Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1971, p. 12

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The Free Wednesday July 14 Escape from paved streets pleases youth Kim Glint is one of 10 urban of the rural wiiy of living students spending a week on 15yearold son of farms The Idea of the Burlington road foreman claims game is to take urban he has nevLr sweated as hard away from the paved streets and lie has during his stay on the Bob tall buildings and onto the farm Merrj farm on the Fourth line where the youngster can catch a Merry wasted no mercy on the rookie farmer Haying fence repair weed clean up feeding the animals ami going about the routine thorn are all part of the youngsters dully activities I II Hard work Hie work is hard and Kim Isnt about to dispute the fitt but he his fitted In well with the pattern ruth morning sees him a m even while farmer Merry was catching the last few winks Unlike a good number of urban youngsters Uie taste of fresh milk agreed with Kim Hie Merry farm is a good farm or a 15yearold to spend some lime on Horseback riding boat ing and swunming all act ivities readily available A large pond near the bouse provides an excellent boating and swimming hole Kim graduated from John link School in Burlington this year and willatttnd General Brink High Si this An aid horseman Kim first overcame his ear of horses at a liirthiliv lapps son When Kim told lapp he did no want to go on the- wagonload of youngsters because of his fear of horses took him to the front of the rig Ever since that I ve really liked them he noted One Ins fear of vanished his love for animals bo anil has since grown Some day I hope to own horse ninth I d like to have- some limd for it out near Calgary to be handy for the Stampede the youngster explained Enthusiast formerly known as the Junior and 11 Quarterly the program would in part help familiarize youngsters with farms and farm work It will show milk doesnt really come from a bottle and apples don grow in a basket the article said Good response plan to take youngsters from the urban way of life for a week has met with a good re About youngsters have applied to take part in the lvelyn program loordinator for and Wellington said some youngsters might have to be rejected of tin lack of host farms More are needed if the program tins week another 20 will have their chance The only for the boy or girl Is a fee to cover the expense of transportation BALING AND HAY is all part the farmers lot Kim one of Liking advantage of the urban rural program is earning his keep at th farm of Hob Merry in Township near 1 ivc Staff GET- ACQUAINTED SALE At TV and Boutique Mam St Milton come in and see us we want to get to know and youll buy this weeks lor leii THISWEEKONLY HARD WORK NEVER HURT ANYONE but by the time his time was up Kim Glintz was probably ready for a rest Glintz one of 10 urban students who went to Hnlton farms for a week to see how the rural folk Live He is at the farm of Bob Merry on Fourth Line Esquesing Staff Photo Farm Page Struggle for market Describes chicken and egg war members pay visit to Wisconsin Hockey player killed A r Milton Mi hotkey im furw ird S itunl in iirm id His I out of on the I low I off a Note ITit following article is reprinted from The Canada Poultry man magazine and is written by one of the most knowledgeable men in the business It is published at the request of a local who the consumer has a right to know what is happening in the business By Fred Fell lor Canada Whit s this thicken and egg war all about Is it war and if so who waging If Well its a struggle for markets brought by automation within the Industry Unit has made production of eggs chicken and turkey so easy that we tan continually overproduce with a resulting soft market Producers in some provinces have through selfdiscipline regulated their supply to fit the available market while other provinces with no regulations in forte have consistently overproduced and dumped their products into the regulated ire many times at below cost poult business isnt what it used to be like the time when nearly ever one upon retirement thought how nice it would be to have a chicken farm and what fun it would be to pick up all the eggs every day Today the average man or family In this business has about one hundred thousand dollars invested in buddings equipment and land have a great deal more than that It is low profit fast turnoier big volume business a business not a hobby and run men not what many consumers might think of as just a farmer Any break in price then have a paycheck He increase his sales so his costs naturally go up and as he increase his selling either the money to pay mis extra help has to tome from somewhere Where does he get it Why from of He cuts everyone s rate of pay by ten per cent If that sounds unacceptable to you then consider how the who has regulated his supply to fit demand feels when excess product is put on his market with the inevitable result thai the price goes down ore in in price- men etui Fills then is what the chicken a most serious effect on net income When I tell you that one markets and prices cent per lb for thicken or turkey broiler grower in at farm level or I tents per dozen Ontario for example He grows eggs up or down makes a net cost of 18 cents per lb of 100 net per ear to llve weight His marketing board today s average size grower you can understand how PRICE is of paramount importance 111 give you a hypothetical illustration are working for a large manufacturing company is lot of unemployment so boss being a nice fellow decides to take on ten per cent more workers so that they