Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1971, p. 11

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Vacation Bible School example of harmony The Acton Freo Wednesday July 14 FT OUTSIDE on the church steps the happy exuberant children gathered for a final pic hire of the five day Bible School which was held at Barrie Hill Photos by Lorraine By Lorraine Root Friday July the final day when a group of crazy exuberant children said goodbye to their bible school teachers and began making their own summertime plans According to the children and those in charge of this years Vacation Bible School It was a wonderful success and with a membership of the average attendance during the five day session was 112 The theme Jesus speaks to Our World yive a great scope Held at Hill United Church under tin direction of Rev H minister and the Sunday School Superintendent the Inter denominational Sunday school which Included children from and Nlchol Townships was organized primarily to benefit children from the ages of to Stuff A staff of 26 adults and teenagers assisted In each Comins and Goins ITS ALL OVER NOW and happily enjoying the prospect of relaxing again are seven of the young leaders of the community school In front are Wendy Martin of R Betty of R R 4 and Lynn Gray 14 of Guelph Second row Alice Fair 13 R 5 Rock wood Jean Gray R R 4 Rockwood and Louise Fair of R R 5 In back is Beverly Smellier SCHOOL is almost over and children crowd around craft teacher Mrs Spicer of Fergus as she sprays some of the Borne Hill Vacation School handicrafts with special metallic fixative Enjoying witching the completion of their handiwork are Beverley Campbell Jane Martin Dean Boles Elizabeth Thomas Craig Thring Marian Dunk in the back row Second row shows Hugh Husband Nancy Came Melanie Parkinson Lynn Mrs Spicer and Natalie Wheeler with Dale Dunk chuckling in the front row Bruises ribs in collision images totalled when James Atwood 17 of and of collided on Hw near on the weekend Mr Matlio was taken to Milton District Hospital suffering from bruised ribs but was later ised Milton investigated the mishap epidemics will be serious in Eastern Canada in 1971 Noise It around but keep it low community of is a farewell presentation for At and Alice Nit hoi two very special members of our community who are soon to irk into a future in another town this is our Invitation and you will be welcomed to attend on Saturday July at the Rock wood Centennial School when Open House will be held for the entire community residents from until J m after which a dance will be held make it Al and Alice Night in the village with the ladies all a paper plate of and the their humor and a bie smile The committee would appreciate a tokenji popular couple whose genuine interest and contributions to this community never be me us know for sure if you II be there PhonL the numbers of or before July this would be a ereat help to committee to plan ahead If you a contribution but cannot attend worry not just Junior Farmers to entertain at Ontario Place More than 350 Junior Farmers from across Ontario including from Wellington County ire busy with rehearsals for their show at Ontario Place Carol Thomson Nancy Gordon and John Gordon Rockwood Ivel and Barbara Whittaker H irnston Judy Ariss and Arnold Mount will comprise the Wellington contingent Backbone of the show will be voice choir Junior from different countries have been rchcirsinL in locil groups and two before their per choir members will travel to Toronto for final rehearsals with director Bridshiw Junior ire dancers Scottish dancers and pipers will entertain Busloads of friends rehtivcs of Ontario Junior irmers plan to ike of it it Place attending the perform met it m Hot tires lests shown in it tires under verse conditions in reieh itures hotter water The Ontario Safety says that it high speed under inflated tires can top degrees centigrade call the same numbers via telephone everyone will be ejad to collect I Mrs Alice Hilts daughter Mrs jimbert and grandson Shawn left by jumbo let Sunday for a two week visit with a niece and nephew in Vancouver They will from there to California where they plan to stay few days with Mrs Hilts nephew and his wife before return hit home by SOMEONE HAS to do the dirty work Inside David Burnett of R R No 3 Rock wood is enjoying his job of cleaner upper as he vacuums up some of the plastic pieces used for stuff ing Various tpcs of weevils eat terminal buds and cause trees to fork Tannin for tanning leather was extracted from tamarack bark by Canadian pioneers NEIGHBOR SNACK BAR Main St No Hwy Rockwood WEEKEND SPECIAL Fish Chips 75 activities and a pattern of con was day depending on the day ksson A sing sone and a film strip or story was routine for the after which they divided into classes to enjoy Bible Study and workbook assign mints The program which sharply at 0 a m until 11 was occasionally by recesses and other breaks At cookies and refreshments took over for the students and the teachers enjoyed dally coffee- breaks Returning to their various groups which had been set up according to the children then worked on handicrafts and many amazing pieces were showing imagination and ingenuity as well as ability and patience projected by the teachers of the various classes God in Nature was portrayed In the and Thursday visits to the woods of Mr John Us Hales where under the leadership of Ruth Thomas the children saw how God Is marvellously ireitive in colour and composition The students were taught the names of trees and plants picked moss and fungus and made aware of God s presence iround them At ttrw they were a progr in which leaves were transpl onto paper in various methods resulting in a nature display Fine Itadcrshlp The success of this bible school can well be attributed to the fine leadership of Rev and Spicer plus the enthusiasm and know how of the m Indcrs and assistants The preschool and kindergarten leaders Included Louise Fair Susan ably assisted by Wanda and Beverley Dunk Primary One lasses had as leaders Alma Dunk I Ingram assisted by Martha Parkinson Beverley Primary had Susan and Parkinson