Pfoas July 1971 from world of sport by Denis Gibbons Competition Is apparently becoming too keen for certain players on the Ram Junior and juvenile lacrosse teams who have demonstrated they care leas about their teams welfare by going whenever tltcy feel like it Junior Rams made the trip to Niagara night minus eight regulars four of whom had failed to inform coach Bruce Sears they wouldn be able to make it As rtsult Rams dressed only 11 players and took a shellacking though the 1 on hand gave It their best shot Monday night juvenile coach Mike Cooper counted only nine heads when the team was rendy to leave the community centre for their game in Rcxdale although signed playing certificates Result was that the garni had to be defaulted since 0 M rules compel a team to drt is at IN SPITE OF A last minute effort by Ted Rom nob Turkos beat Niagara goalie Dob Taylor fnr his Acton pec woes earned their second straight tie with ville teams in house league lacrosse action at community centre last night Tuesday Craig Jordan scored three of the four Acton goals Mark Morrison netted the other All three teams truvel to Tuesday July Expo camp Boys interested In out for the Montreal Expos will have Jeff Mark scored twice for the the to do at a amp visitors Singles went tc July at JO Sidle and Lewis will be held at the same Acton novices won their game park Onkville Junior ant Bantam name was cancelled Senior Parte uu for norm field when Oukvilie did not have boy interested art itec lo enough players try out Elora Mohawks scalp Rams Mohawks whipped Acton Hums 18 in the first meeting between the two teams in Elora night The rouh and tumble contest produced total of penalties including five majors Mohawks served lb of the sentences Fall apart Rams allowed their hosts to waltz in on Turkosz almost will in the final two periods after holding them down to a M first period Mohawks went on the scoring warpath with seven in each of the second and third periods Best plavcr on the floor was Mohawks who scored seven goals puked up three assists and an excellent defensive Other Flora scorers were- Black with four John with three and Bill wiUi two each and Dow with one ton Hams sien tin lust power keel Nlnituru Warriors for this and It not too soon to suit couch Stun and his Hit drill place Warriors who lost only one fiumi In 17 lead over Mlssissauga PCX to hix points by whipping the damn In Nlugurii Saturday and here Monday night in front of IH Acton fans Hams were libit to stay reasonably close to the Warriors for two of thric periods in both nines but simply lockid the Inns mid itamlna to mutch m for minutt s I all behind r arriving lati for s and tin warm up Hams fell in first pi nod Only players lie ssi for the cunic I our players were without re son at played i well In final two pi holding the Warriors to 1 7 advantage players who did show up it their be t effort and frustrated sharpshooters with persistent In thi second period leader Mike in padded his total by scorinj sevi and assisting on fivi more Will Walker and led both bucked hat tricks winners Bill Hope and Reg Andres two and 1urch llaiiuii and Jirr 1lkuIi1i added s Mlki Mai Milluiil mined for lull lloh Hob in neon players Tor each game Worse that there s a good the season during Monday night s Niagara chance the team will be suspended by the M A Funny thing about the juniors disappearing act Is that always seems to happen when they ve got a game the first place Warriors With the exception of one or two players who had to keep job commitments all players were on hand to make the trip to Windsor three weeks ago where Rams hung a 204 beating on the inexperienced Olympics the opportunity of fattening up individual scoring totals against Inst place club is more alluring than trying to knock the league leaders off their pedestal with a it effort Warriors are it topnotch Junior club and tough to bent at the best of times its true but they do stick to playing lacrosse in spite of the fact they have plenty of players big enough to start roughing it up when they want to In Monday nights game here the were tagged with only three minor penalties something almost unheard of in a sport as rugged as lacrosse We must conclude therefore that players missing the RamNiagara games should have no fenr of getting racked up unnecessarily and if they they should forget about playing the game and turn in their gear so that somebody who s interested can use it We d much rather see the team lose by four or five grails to a club as good as Niagara than see a few players rub their hands in glee because they hnd a scoring field day a team like Windsor As for the juveniles most of them could use a few lessons in the basics of respect and common courtesy If they didn t want to ploy lacrosse they should hnve said so In May instead of wasting the time and money of a group of interested organizer- until now For the of these men and the nine interested players let hope the 0 M L A will allow the team to continue Coach Cooper reports there plenty of interested players in tlie Erin area who will jump at the chance to play tie again lory Other players In the picture are Niagaras Rill Hope and Rums Bob Waller 0 and y Staff Rams bid fond farewell to highscoring Warriors Ken Swan hurls to win Ken hurled a mat two linn and Gary Shatters to hi Men divided the our Acton tend Alton Held a Gulf liils evenly them lo con vine ini IM vii lary over Marvin lurry villa in liultiniiii and Ken game hem lut1 Wednesday ill gilt Swan all twice Young Swan fluid only At 101 bailers in the seven inning He first 11 batters he faced before Bob readied base on an SOTTUOII error In was lo steal by Alton