A linen shower was held at the home of Mrs McKenzio on March the hostesses Knthy and Mrs Jordan llie was taken out for dinner and presented with a wedding gift from fellow employees at Ford in A stag was held for the groom March 27 Cancer Society ends season with dinner By Wendy Thomson facet of living in tho country doesnt pop up too often but when it does its greeted with a big sigh of mingled reproach and pity for a dog with a snoot full of porcupine quills most pitiful sight In tho yeurs weve lived here I dont know how many times weve ourselves with pliers and settled down to a session with ours and neighbours whos been a bit too curious about a porcupine I suppose its the same with most farmers I was at a house one night when that familys dog a big German Shepherd type came home with dozens of quills deeply Imbedded in his muzzle My immediate suggestion was that I run home and send Gord over to lend a hand lady of the house was Quite surprised and said Oh no We can handle this ourselves To tweezer quills When she went into the bathroom and came back with a of her eyebrow tweezers I ung up my hands In despair and left the poor dog to Its fate I dont think Id been home five minutes when the phone rang Do you suppose could come over to help Unfortunately the dog had had enough of the messing around and wouldnt let anyone touch his head so they did the wisest thing and scooted him in to the vets Last year I thought wed have a major session on our hands even though It involved only four This time they were in the velvety muzzle of one of the ponies But Earl Grey just stood there quietly until the dirty deed was undone Second time I wish our hound Sue was that calm when faced with or defaced by quills She came home a few weeks ago looking forlorn with a bristling muzzle That was the second time and most dogs learn the first time so she had cause to look abject We forgave her flattened her out on the floor and prepared to operate Now everyone has heard tales of what to do when faced with a quill but weve yet to find a method that works well Snipping the ends off them to let the air out or turning and twisting them before pulling to flatten the barbs were tried the last tune but with Sue youre lucky to be able to get hold of the quill in the first place let alone play with it for a while In the end she was packed in the truck and hauled to visit Oakes Mil AND MKS Earl Near were married in April In Trinity United church The bride Ib the former van den Brink They are living in Guelph where the groom is with the police force District annual in Acton today Today Wednesday the district annual of the Womens Institute is being held In Acton in Knox Church Acton WI made plans for ISO or more expected or the church are catering Flowers of Hope donations On Tuesday Muy 11 a most successful pot luck supper was held In Church hall for all tains canvassers drivers and activity volunteers who the Canadian Cancer Acton Branch reach over their goal again this year Among the per cent were two most Interesting speakers Minn Doris Brown who Is In of tlie social work department at Princess Margaret Hospital and Mrs Helen Cummins activity convener for Ontario Need for volunteer Miss Brown spoke about the great work of a Cancer Society volunteer She through examples of specific families the need the Cancer Society volunteer She told how the cancer patient often needs someone who will step In and take over not Just driving but being a friend He often needs someone to talk to someone lo tell his troubles to someone who does that little bit extraa bouquet at the right gift smile Its not die big tlilngH but little things at mean a lot Afternoon Auxiliary has good attendance Campaign returns over goal It tun been announced that and areas contribution to Canadian Cancer Society thin year reached over goal Captains can vain em and activity volunteers all expensed pleasure at the he campaign at their dinner Ian I week Mni who always given everyone a lilt congratulated the new activities group for the wonderful work they have been doing during the last year She gave group more client Ideas on tlilngn to make and also some suggestions of different hospitals and homes lo send the articles they have made to in order to best serve tlie cancer patient The Activities Group under the direction of Miss Mary most Interesting display of articles ranging from babys sweater sets stuffed animals and dull furniture to books bed ami socks Anne Norton and her commit ire arranged this very evening Those who to the supper brought lovely novelty gifts for the gift bags Such articles as soaps toothpaste combs coloring hooks and crayons were received A special thank wan expressed to all those donors who wade the campaign so suc- Acton and ureas to lhe Canadian Cancer Society reached Life in Trinidad described to UCW The Job was done In no time with Sue under anaesthetic She was most pathetic being carried back into the house The eighty of her hung limp as a black noodle When Gord arranged her on her rug she looked so defenceless her tongue pulled forward andhanglng out of her mouth Each of the famous cars lay puddled on the floor By the time we went to bed she hadnt twitched a muscle It was well after midnight when we were awakened by a huge crash Sues front half was groggy but up while her back half