Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 7, 1971, p. 8

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a The Acton Press Wednesday July Special meeting on OWRC proposals proposed water and sewage system will be a subject of a special meeting at the village town hall Thursday afternoon July with re of the Ontario Water Resources Commission Council the Trustee Board and and Area Association Invited to attend The meeting has been by trustee board chairman Don Hilts to review the present plans and discuss alternatives to them proposed various other meetings Major objections to the OWRC proposals have come from the Ratepayers Association which has pinpointed cost and possible pollution of the Ernmosa River as areas where they feel more Information was needed The meeting Is closed to the press public Mess should be cleaned Councillor J C Mtlntyre bewildered and wee bit angry with the Department of and Forests cut poles on the Town Line and left a massive pile of wood chips and debris when they were finished It seems strange one government department sees fit to organize roadside and creek and another docs just opposite Mr Mclntyresald They should be told to darn well clean It up he advised township council carry your gun so that ONE TWO lick and another Grade one class enjoys t of a perfect term with a line up at the local ice Cathy VanRhijn Church and Murphy carries the hunter controls the crunch away In front of Laurie Kevin muzzle if he stumbles or Corinne Gooyers and Ruth Stump trips Its cold turkey at Harding farm Unknown stalks turkeys Comins and Saturday was a delightful fresh scene at the home of Mr and berries A report from Roy Harding of 1 Rockwood notified Township Council that within the last two weeks approximately ZOO range turkeys have attacked and left lying mutilated In the open fields The Hording family Mr and Mrs Harding and five sons have been living on the farm belonging to Mr George Gray for the past six years with Mr Roy Harding acting in a managerial capacity of the 1G bird turkey farm during which time there been few problems of animal attacks Bobcat wolves council uncertain Last yeir a small number of turkeys had been killed but not enough to warrant concern Approximately two weeks ago however Mr Harding discovered that larger numbers were being slain and not consumed Suspect dogs The Department of Lands and Forests were notified and it is suspected that dogs in the area arc the culprits The suggestion of coyotes considered was gen orally ruled out as it Is the nature of the wolf only to kill when Speculation Council over the Identity of the animal or animals which has killed turkeys at the Harding arm half mile north of Rock wood ranged from wolves and dogs to bobcats Dot controller George Martin attended the meeting where council decided owners the birds should take more precautions to protect them If the township was going to accept any Mr Martin the manager Mr Harding had left his tractor running all one night in one and put radios in another in attempts to scare the stealthy away Scaring not Mr Harding said he wanted to get at the source of the trouble He thought scaring the intruders away from the form the since they would only go somewhere else and start again The dog controller also kept council informed on the latest provincial regulations about the impounding of dogs for hours He suggested dogs he caught in the performance of his duties could be lodged at private kennels for a day for the three day period and then bought by the of for if unclaimed for claiming a dog now Is It was suggested the fee be raised to discourage residents letting dogs run at large necessary to consume the food requires Traps hive been set in the wooded area behind the Fifth Line farm by Land and Forest officials as well as ones set by the local farm manager The present flock of turkeys receiving the most consistant number of attacks are those raised by the Hardings from small chicks born in May Two other groups which Mr Harding has raised since they were eight weeks old bred from a different farm have also been attacked and with Thursday expectancy of the arrival of 000 chicks to be housed in the barn for Christmas fowl the flagrant killings of the birds adds greater responsibilities to the form management The township council has assured Mr and Mrs Harding that an investigation will hopefully uncover the matter and owners of animals responsible for the wanton killings penalized providing of course that more precautions are taken by the owners Otherwise the council will deny liability for the damages incurred At the present time protection for the birds is wire fencing with in some cases double fencing through which the marauders have found ways of making entry MARY CHRISTEENA COULSON daughter of Mr and Mrs Hunter Coulson of Street is a recent graduate of the St Mary s General Hospital School of Nursing in Kitchener Ontario A graduate of Public School and John F Ross Collegiate Mary will continue to stay on at St Mary s and is presently employed in the Staff Emergency Centre Mrs Earl Brown of Rockwood when family members gathered together to visit chat renew acquaintances and reminisce Mr and Mrs Neil Gordon from Sarasota Florida former residents of and Guelph vacationed