Little Want Ads Do Big Jobs Try One and See For Yourself BIRTHS John tint Muni ii 10 1 Mil I In loi Simon tUll ind I I ml and nt pieced I mil unci i son Is sin Ih- on July ihlliim A brother In pit ised I llu Jot I Rll Hit j in- Hi 011 Hi pit il DEATHS KM 1IR Mis llu n ill on lurulu Mi I tin I I Hit hit il a I iris Mrs Inlki RR I rin Mis lima Pi i Mrs Ikrl of limn of I fin Township lt sisi 1 MnHinl Mis livid son Acton Mis A Willi I run will hi Id thi I iim I Thursday July 11 1 pin Erin CARDS OF THANKS PRODUCE FOR SALE I III I IK down I 11 of llilllr IIROHAR 1 ARMS yilll own uphill lis mill s north on Pit own p pint 10th llm Town ship I k tin signs In Jul 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE iki 1 1 Ilk pups loin wi old Pimm ljHRAlMR I tips ilk 1 tills r d si VON HOLSTERBURG KENNELS REG ACTON rin in 1km Ii lining bit i IWi with milium dons bad In In runny list CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES No roll We till minimum for IB mini el far In wont I I or or thankhiu tor i t mix mil d ANHiriRO I For flaia Product am Wadnudw it and Haal I TUaartay paid at Stationary U Mill riding race Gelok NDP candidate would Ilk In tlnnk mil friends ill tot lit 1 assist met tht nit to in silt 1 will tilled Think yon ill 3230 Tred Ptople who need people luckiest In In such Kit it son on tnih ill fi lends tils in Cod bless ill of von think from bottom of Tht rmH INMEM0RIAMS fond mtmory our I 1 Aunt who pissed July I9W still bit sin of one dtir dl John md TAIBOT In loi of dor mil Wlllum Tilbot who Jnlv 1956 Tiiik things Hill Urn clings remembered Ann John Go John COMING EVENTS Rockcn St night West fcituring recor Smtlc Bates and tilt Kings Show and lions of Tractors Firm Rtstored Working Models ii Jtil August 1171 Open from mnls ivilhok rnttrtun mint fntmmi Thi Kinsns Slip Dinct si S nurd ivit Tiddler thssts 1 idtili r stirs of ift idull fundi r fivt with Sponsorwl Gtorgian Bis Sitani Auto ind of good fill Phone THREE best 497 CANOES and repaired Call Whue- ttater Canoes 877 after ALUMINUM awnings shutters custom also storm doors iron porch railings Reasonable la63001 SOD No I Nursery Ken tucky Blue and or laid Prompt delivery Lowest prices Hunter Landscaping George town IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE A 1 IS MI 1W mod nihil 1 M 0 I hi Ilk iltti Used Combines JOHN PI O Aunt Milton Equipment Co Milton 878 2122 July 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE TWO Si Mm him Opt IM ili 4 many is 200S IS inuleii in tin Co 7041125 HELP WANTED Women fi Equal Imployment Opportunity Act prohibits ex ctpt ions be iiiitst ix or tutus arc more to of one sex or the other in tills column for positions continue to itnlt whctlitr for men or women Such listings not tended to exclude persons Of wanted for work Apply Bucket Milk Co tin St WANTED TRUCK DRIVER with Knowledge of Toronto 2783 after VEHICLES FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SALE jeer 96 NEW and USED CARS ON DISPLAY AT GALLINGERS MAROUIS pillued hard top One owner I it lory no rust equipment Lit PLYMOUTH hard top Looking for ibk idmg with tots of go and not too much dough ONLY 2 189 S33 hard top lop of the line Meteor Lit ONLY 1 1967 Lot ilk owned Lie 50459B GALLINGER MOTORS MILTON PLAZA Milton 878 2883 Box 250 MECHANICS Good Hourly Rate Generous Fringe Benefits Excellent Working Conditions We ipi illficd I iidvu would bt in an expinding company Truck essential Apply lo MAC HIJNTIR TRUCK SALES LTD Highway North of MILTON or EMPLOYMENT WANTED ESSAYS typed by exponent typist Mrs Toronto 5bl2 SELLING AT COST BRAND NEW CARS VUIIUL VIVS equipped with CC motor and 4 spud 1 830 equipped with deluxe trim 1600 motor and automatic iloi equipped deluxe trim CC motor and automatic 2 hirdiop loaded with power steering ikes I power windows and 17 original milts A ear lo see at 2 1969 ACADIAN 2 door 6 cylinder automata new Laredo tiros of new tar 1 1965 PONTIAC 4 door sedan cylinder automatic power ine and power brikes 000 original miles MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD YOUR CONVFN1ENT DEALER SERVING ACTON and MILTON 388 MAIN ST MILTON 8782355 5bl2 AVAILABLE room or rot board for Phone TENT trailers for rent truck caps 7 West 8774031 APARTMENT 3 rooms and central location adults on ly Box 552 Acton Free Press UPSTAIRS two bedroom artment separate entrance newly decorated monthly Phone ONE 2 bedroom apartment ill utilities including stove frig plus drapes Ad only Phone 8532197 13V VACATION GUIDE COTTAGE for rent at Dorset Lake of Bays per week available after August Phun- 13Va2 SERVICES PLOOR REFINISHING We now Have a modern ind eager We will refimsh your floors or rent you the equip ment to do the job yourself J Frank phone 47 St S Acton Ida MORTGAGE funds 1st 2nd and 3rd available residential commercial also mortgages purchased Call Glenn Datuey Oakawa Realty Investments Oakvllie 5713 anytime Kin Ink Oak villi inim i upturn tin tor I nut i lit Inn ton It tin tlini Ik Alln rl IikIuIoI to lilll