idler Tom JUaldtrutlnn or lMi Only two came in llie sixth when they I scored tbLir run park afthall diamond lonlght tripled and Hob Many walk ITHirHiliiy I Ihty miHiuged only Kit fur girls been working out r the super walks by Mm Tom and ury and Jim hut there Keitii scored ilnily mure four llinralnltn onci In Nuinbtr will iiijiid in thi fourth ilijMiid on lla iiumlnr of I How Luii ins of tut in while Miiicmix third was for liirkai also lariiidfimi colli ill d tin I i- lloas two mid Warriors 1 1 Juveniles default game to Rexdale Ham win fori id di fault thur to for thi Monday whin of only nun a It to lib up to Hit to Hi Ah a rt Hit has pi dili Until r rulis tiaiiis of 11 r- for li to Up and hi knowi of lux a all of tin mill It ihli tin li tin will In by tin A fir five Nan aim i in of Hit Holtby silences Barber bats Bob fired five Acton Craig Bob Bob shot singles Mike earned four assists Craig picked up two and Paul Cooper Bob Andrews collected one apiece Dive Cooks Ilj returned to the Ham lineup after missinc with in injury Juvenile Coker also dressed Lion Acton uicy tender delicious Norva Met John Holtby almost single defeated Pete In a County Softball league yuni in Glen Williams last night husky righthander gave up only three hits struck out Acton batters and accounted for a third of his team hits with a pair of and a pair of doubles in five at bats He retired the last 11 men he faced Second Holtby up only a second double to Bell Anderson third inning single to and a sixth single to Phil in posting his second win in as many starts against the locals tallied one run two in the third one in the fifth one in the seventh and broke loose for seven runs in the as Acton committed three errors BUI drove in three of the runs with a bases loaded triple Extra base blows I of the Norval hits went for extra bases Bill Dwyer and Nell aided with a and a triple each singled twice Bill doubled and Jason fields sini led Vittiin of the and shoddy f icldiiu by his was righthander Usher Usher struck out six walked three and hit one Barbers booted ball five tunes Barbers host first place at Prospect Park tomorrow pW in Williams nijht mid take on here luesduy Jul 1 the lost two of their Itsl Moffat squirts still have a fine record of four wins two losses and a tic in the lriuntj league Moffat lift 11 runners on base in a J tie I Moffat took an Pet FAMILY of Si 439 PARTY CHICKEN SNACK Milton nips Roadrunners Milton bantams edged Acton Canadian Tire in minor baseball last Wed nesdi night Holmes scored Acton run in the second uininj Milton picked up in the third and fourth inning pitched Milton to the win while Bill was tagged with the loss fanned nine batters Holmes had two for the loculs David Allan Barn Payne and Mike Fletcher had one apiece Nelson had two hits for Milton 85 SPECIAL PAK Pieces Flavor Chicken Ready 239 NEW CHAR PIT Steak on the Bun Hamburgers Special Burgers Hot Dogs French Fries PHONE And Your Order Will Be Prepared For Pick up Open Weekdays day Saturday Sunday DRIVEIN CORNER ACTON BLVD AND QUEEN ST IN ACTON BEST DEAL ANYWHERE H A L T o T O Y O T A LIMITEI OF 1S00 MODELS Division of Holton Truck Sales Limited JUST NORTH OF HWY 8262931 8784365 Turk tops mark Hums win st to the bin I With a full lonlinMUt of players in Monday nielli Itann inn In I only IiiU hi Warriors d our mi Is in a row in tin span ss Hi in Hun Up to jMiiiit en Win lor by tin downs It 1 drives football star at llluiui jllii was lli lurkh didn I until Hit 1 minute mark of final 1 rule twice for Alton MiCulloh arid mil were Hob and mil iwoiihsisLs wi lo orje M Unit lions MikcMirioux Hariris lor if r ru find four Alilo ovi 111 Will Walkr arid Andres two aril Hob I and fed drevis one Pint Hill Ixilh ways In t in the not was by far mildest of year as far as iiiltits win Hon I- inn laid Murray undid out only mm minors six to Acton arid three to HAM Hams allies in next five days Mohawks ben tomorrow I flight hod Missiisaui a Monday July and play in following July early lead but let up allowed fjimhouw to tic score In fifth Only a determined effort by prevented I from scoruif the winnira run the final inning Hie following Moffat dropped a irrow 87 decision to in a well played game squirts scored runs in the last three inn in as to upset Moffdt Monday June leamcuptuin llol point over leamuie Mike Marcoux In the Acton individual hies and in 17 quints for lofl second with Still thi Win Is and IB for 48 points A coinph of Hams Ned Any women lutireNlid In mil tin urn a anktt In Im hi park if tlu A ii Minor Hast bull Ass originally iiluinml tht girls ploy liardbull liul then they Id to Wild II I WI ler ampin llvillt Mi rehuntii suliilifii Mill boll on in lh Million lliisttwll by off mid an I In Mil units i Mipli I a lOJ in list Wdiuviay our runs In the I ninth tu upset It in ampbillvllli San lay ill rnoon MiPhull who buds the I in in noun tin wiiuiliij run Sua lay now won nix 1 lust fivi take on slim in tin Sonify it Vi REGISTRATIONS for ACTON PARKS RECREATION SUMMER PLAYGROUND and SWIMMING INSTRUCTION WILL BE ACCEPTED ST THE Community Centre each afternoon until Friday July 9th registration fees 4 per child up a maximum of 7 per family SWIMMING INSTRUCTION FEES per student up to a maiimum j of per family COMBINATION PLAYGROUND and SWIMMING FEE Maximum of per family Playground will be held to every al from under the supervision ot Miss Mary Ann SWIMMING INSTRUCTION will be provided for both children and adults on Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays by Miss Wendy Bell upon application times will be PLEASE NOTE There will be FREE swimming for children in the wading pool each afternoon Moil Fa from 4 until