The Acton Pross August Petition seeks tennis players 1111 III tilt II MM Id i hut In llnil mid nil in fin lit I to mill ltd A nut linn Id la it Mi In si Intro 1ml Ii Hull In to Km Hi it it intuitu ii limp i lul tin Indian tmlitlvi In 111 llllltlil IlKIIIKlllIlt till II in I Mint in till ii vii il lint tin I in tin III I ml It ikwood with tui Imillli in I MID I ii oil mill lo tnki 1 o lid mid tin 1 to support tin lit dill to tin tint asphalt in nils tin In skating an tin In In Itoikwood Hull Iurk when tin loin la sit i costs to In of would include fi on outside llniiiK of the tennis courts Surf nine area with asphalt on tin Tor the future of tlu I nation would twofold benefits and tlu wintertime skating IllltlHhlRh Known as sport In wliifli marly nil ijes participate value in in of tennis In rated high In 20 Annual Adult which will goodwill and of and membership and Annua community thinking Junior Membemhlp or Is game oral fcul townnhlp prove tin tho iniitf rinll contribution It lunation wo an will llii Imiit of up dattil with tin eye tho inure hour programs by Id of our Ion many rtnlriintn from I ton I dm and Itock wood to It I to In athletic mil the of IjiihiIuiII re In no other until I otlnr tlmn had million playid during tin months at tin Hoik wood ring of tmirm allis Unit thi fiw taking of i in would nut hi to warrant thi oil of ourLH and to to submit tin pnipojuil of ixpmdiliirii tiny will to how many would be on It would a consideration fir any Hi nation Committee During ntxt two weeks numbers will rounds throughout virion I din Mills Hoik wood rt in giving their to a pitllion that rends Wi tin undirslgni an Interested in supporting this club financially Id becoming a in of tin following categories lor at liast yiar Annual olds and Binning the petition ere not compelled lo play and In many ruses tho leans on foresight of thane who play of swing r all btnufftfi to the Home time nation rather Ulan In outside arum adults In worthwhile activity to i It the piUUorei have been the imiiibirii will moot on of to the and If warrants In the an a tiicy will pri pan a brief for presentation thn I rainoHa and a where people at their tan play toKithcr In endeavours Ospringe Two brigades at barn fire Mrs I with Mr and July rind rilurnud lo tlulr Mm I tti knon of norm following Ml vlultwl on with latum mother with r and Mm Mrs Klooitir Mr mil Mm David Woodward and holidayed hint wiik lobirmory heath sudden Sympathy In to Mr and family Int I In of his Mr and Mm Carl and ylei Mr MrH Donaldson I Mr an 1 Mm b fuilph 1 in lh MUiHirnlci thi week with Mrs M Mish Iaih of Ham from I and tirnwjn a on form of Idle and ami ad from Top notch instruction for four new courses mm driving off frrcwiy down on exit rjtnp I j re 1 f two y IT Sihool of tin runosa Recreation on a sent date throughout the township will hi on Tuesday rcquistini response from J Centennial risiduiLi in a full and it when allotted arts program and hours will be four will be introduced it tin Cintinnial Involvement thi original plan behind the the organizing committee hopes that gradually wishing to program will include all in the scheduled phases of creative arts requested that only top with classes available to instruction be introduced everyone who wishes to than t dented hut participate If it proves worth uncertified lot instructors The while plans will be made to carry committee organizing the enduring winter months after program are pleased that the Christmas depending on the four most popular subjects will interest of the district residents have at their helm teichirs qualified whose talents are September start utilized already in Utters will be sent out to all Acton schools and recreation those who sent in the buildings questionnaires but registrations in September will be on a first sewing first served basis and Dorothy Comfort will be with fewer openings available handling the rug hooking and than the number of requests course and she has been received residents wishing to instructress for the Guelph participate arc warned to dive Arts program for some remember the registration date and place very one will be The Recreation Committee has agreed to underwrite all classes with insufficient student numbers and the fees set for the hour ten week programs are for all courses with the exception of upholstering which will require 3 hours per night at a cost of for the same number of weeks