Mil a nomltintidii nit In fruit tin Unit ago hi In tin prociti of to NluKiirii youiih union and t Hot lnllntmili tin would tin mint upon In llu lit lion Hi wild tht iiittllli up to tin llm win iihIiih llu tin faulting It fouling rlvirn mid lnkiN hi 11 Inn t fori Inn t rru old tin KnmkeiliK i or iillowlng iltluiH to on iniiigri He In for nrodueltig dm that It In hi tmitlnuoiiH drill In mild fit mon in lion on regional ovi mini urn mi tint host elok won Hit nomltiiitlon by r Ilrlnn ton In liiHhul out imemploymt In how with population mild hi Iroubliil by Hi Acton youth injured An youth minor Injur its when lie Involved in an accident ydcrood went of Ninth on Thursday of 1 Acton was treated at Georgetown District for land lacerotionii and wan Inter released to car was al 1 North OPP the I I SOU I llu Ink ml unit vtl I nut with mi III Mlltll II 111 Willi and Manitoba I In Ik In nidi nnd living in hi pant y am and notul Hi mi mi old iiIiiiih limlljnlli I and in In Snow It Hint and I mill liilini plannliK lomiptH ild W nitpiMiiti lows unlit In Huh In llio to I moih llu bin row In iim I hi ion I tow lory N IJOK WHO WON the NDP for Hnlton Fast on his second altimptls shown here with Donald McDonald Donald is member of the Predicts in power rtprLsenlinK York South and is also national for Party Photo McDonald lifts hopes REAL ESTATE Only 3 Mi from Acton 117 lens nil I inn Ml rn 100 in bun o It pond lie ling I Ins Hit other piupirU ridt Grind inns Out im Priced to Sell lot ft miring 3 4 pe liritt linj hi living mm k thin den Owner us sell will consider ii Asking Co WevL this nit if bid room nek bunt with ml on an lot It ilsu offers you rot m bath kitchen in shit s with rte loom n md 1 rojm Pric it Tor 0OO in move new bnek tvso stores with bed rooms a nil rooms roon din In Ontario Donald M Donald llftid of Iwul as In tin on of tin I and Hi was tht NDP nomination niht In Milton llu 11AW Union Hail MeDonuld said If tin trend in tin lust i the will hold powir after Hi said his had ground from I rnLs and Conservatives Hi noted turns in Brant tmoru oilier an as have ione NDP 1 in Middles solid of Tory Ism m idi round and won the by he told supporters Trend At row the provlntt the fai an aniry and In fernu and in tht pi are maturing politically said urn lake ntw tontliknn Our is vlliibly Ht said thi would to the polls in right after kadi ruhip rat hut I run on Donald said the had In a of in the past 10 days to help change thi and miikt In Lin took spi t joy in jokini about the new IB tht for itrinklnn voting and legal eon tracts 17 REAL ESTATE SAVE 5 5 year old stone split level house Situated on country lot just outside Acton 3 bedrooms family room plus office Stone fireplace beam ceiling walk out elevated patio Owner leaving area Immediate possession Priced lo sell PHONE COUECT ACTON 8530539 G Alec Johnson Ltd REALTOR Mill Street E Acton 853 2086 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE ROCKERY Station St FRIDAY JULY Commencing Furniture Dishes Tools Antiques Rock Hill Park PRESENTS ITS SECOND CANADIAN NATIONAL Country and Western CAMPIN ON Saturday Sunday July 31 August 1 1971 Saturday night dance with Joe Firth and the Promised Land Sunday 2 PM 8 PM From Nashville David Houston and The Persuaders Nat Stuckey and The Sweet Thangs Also Canadian artists fealurlny JOE FIRTH JOE ST DENIS Advance tickets at OranBevllle Surplus Store and Park Adults at gate Sunday only Children years and under Si tree Supervised playground and FREE PONY f ItrbcllinH Mi Donald Haul thi Davis had to at down opposition in own parly Ik on it wis lo Donald said He so undid like an old about to ad mini a dost of oil to ribilliouft child tht it was In is tint this should done Obviously introduced this not onlj Knal opposition In Its own ranks but with very McDonald David was if he did and damned if In tht ntw he Tories fear thty won share of and thty tri rijhl started il they use the tin issue to further irnafji he add Meagre effort Ontario had made only a effort and provided only jobs for unemployed said said the government had bombed in tht budget iximbed In the throne speech and the current government was the poorest he A 1G years in the Legislature told the an would be a group of doers He said the NDP in Manitoba started Last for a bad winter of unemployment and brought In that took of the Hi 000 persons in that province off unemployment Mt Dona Id speculated the would be tailed for or prior Lo October You in have a rruruster of the cabinet to contend with God knows why they him a minister but I suspect it to do with Bill Davis campaign he concluded Tourniquet for gash Suffering a deep gash from broken glass Gary Edge 17 received first aid Sunday morning from John Price The young man had apparently been cut by glass al the high school and was brought downtown by friends Here Mr Price saw him and taking a borrowed quickly applied a tourniquet Cons Nick Look tarn to Milton hospital Mr Price learned aid from his father Norm who a firefighter