Launch tennis club for Rockwood Eramosa A new idea was launched last Monday evening at the St John Anglican parish hall Rockwood It was spearheaded by the enthusiasm of three young village girls whose greatest ambition is to play tennis on their own local courts Marian Marion and Sherry Guild Incorporated the interest of many other young people also that of a number of adults resulting in the formation of a tentative steering committee which will consider the feasibility and possibility of an Eramosa Tennis Club with the ball park skating area to be used as Its home base attend Heavy costs weighed against numbers of potential players in the district were the people present at the meeting but the attitude of a tennis club even if an outside court has to be utilized showed the general enthusiasm of those attending Considerations of Immediate tames for those wishing to get right on with It had to be shelved as many players did not have rackets However at a meeting which will be held on Monday August It is hopeful that the steering committee will have some answers Six people were appointed to the group who will endeavor to notify advertise and rally all the necessary financial assistance with possible fee structures set as for Junior members 18 years of age and under Seniors at and a family playing for per annum Ross of Sports Equipment Co was present at the meeting and gave as a suggested cost for three tennis courts for the township park in as that of which would include nets removcable standards outside fencing lines painted m and the asphalting of the playing area with the standards removeablc during the winter months for hockey and free skating Mi said that the courts would not be damaged with freezing for the ice surface Appoint committee The to be or cannot be s will be Ironed out by the committee composed of Marian Sherry Guild Sandy Hudson and Lorraine Root of Village Jim Gordon of R and Anna Marie Bell of Eden Mills Anna Marie was appointed chairman of the steering group and during the next three weeks contact will be made with as many residents as possible to ascertain the number of potential players In the district willing to commit themselves to a membership fee Eden Mills and will be canvassed Individually and those people In the more rural areas contacted hopefully by newspaper ad vertlslng and radio The committee welcomes the support of all those Interested In home area playing courts With costs such a great feature in the future of the club it must be established whether tennis court ace worth while from the standpoint of membership in a club capable of carrying its own weight financially At the August meeting it Is expected that a brief will be drawn based on the troup findings for presentation to the Eramosa Recreation Committee outlining the plans of the committee and requesting whatever assistance is required for financing On the upswing Curious is the fact that tennis is once again on the upswing Approximately eight years ago it was a sport under but according to the statistics stated by Ross Doswell it has been building up in popularity during the past three with many schools now including the ancient net taniL on its curriculum of sports activities Numerous new clubs have started up and although it is a motivated towards youth it is also one which is great for conditioning social activity and leisure time for those of Present at the potential Tennis Club first mcetlnf were Dale and I Hamilton Carolyn and Barbara Sandy and Robin Root B rend a and McLaren Holman Marion Guild Jim Gordon Man in and Nancy Ann i Marie Bell bandy and Audrey Hudson Root and also Ross from Toronto Oily rood like says reeve Complaints about the oily condition of the Third Line between Highways 24 and were viewed with equanimity by members of township council at Mondays meeting Reeve Warren said one charged the township dumped a boatloid of oil on the road and made it is slippery as sin The road wis when you put brakes on you started headin for the rhubarb Any truth to the complaint that the road received any more than normal treitrncnP the reeve asked of road superintendent Bob Hamilton One said he used a whole pail of liquid determent to clean his car after travelling on the Third Line No dust The road superintendent pointed out condition now were far preferable to when the road was untreated and dust was really flying He said the road had a normal application of oil the road crew had only tone over points where the roid needed ding There is no dust now he said and the reeve acknowledged the road now was almost like a Later in the meeting