tcachinc assisted by David Burnett Ann Quasi and Mary Kent I or the Junior One group Yvonne Card and Joan Gordon worked together with assistants Wendy Martin Alice Fair and Betty Junior Group Two had Judy Betty assisted by I ynn Gray and Sally Parkinson and also assisting were Ruth Thomas In charge of Nature Study Betty Burnett for the Sonjs Alice lair as pianist and assisting as helpers Jill Christina It was a treat five days and one of which Hill United should be extremely proud There was Christianity unity and fellowship all combining to promote harmony and with every di nomination represented This year s Vacation School could well net as an example of how every faith can work irinony Chris in lc idership Lets talk about horses By Jennifer I have a pony called Patches She la very lovely and I ride her a lot but she wont let me catch her In the field My has to drive all the cows in the bam Then she follows them and I can get her What can I do Dad nays I must sell her Answer This takes patience but is quite simple to fix Keep a halter on her for the period of retraining Take book out Into the pasture and sit us near to her is possible read for a while Her curiosity will probably her quite close to you but her Next take a pall a little oats and set it ibout ten feet from you continue re idinc She mijht up courage to sample the oats make no move to her After a few days of tills bring the bucket closer to you until she is probably breathing down your Gently her and on re Ifshebacksolf makono to follow Horses cannot be to he Ignored After a week you should be able to bike hold of her Never chase a horse they in outrun you but always take little tidbit with you Act pretend to pick flowers or fix until you ect near loshow her the If you keep tins up you 11 eventually have i pony who leaps Into your lap at every opportunity and a lot of readme done My otherwise well mannered marc constantly throws her head in the air for no apparent Is there a cure as though your reins were made of paper old German adage Is the bit comfortable and does it fit Cheap aluminum bits often cause mouth problems as do tight or unclean bits Try riding her In a simple for a while and Judge her reaction Get her mouth and teeth checked by the vet If everything seems alright try her In a martingale My gelding la very thin iven though I feed him a lot I got him eight months at a Rale His mane and tall pull out easily What can I feed him to moke him fat Answer Get vet to him once to check him for worms and to sec if his teeth are In shape The mane and tall bit indicate a massive worm problem After this Is cleared up and his general health is alright you can expect Improvement freed him as much good and timothy hay as lie will cat not more than one- yearold hay plus about fr gallon mixed grain four times a day Try one of the commercial horse feeds mixed with oats Give him lots of fresh water salt mineral and vitamins if your vet indicates it Raw mixed with grain ire very good for him or of the chcip cracked ones per day will five him an attractive complexion I I If you have problem please send It to Jennifer R 4 and I will try to inswcr as many as possible in the column you must there is a cause and look tent caterpillar font Are you heavy handed with epidemics rarely kill healthy You should always ride trees hut can retard grow tli OUR READERS WRITE Writer doffs hat to PM Trudeau Dear Sir I received a religious m iazinc which contained an article comparing Communistic Russia with democratic United The of the writer was not so he or she could write anything he liked anonymously away with It while I must my name to my ideas This I am prepared to do but I think the miLn7ine writer should be required to do same It starts off with purporting to be that of the President of the A When we quote a man with the ability of Richard Nixon we should be careful to quote correctly It 1 would hive thought a rcliyoua paper would to brine the two ereit countries together in kind Chnsti in m inner Not so It boasts of in pnont military equipment food and so on I re ihzc th it Communism is put Russia on her feet but I that Democracy lias built up it country to the south of as readers must recognize that it is positively wicked to stir up animosity between these two countries Mr Nixon has h ird row to hoe he in spite of thchct he has to indie a war started ye irs before he took office Our own I in his isit to Russia wis the means of closer together in business politics militarism The effect of of his was Just the opposite of the unwise m it nine I I ike my but off to Prime Minister of inks it an for spice in your p iper ours truly Milroy Ont Erin council briefs At their regular July monthly meeting I township council Passed motion In support of the Trl County Airport committee Council was for letters of support for the iownship site for tht new Intern ition Airport Discussed the Hlllsburch dump with itc trustees It was decided to refuse to accept 1 items such is slumps and timbers lo ketp costs down It would double the costs to bury such items and the dump sp ice would fill up too fast Also the by I iw states th it only domestic w iste is to be buried at the motion to pay under the doe tax sheep destroyed and injured by between June j and July commented that it was a funny that noone tin find the ill the trouble Discussed the by 1 with Inspector Jim Del Mr Del iney commented that some of the cause irdship for residents but then s he cm do I kt them build 1 toolshcd until they Like permit cut for 1 house Some ire disiip pointed but too miny times before people build shack use it for weekend beer parties in I never build Most of the people ire okay but the rests it for everybody else MILTON MiAin viur Sun throuohThu SHOWTIME Sat Mel In n IP THE GRADUATE I ANNEllNCian Co- NOTICE ERAM0SA TOWNSHIP OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED FOR STAFF HOLIDAYS FROM July 15th to July 29th INCLUSIVE L T Clerk BEST DEAL ANYWHERE H A L T o N T O Y O T A LIMITED MIME OF 1600 MODELS Division of Halton Truck Sale Limited HWY 25 JUST NORTH OF HWY 8262931 8784365

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