Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1971, p. 12

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The Free Press Wednesday May 26 Egg prices disastrous will Seek host farm families express opinions for urban youth visits This summer between 3 and urban youth between the ages of and years will visit Ontario farms for a period of one eek and many of them will be tasting their first life on firms Die program was developed by Expert showman gives members hints POSTER CONTEST WINNERS in the competition sponsored by Halton Farm Safety Council were Stephen Stanley 12 left and his brother David Stanley 10 Stephen won the class for club members with a poster on wearing earmuffs on the tractor Davids won the open class for public school students for emphasizing eye safety Staff Photo 50 attend program for summary day By Cathy Beautiful surroundings one of the best Shorthorn herds in North America and the fine hospitality of the hosts were the features of the second meeting of the Acton Calf Club held at Scotsdale Fnrm The meeting waB held on Monday May 10 at with members local leaders Nino Russell Murray Vern Butchers and Bill and assistant Agricultural Representative Hugh Cook present The meeting was opened by President Carol Somervillc who led members in reciting the H Pledge Before Judging an excellent class of twoyear old shorthorn bulls Bill gave a type demonstration Following the reasons of several senior members Bill Lasby gave his official placing He suggested methods of grooming and halter breaking calves in preparation for the all Fairs Mr Emerson Clark an expert showman demonstrated how to show a beef animal Caff club Returning to thc barn the roll call was answered and the minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary Cathy introduced the hosts Mr and Mrs S Bennett the owners Emerson Clark thc manager and George Ridley the herdsman Several plans were made by members and leaders for future meetings in the summer Following a talk given by Carol on Marketing it was suggested that a tour of the Ontario Public Stockyards be arranged After reasons were given by thc remaining members BUI a lesson on Breeds ana Bricdlng to the juniors and Russell Murray taught a lesson on Rations to the Seniors Cook made several announcements before the meeting was adjourned Kuthy thanked thc Bennetts and their staff on behalf of the members and leaders tiinch was then served by the Bennetts assisted by lee Anne Clark Ontario government Inter departmental committee on youth In order to provide a learning experience for youth These young people will experience today rural way of by living with farm family and will develop a greater appreciation for the complexities of food production under present agricultural conditions Need farms Youths from Oakvillc and Burlington will be visiting host farm familks In Halton and North Wentworth Counties About host families will be In this area Itic host families are expected to show thtir way of life to urban youths who might otherwise not have Midi an opportunity the visits for art Anyone wanting to know how they can become involved In this worthwhile proyam as a host family should contact Miss at the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food office 181 Main Milton By Mrs Bannister Summary Day for the Home Economics Branch project Accessories For The Home was held at HiHcrcst United Church Trafalgar Road recently About women attended the proiyim which was presented by the five participating groups Campbellvillc Silverwood and Scotch Block Mrs William Webb of Campbellvillc was chairman for the afternoon Badges were presented to thc local leaders in recognition of the time and effort they had put into the successful completion of the course in ther communities The leaders were Mrs Webb and Mrs S Cramp of Campbellvillc Mrs of Mrs H Chester and Mrs Murray of Mrs Marctungton and Mrs N Anderson of Georgetown and Mrs and Mrs H Robertson of Milton Demonstration To review some of the information covered in the project and demonstrated of accessories on a book case and on a table respectively showed samples of carpet draperies and upholstery which made an color scheme for a living room The Silverwood group which was composed of members from Lunchouse and also displayed several hand hooked rugs Their Mrs Anderson dismissed importance of rugs as ac cessories members spelled out the word iccessones with rhymes about the principles and elements of design of the five groups also set up an attractive display of decorator cushions which they had for their homes Miss Jean Armour Home Furnishings Specialist for the Home Economics Branch of thc Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food attended thc summary Day program She had conducted training school for leaders in last March Miss Armour showed a number of slides which illustrated popular color schemes and home accessories for the 1070 Mrs Bannister Home Economist for Halton Peel Counties was in charge of arrangements for summary day Other courses available from the Home Economics Branch include Ontario Fruit Batik and The Knack of Sewing with Knits Point out good characteristics By BUI Stokes The second meeting of the Halton Holstein Calf Club whs held on Wednesday May at thc farm of Claude Picket Georgetown Thc meeting