Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1971, p. 13

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday July Dr end Mrs Arthur of Toronto Mr and Mrs Jack Murphy and sons Jerry and Tim of Halifax S were the guests of Mr and Mrs James Davison Churchill over the holiday weekend Mrs John Mclean was pleasantly surprised when a few of her friends former neighbors and relations dropped in to wish her a happy birthday Thursday The afternoon was spent in games and contests topped off by Mrs Mclean cutting the birthday cake All enjoyed the party on the verandah of her home on Brock St Mrs Gordon Mackfry of Toronto visited her sister Mrs Anna Smith last week Mr and Mrs Harold Smith and daughter Leslie spent the weekend with his mother Mrs Anna Smith and sister Miss Allison Marshall of Edinburgh Scotland visited the past week with Mr and Mrs Henry Main St Acton A friend of the Bittorf family Miss Marshall is also taking the opportunity of visiting other parts of the province Including Niagara tails and Montreal and Quebec City in Quebec Bill was a guest on Glover Luncheon Date on CBLTV Monday noon He was interviewed and also sang two songs Bill is married to TV star Debbie Kayo Mrs Alan McNabb Trudy Morns has been awarded the Helen Reeve Scholarship of awarded annually to the woman student deemed to have stood highest in Arts and Science the end of the penultimate yeir Queens University She also hid the General Motors Scholarship renewed for another Mr and Mrs Gordon Rain of Alllston and Mr and Mrs Keith Martin of Gait entertained at a dinner at the Parkview Motel on the occasion of Mr and Mrs David Gordon wedding anniversary list week A fa mi I picnic was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Mic and Mane on Sunday July prior to Mrs Nettie returning to her home at Birch River Manitoba attending were Mrs Nettie daughter Eileen and friend Sam Cotter Toronto Mr and Mrs George Pal and I Toronto Mr and Mrs James 1eitch Stanley 1 Mrs Walhcc leitch Mrs Jessie Miller Jimmy Hurren Erin Mr and Mrs I loyd Marshall Ballinaiad Mr and Mrs John Polo Ricki and Vicki Lynn Mr and Mrs Wes I c itch Rockwood Mr Mrs Bruce and Beverley Mr Mrs Ron Saunders and Valerie Acton Included in the communal baptism rite at Holy Rosary Church Milton Rev Father Murphy officiating Sunday July was Dennis infant sonofMr and Mrs Dennis Kelly R J Milton first grandchild for Henry Kelly 3 Milton and first for Mr and Mrs Rourkc R Acton Mr and Mrs Doug Price spent the weekend at Colpoy Bay Mr and Mrs Tom GrLschow of Preston visited with his brother Mr and Mrs Acton Mrs C Mason has returned from visit with her daughter son in Mr Mrs ind her grandson ind family of CI irk Summit is well is her diuhtcr and firmly in Baltimore Mirylind Mr Mrs Hunter attended the wedding of Mr Mrs J it on Siturdiy 10 ink of Montreil iteountint Bill Mullen h is been from Acton to His m friends ind neighbors wish him in his new position Mrs Nellie Mrs Eunice Murphy of Toronto spent i few days with Miss irjone Hill Mrs Ruth Morrow and hive returned to Kclvington Mrs Morrow her fathers funeral here visited with her mother Mrs A to mirk the 89th of former ire i resident leorgc v is held it the home of his ind son in Mr Mrs Present were his sister ind her Mr Mrs Roy old time friends Mr ind Mrs Hirry Mr Mrs Mtlhail family Mr ind Mrs Ken ind Miss June Mr McPhnl is still sharp is i whip ind pie ised to see he ir from his my friends ind rehires WHO DOES IT APPRAISING and INSURANCE L WRIGHT net AUTOMOBIIE BODY REPAIRING Auto Body Coll Sen ice Punting Chinis I mile Acton on 25 853 1370 CHIROPRACTIC RICHARD TELFORD DC Wellington S I Appointment COLLISION SERVICE COLLISION SERVICE A i to 1 diss I i Si I to Tnieks NIGHTS 2449 Mini BEAUTY SALON Rainbow Beauty Salon ST s II in Ship Tinting idling its Open till S turelij till 853 BRICK WORK and MASONRY MASONRY CONTRACTOR Brick Block Work Chimneys Free Estimates LES TREVAIL TTL1 PHONE 1565 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS CEDAR VALE SAND and GRAVEL Run Crushed iciiRl Smd Stone Top Soil Till Phone Erin 833 9751 SYDNEY K LAMB LTD REALTOR is pleased to announce the appointment of HEATHER DIGG0N TO HIS SALES STIFF Heather brings with her a vast experience in the Real Estate Field Having worked for United Trust Formerly Mann CALL HEATHER AT 8531967 Want to maintain road in township Township will ask the Department of Highways to waive a restriction currently forbids the township from a road at the Junction in the township the deid end roid docs not belong to the township it is not pirt of the township roid system ind because the road allowance is not feet wide it is illcil for the township to take their equipment on the roid for plowing of snow or maintenance of the road The township isked the CPR and the landowners on the road to deed enough I to the township to make the roid iltowince feet ind provide i turning circle it the end of the dc id end ro id Impossible A delegation of residents told council there were portions of the where it would be impossible to take feet Roy Woods speaking for the group said or SB feet would be the maximum The delegation was anxious to have the road maintained ind the is eager to maintain it It was agreed that if the 66 foot wis lifted ind tlu Department allowed the township to the road this would be done the expenses would be ind paid for by the Imdowners DEAD STOCK FARM ANIMAL SERVICE Dp to for fresh dead driblet cows or horses Top prices for old