the roid superintendent and his assistant were authorized to attend school in Drayton inches rain fell in June The Acton Free Press Wednesday July 7 1971 TENNIS ANYONE Three young hopefuls who attended last Mondaj nights Tennis Club meeting at the St Johns Pariah Hall are Marian Marion Guild and Nancy Coulson They practice overhand drives in anticipation of days on Rockwood courts Photo by Lorraine Suspect marijauna but just weed grows in park KEEP IN THE SWIM WITH WATER SAFETY H S HOLDEN Cork St East GUELPH TA was allayed recently when the O P unit announced its findings on a weed suspected of being nunjuana which grows heartily in the Conservation strangers manned with plastic bags were seen great quantities of uncultivated plant crops strongly the mustard weed with yellow petals and orange centres Officials at the park were alarmed as to the motivition of the posy pilferers fearing that It might be the hemp plant which had possibly been seeded sometime earlier Common weed Investigation by the and the P through the University of Guelph laboratory technicians revealed however that the was a common weed grown In North America and Asia which was not harmful if eaten or smoked Although It bears a strong resemblance to the marijuana plant Its users could not expect a lift from It or any other reaction except that of the usual one of of leaves of any garden variety plant Recent applications of poison ivy weed killer in the area were not expected to enhance its appetizing flavor or value as nourishment RENT A CASCADE HOT WATER HEATER Just 75 AT ACTON HYDRO ALICE STREET 4th LINE FLOWER SHOP miles north of No Hwy on Esquesfng 4tti Line FEATURING GERANIUMS FUSCHIA BEGONIAS Open 7 Days a Week PHONE ACTON 8532739 ACTON PHARMACY HAS ALL TOUR HOLIDAY NEEDS Pepsodent Reg or Mint TOOTH PASTE 83 V05 regoily dry SHAMPOO 93 Right Guard oz DEODORANT 88 BUFFERIN 57 ALKA SELTZER 61 HAIR SPRAY Vaseline oz vaseline Petroleum Jelly Listen ANTISEPTIC 67 TEMPERATURES IN THE HIGH s attracted swarms Area beach on the weekend This photo was taken about 3 of swimmers and sunbathers to the Conservation Siturday afternoon Staff Photo Ask Hydro move its substation install major lines underground By Mrs George Burt had inches of rainfall for the month of June which kept tilings growing Mr anil Mrs harry Scott I itteniied a dinner party at I Terra Cotta with friends from I iftrwtsnlle and London to help I celebrate their wedding anniversary Congratulations Mr Mrs Scott Mr and Mrs George Burt entertained the Burt at their home on Sunday for a picnic lunch About members of the fimilj ittcndcd Mr and Mrs James Bailey returned home from a holiday I ramos i Council is decided to to consider mount the present substation to the mill pond on St to point north of the r They also it feed lines proposed for should lie died underground Die resolution emerged from discussion ibout the proposed power line Ontario Hydro has proposed from to Acton alone the tricks power would also be boosted by tapping into the line at a point near the railway crossing Is r i councillors it the picture would be more if Ontario Hj moved the up lo the tracks r it her than tryinj to transport power on poles down the main business section to its present site Screw up scale Although his pi ins for wooden poles without erossirms Councillor Dick s the effect would still be so it would screw up the se ilc of the Councillor Rill council put but In ir constructing like some cities where resemble i house If should balk it these consider Mr Strong suli ill frl line should underground He scoffed it Hydro claims about the cost factor noting they had been claiming this for years Deputy Reeve Dune McPhedran advocated council Like a strong stand on the question since wires down the MnnM Rockwood would be very unsightly I suspect said Reeve Parkinson after the resolution passed That we II 1 i to hive another meeting with Hydro AB SUPERMARKET 9 MILL ST Canada No ACTON Fresh Loin Pork Chops BROWN N SERVE CHOPS 8530650 75 Can No Fresh Side SPARE RIBS 65 Swifts 3 lb av Dinner Hams Town Club No Side Bacon Pork Liver 25 Dole Tins Save Pineapple Juice 3 oz Tins Save sm CORN Tulip 12 Tins Save Luncheon Meat 3 s Pantry Shelf Save lie PEACHES tins 2 79 oz Jars Save 20c DILL PICKLES 69 New 32 Bottle Save 33c Ajax Bleach 2 33 French 16 iars save 23c MUSTARD 2 39 Grade A Mediurr EGGS 2- FRESH PRODUCE DAILY Our Produce Arrives Fresh Dally at the Lowest Possible Prices Prices effective July 78 10 lb tin Save Strawberry Quik 39 Chase Sanborn Save 30c COFFEE lb Bag Blue Bonnett lb Pkg Margarine 99 Heinz 15 Bottles Save 23c KETCHUP 2