was opened with the Pledge and the members answered the roll call be naming the sire of their calf Some of the deslreablc characteristics of a good dairy cow were pointed out by the leader Jeff Nurse Everyone judged a class of caws and gave good reasons on their placements Ford then taught the lesson on Milk Recording and Body Type and everyone answered a quiz Lunch was served and Mr and Mrs Picket were thanked for their hospitality JOHNSON DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY MILTON AND ACTON Sm Directory for Farmers want nonreturnable bottles banned Request the Onturio government to implement and enforce legislation to control ind eliminate the dijCardmi of bottles on our roadsides flints what deleeitcs to thc Ontario Federation of Agricultures 1066 convention resolved to do And that what Can learn gardening at home By Burke McNeill did I the next year J Or A requested the government to introduce controls eminent as yet last Murray member of the legislature for Huron Bruce introduced a J member tall calling for the banning of nonreturnable bottles That bill died on the order I He introduced the same bill this session It received first reeling Mnj 1971 I have received letters of support from all across the province he of his bill run over these bottles on the road and cut Ihetr car and tractor tires They j that they cut up the teats and J Gardening enthusiasts can I appreciate the support that knowledge by w enrolling in the home direa nsV Gaunt gardeners course offered M Energy Minister George correspondence the Mt University of The only Council to requirement is an interest in the problem bud vice president J Taking one subject a month for Wall recently I hope that nine months the student will he concern generated by lCai rt and Gaunt stimulate material and how to handle It for government action best results An assignment Is to cope with this due at the end of each monthly is needed by I irnurs Nonreturnable bottles horticulturist will evaluate and must be banned in this province comment on the paper Considerable reading is required from thc course I textbooks and from bulletins and leaflets included with the Winners at the L0 L euchre at assignments Later this material Corners ladies high will provide ladies low j gardening reference library Debbie men high Dave Further Information can be men s low obtained by writing to Office lone hands Mae Con Education University of door prize Yvonne Guelph Ontario Dewar Ready for the road THE ALL NEW DATSUN 1200 at NORTH END B P MILTON its loaded with noextracost extras By Henry J Stanley who have registered with the egg rhe Farm Products Marketing and f producers marketing Board announced that approval board will be prepared and all has been given to a request by the producers who have not yet and Producers registered are urged to do so in Marketing Board for on order to qualify for a ballot expression of opinion on proposed During the past year egg major amendments to the egg prices have been at disastrously and fowl producers marketing low levels resulting In high plan losses in almost all poultry The proposed amendments operations include authority for the egg producers board to control and blue regulate marketing of eggs in lodge opening The new training lodge at Blue Springs scout reserve will be officially opened this Saturday The Hon Welch minister of education will take part In the ceremonies and it only costs Ths On economy car A sharp door ns but small on cuts It to adults and you performance up to m les from a gallon and alt the extras are equipment New 1200 just you more lor your money any other small car II a tact Test drive Datsun at NORTH END B P nATCIIM St DATSUN SALES SERVICE 23S BASE LINE ROAD MILTON Ontario through marketing quotas price setting and the pooling of return for overquota ems All producers entitled to vote it must be registered with tlit board to establish their eligibility B alio ttln will be by mill and Is expected to take I luce Hie liter of June propose amendments will he with producers at information which will be held across the province by the fowl pro board Detail available Details of proposed amendments and procedures will he mailed by the 1arm Marketing Board to all registered producers prior to lists of producers POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL of High Engrav 1 1 J fpfffj Si STATIONERY CLEARING SPECIALS SCM ELECTRIC ADDING MACHINES ONLY DEMONSTRATORS 7050 EACH SENTRY SECURITY BOXES A Fire Resistant Box for Storing Your Valuable Papers 3 Styles To Choose From B 1 Reg Now B4 Reg Now C Reg Now Woo SPECIAL UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS Office Type Reconditioned ONE ONLY sot ONE ONLY CALL EARLY ON THESE forget Fathers Day Sunday SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF CARDS GIFT WRAP fit PHOTO ALBUMS White and Colors 00 BRIDES BOOKS Terrific Selection 3 One and Five Year DIARIES Several Colors from GUEST REGISTERS White and Colors Several Slies JCOO BABY BOOKS Good Choice WRITING PAPER HASTI NOTES Large Selection GIBSON EVERYDAY CARDS ACARDF0EVE8T SHEAFFER BALL PENS A Wide Selection For Gift or Personal Use PERSONAL ADDRESS Personalized Stationery Envelopes MOO DO sheets paper for olher styles at various prices

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