Willi August 1 Hum fat Oyer ratepayers at meeting Over I sing rn attended a public nutting tit Thursday night to hear the draft township proposed lid Plan ami to them I K Kt of firm of 1 Dillon aid of thru largt maps- and visual aids Mr Kinldy definition of an In L Plan explained diffinnun It and zoning by luw and Hunafter a short rmw- rattpayiri tin opportunity U awkward silt no it mill no was going to question planning of tht township tturt threi hours of fielded by Mr Kiddy Hoard 1 red and the ruvi and Councillor were rcprtm from tin would hi mid many with obit ma of tin own In tho township bun the iontrovtrnlal agrli by law wan Initio Mr Kiddy ixphtlned llu plan would provide li lit sinned to guide the future and polliluH of Hit ipality and this would form hash of soiling by would follow tool of the Plan Both tin and Zoning lly law an to approval by tin Ontario Munliliml wind firm of M M Olllon out on hi lowaslup and tin ir plan on londmtid on In physluil pioplt and of township including ltu ion i anil with tin i oiusi nits llu nine no iHruntngn in townnhtp would imsltmn Mr Kiddy big l dulantl ho Into land l nicest of it Hint llu lull of tin planning loard namely rural id 1 d on low ts oiniin growth with no In mid 1 population liny would attempt to down tin town In rural the growth tin of land would he width In turn forutuy and ion lit a of I wait sing the Unit In He population In tin laat aid It was lie from that and pnftriui In the town ship IVoJtilum of future imputation showed a 10 In 1011 and In I Kiddy trlid si to follow lliu in llu ally d I onto put tin township In two disignulul rural and Pic question wan win tht r to 1 1 mint sing grow an lias or It up form pur vat Ion dn inlttul on a limited maximum di unity of four persons p a i i wing piovltuo In plan would also pimirvo llu towuHhlpn diHliahln iharaitirihlliM rtHldintlal diivtlop Mi of ltl be on rural I sipit 1 1 Midi 1 1 ln d plan of ilimstil as worklnit font with a minimum lot wblt far from llu day ll and a minimum wlun llu l of I tut Ian Only xr mil of islaliM llnilwd to iioptilalloii d on ri to rislduillal IhiiIiIiiiks now flu in us d fiOO win farm HOI mm farm of propotiul Plan wt as duinlly would In two ptr In sq ft homes discrimination planning board says will reconsider square foot homes the minimum proposed Tor rurnl of Esquesing In the official too big too expensive the reach of most people in township by Mis Horace Bell Thursday I people today could build that kind of a houst Mi Bell told over ratepayers the planner and llu planning board and council of the township WW Proposed official land use plan of Esquesing Criticize amendment method townships Official Plan square foot llulldlntf the house would WOOOO she figured on per foot and Oils would plate it beyond at of most township suit Ms holding a lot now and making paytnenis on 11 will niver be able to build Mrs Ikll told tht the lawnsliip would up like NassiiKaweya with very taxes if the proposal went through How in llu township othu tlianllit old farm Iwmes an fief slu noting some people fl titd in half to equarti r Iolh on tiny may ruvirbeablt How many old people she ashed want sin a to look after Mis Hill said the proposal was I iiLknowledgcd few people build I official plan should be an to design development Instead of a of continuous amendments Mont Hyde representing would be developer Mr bind the plan unveiled did not tell where development can take so they could follow It up He suggested official plan of a is supposed to represent the it as the planners it Mr said lus client has owned land in for and would like to develop it to before planning board to discuss the matter now appear doomed by proposid Official Plan He said it disturbed him that the plan recognized an existing use Defends system Councillor Dick Howitt replying for the planning board Mid discussed the method of presenting the official plan and decided on the present to Officials redfaced insufficient plans township admitted the wire insufficient number of copies of the proposed Official Plan of the township iv ill for residents Demand for iopieb of the pi in was brisk few were available Mrs Blanch said she had tried to put the required deposit down to acquire a plan before the Thursdav mietlnt but none were copies of the pi in were available for the whole township she Township officials trifle red adnuttedUie goofed when the anticipated demand I of Official Plan were bound in a jdoss cover with a pur tree on cover in to the Indian word for the township mums of Tall Pines Several people at the netting ihit view of the scan of the pi ins and the short one week tune limit to register objections the August time limit should be extended inning Board chairman Fred said however that rtsidmts of the township had opportunity to hear the plan outlined at Thurda Notices of tht meeting been published in all three lownship