horses ill BOM Collect license 49R67 Hour Sen ice 16n tf Dead Stock Removal Phone Lie No 16a it ARTHUR A OPTOMETRIST Mill St Acton Wednesdays Saturday Milton St At the reMilir meeting of I iwi last Discussed the by ind restnitions inipinj ire is with from the Ontario of Tourism i letter from Stephen Hilton Region Const rvition Authority M in to i concession being set up by before the entrinee to the Kelso lonsmation Are i IvMrnenl Herensberger withdrew his ipphcition for re- zoning of I per cent of the people hurt in ire pulled out by rtsiucrt mil manv ire or even killed in the process The Ontino if it isiuillies should be left where ire until help comes should not be twisted turned or moved ACTON WOODCRAFT ten lip old To help you meet your insurance needs CIAG has increased its sales staff the Acton area JUNE HUNTER Is our new representative CIAG is owned and controlled by the million members of the Ontario Credit League Ontario Federation of Agriculture and United Cooperatives of Ontario The Association has offices across the province a reputation or fair claims service end over 300 policies In force For dependable Insurance protection and JUNE HUNTER Acton CIAG INSURANCE Choose TILDEN ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS nv GEORGETOWN DENTAL DR LEONARD Dentil Surgeon Suite No Mill St Acton Ont phone RATES AND INFORMATION FOR THIS SECTION DIAL 2010 Warden gets new quarters r elassier committee meeting of eountv council list week councillors to seek i second price on the for the red corning job Die first priee in it for walnut ind Ikiscbo ird irden his office the hall to the room formerly is i room in the Halton in Milton club postpones tour B Tom Parker meeting of the Field Crop Club was held Jul at the firm of tdw Parker meeting started with business accounted for all members present A planned tour was postponed due to weather conditions but samples of in- ind to filled up the lime the meeting refresh were served and the host was thanked Four houses in permits tour residential permits were issued in the Township of duruif the month of June bringing the total value of permits for 1971 to At this tune list permits for the year totalled I486 four residential permits were valued at CAR SERVICE RICHS SERVICE CENTRE eist 853 FUNERAL DIRECTOR Ill in night or day Htm 1 Mgr EXCAVATING Jennings Excavating I I imchouse 877 3197 Ponds Lending Bulldozing Trenching Septic Beds Fill Gravel Top Soil ED CALVER Excavating Contractor Septic Beds Acton 853 1800 tt RON SAUNDERS I HAULING Moving tiling JEWELLERS DAVIS JEWELLERS 52 Mam Si ERIN HI Witch Done on the Premises Lies to Wed to to to Sitindiiv to 21itf OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A JOHNSON OD TON Mill St E vs mil Siturdays PAINTING and DECORATING A i I mum N in DAVID COHEN it GIL PAINTING Contractor EXTERIOR for 878 114 Milton PHOTOGRAPHY Tor ALL Types of PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Jennings 853 2227 MAIN ST Weddings portraits passport visas industrial family team pictures 16a tf TREE SERVICE NORTH HALTON TREE SERVICE ise wrecking Si tree planting Also removal of Hilly Insured 8531010 ACTON STATIONERY DILLS STATIONERY Mill St Acton SUPPLIES 1 ILL SUPPLIES BUSINESS MACHINES INVITATIONS CARDS srRViriTi I S TV SALES SERVICE FIRST LINE TV Sales and Service Queen St Acton Phone fin Si Heelwood Sen In t for Admlnl Electric ill Steieos etc insiiLhllons repairs Our Record Bar 21itf MODERN TV SAI 1 S AND SLRVICE RADIO AND SETS and Antenna ill repair III NRY 5325W THE Or LABOUR Protects O by Certificates of Qualifications to competent and experienced TV service technicians Call 877 RYDERS TV SALES AND SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Gibson Construction Sheet Metal Ltd Temporary address 120 Mill St West Aeon 853 1526 General contracting Home and cupboards Sheet work Deiomatlc furnaces Wrought iron ratlings Air conditioners Dehumidiflers Serving Acton and District 16a9tf ED Contractor Cement floors Sldovvalks St Stoops Chi Si Plastering Repitrs Stucco Work Fireplaces Phone Acton 853 1818 INSURANCE Dennys Insurance Agency GENERAL and LIFE INSURANCE Office Hours to Theirs im lo6pm Tndi toSpm After Hours Call Milt Ball Harold PL PLASTERING Onnmental Fine Stucco Work R R Acton 853 PLUMBING HEATING DAWSONS PLUMBING and HEATING Serving Acton and District New Instalhtions Repairs Alterations Resident and Industrial For prompt efficient service PHONE 2203 CARNEYS PLUMBING HEATING Ont Strung Rockwood Acton and District Insttllitiom Repairs and Alterations Pumps Water Softeners PHONE 85601 Serving the area for years PRINTING BROCHURES PUBLICATIONS OFFICE STATIONERY A Design Production Service 8532010 Dills Printing Publishing Co Ltd 59 Willow Si Acton Enquire About the Long Term Reasonable Cost of Being Listed in This Section John Salmon COUNTRY TV CENTRE SLRVICE llwj Line Phono 856 UPHOLSTERING RAINBOW UPHOLSTERING Stripping ind Rcfinishing Upholstering Call 853 for Free Estimate ACTON UPHOLSTERY Antique Si Modern Furniture Uphotbtenns Tent Repair Seits Tree Pickup ind Delivery 20 Year- Experience Serving Acton free day or evenings Call Acton Guelph 8240533 EARL JENSEN 21a52 tf WELDING Charlton Welding Govt Certified Pressure Welder FULLY EQUIPPED FOR Industrial Agriculture Construction Transportation Pipe Thawing Snow Removal Acton 8531634 SPEYSIDE Portable Welding Service Free Estimates Commercial Industrial W No ACTON I

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