tan ESQUESING HIGHLIGHTS regular Disturbed about two fires at township dump on would reveal only that planned a meeting with and a representative of waste management of the ini lal gov eminent regarding the dump Hi owned the of mar on assessment rolls after he The went to court when esse and tht township won out the was ft off the rolls this It is lukv we spotted the the ihrk told council word that the supplementarv road by law had bun approved for the full mount of llu ed Kmivtii letter from the Ontario Water counts Com mission iskmgwhv proposed svittin for film bum placed in abtvantt and wanting to know what the township id in mind lorn Hill presided for now louneil the the hour mil a half meeting with to send the project I members of count il present would lie dormant until Glen permission to operate a quarry at a ton until Dec But tin reeve- noted that new legislation passed that the town ship would have the say regarding operation of the pits sets his selling price to the processor at cents so he makes cents per lb His annual growout is lbs so he 000 mat possibly more than you make but remember he has a hundred thousand dollars invested with no doubt some of It bank money to be repaid with interest All is well though until Quebec which is overproducing ships chicken into this man s market Down goes the price one cent then two tents perhaps three tents ptr lb Then he hollers and h the At J cents down his net income has dropped or per cent Quebec has been doing this in Ontario and all the way west to British Columbia and with turkeys With eggs its been the oilier way round Quebec has a marketing board and growers are on quota But Ontario and Manitoba have no quotas or other iniaas of regulation and have increasing production all reason and they have Quebec to Like this excess production They have also shipped west and weakened Alberta market and Alberta has a marketing board and is trying to practice Management or managing the So Quebec and AlberLi William PHOTOGRAPHY Wedding Pot sport Industrial Portrait PHONE 8532269 both holler And all these have directed at the respective provincial governments who naturally will not let their good paving be sold down so they giv the marketing boards the authority to all product coming in from another province in the opinion of some people is the Maybe it is but in my opinion it is no more than the situation we have in the oil industry no western oil is sold cast of a line drawn atross the Ottawa Valley in OnLirio and where new oil wells arc tapped in Alberta if the supply is alreadv sufficient Or restrictions that lawvers and doctors face in moving from one province to mother Or trying to git work without joining and pay dues to a union All these instances might be described as It is a phrase with very little meaning All industries need some regulation today and the poultry industry is no exception Without regulation we continual fate a market collapse In tins socalled chicken ami igg war it is to the credit of every province from Nova to British Columbia that vviUi their new authorities over inter provincial movement of produtt there has been not one single lastance of raising prices above they were before tht trouble Dominion Bureau Statistics has published a AT comparing IM prices with 11 Beef in those viars has increased jx 1 1 nt ith all red meats up and all meat down tint Kg By Henry J Stanley ivt 4 If Club members from by their Mrs Hazel Held are visiting in Wisconsin July 11 to 17 This is returning he visit made just a tew d s ago by a similar group from Kenosha County Hie Club members thosen on their 4H record and community accomplishments are It 2 Norma It It handy Bennett 1 Burlington Me Kinnon It Milton and Hill Hit main purpose of Ibis exchange is to learn more about work mother are a and to maki new friends In 1172 it is Ih it will be sending a delegation of Club numbers to Maryland It pro noun i ind dnvi iLn ikag Hi Nash iitnpUd tot illy iltsi port Ivan on tin inquest ixndinr t tat iwhti rtport SC393 only watts 279 DILLS STATIONERY STORE 56 Mill St Acton 3Wrf a air ft Let us assist you with your plans for that all important day tod at Va Winnipeg and loronto to ago means that von as consumers are eggs and it lower prices than ago What 1st is Black While TV SALE SELKIRK by 1 only inch screen BEDFORD inch KENW00D A men hand chassis thu Raised the pay for dump supervisor Vance- from to retroactive until 1 a Town of Burlington resolution asking the lo reactivate the Technical Coordinating Committee Told Ken How ell to go ahead with plans for a plumbing whole sale house on Draper St Nerval at the old Carney iragc but advised him to check with the Halton County Health Unit if he intends to build an apartment above the store We cant stop you The township has no jurisdiction over hamlets in the township and the holding by law exempts the village said the reeve Mr Howell ran a similar busucss in Strcctsville Occasions Cut Flowers Polled Plants Funeral Arrangements Corsages Ete Opan Day a 8 Til Dark WE WIRE FLOWERS ANYWHERE Caroline flower Garden Shop TWO MUES WEST OF ACTONSOUTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY POTTERY SALE NOW ON NO M- mo Side Road i- OAK In Through Summer and Fall AM to 6 PM Daily Discontinued Lines Colours Etc Seconds in GoodExcellent Conditions Some Stock Reduction White Oak Ceramics Acton 8531079 COLOR TV n the following sizes inch portables 19 inch portables automatic fine tuning automatic tint control inch Broadview with AFT 25 inch AFT ATC Specials in tor one RUTLEDGE TV and Boutique 26 Main SI Milton To LCB a Phone

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