papers and board had used even ice It could to people know of it Councillor Dick Howitt said earlier the planners felt holding a meeting would avoid a lot of unnecessary flack and facilitate the pUn implementation Objections to the plan must be the hands of the township clerk by August enable people to know what was going on He defended the application for amendment procedure as one which let the planning board do Its business prop rly and allows people in an area of new development know as well as giving the m time to object What wront with doing It by he asked Mr If mother course hud been n the board could have been with amendments We said whoa and everyone now wants to get their own ideas into plan some of them strictly for their own benefit 1iter in the meeting Helen Atkinson also criticized the method of amendment the plan rather than designating certain spots in the township for development claiming many of the amenities people would like to set developed would be frustrated by the process pointing to a drivein theatre as an example Narrow decision Mrs Atkinson suggested that lettuife people in one area decide whether a development was good or bad for the township would result in narrow decisions which might go against the welfare of Planner I Keddy told the questioner that the entire process revolved around the quality of people the ratepayers elected to council and their interest in the community as a whole You have to have faith in your council he said s having an awful lot of faith said Mrs Atkinson sitting down to a ripple of laughter Ask annexation if cant build Four objections cut no ice Lawyer Peter K Me Williams representing Milton Co said he appeared at the Official Plan for four reasons The anxious to know could carry on business under the restrictions of an Official Plan He had seen nothing designated on the maps for waste disposal site the had offered to Nassa and Milton He urged the township consider it more thoroughly 3 He said tlwrt was no mention mention of plans for a water supply for Milton Heights pointing out several meetings had been held on the matter and then it seems to have been dropped There is a water he claimed which on occasions had shut the plant down and caused hardship to people in the southwest portion of the township Mr McWilliams suggested the township should be thinking of a plan to supply water to the area If Mdton can take water from our land surely the township i an plan for water on its own land Other hamlets Mr suggested that the township was dis against the other Esquesing by allowing limited development in only Glen Williams and He said places like dad Milton Heights and Peru were also attractive places for residents to live and should be allowed some expansion especially in view of the fact Milton Brick anticipated some development in the Peru area Reeve Tom Hill answered Mr McWilliams regarding the water and waste disposal sites He said had a good dump site now in the north end of the town ship had spent some money on it and it now was en good shape unlike Mdton which has to ind a new site for its waste disposal The onus for obtaining water for residents of Mdton Heights was on people in the area the reeve said He attended several meetings regarding hooking into tht Milton line but residents were put off bv the enormous cost and changed their mind Support now Mr McWilliams said he believed support from residents would be forthcoming for a local water system now if one was organized As for the present dump it was too far away for residents in the south end of the township If the the area are still interested in obtaining water council will look into the matter further said the reeve But the last he remembers the residents of Milton Heights were to contact Nassagaweya people regarding the problem However the reeve died there and the project was dropped Mr Helson said the present dump was good for another 10 years so the township felt their needs were well looked after liwjtr fathcrland told lsquesing planning board he would apply for annexation by the town of Acton if they continued to refuse to change use of land designated rurtl on Churchill adjacent to Acton Mr said he represented three ratepayers rhe land could be serviced by and sewers by Ac ton It is vacant and has not bttn used for years Ratepayers had a plan of subdivision to the Department two years ago and then went to the township planning board It is not fair to designate the land il he told meeting and he intended to apply for annexation if the township persisted Planner 1 Keddy replied that control was the reason for the refusal to grant permission to Keep to selves proposed official plan Jack Van der Mecr the impression planners feel the people of the township want to keep it all to themselves He cited two per cent growth figure cited in the plan as looking after the natural increase only People