with their daughter Mrs Sybil Gordon and family of this past week and the family reunion was planned in conjunction with the visit A tour of the Academy a picnic lunch on the lawn and a of knockout ball was included in the festivities in which many local and former were included Mr and Mrs Ben of Mr and Mrs Ross Gordon and family of Mr and Mrs Arnold Sinclair and family of Miss Bessie Gardner of Guelph and Mrs K Morrison of Guelph were those attending from the vicinity and from a distance came other family members including Mr and Mrs John Hosking and family of Oakvllle Mr and Mrs S and family from St Catharines and Mr and Mrs Wes and family also of St Catharines Fat juicy succulent and only JO shcckels per quart for the pick your own strawberries at the Richard Halliburton farm on R Everybody it jamming that is so hike on down to Halliburton s and do your own thing all that required is spare time energy an appetite for mouth Eramosa council questions Line engineering costs Cram a township council thinks fees for the proposed Fourth Line diversion around Conservation urea ire too high At Monday regular meeting of council the subject arose when sheets wen passed round the council table with detailed projection on costs for the project Total cost is estimated at 000 with Eramosa share amounting to Grants amounting to 80 per cent arc available to the township the cost vation Authority bears the remaining share of the diversions cost but grants are not so liberal for them Is high Successful bidder on the project was Cavasin Construction with a price of 125 which the Grand River Conservation has approved it was decided to ask if Authority Township council studied costs had more information on the project which explained the stamp of approval ARTHUR A JOHNSON OPTOMETRY MILTON AND ACTON i Directory for and there was almost mutual agreement that engineering costs of 000 high It is our liege to enquire Warren Parkinson reminded council and after u several minutes more discussion how D P it was decided to pursue the matter further before giving the project their approval Council wondered why the Con Authority had not questioned engineering fees and ROCKWOOD DAIRY BAR Window Service Takeout CORRECTION Special on Sundaes Applied only on MONDAY JULY 5th Special on Banana Splits Applied only o TUES JULY Sorry for Any Inconvenience DECORATION DAY ceremonies at recently honored the dead of two wars and the many interred in the well kept village cemetery Acton Firefighters Norm Price and Lloyd were among those taking part Photo by Don Hilts Drop In at Elderly Citizens home in this weekend and you 11 find Sherry Guild of Brady Street visiting with Yvonne Noble of Street Yvonne Noble is spending the summer working at the home but Sherry will be back In town come Friday It a great and congratulations to Mary Coulson from her many friends Mary Is a community spirited gal who before leaving the village for her nursing course made many contributions to local activities She has been missed while away from but everyone sends their best wishes for the girl who graduated on May Nice going Mary we re proud of you Traffic jams hinder Dept People hurrying on foot and in cars to gather at the scene of fires is proving a hindrance to the Eramosa fire department making it difficult to carry out duties as efficiently as the brigade Is capable A was recently printed requesting the operation of the public in avoiding traffic problems at fires The parking space at the fire hall when an alarm rings is also presenting delay problems for the firemen trying to get on the job and Eramosa Fire Chief Carl Meadows reminds residents that under Section of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act Part 2 No driver of a vehicle shall follow a fire department vehicle when responding to an alarm at a distance of less than feet Chief Meadows also referred to Act No c 172 S80 which stipulates that any vehicle blocking a road or driveway can be charged with obstruction William PHOTOGRAPHY Waddings Pa port Industrial Portraits PHONE 8532269 SCHOOLS OUT but ice cream cones are always In Celebrating with their Grade one class of the Rockwood Cen tennial School are Vicky Eddie Scott and Paul Hudson with Anne and Randy Schocnfcld in the background Photos by Sandy Root Occasions Cut Flowers Polled Plants Funeral Arrangements Corsages Etc a Week B I Dark Phona WE WIRE FLOWERS ANYWHERE Caroline Flower Garden Shop TWO WEST OF ACTONSOUTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY ACTON FABRIC CENTRE 13 MILL ST E ACTON SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE OFF ALL MATERIALS CRIMPLENE wide reg COTTON KNITS PANT SUITS LINGERIE BLOUSES NOW UP TO SEE OUR REMNANT SELECTION DENIM CRIMPLENE ASSORTED COTTONS VACATION NEEDS AVAILABLEAT s 5 to Store HOW INTRODUCING Baby Scott Disposable Diapers Baby Scott Panties Newborn Regular Extra Absorbent CHILDRENS LADIES- MENS SM 33 PAIR PAIR PAIR SUN TAN LOTIONS Tanning Butter Quick Tanning Etc A complete line for the sun bather Beach Toys Swim Rings Beach Balls Air Mattresses Swimming Pools Swim Suits Bathing Caps Beach Towels Swim Fins Swim Masks PICNIC SUPPLIES Cups Plates Coasters Barbecues Barbecue Tools Fire Starter Fluid

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