ARTHUR A OPTOMETRIST 54 Mill St Acton Wednesday Saturday Eden Mills fun fair EDEN MILLS fun fair drew crowds to the bill park there Two views of Shuttle Services coach Alec Davidson Saturday Here are some of the highlights photographed by Tony Vos The popular penny pitch rear view Susin Milson Sylvia Mrs Anna Wilson presents Eden Mills bill team manager Schelkle Shiron Vos Don Peeling with and cheque domted by Toronto Shuttle Service Ltd to be played for annually at Eden Mills fun At the fish pond Steven Bruce Anne Masson fair Toronto Shuttle Service won Shannon Robert Bell Eden Mills rock band Pumpkin Lester Schwartz Wayne Chamberlain David Tomlinson Chamberlain 10 Sphsh your pal is Bob Throwing a wet sponge it Brent Mrs Audrey Johnston a graduate of an English needlceraft school will be conducting a class which will include crewel work crocheting and other phases of sewing crafts John Art Media OAC a teacher at the Collegiate C V I and also at the night time programs of the Creative Arts will be drawing and design as well is a mixed media of art tor the upholstery classes mother suedes ted subject which top priority Earl Tommy Jnscn of Guelph will be on hand Jensen his been associated with the extension program held in Acton is well as in other vicinities ind is considered one of die best instructors in this welcomed but all four courses arc limited to 15 members per class Distributor of Horn and Farm Petroleum Products Acton and D sir S nee it HEATING OILS LUBRICATION OILS GREASES GASOLINES DIESEL FUEL Phone 8532174 DEPENDABLE OIL BURNER SALES SERVICE Young St Acton Heady to strike is Bert Logan for Eden Mills Gord Atkinson toasts the winners Lome Wallace at the wheel for Crown and Anchor It At the penny pitch Delia Chesworth Sharon Vos Sylvia Wayne Milson What shall it be Helping hands at bake table Mrs McLean Mrs Mrs S Eden Mills lild Good response the response to the proposed program has been the committee setting up the schedule is hesitant to include more subjects until rt spending actual Ball gomes booths prizes at annual village fun fair Wright Ideal weather greeted the annual fun fair held at Community Park Saturday evening at Eden Mills A ball game at clock between Toronto Shuttle Service what have you Special mention to Mr Gregg and his brother who manned the hamburger stand Music was provided by the local band A Rate of glass ware was won by Catherine Currie lim of her daughter Mrs Simpson halts Mr Mrs II and hue returned home two weeks Mr ind Mrs It ITiompson and Eden Mills started the The lucky ticket events which included bingo and for the went to Frank other games of chance and was drawn by a The children enjoyed the fish- visitor Mrs H from and the donkey game which England Second prize went to ought rounds of laughter when of some children were able to douse Sunday School to begin again returned home after a three trip to New Brunswick Mr and Mrs J have returned home after a three weeks holiday in Scotland their own daddies New feature A new feature was the bake table which was loaded with goodies The booth did a roaring business in not dogs pop and raised by the club is used to support the ball teams upkeep of community hall and worth while projects Daughter dies Sympathy is extended to Mrs Janettc Mcintosh in the recent By Mrs Ron McLean Sunday will resume next Sunday Heartfelt sympathy is extended W Joan and Roy in the loss of their six week old son He is survived by a two year old brother Todd and the grieving grandparents Vera and John Gorman and Edna and Birthday greetings to Judy Mitchell Jennifer Mclean Stella Gorman Heather Dunbar and Mrs Rattle Price Never cross the double solid line on tht don try to on curves or lulls Buck Alive POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL Tphont Galt ft Aoguil Jerry Lawli Lynn 00 00 54 4 56 4 4 4 S3 55 4 4 T Saturday Aug Floyd Cramer Chat Boott RandolphRoy Clark Sunday Aug CarpntenGorg Klrby Import of Brass Monday Aug Dimension Don Davis Aug Charley Pride Jody Miller Gone Mode Han Wcdnctday Aug Guess Who Johnny Cash Aug Satwday Aug 28 Showcase of Champions Drum A Bogle Corps Presentation Cavalcade of Mossed Bands Tattoo Sunday Aug 29 Monday Aug The Osmonds 31 Jackson Five Monday Sept International FREE ADMISSION even on the of ti before to free on to the once tie not Canadian National Exhibition Aug to Sept 6th Open Sundays Tickets at all Gray Coach and Tick of