from anywhere else would not be let into the township as he saw it We would just sit here and not let anyone else in until Georgetown annexed us or maybe Metro Toronto Growth better Mr Van der suggested to applause at Thursday plan that growth was a far better way of balancing assessment and keeping the township from going exclusive Planner Keddy replied that growth would be controlled by issuing building permits and severances In this way the township would also be able to balance the rural areas and hamlets But Mr denied planners had such a narrow view He felt however that there was nothing wrong with people wanting to keep advantages they now enjoy ljuiliibulMr I itherland should not rule out in amendment to lhi pi in if it is warranted Several minor developments would like to off the ground lit told the Atton lawyer hut we can hold Up the plan to suit tin m Mr suteested the pi in could hi amended now since it had with the pi biuret two and to tht Department of Municipal Affairs over a But members of the pi board sin the development id died premature by the Department mil riferriii to is string big hums llu si days hut noted don I want bonus on IiIk lots You rt rijbl hi told Mi s Hi II young won 1 10 In It Is not inti of plan to li I in I in minim a of tin i state ill Hi rilt011ll Will inuiiirict expulsive bonus be said In they would blip llu township Ih the lax burden and iimmiuin rural r of land s not a of planning it dm l in way Mr claimed tint nuked is win tin r planning Is Iter fur majority NiLvuic tax rate wis din to pressures not Hit of planner said ispuially th tost of PI inning ird i red liki Mrs Bills rt what tin wan I In lo en an ilevclopiiunl is mil thi not neiissurily know It was rlfht i in Hit i tmj when I rank Meswick quietly how Hie township w is oini to look after labors the pi bo in of trying to push liiem out of Uic township Mr planning board would rei 1 BOO ire foot fiure Hid consider 12 1400 in is minimum rcquircmmt for ruril homes house Mr Mi tht re wis i plate or estates in I sqnesiii but rcekonid the eosl of home Ihe land if present were law would amount to other challenged the proposed part of the pi in with William MeGowan staling only lawyer or doctor could afford lo live in tlu parts of the township Older for houses would be handicapped lite they dun w squ an feet to look after Ihe plan wis tantutiotmt to pushing people charged rcsitlmt Bob Armstrong said people would be obliged to live in Ihe unlets designated for i landing this would pi i young pi from injoylng art a Hurt has to hi other method to maintain hi said tin board stigati a minimum Mr Armstrong fill llu should jjass any pji tin d further You an making a law foreign to oni lounlry he ii usl Mr Hi in tin planning hoard had trie to avoid any i ontruU that lute rfi with of all pi to build when Ihtytould of all plans including minimum ssnu had failed lo point solution If you have In told Mr Armstrong us Ya gotta plan some As it rind I sqin wing proposed Official Plan iti targe fundus Mrs itraiuh it lini lo tint of tin pi in whit ri ails only four pi would be two I lot Mrs t stale pirl tim pi I It Kt how preiWHi d to control lint of tin pi in smtc tutus i fifth or sixth or ippi iron sun Work out Mr Ihit virus in that part of lhi pi in situation He said some two part t Is would Iwo people on others s but it would work out to four to lol four is a nutnbir wis Just a way of ill mini on lot It but it point out th You do pi lu loltl Mrs h with whtru it d plan would I null slili ami indiiHiriul with tin lot una for a Ingle liiinlly II until the Ipality a r It would lo WK Minimum lluoi ana of a Imuse In the would I 1000 ft itstn would be in with no one suit Intairluf or over any use lliert muat no a storagt and must luivi tpiad off IMtking Industrial will be pi ninth and by utlh xt ding plan hut new urea it must In tin of an iiiiuidiiiinl It is I thai all valliy Inn Is and ral ravines hi ol iirlmn I will be a list for mini nils to llu id suit nihil di lopuu will I in viilnily of own d II Is logical rly and progritistvi i of llu thn of Williams and it splat tonimui the it of tin mid ssis lowanls luiinlits in the lownshlii would In only Uu growth ipalitl In rural anas No di would to txtttsi the growtli i of two pi r 1 by a margin I pit- tint No I irtt rt si tit vclop tin would 1x dlowt in tlu towns in ana of township Atton in town u Iti intuit to thru ifniti hainh or III nod of unless It is in iry lo ml In iltb in would nnuiiii and 1 iwful of land if but 111 in it dlow room for in informing of I ml j provides for in tits 1 by must in km of tin township I iltr Ilun Angle t URBANIZATION PATTERN IN PLAZA MEATS DELICATESSEN QUEEN ST E ACTON 8531830 Wo Handle Rod and Bluo Brand Beef Only Lean Meaty Spare Ribs 69v Well Cured Cottage Rolls 59 Well Trimmed wen inmmea Chuck S teaks 69 Tasty No I 111 Pits Essex Bacon 59 Meaty Braising Ribs 39