was quite willing to stay where It was for a while Gord soothed her bedded her back down and came back to bed himself Nursery An hour later there was another crash Finally in order to get a bit of sleep Gord carried Sue in to Davids bed David promptly got up and tottered off to find a spare bed For the next few hours the poor hound thumped around without hanging too much When she finally fell out son Jim took over the nursery care till morning She made quite a sight staggering around the house with a penitent expression the next day Visitors were quick to ask if wed dug up the old still that was reported to have been here at one time I hope shes learned her lesson now but theres no telling really Ijist week she came home after meeting up with a porcupine again This time she must hove played it carefully she had one lone quill in the end of her nose Donations are coming in well in Flowers of Hope campaign with many more returns expected this week Some canvassers arc Just finishing up their districts Anyone who is missed In the doortodoor canvassing is asked to take donations lo the Bank of Proceeds from the Flowers of Hope drive arc for the Association for the Mentally Retarded Local people who benefit from the campaign attend the Sunshine school or adult workshop at Hornby The seeds given in thanks for donations will produce mar igolds tills year Sally Leatherland clubs president held their elec tions naming Sally Ientherland president Lynn Robertson vice- president Anne Perry secretary Margaret Wallis treasurer and Carole Bomans bulletin editor and friendship fund A donation of was made to the for badlyneeded equipment for the boys program Mother Is available for a girls program The Menettes final meeting of this season will be a barbecue in June As hostess In May for the Af ternoon Auxiliary of Knox Church Mrs A welcomed members a very happy occasion as many unable to be out for several meetings due to illness and inclement weather were happy to be present and taking part again The president Miss Isabel Anderson opened the meeting with a poem of Jane Scotts honoring Mot tier and a prayer of Peter Marshall also in honor of Mother Worship service The worship service was convened by Mrs Hassard when Mrs Graham led in reading responslvely Psalm and Mrs a offered prayer Mrs O told of the Book of Luke which the Kev Harris of the Presbyterian Church of Michigan called a Doctors Biography of Christ He spoke of Luke not only as a doctor teacher and Christian gentleman but as an author who brought to our notice so many stones of beautiful happenings that his book has been proclaimed the most beautiful book ever written Hymn singing closed this service Memory mother In the absence of the secretary Miss Clark carried out the work of the secretary and called the roll which was answered by something each remembered of her mother A tea and bake sale by Knox Choir was announced for May when donations of baking would be greatly appreciated After closing the meeting with the singing of I Need Thee Every Hour and a prayer the members enjoyed an hour of fellowship and the dainty lunch provided by the committee A native of Trinidad Mr Fortes told members of Unit 2 of die of Ills homeland their meeting In the church Tuesday afternoon of last week He has lived In Canada for 11 years but pointed out he could reach Trinidad by plane In seven hours The government operated schools are well equipped Children who nans exams tlie age or 11 gel five years free in the schools The English system of education prevails About per cent of the people attend church he said and all classes gel along well on the island English Is the leading language pitch the main export Gift lor baby Mrs Shields introduced him He was thanked for his informative talk and given a gift for his new baby Mrs opened meeting Mrs Dorothy Simmons took the devotions Including a solo Happy Home and Mrs J Ijombert read Scripture The banquet will be Tuesday May On Thursday June a pot luck dinner will be served for all the ladles On June unit will provide luiuh for a of women who lire mostly blind they will te travelling to Mm Shoemaker gave her report on sick and shutins Mm Brooks read a humorous poem on being over Viet Nam lad letters from the adopted boy in Viet Nam were read He and his family have tenefltUfi from llie help and he is able to go on lo school call was answered by members Mm and her group served a lovely lunch and a friendly half hour was spent ARTHUR A JOHNSON or OPTOMETRY MILTON AND ACTON for Detail WEDDING INVITATIONS tun isc invlilionv to nil rue our iruluiks in mm menu anil all the wedding iciewincs Our wedding in 1 Keeps ike iopv protested in luxurious gold Dills Stationery Store Mill St SMART BIRD A man finally bought a parrot at an auction after some very spirited bidding I suppose the bird talks he said to the auctioneer Talks was the reply Hes been bidding against you for an hour 4th LINE FLOWER SHOP miles north of No Hwy on Esquesing 4th Line FEATURING GERANIUMS BEDDING PLANTS BULBS SEEDS ONION SETS Open Days a Week PHONE ACTON 8532739 POTTERY SALE Friday May 21 to Sunday May 30 Sim Road OAK tojm In a 10 to 6 Daily Discontinued Lines Colours Etc Seconds In GoodExcellent Conditions Some Stock Reduction White Oak Ceramics Acton 8531079

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